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2007 Pow Wow Book, Santa Clara County Council

"When Tradition Meets Tomorrow "

     WELCOME!  Now that you have enjoyed the fun of Pow Wow and the University of Scouting, learned a whole bunch, and met new Scouter friends, its time to get to work.  Here is your resource CD for 2007.  This CD contains the entire Pow Wow & Univeristy of Scouting book, and thousands of pages of additional resources. It is intended to supplement your Program Helps -- something to read, print out, mark up, and pass around.  Use these resources as a tool to help your Den, Pack and Troop program.  After all, you’ll get another one next year!
     Your editors know that you look forward to the Pow Wow Book and CD each year, and depend on new material and resources to help your programs.  We have sought out material from a variety of sources -- old Pow Wow books and other documents, original material from Scouters around the world, web sites and sources outside Scouting.  We know that some material will be familiar to you, but you should also find a lot of fresh ideas -- crafts, skits, songs, and lots more.
     In this age of internet Scouting, you also need to know that there are many resources to help your program, as close as your computer.  The US Scouting Service Project at is the largest resource on the internet for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts programs.  For Cub Scout programs, the very best resource is Baloo’s Bugle, at  You will also find online Pow Wow books, songs, skits, stories, recipes and much more, at
      On this CD you will find all of the 2007 Cub Scout monthly themes, backup material provided by the University of Scouting instructors, and many Pow Wow books from our council and others, going back several years. Use the navigation links to the left. All recent files are both in native format (MS Word, PowerPoint, etc) and Portable Document format(PDF).
     We want to thank a whole bunch of people for their significant contributions to this book:  A special thanks to Dave Lyons, editor of Baloo’s Bugle – much of the Cub Scout monthly theme resources were gleaned from older Bugles.  Thanks to all the UOS instructors who provided their class notes and backup material. Thanks to the many councils who have provided their Pow Wow book files to include on the CD.  Thanks to all the many Cub Scout contributors to the US Scouting Service Project web site, the participants on Scouts-L and the local Scouters who responded to our plea for HELP!!!

-- Gary & Kyna Hendra

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