Fishing, Long, Parachute, Party and Team Games

     There are an infinite variety of games that can be made from a hook, a line and a pole that will leave the contestants as breathless and open-mouthed as a fisherman's true story.
      Fashion the hooks from coat-hanger wire, paper clips and open safety pins. Make the fish from cloth, inner tubes, cardboard, balloons, or wood. Use a cardboard carton, nail keg, barrel, or dart board for the ocean bottom or trout stream. The players can catch the "fish" by hooking them, lifting them, trapping them, or spearing them (with darts). They score by standing in the center of a circle and casting into several different ponds, by standing on boxes or stools and trapping the fish, or by just catching as many as they can out of one "lake." Each "fish" could contain a message describing some task that a player has to perform before he can return to fish again. Or each fish could have a point value written on it; winner could be either the group or the individual player with the largest score at the end of a given period of time.

Table of Contents

Fish And Net

Have three to five players join hands to catch "fish" by surrounding individual players. Those who are caught become a part of the "net." The last five fish caught make up the net for the new game.

The Christmas Card Game

Take a set of old Christmas cards (about three times as many cards as there are players) and cut each card into two pieces, making two sets of half-cards so that each half-card in one set has its counterpart in the other. Some of the cards should be cut so that the halves are easy to spot as belonging to each other (e.g., by cutting vertically down the middle of a colored picture of a vase of flowers), and others should be made difficult to spot (e.g., by cutting along the horizon of a seascape). Distribute one set of half-cards all over the room (they should be visible but not necessarily obvious). Give one half-card from the other set to each player and keep the "pool" in your hand. On the word "Go" all the players try to find the other half of the piece that you have given them and bring it to you. Every player finding a pair that match is given a fresh half-card from the "pool" until there are none left. When all have finished, the group with the largest number of paired pieces wins.

A Christmas Telegram

Have everyone write down the word Christmas leaving a space after each letter. Then allow ten minutes for all players to compose a telegram, the first word beginning with C, the next with H, the third with R and so on. The first word should be the name of the person to whom the telegram is sent, the last word the name of the sender. The players then read out their own attempts in turn, the winner being the one who has composed the most original.

Variation--Christmas Dinner

Give each group a piece of paper with CHRISTMAS written vertically down the side and tell them that after each letter they must write the name of some article that could be found on the table at Christmas dinner--and both run for the ball. The one reaching it first kicks it and runs for a hiding place. The other player is "It" and must return the ball and search.

Bowling On The Green

Play this game on a smooth, close-cut lawn. Croquet balls or wooden balls made especially for this game may be used. Each player has two of these balls, called "bowls." A smaller ball is called the "jack." The first player bowls the jack out on the lawn and the bowls are bowled at it in turn. The jack and the bowls may be moved by being hit in play. A bowl touching the jack scores three points. The nearest bowl to the jack scores one point. If two bowls bowled by the same player are nearest the jack, two points are scored.

Every Man In His Own Corner

Everybody selects a corner. If there are not enough corners or trees, players can make corners by drawing two lines at right angles on the ground or floor. Any player may start the game by leaving his corner. A second player chases him and a third may chase them both and a fourth may chase the three, etc. In other words, a player may tag any one who preceded him in leaving a corner, but cannot tag a play who left after he did.

When a player is caught his "captor" leads him by the arm to the "Captor's Corner," and while doing so he is not subject to capture. When the two players reach the corner they become team- mates and work together to capture others. At the end of the game, the player who has the greatest number of captives is the winner.

Ring The Bottle

Place a number of bottles on the floor and let several boys play at one time. Each boy has a "fishing-rod" consisting of a cane or pole and string; on the end of the string is a brass curtain ring. The first one to get his ring over the neck of a bottle wins.

Long Games

These games all take a bit of preparation, and, generally, need a lot of time to play

Space Archery

In space, everything floats. As a construction mechanic, the only way to keep your space station parts from floating away is to rope them together. Your problem is that YOU are anchored to the main space station, while the new parts are slowly drifting away. So how do you get a rope on those parts? Why with your trusty bow and arrow. Each new part comes with its own target. Each mechanic gets 10 arrows. Hit the target with the arrow that has a string attached, and double your total points.

