Cub Scout Games from Australia

From: Alastair Honeybun

     These are games for Boys and Girls. The language is Australian, the program is not BSA, but these are really fun! When you see "Six", read that as Den or Patrol.

Table of Contents

  • Balloon Stampede
  • Tramp's Tea-Party
  • Indian File Dodge Ball
  • Catch It
  • Shunting Tag
  • Dodge Ball
  • Dog And Possum
  • Stiff Candles
  • Newspaper Grab
  • Keep The Basket Full
  • Pirates (3 Coins At The Fountain)
  • Hunter And His Dogs
  • Slip Ring
  • Over The Line
  • Wheel Relay
  • Row Ball
  • Collection Relay
  • Camel Race
  • Marauders
  • Fire On The Mountain
  • Cleanliness Tag
  • Rats And Rabbits
  • Ride Him, Cowboy
  • Keep Away
  • Tin Scuttle
  • Balloon Battle
  • Floating Bomb
  • Defender Of The Castle
  • Spin The Plate
  • Pile The Reels
  • Neat Circle
  • Semaphore Relay
  • Signalling Pairs
  • Hop Knot
  • Semaphore Drawing
  • Pavement Artist
  • Word Puzzle
  • Draw A Face
  • Kingfisher Race
  • Wet Trail
  • Watering The Horses
  • Sardines
  • Swim Chase
  • Smugglers' Treasure
  • Torch And Whistle
  • Three Ball Throw
  • Blind Tag
  • Trails And Treasure Hunts
  • Duck In Water
  • Number Catch
  • Crooks
  • Whistling Hares And Hounds
  • Fill The Bottle
  • Rockets And Interceptors
  • Guarding The Lighthouse
  • Gold Rush
  • Nigel's Navy
  • Kick Tin
  • Zulu Boy
  • Balloon Stampede

    Type: Pack Game
    Equipment: Balloon for each player

    Each player has a balloon tied to his ankle. The object is to tread on and burst the other players' balloons, while trying to keep his own intact.

    Tramp's Tea-Party

    Type: Circle

    Equipment: Knife, fork, scarf, gloves, old hat, dice, parcel wrapped in newspaper, cake of chocolate in the parcel.

    Cubs sit in a circle with the parcel, clothes, knife and fork in the center. Each cub throws the dice in turn. When a six is thrown the thrower goes to the parcel, puts on the clothes, and begins undoing the parcel, using the knife and fork. As soon as another player throws a six, he takes the clothes off the first player, and proceeds to put them on himself and continues undoing the parcel. The dice is meanwhile being thrown, and the center player is constantly changing. When the chocolate is unwrapped the player may eat it using the knife and fork.

    Indian File Dodge Ball

    Type: Circle
    Equipment: Large ball

    The players are in a circle, with one Six in the center. The Six in the center is in file formation, grasping each other round the waist or on the shoulders. The whole file is free to move in any direction, but the grip must not be broken. The players in the circle endeavor to hit with the ball the back player of the file below knee height. The ball should be passed around or across the circle to the player best suited to throw, and not just thrown haphazardly by anyone. The person scoring a hit goes to the front of the file and the hit one takes his place in the circle.

    Catch It

    Type: Arrow Activity
    Equipment: Three or Four Balls

    Cubs in a large circle with three or four in the center with a ball each. Ones in the center throw the balls to any Cub in the circle. If a Cub misses his catch once, he kneels, twice, he sits, three misses and he lies down and the next time he is out. If he catches the ball any time he is in one of the above positions he comes back to the position before.

    Shunting Tag

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Nil

    Players in files of threes, gripping the waist of the one in front, forming a train with engine in front, tender and wagon behind., there is also one loose wagon to approx. each three trains. The object is for the unattached wagon to hitch on at the back of a train, the engine then becoming a loose wagon and the tender becomes the engine. Trains may twist and turn to prevent the loose wagon hitching on. If it drags, reduce playing area or increase the ratio of loose wagons.

    Dodge Ball

    Type: Team game
    Equipment: Two or more large balls.

    The aim is to dismiss as many of the opposing team as possible within a given time. The time can vary, but each game takes from about 10 to 15 minutes. About 15 on each side is ideal.


    1. Players have allocated areas, indicated by rope or chalk lines. They must not go outside these areas.

    2. Two players from each team stand in tram lines behind the opposing team (see diagram).

    3. Two balls are thrown into the main area. The players throw over the heads of their opponents to those of their number behind the line.

