Relay Games

From: Jim Speirs

Table of Contents

  • St. George and the Dragon
  • Ride 'Em Cowboy
  • Consumer's Report
  • Popstick Slapshot
  • Commando Course
  • Bricklayer's Relay
  • Putt It There
  • Pack 'Em In
  • Balloon Balance
  • Hare Hop
  • Streaker
  • Sweep 'N' Scrub
  • Stock-car Racing
  • Kangaroo Hop
  • Radar
  • Whirling Wheels
  • Round the Moon
  • Rocket Relay
  • Bat the Balloon
  • Art Consequences
  • Bean and Straw Relay
  • Bucket Relay
  • Feather on a Yardstick
  • Banana Relay
  • Dizzy Izzy
  • Gum-Glove Relay
  • Fumble Fingers Relay
  • Candle Carry
  • Birds on a Telephone Line
  • Seed Planting Relay
  • Potato Race
  • Cone Race
  • Driving The Pig
  • Towel Roll Roll
  • Turkey Feather Relay
  • Candle And Straw Relay Race
  • Checker Relay
  • Cubs Across The River
  • Dribble Ball
  • Stacking The Cans
  • Tunnel Ball
  • Wheelbarrow Race
  • Highwayman
  • Fireman, Save My Child
  • Layered Clothes
  • St. George and the Dragon

    Active, indoors.
    Equipment: Per team: 1 easel; 1 piece of bristol board; 1 straight stick; 1

    needle; pins; balloons; 1 set of cardboard armor (optional).
    Formation: relay.

    In preparation for the relay, a picture of a dragon is drawn on each piece of bristol board. Next, balloons are attached to the 'dragon'. The dragons are set up on easels, 6 feet apart, at a designated distance from the starting line. Finally, the needle is attached to the end of each stick, in order to create dragon- killing 'lances'.

    Divide the players into two or more teams.

    One boy acts as a horse, while another acts as the rider. On 'Go', one pair from each team rides to the starting line. The riders put on the armor, pick up the lance, and remount their horses. Then the charge begins !

    Using the lance, the rider breaks one balloon on his team's dragon. He has only one try. When his attempt is over (whether successful or not) the 'horse' gallops back to the starting line, where the couple gives the props to the next pair from their team.

    The relay continues until both dragons are 'dead' (balloon-less).

    Ride 'Em Cowboy

    Active, indoors.
    Equipment: Per team: 1 ten gallon hat; 1 cowboy belt, holster and gun; 1 chair;

    18 inflated balloons.
    Formation: relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six. A chair is placed about fifteen to twenty feet in front of each team.

    On 'Go', the first person on each team puts on the ten gallon hat, cowboy holster and gun and places a balloon between his knees. He proceeds in bowlegged fashion to the chair, where he places the balloon on the seat and rides the 'bronco' until it 'breaks'.

    He returns to his line, passing his hat and belt to the next cowboy.

    The game proceeds in this relay fashion until all broncos have been broken.

    Consumer's Report

    Semi-active, indoors
    Equipment: Per team: 1 balloon; 1 bib; 1 bowl of soda crackers; 1 orange,

    peeled; 1 bottle of pop; 1 bowl of peanuts; 1 straw per person; 1 long table.
    Formation: Relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six to eight. Line up each team at one end of the room and place each 'set' of food items and a bib on the table at the other end of the room. Blow up the balloons and place them on the table beside each team's goodies.

    On 'Go', the first member of each team runs to the table, puts on the bib and does he following:

    - eats one cracker.

    - eats one section of the orange.

    - uses own straw to take one sip of the pop.

    - eats four peanuts

    (Diet/allergy watch for this game, especially the peanuts. Substitute where necessary.)

    When finished, he takes off the bib, runs back and tags the next player, who then runs up, puts on the bib and tastes the food.

    The relay continues until all the food items for each team are gone. When the last mouthful is gone, that player pops the balloon to signal that his team has completed its taste test.

    Popstick Slapshot

    Active, indoors.

    Equipment: Per team: 1 miniature hockey net or facsimile; 1 ping pong ball; 1 tongue depressor per player.
    Formation: relay.