Robot Arm

You're the operator of the space shuttle's robot arm. The arm will do everything you tell it, but it can't see or think for itself. Your job, pick up the three space disks and return them to your position. Use voice commands like 'forward, left, right, and down' to direct the robot arm. Keep the tether rope tight to prevent the robot arm from overshooting the targets. This is a timed event.

Space Construction

Your team of construction mechanics are on the moon. You need to build the tallest radio tower you can, using the standard space-blocks. The structure must be free-standing and self-supporting. DO NOT DAMAGE THE BUILDING MATERIALS while constructing your tower!

Space Exploration

Space explorers need to be highly trained observers. In this training exercise, you need to scour the marked-off section of rough terrain, and discover the interesting samples. There will be bonus points for discovering samples whose color is different from your assigned color.

Shuttle Flight-Check

All shuttle crews need to check out their craft before take-off. Every crew has memorized the list of instructions. Lets see how good your crew is at remembering instructions. You will get two minutes to study and discuss the list of instructions and their order. Then, without looking, your team must write them down in the correct order. If you're quick, you will have time to play this one twice.

player name arch arm const explo check




______________________________________|_____|_____| (den scores here)


______________________________________|_____|_____| circle the 1 best den

______________________________________|_____|_____| score for each game


put the single best den score here -> | | | | | |

Game Leader Instructions

Bring spray paint (white) to draw lines on the grass. Also packing tape and duct tape. If games are held indoors, use masking tape for your lines.

Make sure all game leaders understand that the rules may need to be modified, but if they are, ALL GROUPS must have the same chances. The most important thing is to make sure that all rules are applied consistently for every group participating. All games were designed to be played outdoors, but most could easily be done indoors if the activity room was large.

At the end of the competition, all score sheets will be collected from Den leaders. Compare the single 'best' score for each game and den. Award 1st through 5th place (we have 5 dens) in each event. The den with the LOWEST total score for the 5 events will get 1st place.

Space Archery

GAME PARTS: 3 targets with stands, 30+ arrows, 3 bows, ball of string, 3 stakes.

Set up targets, with 3 shooting stations about 20 feet (7 meters) away. Put 10 arrows at each station. Measure 30 feet (10 meters) of string for each station. Tie one end of string to a stake at the station, and tie/tape the other end to one of the arrows. This should be the last arrow shot by each Cub, and can double their target score. Score target rings at 1 (target) ,2, 3, 5 (bulls eye on our targets).

***Be very alert to safety. Make sure ALL ARCHERS understand that arrows are not to be knocked while anyone is 'even close' to the shooting range area!

Robot Arm

GAME PARTS - Long rope, 3 Frisbees, blindfold, 2 paper grocery bags.

Draw a ring for the 'operator' to stand in. Paint 3 spots at different points outside the ring, ranging from 15 to 30 feet (5 to 10 meters). The spots mark the pick-up spots for the 3 Frisbees. Tie rope around waist of the cub acting as 'robot hand' (use a bowline!). Blindfold the 'hand', then place grocery bag over his head - the 'hand' should be unable to see. The operator now steps into the ring, and takes hold of the rope. At "GO", the 'hand' walks out to get the Frisbees. The operator lets out the rope until the 'hand' is out far enough, and uses voice commands (left, right, down, out) to direct the 'hand' to each Frisbee. Make sure the operator knows that he should keep tension on the rope - this is one of his main methods of guidance and control. After the 'hand' has all 3 Frisbees, the operator has to reel him back into the operator's circle. MAKE SURE THE 'HAND' IS UNABLE TO SEE! This is a timed event - the boys may run through this as often as they want in the allotted time. Keep the best time.

Space Construction

GAME PARTS - 16 cardboard boxes all the same size, 6 large coffee cans, 3 thin strips of plywood, 2 poles with nails through the ends, several smaller dowels, tape measure.

The object is to build as tall a tower as possible with the material supplied. The tower must be free-standing and self-supporting, and stay up for at least 1 minute. DO NOT LET THE CREW DAMAGE OR MODIFY THE SUPPLIED MATERIALS! Measure the tower to the nearest inch. The crew can try several different configurations.

***WARNING! Wind and uneven terrain can dramatically affect this game. Try to locate it in a sheltered area with fairly even ground. It could also be done inside if the room has a tall ceiling.

Space Exploration

GAMES PARTS - individually wrapped candy in different colors, colored tape or marker cones to mark off the search area.