    4. The two try to hit their opponents below the knee.

    5. If hit below the knee, players join their team mates behind the line, and try to get their opponents out.

    6. Balls may be interrupted as they are thrown over the opposing team.

    7. If any player crosses a line unlawfully a free pass is awarded to the other team.

    8. The game may continue until everyone is out, on one side or the other.

    Dog And Possum

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Two different bean bags

    The Cubs form a circle. The Leader takes one bean bag (possum) which he starts on it way round the circle. A moment later he starts the other bean bag (dog). The dog must catch the possum before it reaches the starting point.

    Stiff Candles

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Nil

    Appoint 3 boys to go "HE". They chase the rest of the Pack around trying to tag them. If tagged then a boy must stand still, with legs open and arms out. They can be freed by other untagged players, by the other player crawling through their open legs. If however the player is tagged while crawling through then there are two stiff candles at that spot. Vary the number of chasers according to number playing.

    Newspaper Grab

    Type: Pack Game
    Equipment: Newspaper

    The Cubs run around the edge of the room and a sheet of newspaper lies in the center. On a signal from Akela the cubs scramble for the paper to see who can grab the biggest piece.

    Keep The Basket Full

    Type: Pack Game
    Equipment: 15 to 20 tennis balls and a small box

    One person has the box in which the balls are placed. As quickly as possible he picks up one ball at a time and rolls it across the ground. The rest of the players race after the balls, retrieve them and return them to the box. The aim is never to let the box become empty.

    Pirates (3 Coins At The Fountain)

    Type: Six
    Equipment: Seven stones, or other objects

    The Cubs are divided into four equal groups, with one group sitting in each corner. The seven stones are put in the center, with a square drawn round them, and a small square in front of each team. Each Cub in the team is given a number, from 1 onwards. The Leader then calls out a number, say, number 2. The four number 2's run to the center and pick up a stone, and bring it to their own square. Only one stone may be picked up at a time, and it must be placed in the square, not thrown. They then return to the center and pick up another stone. Then they may also take from their opponents squares. The continues until one group has three stones in their square. A point is scored, and the game commences again with a new number.

    Hunter And His Dogs

    (A Very Boisterous Game)

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Nil

    All players against a wall except one who is chosen to be the Hunter. A signal is given and players must change ends, with the Hunter trying to tag as many as possible. Those tagged become the Hunter's Dogs and as such may help the Hunter with his hunting but only the Hunter can do the tagging. The Dogs can catch and hang on to a boy until the Hunter can tag him. One dog to hold one boy at a time. Akela keeps giving the signal for the boys to change ends. This is a very boisterous game but just loved by Cubs.

    Slip Ring

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Cord, large curtain ring

    A piece of cord in a circle with a ring on it, players holding the cord. One in the center tries to catch the ring which is passed to and fro about the circle. The player on whose hands the ring is caught goes to the center.

    Over The Line

    Type: TEAM Game
    Equipment: Nil

    The Cubs are divided into two teams which stand on either side of a line drawn through the center of the playing area. When the game starts, the players reach across the line and try to grab a person on the other side. The object is to pull as many players across the line as possible. All players on a side may help their teammate pull a player from the other side and members of the other team may hold a player to prevent his being pulled across the line. Whenever a Cub is pulled over the line he joins the other team.

    Wheel Relay

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Small ball or bean bag per team

    Teams in file formation, the last player having the ball. On the starting signal the bass is passed along the line to number 1, who then races to the back of the line and passes the ball forwards. When the person at the head of the line receives the ball he races to the back and passes it forwards. Continue until number 1 is back to his place. First team finished is the winner.

    Row Ball

    Type: Team Game
    Equipment: Large ball'

    Pack is divided into two teams, who sit in parallel lines about four feet apart, but facing in opposite directions. The feet of each Cub should just touch the seat of the Cub in front. A mark is made halfway down the aisle between the two teams. The ball is placed on this mark. When the Leader calls "row" the players use their inner hands only and try to drive the ball to the front of their respective teams. If this is done a goal is scored. The ball must stay on the ground. As a variation turn the teams around and use the other hands.

    Collection Relay

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Nil

    The course is marked out as shown in the diagram above. The leader runs from the start line over the line AB. He then runs back and grasps the hand of number two. They both run over the line AB, and then go back to pick up the third man. This is repeated all the way through the team. When all at the other end, the process is repeated, but this time with the last person starting first. The race is complete when all the team is back to the original position.

    Camel Race

    Type: Contest Agility
    Equipment: Nil

    Groups of three Cubs. One is the head, another makes the back and holds the waist of the 'head', the third is the rider, who is seated. Race over a given distance. This can be played with the 'head' blindfolded being steered by the rider.


    Type: Team game
    Equipment: A small object for each member of one team

    Divide the Pack into two teams. One team to stand with legs apart in a straight line (feet touching those of the next Cub). In between each Cubs legs is a small object. The other team are the raiders and have to try to steal the objects, without being caught. They can take them from any direction. The defender is not allowed to move his feet, but can try to tag the raider below the elbow.