    Divide the group into two teams. Place each net at the same end of the playing area. Each team lines up about six feet in front of its net. The first member of each team puts his tongue depressor in his mouth, gets down on his hands and knees and attempts to slap shoot the ball into the net, using the tongue depressor. When he has scored, he takes the ball back to the starting line, tags the next person, who proceeds to attempt to score.

    The first team to complete the relay wins.

    Commando Course

    Active, indoors/outdoors
    Equipment: Per team: 1 6' pole; 1 small bike tire; 1 bowling pin; 2 balloons per

    team member; 2 chairs; rope to tie ankles.
    Formation: relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six. Line up each team at the start of each obstacle course.

    On 'Go', the first member of each team ties his ankles together. He crawls on his stomach under the poles, (which are set up like jump poles, about 1 1/2' off the ground, supported by the chairs). He wiggles through the tire, knocks over the bowling pin with his nose and bursts two balloons (the explosions). Players then crawl back to the start, where the second member of their 'combat team' is ready to begin.

    Bricklayer's Relay

    Active, outdoors/indoors
    Equipment: Per team: 1 hard hat; 1 dustpan; 1 flag; 3 or more 'bricks' - stones,

    pieces of Styrofoam, blocks of wood.
    Formation: Relay.

    Divide the group into teams. Have them stand in parallel straight lines at one end of the playing area.

    The leader shouts 'BUILD'. The first member of each team dons the hard hat, places a brick in the dustpan and runs down to the other end of the playing area. He places the brick on the ground and runs back to the starting line. Each team member in turn, races down to build up the wall. The race continues until all bricks on each team are used up.

    If the wall falls down while the race is on, all bricks must return to the starting line, so the relay can begin again. Therefore, allow the teams time to plan a building strategy, so they will know how and where to place the bricks to avoid a collapse.

    When the wall is complete, the last member of each team races down with the flag, and plants it on top of the wall.

    Afterward, see what kind of super structure can be built. Have the teams work together to build one giant wall, or building, or structure of some kind.

    Putt It There

    Active, outdoors/indoors
    Equipment: per team: 1 golf umbrella; 1 golf sweater; 1 golf hat; 1 golf glove; 1

    golf putter; 1 golf ball; 1 putting cup.
    Formation: Relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six. One player from each team is selected to be the model. The teams are lined up at one end with the models in the middle of the playing area and the putting cup at the far end.

    On 'Go', the first player from each team runs to the model, carrying the sweater. He puts the sweater on the model, and runs back. THE MODEL MAY NOT HELP ANY OF HIS TEAMMATES IN ANY WAY.

    The second member puts on the hat, et., until the model has on all of the above pieces of equipment.

    Using the putter, the model then putts the golf ball into the putting cup. The first team whose golfer sinks the putt is the winner.

    Pack 'Em In

    Active, outdoors/indoors
    Equipment: per team: suitcase; umbrella; hat; coat; gloves; scarf (it is ideal if

    the clothing is oversized).
    Formation: relay.

    Divide the group into even teams and line up each team in relay formation. Place the suitcase, filled with the clothing, in front of the first player on each team.

    On 'Go', the first player opens the suitcase, puts on all the clothing and runs down to the other end of the playing area and back. Here, they remove all the clothing and put it back inside the suitcase, shut the suitcase and tag the next player in line. That player opens the suitcase and gets dressed and runs down the playing area and back.

    The relay continues until all players have had the chance to get dressed, travel and unpack.

    Provide additional articles of clothing or accessories, to make the outfit even funnier.

    Balloon Balance

    Active, outdoors/indoors
    Equipment: Per team: 1 big balloon; 1 small balloon.
    Formation: Relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six to eight players. Each team is given one large and one small balloon.

    The first player of each group, on the word 'Go', balances the smaller balloon on top of the larger one and races to the other end of the playing area. If the top balloon falls off, the player must return to the starting line and begin again.

    When the 'run' (or walk) is complete, the player takes both balloons in his hands and runs back to the starting line, where the second player is waiting to race.

    The first team finished, and sitting down, wins.

    Hare Hop

    Active, outdoors/indoors.
    Equipment: Per team: 1 pair of rabbit ears (made from cardboard, cotton and wire attached to a hat); 1 small balloon and 1 large balloon for each member; lots of string; 1 chair for each team.
    Formation: Relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six. Line up each team in straight lines at one end of the playing area. Place the chairs, one for each team, at the opposite end of the playing area.