Game leader will hide 10 candies of the same color in search area, plus 1 of a different color. Cubs need to search the area to find all 'samples'. After they are turned in and counted, they may each have 1 to keep. The colored candy counts as 3 points, all others are 1 point. Be alert to 'missed' candies from previous groups.

Parachute Games

The Swamp

Players sit in a circle on the floor holding a parachute with the edge drawn up under their chins and their legs stretched out straight in front of them. As they sit, each boy says the name of his favorite vegetable. The resulting "noise" sounds like a swamp at night. One boy slips under the parachute to become the swamp monster. The monster gently pulls the ankles of another player who slips under the parachute to become part of the monster. The game ends when all of the boys are under the parachute.

The Canopy

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip, and squat down so the parachute is flat on the ground. On the count of three, stand up and stretch arms above head creating a canopy.

Ball Toss

Put a ball into the center of the parachute. Raise and lower the parachute to throw and catch the ball. When the Beavers are skilled at this, try adding a second ball.


Hold the parachute in overhand grip, and inflate the parachute. Leader calls two names (or a month of the year, an age, a lodge. Appropriate players let go and exchange places by moving under the canopy to an empty spot.

The Cave

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip, and inflate. Take a few steps toward the center while the parachute is inflated. Release one hand from the parachute. Pull the parachute down behind the head and back with remaining hand. Kneel down holding the edge against the ground. Stay inside the parachute until it starts to deflate. Hold up the parachute, stand up and duck under to the outside.

Under Cover

Hold onto the edges and inflate the chute. Still holding on, walk under the parachute to the center and then back to original position. Or, meet in the center and then all let go so that the parachute gently floats down to cover everyone.

Fun Under the Chute

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip and inflate. Bean bags, skipping ropes, balls, etc. have been placed under the parachute. Participants are numbered. Leader calls out a number and those participants run under the parachute and perform before the parachute deflates.

The Mushroom

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip and inflate. Pull edge of parachute to the ground, trapping air inside and creating a mushroom.

Flying Saucer

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip and inflate. Take one step forward once the chute is inflated. When the command "let go" is given, everyone release the parachute. Parachute should remain suspended in the air for a few seconds before it floats to the ground like a flying saucer.

Ball Slide

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip. Place one ball on the parachute. Make the ball slide around the chute by slowly raising the chute up and down. Keep the ball rolling so that it does not go off the edge.

Toad In The Hole

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip. Place two different colored, small, rubber balls on the parachute. Divide the group into two teams (each team has one of the colored balls. One team is on one side of the chute and the other team on the opposite side.) Each team tries to shake its ball into the center hole before the other team. A point is scored each time a team's ball goes through the hole.

Birthday Exchange

Grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip, and inflate. Leader calls out a month of the year. Those Beavers born in that month let go of the edge and exchange places by moving under the parachute to an empty spot. This game can also take place by giving everyone a number from 1 to 8 or by calling out a color that the Beavers are wearing

Bird and worm

In a kneeling position, grasp the edge of the parachute with an overhand grip. One or two Beavers are chosen to be worms. They go under the chute on hands and knees. Another Beaver is chosen to be the bird. The bird crawls on top of the parachute on hands and knees and tries to catch the moving worms. To make it more difficult for the bird, the Beavers around the outside edge are waving the parachute up and down. Therefore the bird has difficulty seeing the worms, but the worms can see the bird's shadow from underneath. When the bird does catch the worms, a new bird and new worms are chosen.

Party Games

From the Scouts-L Games FAQ

Pirate's Treasure Map

You will need:
A map drawn on a large sheet of paper

small sticky labels and a pen to write names on the labels

Often you will find that at the beginning of a party where you are running the games, not all the children have arrived when you start. To overcome this a game was needed that could be played by the children as they arrived. I drew a pirate's treasure map on a sheet of paper that I stuck to a board. On top of this I stuck a sheet of clear adhesive film 'FABLON'. Between each game I ask a few children up and ask them their names. I write their names onto small sticky labels about the size of a thumb nail. The children then stick these onto the map where they think that the treasure is buried. At the end of the games session I turn the map around and show that I had stuck a label on the back of the map to mark where the treasure was buried. The closest person to this wins the prize. If you need to pad it out a little, you can tell a short story about the pirate coming ashore with his treasure chest, and deciding on the different places that he might bury his treasure. This game can be used with any age group. Because the map is covered in plastic film you can easily peel the labels off, you can then use the map for repeat shows.

