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Scout Library, No. 4
Sir Robert S. S. Baden-Powell
Author of "Scouting for Boys," "Yarns for Boy Scouts,"
"Boy Scouts Beyond the Seas," etc.
Sixth Edition
Table of
The following are a few suggestions
for displays, which are interesting and instructive for both the Scouts
and the onlookers. It is worth a little trouble on the part of Scoutmasters
to provide a display after camp or on some occasion at home to show the
parents of the boys and others interested in Scouting some actual work and
result. It lends additional interest to work in a number of incidental things
connected with camp life, as in the display described below. For instance,
in the camp, before the attack by the Indians, the Scouts were to busy them-
selves with cooking, signalling, and camp games, such as jumping and boxing,
instead of doing nothing. It gives the spectators a good impression of the
activity of a Scouts' camp, besides showing them the kind of things done
in camp. Any Scouts not taking part in the display can be well employed
by " forming fence " round, to keep the space clear; they make a more picturesque
barrier than ropes and posts.
It is not a bad thing to devise
beforehand a display for the last day before breaking up camp, to which
to invite friends and people of the neighborhood. The details of this can
then form the items for instruction and practice during the camp. They will
then be of the highest interest to the boys, and will be the medium of inculcating
discipline at rehearsals, and of giving valuable instruction if the subjects
are well selected.
This, as an example, is
what we arranged for our display on the Hamble River, where we had the
use of the Training Ship Mercury, as well as suitable ground ashore.
The Mercury is at sea,
becalmed in the tropics ; the crew indulge in water sports (swimming races,
walking the greasy pole, riding hobby horses, diving, water polo, life-saving
exhibition). A whale is sighted. Boats away. Whale hunt. Ship on fire.
Fire stations. Ship abandoned. Raft built and towed by boats.
A Red Indian encampment,
teepees, and fires, with a few Indians in charge. Distant singing. Red
Indians in warpaint enter and break off to their fires and tents. Look-out
men posted. Camp sports, marksmanship with bows and arrows or javelins,
bang the bear, cock fighting, etc. Look-out man reports distant ship on
fire. Excitement. Chief calls the braves together into a big circle and
gives an excited address in gibberish. War dance and Ingonyama chorus.
A second look-out man reports enemy coming ashore. Indians strike tents,
retreat into the woods, leaving Scouts and rear-guard to watch and gradually
to retire as enemy approach. Boats and raft effect a landing. Set up tents
and shelters. Light fires, cook food (exhibition of camp cooking of bird
in clay, bread twisted on club, etc., matmaking). Sentries posted. Signalling.
Camp games (boxing, jumping, tug-of-war). Alarm smoke signal by look-out
men. - Camp prepared for defense. Tents dropped. Fires extinguished. Scouts
form in two ranks, front rank kneeling, to receive charge, one party meantime
having gone out and taken cover to ambush the enemy. Enter Red Indians
crawling, till collected in sufficient strength. They then rise and charge
the camp. On coming near the defenders they suddenly find themselves counter-attacked
by the ambuscade on their flank. They at once recognize that they have
been out-scouted. Halt, hands up, making the Scout sign. This is responded
to by the whites. They fraternize. Shake hands. Form up in a great semi-circle
and sing " There's a King in the Land To-day " (from " King of Cadonia
God Save the King.
Patrol of Scouts out on knight
errantry expedition. Halt and sit easy for a rest. Cook tea.
Enter heavily loaded cart,
driver out of temper with the horse which is covered with lather (soap
suds). Scouts go to its relief. Loosen hamerein, give bucket of water,
wipe off sweat, give the horse hay. At the same time give driver tea and
food. He reclines comfortably enjoying it, while horse eats. Then driver
rises, lights pipe with burning stick handed by a Scout from the fire,
and goes on his way, patting the horse. Scouts meantime sprinkle sand
in front of horse to make the road less slippery, and man the wheels and
help the cart off.
The Scouts continue resting
after the cart has gone. Enter woman carrying a baby and dragging a crying
child by the hand. Scouts give her tea. Then one takes the baby in his
arms, another takes the child astride on his back and the mother follows
them, but she goes very feebly. The other Scouts watch her for a bit.
Then two run forward, and making a cross-wrist seat carry her out sitting
between them.