    On 'Go', the first player of each team dons the rabbit ears, while his teammates blow up one small and one large balloon. One long piece of string is tied to the small balloon. The first player then ties the string around his waist, with the balloon hanging from behind, to represent his tail. He hugs the large balloon to his tummy, to represent the fluffy underside of a bunny. Then, with his ears and his two balloons, he hops down to the chair, hugs the large balloon until it breaks, and sits on his 'tail' until the small balloon breaks.

    When both balloons have burst, he hops back to the team where he gives the ears to the second player.

    The fun is helping each rabbit get 'dressed' and in cheering each bunny on. The relay ends when all bunnies have lost their tummies and tails.


    Active, outdoors/indoors.
    Equipment: Per team: sweatpants; jacket; hockey mask; 2 garbage bags.
    Formation: relay.

    Divide the group into two or more teams. Line teams up at one end of the playing area, with 1) sweatpants and jacket in front of each team and 2) hockey mask and garbage bags at other end of the area, in front of each team.

    On 'Go', the first player of each team puts on the sweatpants and jacket, and runs to the other end of the playing area. Here, he takes off the pants and jacket and puts on the mask and skates (the two garbage bags - one on each foot). He 'streaks' back to his team, where he hands over the mask and skates to the next player.

    The second player puts on the masks and skates and 'streaks' to the clothes. Here he trades equipment for the clothes and runs back to the third member of the team.

    The first team to complete the relay wins.

    Sweep 'N' Scrub

    Active, outdoors/indoors
    Equipment: Per team: apron; towel, broom, dustpan, bucket filled with water,

    2 dishes, garbage can.
    Formation: relay

    Divide the group into two or more teams, and line them up in straight lines at one end of the playing area. Give the broom and the apron to the first player on each team; at the other end of the playing area, place the dustpan, the bucket, the dishes and the towel. The garbage can is put between the buckets.

    On 'Go', the first player puts on the apron and sweeps the floor to where the dustpan lies. He scoops the dirt into the dustpan and dumps it into the garbage can. The player then washes and dries the two dishes and races to the start carrying the apron and broom.

    The house is clean when all players have swept the floor and dried the dishes.

    Stock-car Racing

    Active, outdoors/indoors
    Equipment: none
    Formation: relay

    The Sixes line up in files. Each Cub is given the name of a car and when that car is called, he travels to the end of the area and back in the manner described, e.g.,:

    1) Rolls-Royce: this never goes wrong - the Cub runs.

    2) Austin: has a flat tire - the Cub hops.

    3) Morris: is stuck in reverse - the Cub runs backwards.

    4) Ford: very old model, can only go slowly - the Cub walks.

    5) Mini: only small - the Cub runs, crouched down.

    6) Humbler: Pulls caravan - the Cub tows his Sixer behind.

    7) Stock-car: everyone runs.

    Kangaroo Hop

    Active, outdoors/indoors
    Equipment: 1 tennis ball per team
    Formation: relay.

    The Sixes line up in files, a chair in front of each. The first Cub grips the ball between his knees and hops round the chair and back to his place. He hands over the ball to the next Cub, who does the same. The first Six to finish is the winner.


    Semi-active, indoors/outdoors
    Equipment: none.
    Formation: relay.

    The Sixes line up in files with their Sixers about 10 meters ahead of them. The first Cub in each Six is blindfolded. The Sixers then change places and proceed to call the blindfolded Cubs by their Six name, that is, bringing them in by radar. The first Cub - 'airplane' - to 'fly' home scores four points, the second three points and so on. The next Cub is blindfolded, the Sixers change again and the game proceeds until all the 'airplanes' are safely home.

    Whirling Wheels

    Active, indoors/outdoors
    Equipment: 1 beanbag per Six.
    Formation: Relay, like the spokes of a wheel, facing in a clockwise direction

    with the Sixers in the center.

    The beanbags lie at the feet of each Sixer and when the leader gives the starting signal, they pick up the beanbag, run down the back of their Six and in a clockwise direction, round the wheel and back to the outside end of the Six. The beanbag is then passed up the Six to the Cub now at the center. This continues until all the Cubs have had a turn.

    Round the Moon

    Active, indoors/outdoors
    Equipment: 1 chair per six.
    Formation: relay.