    Fire On The Mountain

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Nil

    All Cubs stand in couples in a circle with two or four paces between each couple. One odd Cub stands in the center and says, "The mountain is on fire, run run run." At the last word Cubs in the other circle turn left and run round the outside till the center Cub says, "The fire is out", when they have to find their partner, the odd Cub trying to get a partner also.. Cubs are not allowed to cross the circle to their partner, but must continue round. Cubs in the inner circle now change places with their partners in the outer circle, and the game proceeds as before.

    Cleanliness Tag

    Type: Boomerang
    Equipment: Nil

    Four boys from the Pack are chosen to be 'It'. One is called a Toothbrush, another Nailbrush, the third Hairbrush and the last Shoe Brush. These four chase the rest of the Pack. When a Cub is caught he has to imitate the action of that particular brush. If he is unable to do so he must report to a Leader and answer a simple question before continuing.

    Rats And Rabbits

    Type: Team Game
    Equipment: Nil

    Divide the Pack into teams, which assemble in two straight lines, about six fee apart facing the Leader. One team is named Rats and the other Rabbits. If the call is Rats, the Rats race for their wall with the Rabbits in pursuit, and vice versa. If tagged the player joins the opposing team. The calls are varied by rolling the R. or calling Rice, rhubarb, etc when no-one moves.

    Variation: This game is also known as Crusts and Crumbs, Crow and Cranes.

    Ride Him, Cowboy

    Type: Six
    Equipment: Nil

    All the Six get in a line, except one. Each boy puts his arms around the waist of the boy in front. This line is called a bronco. The remaining Cub, called the Cowboy, is not in line. He tries to ride the bronco. He does this by trying to grab the waist if the last Cub in the bronco. This is hard to do, because the bronco switches and jerks about to keep the cowboy from holding on. If the cowboy can hang on for five seconds he has won. Then change cowboys.

    Keep Away

    Type: Coming in game
    Equipment: A rubber ball

    If there are a large number of players, they should form a circle. For a small group, have the players, spread out and form a square or five-sided figure. One player is chosen to be "it" and he stands in the center.

    The other players bounce or throw the ball around or across the circle or square. They try to keep the ball away from "it" while he, of course tries to get his hands on it. When "it" catches the ball, he changes places with the last player who threw it and the game continues.

    Tin Scuttle

    Type: Pack game
    Equipment: 4 tins, chalk

    An area is chalked off in each six corner and inside it stands a tin guarded by the Sixer. Other players must keep to the center of the floor and they pass around one or more handballs and try to hit the tin in someone else's corner to score a goal.

    Balloon Battle

    Type: Team game
    Equipment: Balloon

    Divide the Pack into three teams. Mark three bases on the floor. The balloon is hit by hand, and when it is hit into a base that team scores a point. The balloon is then started off in the center again. If a Cub drops the balloon or lets it fall to the floor his team loses a point.

    Floating Bomb

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Feather or balloon, chalk

    Each six defends a quarter of the room and a feather is released at the center by Akela. The Cubs have to blow to keep the feather or balloon in the air, but if it lands in their portion they have been hit.

    Defender Of The Castle

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Three balls, three tins

    Pack in a large circle. Stand the three tins in the center of the circle. One of the players stands in the center and stands up the tins as they are knocked down by the circle of Cubs with the balls. When all three tins are knocked over at the same time the Cub who knocked over the third tin changes places with the one in the center.

    Spin The Plate

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Plate for each team, chalk

    Each Sixer has a plate (paper). Halfway down the room a small circle is chalked for each Six. Each runner in turn carries the plate and starts it spinning in the circle, runs on to touch the front wall and on the way back retrieves the plate to hand it to the next runner.

    Pile The Reels

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Many cotton reels

    Sixes stand in line as for a race. At the other end of the hall is a pile of cotton reels of different shapes and sizes for each Six. In turn Cubs run up and add one cotton reel to the tower started by number 1. If it falls over the tower has to be rebuilt. First Six with a standing tower is the winner.

    Quick Six

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Tennis ball

    One Six in the large circle made by the rest of Pack. A tennis ball is thrown at the Six in the center, endeavoring to hit them. As soon as one is hit he leaves the circle. A catch by any Cub in the center recalls one of his Six already out. Each Six can take a turn of being in the center and are timed to see which Six stays in the longest.

    Catch Ball

    Type: Pack game
    Equipment: Large ball

    Each Sixer has to stay within his own six corner and the others pass a ball about. No one may run with the ball it can only be thrown. The cubs try to pass the ball to their own Sixer and if he takes it with a clean catch they score a point for their six.