(A lot of whippy brushwood,
a dozen upright stakes, bill hooks, mallet, etc., are required.) Scouts
under Patrol-leader's direction plant a row of 3 foot stakes 18 inches
apart and weave the withies in and out of these to make wattle-hurdles.
Other Scouts with hoe go weeding. Old farmer comes in and sees what he
thinks are boys up to mischief on his ground, tiptoes out again and fetches
whip. Steals quickly up behind the group, but when about to attack he
sees what they are doing. Patrol- leader (in dumb show) explains that
they are hoeing his weeds and mending his fences and chopping firewood
for him. Old farmer (in dumb show) says: " Do you mean, you are doing
all this for me ?" "Yes." He goes off mightily pleased and comes back
with a basket of apples (or other good things) and offers them to the
boys, but the Patrol-leader (again dumb show) thanks him but says they
do not require any reward. The farmer, much surprised, says : " Well,
I'm blowed ! " (in dumb show), and then insists on giving something to
each Scout, which they then grinningly accept and eat. And as he toddles
off again they sing "Be Prepared" chorus to him to show that they are
(For this a rough perambulator
made out of an old box and four small wheels must be prepared beforehand.
These should be packed inside the box at first, as the Scouts have to
put it together, pretending to build it.)
SCOUTS Resting. Enter,
all alone, a little child who has lost her way: as she wanders about the
scouts look at her and one gets up and calls to her and finally goes to
her and leads her in to the others. They make a pet of her, give her food,
and with hammer, etc., set to work to make the perambulator. When it is
finished the distracted mother enters, looking everywhere for her child,
and at last finds her among the Scouts. Great Delight. The Scouts put
the child into perambulator and the mother goes off gratefully waving
to them and dragging the perambulator.
BLIND MAN. Enter a lot
of urchins jeering at a blind man who is feeling the way with his stick.
Boys knock his hat off and kick his stick away. The Scouts run to his
rescue, drive off the boys, and hunt them till they capture them. They
tie each prisoner's wrists together with a neckerchief, push his elbows
well back and pass a staff through both elbows, and behind his back, thus
trussing him. Meanwhile one Scout (or two) help the blind man to find
his hat and stick and then lead him off and put him on his way. Patrol-leader
then acts as if addressing the prisoners. He explains to them about being
Scouts, whose duty it is, instead of bullying people, to help them in
every way. The prisoners then want to become Scouts. They are promptly
unbound. They make the sign and take the oath. The other Scouts all shake
hands with them. Fall in. All march off together singing " Ingonyama."
TIME: 8 p.m. on a Summer Evening.
Two patrols of Scouts represent
explorers in a strange country returning from an expedition, and bringing
treasure down to the coast. They camp for the night, and place box containing
treasure at the back of their tent. Two sentries in overcoats are on guard,
one on either side of the camp. Other Scouts light fire, prepare evening
meal, and finally roll themselves up in their coats and turn in The sentry
on guard at rear of camp notices the bushes move, and goes to investigate.
A Scout, dressed to represent native thief, rises to his feet and confronts
him, raising a spear. As the sentry prepares to defend himself, two more
natives creep up behind him, throwing a thick cloth over his head and
binding his hands and feet. One of the natives puts on sentry's hat and
overcoat and stealthily approaches back of tent, while the other two thieves
take bound sentry into hiding. The first thief reaches tent and extracts
box without being discovered. He is laboriously dragging it towards cover
where his two pals are hiding when the other sentry becomes suspicious
of his movements, an alarm is raised, the Scouts are roused and come running
up, and the thief with the treasure is captured. They also find the gagged
sentry, and bring him into camp and revive him. Meanwhile the other two
thieves have made off across country. The prisoner is bound and a guard
set over him. After a short interval the prisoner asks for water, which
the guard goes to fetch. While he is gone the sentry is overpowered by
the two other thieves, who have crept up again to find out the fate of
their comrade. They set him free, and all three go off.