    All the Sixes line up at the end of the room. Each Cub places his hands on the waist of the Cub in front so the Sixes form a 'rocket'.

    One chair is placed at the far end of the room opposite each Six, these are the 'moons'. When the leader calls 'Go', the Sixes run the length of the room, round their 'moon' and back into orbit. As they pass base, the 'rockets' drop a section each time and the Cubs sit down there one by one, until finally the 'nose cone' - the Sixer - returns home. The first team to be sitting down is the winner.

    Rocket Relay

    Active, outdoors/indoors.
    Equipment: 1 chair per Six.
    Formation: Relay.

    The Sixes line up with a chair at the head of each, facing away from the Six. The chairs are 'launching pads' and the first Cub or 'rocket' stands on the chair awaiting the countdown.

    When the leader reaches zero, the 'rocket' blasts off round the room, touching all four walls, and returns to the 'launching pad' where the next 'rocket is waiting to be launched. The first 'rocket' lets off the second and returns to his Six.

    Bat the Balloon

    Semi-active, indoors.
    Equipment: Balloons.
    Formation: Relay.

    Teams line up with members standing side by side, separated by the distance obtained when players stretch their arms sideways. Fingertips should touch between players.

    The first player in line takes and inflated balloon, and bats it towards the second person in line, who bats it to the third person, on down the line and back again.

    The only rule is this: once the players have taken their stance, they may not move their feet. If a balloon falls to the floor, or if someone moves his feet in an attempt to reach the balloon, the first person in line must run and get the balloon, and take it back to the starting line to begin again.

    Variation: add more than one balloon per line, going in both directions.

    Art Consequences

    Semi-active, indoors
    Equipment: Per six: 1 piece of paper, 1 pencil.
    Formation: Relay.

    The first player in each group walks to the end of the playing area, picks up the pencil and draws the head of a man, woman or child. After he draws the head, he folds the paper so that only the neck shows. He then walks back to his Six and tags the second player in line.

    The second player walks down and draws the shoulders, folds the paper, walks back and tags the third player.

    The relay continues on down until the figure is complete with waist, hips, legs and feet.

    The fun of this relay is opening up the piece of paper and passing around each 'creature' that each Six has created.

    Bean and Straw Relay

    Semi-active, indoors.
    Equipment: Per Six: 15 beans, 2 containers, 1 straw per boy.
    Formation: Relay.

    Have the first player in each line pick up a bean with a soda straw, carry it across the room and deposit it in a container. The first team to have all its beans deposited, wins.

    Bucket Relay

    Active, outdoors
    Equipment: Per Six: 1 bucket half-filled with water; 1 empty bucket.
    Formation: relay.

    On 'Go', the first player runs to the other end of the playing area where the buckets have been placed, pours the water into the other bucket, leaves the empty bucket there, and carries the full bucket to the next player in line.

    The second player takes the bucket with water down to the other end of the playing area and empties it into the empty bucket. He then picks up the full bucket and carries it back.

    The relay is finished when all have had a turn. The winner is the team with their water intact.

    Feather on a Yardstick

    Active, indoors.
    Equipment: Per six: 1 yardstick; 1 feather.
    Formation: relay.

    Give the first in each line a yardstick and a feather. On signal, he places the feather on one end of the yardstick, and holds the other end at arm's length while proceeding to the goal line and back. If the feather falls off the yardstick, the player must put it back on the yardstick before continuing. The first team finished wins. To speed up the game and for variation, use paper plates instead of yardsticks. You could even try to balance paper plates on the end of the yardsticks.

    Banana Relay

    Semi-active, indoors/outdoors.
    Equipment: 1 banana per boy.
    Formation: relay.

    Line up the boys in relay formation, facing each other, and give each boy a banana. He must keep his right hand behind him while he eats the banana, which he must peel with his teeth. On the signal, the first boy peels and eats his banana. When he is able to whistle, the next boy may begin. The first team to finish wins.

    Dizzy Izzy

    Active, indoors/outdoors
    Equipment: none.
    Formation: Relay.

    Line up the Sixes for a relay race. Have the first player in each line run up to a given point, place one finger on the floor, revolve around his finger seven times, and run back to tag the next player in line. Repeat until all have had a turn. Keep the runners away from the walls and other obstacles.