    Circular Pillar Ball

    Type: Team
    Equipment: Two balls

    The game caters for a large crown in a reasonably small space. The players arrange themselves as shown in the diagram. The attackers, stationed around the circle, endeavor to hit the post; the defenders try to prevent the post being hit. The ball must be passed by hand and not held for more than two seconds. Each group of defenders when in possession of the ball, should endeavor to pass it to their own attackers in the opposite half of the circle, but all groups are restricted to their own playing area. Two balls can be used if desired. Each hit on the target scores two points. If a defender should accidentally knock down the post, the opposing side is given one point.

    Toss The Bag

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Bean bag for each Six

    Sixes line up and in front of each about six feet away is a small chalked circle. The Sixer has the bean bag, and on the word "Go" he throws it into the circle. When successful he runs to the back of his Six. Then number 2 has a go. First six complete is the winner.

    In The Pond

    Type: Water
    Equipment: Nil

    Line the Cubs along the edge of a small stream or pond. When the command 'In the pond' or "On the bank' is given, Cubs act accordingly. If a mis-command 'On the pond' or "In the Bank" or a repeat of where they are, anyone who moves is out. This game may also be played on dry land, using a line for the bank.

    Hot Potato

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Tennis Ball or Bean bag

    Players in circle, one in center tries to intercepts a ball thrown across the circle, one to another. Thrower of an intercepted pass changes places with the player in the center. Throwing should be fast and not above shoulder height.

    Post Office

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Nil

    Players in a large circle round room, each having the name of a town. One Player in the center. Leaders calls out two towns and "Letter", "Parcel", or "Telegram". The towns mentioned change places and the one in the center tries to occupy one of the vacant seats. "letters" means walk; "parcel" is hop; "telegrams" is run, includes the one in the center.

    Space Ships

    Type: Pack Game
    Equipment: Chalk

    Mark out a large area as shown below. The Nose-cone is out of bounds, and anyone who touches it is eliminated, as is anyone who steps outside the space ship. The leader shouts out a section of the space ship. Players must get there as fast as possible, the last few being eliminated. Other special commands can be 'Emergency' when players sit down with heads between knees;

    'Prepare for Take-off;' when players lie face downwards facing the nose-cone;

    'Prepare for landing'; when they lie down facing the stern.


    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Beanbag

    Cubs in a double circle so that every boy has a partner. A bean bag is put in the center. At the word "Go" the outer circle runs clockwise round the inner circle, and when a boy comes to his own partner he has to enter the ring by an agreed method, try to get the beanbag and throw it to his partner. A boy can enter the ring by various ways, e.g. through his partners; legs, leap-frogging his partner, running round his partner so many times. Other ways can be devised. Circles change places so the active partner becomes the passive.

    What Will I Do

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Cards with feats on for each Six.

    Prepare six cards for each Six of some methods of moving i.e. walking backwards, forwards somersaults, grasping ankles, crab-walking etc. Mix the cards well for each Six and then place in separate piles in the center of the den. Cubs in relay formation in turn race up, grab a card from their pile,. perform the action to the end of the den and back again, and touch off the next Cub. The first back is the winning Six.

    Individual Tails

    Type: Pack game
    Equipment: Tail for each Cub, tucked in belt and dragging on ground.

    Cubs try to capture each others tails by treading on them. When captured a Cub must surrender any other tails he has captured. He can go to the Leader and get a new tail.

    Matchstick Patterns

    Type: Sixes training
    Equipment: Match sticks

    A simple pattern using 8 matches is shown. Each six has to reproduce the pattern from memory, taking care to place the match heads in their original positions in the design.

    Can You See Them?

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Twenty small objects, and lists of them for all players

    The objects should be placed in a room so that they are in full view, but difficult to see. E.G. piece of black wool tied round the poker; a red stamp on red curtains; cellophane on glass. A list should be kept of where the objects are hidden. Each player is given a list of the objects he has to find, with space opposite so that he can write down where he has seen them. None of the "hidden" objects must be removed, and it should be stressed that there is no need to move anything, as all objects are in full view. About 20 minutes can be allowed for the search.

    Stamp It Out

    Type: Team Game
    Equipment: Balloons, Blindfold

    Players of team in turn see a small balloon on the floor, are then blindfolded and walk to where they think the balloon is, and may then - without feeling - make three stamps to try and burst the balloon. Team bursting most balloons wins.

    Direction Finder

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Chalk, Blindfold

    A "road" is chalked out on the floor with sharp bends and level-crossings. Each Cub is allowed to stand at the start and study the road before being blindfolded. He then walks blindfolded as far as he can between the lines, taking the corners correctly, and stepping over level crossings. When he makes a mistake he is stopped and his name chalked on the spot.