Sound Effects

You will need:
A tape player and a tape with sounds that you have recorded

This is another game that is good at the start of a show if not all the children have arrived. Borrow some sound effects records from your local library. The B.B.C. has quite a large selection of these records. They are used by drama clubs and film makers. Record different sounds onto a tape leaving short breaks between each sound. Put in some easy ones such as a dog barking and chickens clucking, but put in some hard ones as well, such as submarine asdic noises and music boxes. Tell the children, that you are going to play them sounds from the television and the cinema. The first person with their hand up, will get the prize if they can say what the sound is. Tell them not to put their hand up until they are certain what the sound is. This game can be played by any age group. A variation on this is to use the first few notes of popular songs.

First Person To Me

This game can be used with large numbers of children. It keeps them interested and can play for as long as you have questions. The object of the game is for a child to bring you an item that you ask for. The first child to you with that item gets the prize. Listed below are some examples.

A Loose tooth

A rose colored shirt dress or blouse. (any color will do)

A picture of the queen (a coin or bank note)

Three hands on one wrist (a watch with hands)

A pair of white socks

A hair clip

Tell the children to be very careful that they don't bump into anyone as they are running up to you. If you run out of ideas you can look to see what different people are wearing. You often find a child that won't join in with the games as they never win anything. Choose something that only they have, this will make them want to take part.

Boat Or Car Race

You will need: (for each six or patrol)

A toy boat or car connected to a long length of string on a roller

This is an oldie but very good when you have a large group to keep amused and interested. You will need four toy boats or cars. These are attached to long lengths of twine which are wound around pieces of dowel or broom handle. Rotating the dowel winds on the twine and drags the toy car or boat along the floor. Split the group into two teams and sit each team on opposite sides of the hall. Choose the biggest person from each team, explaining to the children, that these people are going to try and win points for their team. My boats are red, blue, green and yellow. The first race we use the red and the blue boat. One team is told to shout for the red and the other team to shout for the blue. After the first race I change the boats for the other two boats. I tell the children that this is to ensure that there was no advantage, as perhaps the boats could have been different weights. I then run the new boats out and we have another race. The children get very excited during this game, but you have complete control. You only have to direct the two children running the boats. The rest of the children are sitting at the sides cheering their boat in.


You will need:
our different colored skittles or bean bags

Four colored beads or balls to match the color of the skittles

A small cloth bag to keep the balls in

A whistle or other noise maker, I use a siren whistle

This is a variation on musical chairs, but the kids will not realize this the way that it is played. Place the four colored skittles at the four corners of your playing area. Tell the lads that these are islands. When you say "GO" they must run around the outside of the four islands in a clockwise direction, when you shout "CHANGE DIRECTION" they must run the other way round. When you blow the whistle, they must go and stand next to one of the islands. You do this a couple of times with no forfeits and nobody out, then you introduce the bag with the colored beads. You reach into the bag and take one out, all the boys standing next to that color has to do ten press-ups. You then sort them all running again. This time all the lads who land on the color you pick out of the bag are out and have to sit in the middle (This keeps them out of the way). You then take away that skittle and it's matching colored ball. The next time round all the lads on the chosen color have to do a hand stand. The next time all the lads on the selected color are out and sit in the middle. You again remove the selected skittle and it's matching colored ball. So you are down to two skittles. By this time most of the boys will be out and you just keep playing with the two skittles until you get to a final winning boy.

Pass The Parcel Updated

You will need:
A timer or alarm clock with a loud ring - this should be in a small box

Pass the parcel is a bit old hat but the lads will enjoy this updated version. A timing device with a loud alarm connected to it is passed in a box around the circle. The person holding the box when the alarm goes off is either out or has to do a forfeit. There was a toy put out on the market several years ago that did just this. It had some name such as "TIME BOMB" or "GRENADE" you may have seen it.