    Variation: Give each Six a baseball bat or equivalent. Have the boys run up, put the bat against their forehead, the other end of the bat on the floor and revolve around the bat three or four times.

    Gum-Glove Relay

    Semi-active, indoors/outdoors
    Equipment: Per team: 1 pair of gloves; 1 paper bag; 1 stick of gum per player.
    Formation: Relay.

    Hand a closed paper bag to the first player on each team. The paper bag contains one pair of gloves and the gum.

    The first player on each team opens the bag, puts on the gloves, digs down into the bag for the gum, pulls it out, unwraps it and begins to chew it. He then replaces the gloves in the bag, closes it and hands it to the next person in line, who repeats the procedure. The first team to be chewing all the gum in the bag wins.

    Fumble Fingers Relay

    Materials: 2 jars with screw lids, 10 toothpicks, 2 pair large mittens

    Each team has a pair of large mittens. At a goal line is a jar, one for each team, containing five toothpicks. On signal, the first person from each team races to the goal line, puts on the gloves, removes the lid, empties the jar, picks up the toothpicks and puts them back in the jar and screws on the lid. He takes off the mittens and races back to hand them to the next player, who repeats the action.

    Candle Carry

    The object of this game is to carry a lit candle through an obstacle course. Make sure the base of the candle has a holder so the hot wax won't drip on the boys' hands. The candle must be passed from boy to boy through the course. Each boy will have a section of the course to cover, with an assigned method to cross their section. One might have to be riding a bicycle, another on a skateboard, another might have to jot, or walk backwards, or on a tricycle, etc. Too swift a pace might put out the candle. Completing the course with the candle lit is the object of the game.

    Birds on a Telephone Line

    Divide the group into two relay teams. String a clothesline from one side to the other at shoulder height of the average person. Clip 20 or more round topped clothespins onto the clothesline. (The pins are the birds and the clothesline is the telephone line) On signal, the first person in each team runs to the line, removes a pin with his teeth (no hands!), brings it back to his team and drops it into a sack. The first team finished wins.

    Seed Planting Relay

    Following a line, or rope on the ground, and by walking heel to toe, each team member must stop (about every 3 feet and drop a seed in a small mouthed jar set near the line. When he reaches the end, he runs back and taps the next boy on the team.

    Potato Race

    (Note: Spelling, No "E", Mr. Quayle ---- Hee, Hee!)

    Two teams. Give each starting player a fork and a potato. He tosses the potato into the air and catches it on the fork, takes it off and hands them to the next player. First team through wins.

    Cone Race

    String paper cones on cords stretched between chairs, or posts. Each team member blows cone to the end of the cord, brings it back; next boy does the same. First team finished wins.

    Driving The Pig

    Two teams; each team has a 3" long stick and a 1/2 gallon milk bottle (add a little water to the bottles). The players use the stick to push the bottle (pig) to the fair.

    Towel Roll Roll

    Using a broomstick and a paper towel cardboard tube, each team member uses the stick to roll the tube to one end of the room and them back. He then hands the broomstick to the next boy. (I have seen this one done -- it's harder than it sounds!)

    Turkey Feather Relay

    Divide into relay teams. First player holds a long turkey feather. At the word "Go" each throws his feather, javelin style, toward the finish line. As soon as it comes to earth, he picks it up and throws it again, and continues until across the finish line. He then picks it up and runs back to his team to give the feather to the next player.

    Candle And Straw Relay Race

    You will need: 1 candle and a box of matches per team and 1 drinking straw per team member

    Each team member is given a straw. They have to race to the opposite end of the hall where their candle and box of matches is located. They must light the candle and then blow it out by blowing the flame through the straw. This can also be played in subdued lighting.

    Checker Relay

    You will need:

    6 wooden checkers playing pieces per patrol

    We often get these given to us at rummage sales

    Scouts race up and down the hall in relay fashion, with a pile of 6 checkers balanced on the back of one hand. They are not allowed to steady the pile with the other hand. The only time they can touch the checkers with the other hand, is either when they have dropped them and are picking them up, or when they are transferring the checkers to another Scout in their team.