    Book Quiz

    Type: Sixes Circle
    Equipment: A book, pencil and paper for each Six.

    Have the Cubs in their Sixes in a circle. Pass the book round the circle and tell the Cubs to look at it.'

    Cubs now in Sixes corners with pencil and paper, and answers these questions:

    What is the weight of the book?

    What is its length?

    How broad is it?

    How many colors are on the cover?

    What are the colors?

    How many words on the cover?

    Who wrote the book?

    What is the title?

    About how many pages are in the book?

    etc etc


    Type: Sixes

    Equipment: Small boxes with perforated lids. Each box has something with a distinctive smell in it. Onion, soap, coffee, sage, tomato sauce, toothpaste, show polish, nail varnish, paint etc.

    Cubs in Sixes. Hand around the boxes giving time for every Cub to smell the contents. A time limit is given to write down what was in the boxes.

    Creeping Past

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Blindfold

    One player is blindfolded near one end of the room, the rest, one at a time try to come from the other end as quietly as they can.. When all have passed, the listener states how many he thinks have passed. The number should be varied each time, and be unknown to the listener.


    Type: Team game
    Equipment: A small object for each member of one team

    Divide the Pack into two teams. One team to stand with legs apart in a straight line (feet touching those of the next Cub). In between each Cubs legs is a small object. The other team are the raiders and have to try to steal the objects, without being caught. They can take them from any direction. The defender is not allowed to move his feet, but can try to tag the raider below the elbow.


    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Fancy dress or disguise for a Six

    One Six is told to bring fancy dress or anything for a disguise. They must wear masks. They are sent out of the room to get dressed. They then re-enter the room and walk about for a couple of minutes. They must answer any questions put them but may disguise their voice or walk etc. After they leave the room the other Sixes write out, who was who and what they were wearing.


    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Suitcase of samples

    A "stranger" arrives at Pack Meeting with a suitcase of samples. He tries to persuade the Leaders to buy. The Cubs gather round and listen. After he has been sent away the Pack is asked to make lists of the articles offered, the prices, and the arguments in favor of each put by the salesman.

    Flint And Monty

    Type: Circle
    Equipment: Two blindfolds

    Cubs in large circle. Two Cubs in center blindfolded. One is named Flint, the other Monty. Flint asks "Where are you Monty". Monty replies, "I'm here Flint". Flint tries to touch Monty. When he does two other Cubs have a turn.

    Observation Change

    Type: Pack (Quiet)
    Equipment: Nil

    Pack is in two lines. Lines are back to back and one line alters something on their uniform. The opposite side guess what is different and then have their turn.

    Bagged Heads

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Bell for each Six or stones in tins. Paper bag for each Cub or can use scarf

    for blindfold.

    Cubs sit together with bags over their heads. Sixers stand some distance away ringing their bells which should all sound different. Cubs follow the sound to their Sixer. First Six together wins.


    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Two people in disguise

    During the meeting, without warning, two "ruffians" in heavy disguise rush in and either kidnap or attach a Leader, then rapidly escape. Each Six then furnishes a report of the event and a description of the wanted men.


    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Two wet sponges or rages

    Two Cubs sit about 2 feet apart on chairs in the center of the den. They are blindfolded, face each other and each hold a wet sponge. The rest of the Pack must creep up, as directed by a Leader and pass between the seated Cubs. The seated Cubs can say "freeze" at any time (within reason) and dab down with the sponge between the chairs. If hit places are changed. This can also be played outdoors on a fine day, using larger quantities of water, or water pistols.

    Find The Route

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Supply of local bus and railway timetables

    Sort out beforehand half a dozen difficult, but not impossible journeys, including plenty of changing and plenty of possible alternatives. Divide the players into groups and give each group the timetables, and their instructions: e.g. The first team to find a way from Little End to Newton in less than two hours after lunch on a Saturday.

    Bicycle Relay

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Nil

    Pack in spoke formation in Sixes. The Leader tells a story about a Cub going of somewhere on a bicycle. Every time there is something wrong e.g. no bell, no brakes, wrong signal etc, the outside boy from each Six has to race round the outside and back to the inside of his Six. First Cub back gets a point.

    Neat Circle

    Type: Pack Circle
    Equipment: Nil

    The Cubs sit in the pack circle and in each six every cub is allotted a particular item from cleanliness rules. Akela tells a story involving the actions concerned, and when these are mentioned the respective cubs run round the outside of the circle and back to their places. The first one home scores a point for his six, but only if he can demonstrate the item concerned to Akela's satisfaction.