The Limbo

You will need:
A tape recorder with recorded music

A dowel, flat on 1 side, to act as a bar

2 large clothes pegs or bulldog clips to balance the bar on

2 upright stands

These can be made from two pieces of dowel about one and a half meters high with a flat wooden base to make them stand upright. Place the two stands about four feet apart. Put one of the clothes pegs on each stand at about four feet from the ground. Balance the bar on the clothes pegs. If one clothes peg falls off then use two clothes pegs per stand. Mark out the hall with four chairs and tell the players that they must walk around the outside of all the chairs. This prevents them bunching up, you only want one person at a time going under the bar. To begin you get all the players to stand in a single line at one side of the hall. You show them how to go under the bar, they must lean backwards and bend their knees to get under the bar. They must not touch the floor with their hands and they must not knock the bar off, anyone who does so is out. When everyone has been under the bar once it is lowered down a few inches and the process repeated Prizes are give to those who can get under the bar at the lowest setting. Ideal for all ages, girls or boys and can be played with any number. All you have to do is play the music and keep lowering the bar as they go around.

Animal Snap

You will need:
Get several packs of animal snap type picture cards make sure you have the same number of each animal card

Distribute these cards one to each person but tell them not to look at the picture. On the command go they must look at their card and by making the noise of that animal they must find all the other people in the hall with that card. A very noisy game ideal as an ice breaker at mixed parties. Don't forget to get your cards back afterwards.

There are quite a few spectator games where only a few take part but the rest cheer the others on. Listed below are a few of these.


You will need:
2 sets of large cards - there are four cards in each set and the letters on the cards spell S T O P

You get up eight people and stand four on each side of you facing the audience. Give each team member one of the cards from their set of STOP cards. To start with they should spell out STOP as viewed from the audience. The idea is that they have to rearrange themselves to spell out the word that you tell them. The first team to finish each word are the winners. The words you can have are STOP, TOPS, POST and SPOT. There is lots of room for fun here, try telling them to spell a word they are already lined up spelling and see what happens.

Team Games

From: Jim Speirs

Richmond Hill Hand Ball

Active, outdoors
Equipment: soccer or volleyball.
Formation: teams.

Divide the group into two equal teams. Find a suitable playing field about the size of a soccer field, with an area to be used as an end zone.

The play starts with a jump ball. The object is to move the ball down the field to score points. Players throw the ball to their teammates, or run with the ball. Players may not take more than five steps while carrying the ball. If they do, the ball is handed to the other team, who throws it in from the sidelines.

Points are scored when the ball is thrown to a teammate in the opposing team's end zone, and caught. The ball must be thrown from outside the end zone into the end zone and caught by a teammate. If the ball is missed or dropped, the opposing team gets a chance to move it out of their end zone. One point is scored for each catch.

The team with the most points after a given amount of time is declared the winner.

Metro Medley

Active, outdoors/indoors
Equipment: Per team: 1 conductor hat; 1 whistle
Formation: shuttle

Divide the group into two or more teams; line them up in shuttle formation, with half the team at one end of the playing area and the other half at the other end. The first member of each team is the conductor.

On 'Go', the conductor dons the hat, hangs the whistle around his neck and runs to the far end of the playing area, where one half of his team waits. Here, he picks up his first 'car' by bending down and placing his right hand between his legs, to join the left hand of the next player. Having attached the first car, the conductor blows his whistle and the two players run to the other end to pick up another car.

The relay continues until all players on the team are part of the 'metro'. The conductor signifies a complete train by blowing his whistle four times.

Tight Rope Walk

Semi-active, outdoors/indoors
Equipment: Per team: 20' rope, sweatpants, long underwear or large tights,
mustache, derby hat, stool, 6' stick.
Formation: shuttle.

Line up the teams in shuttle formation at either end of their 20' rope. The first player on each team, on 'Go', puts on the mustache, tights and hat, picks up his balancing pole and walks along the rope.

Halfway across, he meets a stool; the player climbs over the stool and continues on his way to the other end of the rope where he exchanges his outfit with the next player.

The relay ends when all players have completed the walk TWICE - once walking forward and the second time backward.

Balloon Baseball

Active, outdoors/indoors.
Equipment: Balloons, balloon baseball markers.
Formation: teams.

Players are divided into two teams. Each team designates a pitcher who pitches to his own team.

Each batter gets two pitches to hit a balloon with his fist. If the balloon is hit, the fielding team tries to blow the balloon to the ground before the batter runs around the bases. If they do not, a run is scored. Play continues until everyone on the batting team has been 'up to bat'. Then the inning is over and teams switch places.