Almost immediately the
Scouts find what has happened, and a party sets off on the trail of the
thieves. One of the Scouts is seen to fall, evidently shot. A second Scout
signals to camp for assistance, while the rest of the party continue tracking
the thieves. Meanwhile the injured Scout is carried into camp on a stretcher
and his wounds attended to. After an interval the rest of the party return,
bringing back in triumph the three captured thieves securely bound. There
has evidently been a terrific fight, as one of the Scouts has his arm
in a sling, another a bandaged foot, one of the thieves a bandaged head,
but can walk, while a second is unconscious and is carried by one of the
Scouts. The party reach camp, and the victorious Scouts dance their famous
war dance round the captured thieves. The camp is then struck, and the
whole party depart, the thieves under escort.
This little play, which tells
of a dramatic incident in the history of two of Britain's great men, can
be quite easily performed. It is a story that is known world-wide-the finding
of Livingstone, one of the finest "peace Scouts" the country has ever seen,
by H. M. Stanley. This sketch could form an item in a performance by Scouts,
for the benefit of their funds, a small sum for admission being charged.
It can quite easily be acted in a small space, and out of doors.
(Enter savage warriors
escorting their chief, drumming and singing the chant of their tribe.
At the center of the stage they form up round the chief in a semicircle.
Native Scout runs in, R., bows down to the King, and speaks excitedly.)
SCOUT Sir, a white jackal
is within hail. A white man approaches near to thee.
CHIEF Has he with him a
multitude of men ? They tell me white men never come singly. They come
in hordes like locusts, bearing with them noise-making weapons that spit
fire and sting men to death.
SCOUT No, sir; he is alone,
save that he has with him two natives to show the way and to bear his
CHIEF What brings him here
SCOUT I know not, lord;
but he gave me this token as a sign of peace towards you.
(Hands small wooden cross to chief.)
SCOUT (turns and cries).
But see, my lord, he comes without waiting your permission.
(Enter LIVINGSTONE, followed
by two natives carrying bundles of bedding, clothing and food on their
raises his right hand, and cries). Hail, O chief!
CHIEF (aside to his attendants).
So this is a white man who does not kneel or even bow to me; tell him,
one of you, that such is not our custom.
(A native crosses to LIVINGSTONE
and whispers to him, and imitates bowing, etc., to show him what to do.)
LIVINGSTONE (aloud). No,
I bow not to any native man. I salute him to show that my right hand is
not armed, and that I recognize him as a man, but I kneel only to God.
(Walks up to CHIEF and shakes him by the hand.)
Good-day to you; I am glad to meet you and your people.
CHIEF (replies). All hail,
white man.
- have my token there. It means " good-will and peace between us." That
cross has four arms, like the human race, for there are four great divisions
of man-the whites in Europe, the blacks in Africa, the red in America,
and the yellow in Asia; but human beings all of them, forming the four
branches of one great family. The whites are better off than either the
black, the red, or the yellow, because they have the knowledge and the
love of God, which raises them above the rest.
CHIEF But what do you here
all alone, or have you more behind you, that you boldly come thus into
my land and presence ? Know you not that, with one signal to my men, I
could have you killed at any moment ?
LIVINGSTONE What matters
that ? You cannot kill what is within me that is, my soul. My body you
could kill, 'tis true, but my soul you cannot touch-it goes back to God
above, who lent it to this body while on the earth. You will not kill
me, for I have come to do you good-to tell you that you, too, have got
a soul.
CHIEF What, one like yours
that will not die, although I die ? I wish I had. Can you perhaps bestow
one on me ?
has done that long ago. It only needs that you should develop it by working
well for God.
CHIEF Good sir, this seems
a wondrous matter that you show to me. Sit down and rest you here many
days, and teach me all this thing. On slaves! (Natives run forward.) Fetch
hither food for this good man, and clean a hut and place his goods within.
Feed, too, his men and let them rest.
(Natives spread blankets
on The ground. CHIEF sits in the center, LIVINGSTONE near and hall facing
him. Natives squat all round.)
CHIEF Now tell me more
of whence you came and why you came, and whither you go from hence.
ordinary man, and years ago, when but a little boy, I worked at spinning
cotton in a great big mill in Scotland, far away across the seas. But
in the long, dark evenings after work I loved to read from books, which
you poor natives do not understand as yet, and in these books were told
me all the wonders of the plants and flowers, the birds and beasts, and
foreign lands, that made me want to wander. So I came across the seas
a long voyage in a ship, on which I learnt about the stars, and what their
places are up in the heavens. Then, when I reached this land, I wandered
across the deserts and forests of the South. I saw its mountains and its
vales, its running rivers, and the mighty falls of water called " the
Smoke that Sounds (native name for the Victoria Falls). Then, as I roamed
across the land, I saw the plants and beasts which I had read about. (Laughs.)