    1. Breathing through the nose

    2. Cleaning shoes

    3. Washing feet and knees

    4. Brushing teeth

    5. Cleaning and cutting nails

    6. Washing hands

    Can be varied - Fetches coal (wash hands) muddy path (wash knees) has dinner (brush teeth) open window (deep breathing) etc. Cubs act this inspection test.

    Semaphore Relay

    Type: Sixes
    Equipment: Nil

    Cubs in Sixes and numbered. The Leader signals a letter and then calls a number. The boys with that number have to get to the other end and back again. First to do so wins point. R means run, W means walk, C means crawl, S means skip etc.

    Signalling Pairs

    Type: Relay Formation

    Equipment: Two sets of cards: one of the alphabet, and the other with Morse or semaphore symbols on them

    Cubs in relay formation and at the other end are the cards face up. On "go" the first in each Six runs up, takes one card, either alphabet or symbol and pairs it. As soon as he gets it right he takes the pair back and then the second Cub goes. Keep going until there are no more cards. Six with the greatest number of pairs wins.

    Hop Knot

    Type: Circle
    Equipment: Knotting Rope

    All the Cubs sit in a circle. With the exception of one who has the rope. On "go" he drops the rope at the feet of one of the players, at the same time calling out the name of a knot. He then commences to hop round the circle, while the knot is being tied. If tied correctly the tier becomes the hopper.

    Semaphore Drawing

    Type: Sixes
    Equipment: Each Cub, paper and crayons (Semaphore Chart)

    Sixes in corners. One Cub in each Six must know semaphore (or Morse). Other Cubs have paper and crayons. Akela signals a word in semaphore. They tell their Six what it is. Cubs then draw the object while the Sixer returns to read the next word. The Six with the most correct objects wins.

    Note: This game is useful to single-handed Akelas as it keeps other Cubs occupied whilst he practices semaphore with older ones. The words can be made up of letters from first circle to begin with. There should be a clear semaphore chart nearby.

    Pavement Artist

    Type: Semi circle
    Equipment: Large number of sheets of brown paper, crayons, 3 or 4 beans per Cub.

    One Cub, the Pavement Artist, sits on the floor with an upturned cap in front of him, and proceeds to draw anything he likes.

    Meanwhile, other Cubs, who are sitting some distance away in a semi-circle round him, try to throw their beans, one at a time, and in turn, into his cap. The first who succeeds changes places with him, and he starts to draw a picture. On ceasing to become the Pavement Artist, the Cub initials his attempt, whether finished or not, and places it on exhibition. If he gets another turn he may either start another drawing or complete and improve his old one.

    Every picture counts a point to him, but at the end of the game, the artists' efforts are judged on their merits, so that a Cub with one good drawing may beat others with several poor or mediocre attempts.

    Word Puzzle

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Pencil, paper

    Each of the players is given a piece of paper on which he draws nine squares, 3 x 3. They take turns at calling out a letter, and each player must put the letter in any one of his nine squares. As the letter is called, it can be put down only once, but the same letter may be called more than once. The object of the game is to place the letters so they will make as many three-letter words vertically and horizontally as possible.

    Draw A Face

    Type: Circle
    Equipment: Nil

    Players in circle. Cub Leader draws a face in the air. First the outline, clockwise, then right eye, then left eye; nose downward; mouth right to left, all with the LEFT index finger. Each Cub tries to draw the face in exactly the same order and in the same way.

    Kingfisher Race

    Type: Water game
    Equipment: Corks and string

    For this game tie the corks to small rocks, using short piece of string. The Cubs are in Sixes. On "go" the first Cub in each races into each about 2 feet of water where the corks are sunk, dives under, picks up a cork in his teeth, and runs back. First Six complete wins.

    Wet Trail

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Squeezy bottles

    Half the Cubs set off laying a trail equipped with squeezy bottles filled with water, which the other Cubs follow after a time lag. (Ordinary trail signs). The first team prepare an ambush. On being ambushed the teams have a free-for-all with the squeezy bottles. The wettest team are the losers.

    Watering The Horses

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Paper cup half filled with water for each Cub.

    Cubs are in sixes, and each Cub is given a paper cup half filled with water. In turn they race to a turning point about 10 yards away taking their cup with them. When there they turn round, kneel, put the cups between their teeth, and with their hands behind their backs drink the water. As soon as the cup is empty they get up and race back to their six, and the next Cub goes.


    Type: Pack

    Equipment: Nil

    One Cub goes off and hides within a given area. As the others find him they squeeze in beside him, and all keep hidden until the last one finds them.

    Swim Chase

    Type: Water game
    Equipment: Nil

    The object is to get possession of a spring-type clothes peg which each Cub has attached to the back of his togs. As he loses his peg he may get another and continue rather than be out.