The game continues for a specified number of innings.

Note: Depending on the age of the players, the distance between the bases may be altered.

Hoot Hoot Hoot

This is not so much a Camporee competitive event, although this game could be used as a fun side-activity. It is, however, an excellent game that is much enjoyed by both Cub and Scout age kids. Maybe we could all put our heads together and come up with some more games we have seen in one place or another, eh?

Let's toss this Czech game into the equation today...

For lack of a better name, the Czechs call this one "Hoot, Hoot, Hoot". The reason for this will become clear shortly.

This can either be an indoor or outdoor game, though it's better for outside, since some tackling can be involved on occasion, unless specifically prohibited. I suppose that you could term this an active, but very quiet game (except for the cheers that can be generated as a result of a "catch").

You need a well-marked playing field, divided into two sections, about 50 meters deep (smaller sizes OK if you are indoors, but the playing size should equate to at least a basketball court sized area, with well-defined playing area borders, since stepping out-of-bounds means being called "out").

The two teams assemble in their respective ends of the play area. Teams choose which side is going to go first. One member of the selected team takes the deepest breath possible, and ventures into the other team's territory. If this player runs out of air while in the other team's territory, the player is "out" and has to sit out the rest of the game.

Since breath-holding is a quiet endeavor, it would be far to easy to "make a mistake" unless there were some way of telling whether a player remains on just one breath while in "enemy territory". So, just to avoid confusion, the player has to continuously say, "Hoot, hoot, hoot...." rapidly and without pause the entire time he or she is in the opposition's side of the play area. The "H" sound takes more air than most, and so limits the time available quite dramatically. Any pause indicates the player is taking another breath. If this happens, he or she is "out". Since you lose less air when you are doing this quietly, everyone else has to be absolutely silent. If the player's team makes noise in order to cover for the player, both the player and the noise-makers are "out".

Stepping out-of-bounds at any time is another way to be called "out". People who are "out" have to observe the remainder of the go from the sidelines.

"It" attempts to tag as many of the opposition's players as possible. All who are tagged by "It" are "out" UNLESS "It" runs out of air before crossing to his or her own territory.

There is a very slight possibility that "It" will run out of air through poor planning. However, the best way of ensuring "It" runs out of air on the wrong side of the line is for "It" to be prevented from returning. Therefore, the side being invaded needs to capture "It" for long enough to ensure he or she runs out of air. (Tackling "It" to the ground and knocking the breath out of "It" is not encouraged.)

Capturing "It" is not, however, risk-free. If "It" cannot be held until running out of air, and he or she manages to get back across to home side, every player who touched "It" in the failed capture effort is "out". A wee but squirmy "It" can take out several of the opposition's Mooses this way...

Team strategy is fairly important in this game, since you want to preserve a few of your stronger and fleeter players till the end, if at all possible. Everyone has to take a turn at being "It" - no exceptions allowed. Each player takes this in turn until the entire team has gone across and returned (or been captured). After everyone has had a turn, the team circulates the responsibility again. You do not have to use the same sequence each time, however, so you can "target" opponents you need to get "out" as quickly as possible, using specific players from your side.

The team that runs out of players is NOT the winning. team. After a team wins, the game can be played again.

So, give this one a try to see how it plays with the Scouts where you are, and let me know how it goes.

Wide Stretch: Line up the Sixes with arms extended so that the players are touching, fingers to fingers. See which Six has the longest line.

Beans Relay: Have the relay runners carry beans, one at a time, between match sticks, toothpicks or on a knife.

Standing Broad Grin: The width of the grins measured by judges. The widest one wins this event.

Discus Throwers: Each contestant throws a paper pie plate from a chalk line. The plate must be held flat in the hand and not sailed with the thumb and fingers.

16 Pound Put: Have each contestant put an inflated bag for distance as though it were put from the shoulder.

Sponge Shot-Put: Use a small dry sponge for the shot. See who can put the shot the farthest.

Hammer Throw: Use blown-up paper bags attached to a yard of string. Give each Cub one turn to see who can throw the 'hammer' the farthest.

Bottle Roll: See who can roll a pop bottle from 6' and score a bull's-eye in a chalk ring on the floor. Draw several concentric circles to make targets of different value.