Too close I saw the beasts, for one-a lion-once caught me and .near mauled
me to the death. See here his marks upon my arm. But, like all Scouts,
I had learnt well the art of curing wounds, and so I made a cure by cooking
leaves and making thus some bandages.
CHIEF What, canst thou
also cure the sick and wounded?
CHIEF (to attendants).
Then bring me quick my injured son, Lompolo.
LIVINGSTONE (continuing).
And everywhere across the land I found men like yourselves, kind-hearted
and willing to receive me, and I seldom departed without leaving them
more peaceful and more happy for the thought that they had souls within
them that would never die, but only live according to the good they did,
as I will shortly show to you ; but here comes your son.
(Enter LOMPOLO, being supported.
He has a bad wound on his arm. He sinks down, and Livingstone takes off
covering, puts on fresh medicine, and bandages him, talking all the time.)
the right dressing; I Will give you better. There, that will do you good'
(and so on).
(While he is busy with
the patient a noise is heard without. A native runs in and kneels to the
NATIVE Oh, chief, another
white man comes, with hordes of native men armed with spears and guns.
They threaten that if you will not come forth to meet them they will do
us harm such as we shall not easily forget.
(Enter STANLEY. About to
go up to the CHIEF, but sees LIVINGSTONE, at work on LOMPOLO. Stops short,
strides up to LIVINGSTONE, takes off cap, and says- )
STANLEY Dr. Livingstone,
I presume.
(LIVINGSTONE rises, stares
for a moment, and then shakes hands with him.)
STANLEY To think we have
met at last. For months have I been seeking you, hoping and fearing alternately-for
it seemed as though I should never find you. You moved with so small an
escort that it is difficult to trace your journeys.
LIVINGSTONE I am glad to
meet you. You are the first white Man I have seen for months. At the same
time I do not know why you should wish to find me; but if there is aught
you wish me to do-why, let me do it to the best of my ability.
STANLEY perhaps you do
not know that all your countrymen are hanging on your fate, and want you
safely home, and I have been sent to find you and bring you back to your
home and native land.
it they want of me? I do not see how my help can be of use to them, when
it is of use here. What is it they want of me ?
STANLEY Naught but to see
you back again. You have been lost to them for years. They know your work,
they love you for it, and would even see you home again.
one home, and that is
STANLEY No, but I have
been sent to bring you forth from this-to bring you back to Scotland and
your own people once more.
LIVINGSTONE I fail to understand
it. You, too, whom I have never known before, Who are you ?
STANLEY I am a Celt, like
yourself; for you are a Scotsman. I was born in Wales. My name was Rowlands,
but I went to sea, and as a cabin boy I reached America, and there, from
office stool, I worked my way up till my employer took me as his son and
gave his name to me-Stanley. I took to literary work, became a journalist,
and as such have been sent to view this country and to search for you.
I have been searching for you for this many months, until at last I began
to fear that you were a "Will-o'-the-Wisp" who never would be found.
LIVINGSTONE Well, now you
have found me, go you back to those who sent you, tell them I am well
and happy, but am busy here.
STANLEY (astonished). But
will you not come back home with me ?
where my work is-my work is here, so here is my home.
STANLEY And is that all
you have to say ?
LIVINGSTONE Yes, that is
all. If you will eat and rest I shall be glad. If you will not, then all
I can say is farewell. I must go to work upon this injured boy.
(He turns and goes back
to LOMPOLO, after shaking hands with STANLEY. STANLEY wheels about and
departs. The sick boy is raised by the natives and carried out, attended
by LIVINGSTONE and followed by the Chief.)
(Best performed in the open
air and in dumb show.)
A party of prospectors
have been out into the wild country in South Africa, and have found a
magnificent diamond. They are now making their way back to civilization
with it. Horse-sickness has killed off their horses, and so they are doing
their journey on foot, carrying their blankets, food, and cooking-pots.