    Smugglers' Treasure

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Counters (or similar) to represent treasure

    Divide the Pack into three teams: Smugglers, peddlers, and police. The smugglers are trying to dispose of the treasure to the peddlers, while the police are trying to prevent them. The smugglers and peddlers start at positions about a quarter of a mile apart, and work towards each other. The police start from a position about half-way between the two, and try to prevent the exchange from taking place. If a smuggler or peddler is caught with a counter he must surrender it to the police, but he is still in the game. The peddlers may take their counters to a base for safety, or risk being caught with several. The smuggler may return to his base for another. At the end count the treasure of the peddlers and police. The treasure in possession of the smugglers does not count.

    Torch And Whistle

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Powerful torch and whistle

    Two Cubs with the torch and the whistle are given a few minutes start from a clearing. The rest then set off to capture them. The fugitives must blow their whistle and flash the torch at least once every minute.

    Three Ball Throw

    Type: Team Game
    Equipment: 3 tennis balls and a box or bucket

    Divide the Cubs into two teams. One team bats and the other fields. The first batter goes to the box and throws the three balls away. He then scores "runs" over a marked course while the three balls are being returned to the box. The whole team has a bat, and the total runs are counted. Teams then change over, the second trying to beat the first's number of runs.

    Blind Tag

    Type: Circle Game
    Equipment: Nil

    Form a large circle, facing inwards, and have two Cubs blindfolded. These two are started from opposite sides of the circle, on the inside, and the second one tries to catch the first. Neither must wander round the ring, but must remain in touch with one of the boys forming the circle. Things are made harder for the fugitive by the fact that every third person in the ring is a foe, and if at any time he chances to halt in front of one of them the foe will immediately cry out "He's here". This gives the chaser a chance. The rest of the Pack must remain silent.

    Trails And Treasure Hunts

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: as required

    There are numerous methods of setting trails and treasure hunts. But make the clues simple and the rails obvious. If this is not done the Cubs lose interest.

    Suggestions: Natural trail of woodcraft signs. Whiffle-poof - wood spikes with four inch nails dragged to leave a trail. Power paint - red for trail of blood. Written clues and secret codes.

    Duck In Water

    Type: Water
    Equipment: Large rubber ball

    Cubs in a circle in water at least waist-deep. Three or four in the center. The rest try to hit the Cubs in the center who avoid being hit by ducking under. When hit they change places with the thrower.

    Number Catch

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Large ball

    One player is chosen to be pitcher and all the others count off starting with one to ten etc. The pitcher throw the ball as high in the air as he can while he calls one of the numbers. The cub whose number is called runs to get the ball. The pitcher and all the others race to get as far away as possible. When the player gets the ball in his hands he yells "STOP", and all stop running. The cub tries to hit one of the players with the ball. If he succeeds, the player who was hit is pitcher for the next game, but if he misses, he himself is the pitcher.


    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Nil

    Each Leader is a crook with a funny name. They are spread out over a wide area, and each team of cubs is given a different name to ask for first. When they find the leader who responds to this name, he gives them another name, until they have completed the full circle and returned to the starting point.

    Whistling Hares And Hounds

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Loud whistle for the hares

    Scrub covered land is needed for this game. Two Cubs and a Leader are the hares. They set off with a whistle, and after five minutes start must blow it every 30 seconds. The hounds try to find them. Hares must keep moving, and can usually avoid capture by listening for the rest of the Pack, and making their moves accordingly.

    Fill The Bottle

    Type: Relay
    Equipment: Bucket of water, cups, bottles

    Each team is provided with a pop bottle and a paper cup. The players stand behind the starting line and put the bottles at their feet.

    At the signal, they race to the bucket which is at least twenty-five feet away.

    They fill their cups with water and race back to pour the water in the bottle.

    Each Cub in the team has a turn.

    The cups may be held with only one hand. The first player to fill the bottle with water is the winner.

    Rockets And Interceptors

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Some colored bands, six tins, number of bottle-tops or dried peas.

    For this game the area needs to be partly open, and partly of the kind where Cubs can hide themselves :i.e. with scrub lupines and little hillocks etc. The Cubs are divided into two teams, Rockets and Interceptors, each with their own colored bands. They change sides at half time.

    About six targets are laid out in the playing area as wide apart as possible. They should be about 10 inches diameter each, and have a Leader as umpire at or near each end, and a tin in the middle. Only the Rockets are allowed in the target areas, and no more than four Interceptors are allowed to hover around each target area. Each Rocket is given five warheads (bottle tops). If so desired special war-heads can be issued worth five bottle tops each. Five of these should be issued and these Rockets should have no ordinary war-heads worth one bottle-top each.