    Cubs Across The River

    You will need:

    4 card or carpet tile stepping stones three awkward pieces of equipment such as a rucksack, a football and a hoop, for each six

    Line up sixes with their equipment and draw two lines to represent the river. Lay the stepping stones across the river. Cub 1 carries cub 2 on his back across the river using the stepping stones. Cub 2 comes back and picks up cub 3 plus a piece of equipment. Cub 3 comes back and picks up cub 4 plus a piece of equipment and so on until all the cubs have crossed the river. Those cubs on the bank should be encouraged to cheer their team on.

    Dribble Ball

    You will need:

    1 ball and several skittles per team or six

    Standing in teams, each person in turn dribbles the ball down the line of skittles slalom fashion, either using their foot, a stick or a washing up liquid bottle and then straight back to the next man in their team. If a skittle is knocked over, the player has to return to the start and begin again.

    Stacking The Cans

    You will need:

    6 tin cans or drinking chocolate tins with lids per team

    Patrols or sixes stand in lines. They have to run to the end of the hall in relay fashion and each one add a can to the stack. The winning team is the first one back with a completed stack and all their team standing to attention. You could add a variation to the game by playing two teams at a time and have the other teams at the sides throwing bean bags or dusters at the piles of cans. If you played this variation then you would play against the clock to see which was the fastest team.

    Tunnel Ball

    You will need:

    A ball or balloon for each team

    The teams stand at attention in lines, the front player in each team has the ball. On the command 'GO' they spring their legs apart. The player at the front passes the ball between their legs. The ball must go between each players legs until it is picked up by the player at the back. The back player then runs to the front and continues the process until the original font player is back at the front. The winning team is the one with all players standing at attention with the ball at the front. If a ball breaks out from the line it must start its journey through the tunnel again from the front. As an alternative pass the ball from the back player through the tunnel to the front.

    Wheelbarrow Race

    Teams stand in lines at one end of the hall. On the command 'GO', the front player gets down on his hands. The second player stands between his legs and lifts his legs up to waist level. They now have to go as fast as possible to the other end of the hall with the front player walking with his hands and the rear player holding him up like a wheelbarrow. When they reach the end of the hall the front player stands up and the rear player runs back to the front of his team and then becomes the front man of the new wheelbarrow. This process is continued until the whole team are at the far end of the hall.


    You will need:

    A short length of lashing rope and a chair for each team

    Teams stand in lines at one end of the hall. There is a wooden chair with a bar back at the other end of the hall opposite each team. The front player of each team has a length of rope in one hand. On the command 'GO' the second player jumps onto the back of the front player and they race piggy back style to the chair at the other end of the hall. The player riding jumps down and ties one end of the rope around the top bar of the chair using the highwayman's hitch. He then jumps back on the other players back, pulls the end of the rope to free it and they then race back to their team. The player who was the horse goes to the back of the team and the player who was the rider now becomes the horse or front player.

    Fireman, Save My Child

    You will need:

    A drinking straw for each player

    A simple paper cutout of a child, this should be about 1 1/2 to 2 inches tall. The arms and legs should be about 1/2 an inch wide on the figure

    The game goes like this: The players are divided into two teams and are formed into two lines. Each team has a pile of the cut-out children on a table and a drinking straw for each player. Approximately 15-20 feet away from the start, place a small pail for each team on another table, chair, stool, or whatever.

    At the call of "Fireman, save my child", the first player on each team must pick up a child by sucking up the figure against their straw. While holding the figure this way, they then run to their respective pail and deposit their figure in the pail. If they drop the figure en route, they must stop and pick up their child again, by getting down on the floor and sucking it up with their straw. After putting their child in the pail, they run back to the starting line, and the next player picks up his child and repeats the process. The first team to save all their children is the winner. Have enough figures so each player gets at least two turns.

    Layered Clothes

    From: Deborah Maraziti

    My Girl Scout troop really liked a game I threw together to teach them about layered clothing. Gather a pile of assorted clothing, including socks, shoes, hats, etc. Divide the clothing "evenly" into piles (i.e. pair of pants in each pile, mittens in each pile, etc). Make sure the clothes are large enough that the outer layers can fit over the other layers. Divide the group into teams. Divide the teams in half and place one half near the pile of clothes, the other about 50 feet away. At a signal, the first member of each team "dresses" in the clothing of the pile and gallops the 50 feet to the other side, "undresses" and another team member puts on the clothes. As long as there are no rocks in the way, this game can be really fun to play (and watch!).