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If you are paid to do Scouting, you are called a Professional.
If you are not paid to do Scouting, you are called a Volunteer.
If you pay to do Scouting, you are called... ... A Scouter.

        Welcome to the MacScouter -- Scouting Resources Online website. This site has been in continuous operation since 1994, providing resources not found elsewhere, to support all kinds of youth groups throughout the world. For the past few years, the MacScouter has been a member site of the US Scouting Service Project. It is now folded in to the overall USSSP format, along with many of the other member sites, to provide you the very best resources, so you can deliver a great program to your youth.

Table of Contents

The Cub Scout Pow Wow
Pow Wow books and other resources from many Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow training events.
New 3/2009: 2000-2008 Pow Wow Books from the Grand Canyon Council. Thanks to Michael Halpin, Firebird District Commissioner.
Cooking for Scouts & Scouters
Cooking and Cookbook Resources. Lots of Dutch Oven, Box Oven and Backpacking food resources.
The Great Games Resource
Indoor and outdoor games for younger Scouts, and older Scouts. Some great old resources.
Skits for Scouts
Hundreds of Skits, Walkons, etc. The MacScouter's Big Book of Skits
Songs for Scouts and Scouters
Gross Songs. Campfire Songs. Silly Songs. Pack and Troop songbooks.
Short ones, long ones, audience participation stories, shaggy dog stories, complex extended puns.
Patriotic Themes
Patriotic theme material to use for program openings, closings and instructing patriotism
Campfire Planning
How to Build a Campfire Planning Book
Scouting Ceremonies
Ceremonies for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Leaders
Eagle Scout Resources
The Eagle Court of Honor Handbook
Scoutmaster & Committee Resources
The Guide to Conducting Boards of Review
A Scout is Reverent Resources
Scouts Own Resources
Scouting in Our Hearts
Things Truly Scouting -- tributes, stories.
Winter Camping & Hiking Survival
Keeping warm in the Winter. How to recognize Hypothermia.
Outfitting the Scout & Scouter
Get the Gear. Outdoors Outfitters. Scout Shops around the World
Scouting Clipart
An introduction to the USSSP Clipart Library, and links to other Scouting Clipart sources.
Fun Fonts
Fun fonts for Scouting purposes -- flyers, handouts, training materials, websites.