    The aim of the Rockets is to destroy the target areas by landing a fixed number of warheads in them, say, 25 for each target area. A bonus of 10 war-heads can be given for each target area wholly destroyed. The rockets have to run into the target areas without being touched by an Interceptor. If they are tagged they must give up one of their war-heads. The special warhead must be given up in total. Winner is the side with most war-heads at the end. (after two halves)

    Guarding The Lighthouse

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Powerful torch, and an easily climbed tree

    The torch is suspended in the tree and switched on. The game is then a question of attack and defense, with the defenders stationed at a reasonable distance from the tree. It must be played in silence, for stalking, and so a reasonable amount of cover is desirable. Alternatively the rules can be modified and a straight out attack and defense free-for-all can develop.

    Gold Rush

    Type: Six Game
    Equipment: "Gold" nugget for each Six

    Each Sixer quietly hides his "gold" nugget sometime earlier when he can do it unobserved. On a given signal from the Leader the Sixers shout directions as to its whereabouts, without actually giving away the exact location. All Sixers are shouting directions at once, and it is a race to see which Six can find their respective "gold" first.

    Nigel's Navy

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: Four small balls of different colored wool, and some white cards

    Divide the Cubs into three or four fleets. Each has an adult Leader as an Admiral and Quartermaster. Each also has a base in which the Admiral/Quartermaster sits. There are three types of ships; battleships, submarines and destroyers. There should be three destroyers to every two submarines and to every one battleship. Each Cub should be given a small piece of card with the letter D, S, or B, to show which ship they represent. Each fleet has its own color wool, and each Cub in that fleet has a piece of that color wool ties round his arm. During the battle a battleship takes a destroyer; a destroyer takes a submarine, and a submarine takes a battleship. The facts should be made very clear. At a given signal the fleets are released from their bases to the central fighting area, where every member challenges any other member of another fleet by tagging them. Each then says what ship he represents. Nothing happens if they are the same, but when different the loser must give up his piece of wool to the other, and return to base for a new piece of wool from the Quartermaster. He may not continue fighting without a piece of wool his own color. The side collecting the most wool of the other colors wins. It is advisable to have intervals in order for the Cubs in the fleet to change ships, by swapping cards.

    One of the battleships is given an extra card, which signifies the flat it carries, for he is the flagship. This flag must be made the decisive factor, and so, depending on the number in each fleet, is worth at least 50 to 150 pieces of wool. If this battleship is attacked by a submarine, it must surrender its flag as well, which the submarine at once returns to his Admiral, who at once gives it to his own flagship, who thus becomes doubly valuable. This flagship, if attacked, loses both its flags at the same time. Clearly it is wise for this flagship to play a defensive role and to be helped out by defending submarines and destroyers of his own fleet. The flagship can only be changed once in the game. The game may be played for up to thirty minutes. Count wool as it is handed in to the Quartermasters.

    Kick Tin

    Type: Pack
    Equipment: An old beer can (or similar). Area with cover.

    Akela is the "Guardian of the Tin", which is placed in a circle about two feet across. The Cubs all stand round the circle and one of them kicks the tin out. Everybody then runs and hides except the Guardian who runs and puts the tin back. Then the Guardian goes to look for the Cubs and whenever he sees one, he calls his name and they both race for the tin. If the Guardian reaches it first and kicks it, the Cub is a prisoner, but if the Cub reaches it first and kicks, he may go away and hide again. The prisoners stand near the circle, and when the Guardian is not looking, call "Rescue". Anybody who is hiding may then run out, and try, unseen by the Guardian, to kick the tin, and rescue one prisoner, and then they both run and hide again. Prisoners, must be released in the order they were captured. Only the Guardian may replace the tin after a kick, and no kick counts unless the tin is in the circle. The Guardian must go and look for those in hiding, and not stand near the circle all the time.

    Zulu Boy

    Type: Pack

    Equipment: Hat

    (See the Wolf Cub's Handbook page 16 for background story).

    One Cub is the Zulu boy who, instead of being painted white, wears a white-cocked hat made from paper, which he must not remove during the game. He is sent out to hide himself. The territory is the country or streets for about 600 yards in any direction from a well marked central spot. He is given ten minutes start in which time to get away and hide himself. The tribe (or Pack) are divided off into pairs, and let loose in different directions to hunt him. They can track him, ask passers-by, or if they find him they can chase him until they capture the hat. But the pair of hunters must be together to make the catch. He cannot be captured by a single Cub. The Zulu must not hide in any inhabited buildings, but he may ride in a vehicle, and he must keep his hat on all the time. If he succeeds in keeping his hat uncaptured for an hour he wins the game.