As the heat of the day
comes on they camp for a time, meaning to push on again at night. They
rig up blanket tents and light fires and cook their food, weave mattresses,
sing songs of home, play cards, etc. The diamond is taken out of the sardine
tin in which it is kept for all to look at and admire. It is then put
carefully back. The box is placed out in the open where it can be seen,
and one man is told off as sentry to guard it. The remainder have their
food, and then gradually lie down to sleep.
When the camp is all still
the sentry gets tired of standing, and presently sits down and begins
to nod. While he is dozing the diamond thief sneaks into sight, creeps
near to the camp, and crouches, watching the sleeping man; when the sentry
wakes up for a moment with a start the thief crouches flat. Eventually
the sentry reclines and goes to sleep. Inch by inch the chief creeps up,
till he stealthily removes the sentry's gun (or pistol) out of his reach
; then he swiftly glides up to the diamond box, seizes it, and steals
quietly away without being discovered, dodges about, walks backwards,
and wipes out his tracks as he goes in order to confuse pursuers.
The leader wakes with a
yawn, and, looking round, starts when he sees there is no sentry standing
about. He springs up, rushes to the sleeping sentry, shakes him up, and
asks him where is the diamond. Sentry wakes up confused and scared. Remainder
wake and crowd angrily -together, threatening and questioning the sentry.
Then one suddenly sees the footprints of the thief ; he follows in jerks
of a few paces along the trail ; the rest follow and help to pick it up,
first one and then another finding it, till they go off the scene. The
leader is about to follow them when he stops and waves them onward, and
then turns back to the sentry, who is standing stupefied. He hands him
a pistol, and hints to him that, having ruined his friends by his faithlessness,
he may as well shoot himself. The leader then turns to follow the rest,
looking about for them. A shout is heard in the distance just as the guilty
sentry is putting the pistol to his head. The leader stops him from shooting
himself, and both stand listening to shouts in the distance.
Remainder of the men return,
bringing in with them the thief and the diamond all safe. They then sit
round in a semi-circle, the leader on a mound or box in the center, with
the diamond in front of him. The thief, standing with arms bound, is tried
and condemned to be shot. He goes away a few paces and sits down with
his back to the rest and thinks over his past life. They try the sentry,
and condemn him as a punishment for his carelessness to shoot the thief.
All get up. They start to dig a grave. When ready the thief is made to
stand up, his eyes are bound. The sentry takes a pistol and shoots him.
Remainder then bring a blanket and lift the dead man into it and carry
him to the grave-to the opposite side from the audience, so that every
one can see the "body" lowered into the grave. They then withdraw the
blanket, fill in the grave, and trample the earth down. All shake hands
with the sentry to show that they forgive him. Finally they pack up camp
and continue their journey with the diamond. Or another alternative is
to hang the thief on a tree and to leave him hanging.
At the foot of the tree
which is to form the gallows dig a small trench beforehand; carefully
conceal it with grass, etc., and hide in it a dummy figure made to look
as much as possible like the Scout who is to be hanged. When the prisoner
is taken to execution, make him lie down to be pinioned close to this
trench. .,While the scouts are busy round him in binding him and putting
on the noose, they of course substitute the dummy for the real boy, who
then slides into the ditch and hides there.
N.B.-The grave is managed
thus. A hole must be previously prepared near to the edge of the arena.
Then a tunnel is made by which the " corpse " can creep out of the grave
and get away underground. This is done by digging a trench and roofing
it with boards or hurdles and covering it over with earth and turf again,
so that the audience will not notice it. The grave, too, Is made in the
same way, but shallower and partly filled up with sods ; the diggers remove
the top earth, then, hidden by the rest crowding round, they remove the
board and pile up the sods on the surface. As soon as the " corpse " is
lowered into the grave he creeps away down the tunnel, and so goes off
the scene. The diggers throw in some earth, jump down and trample it,
then pile up the sods on top till they make a nice-looking grave. The
whole thing wants careful rehearsing beforehand, but is most effective
when well done, especially if accompanied by sympathetic music. It is
a good display for an open-air show to attract a crowd when raising funds
for your troop.
Scene I. - Tableau of boys
playing cricket.
There's a breathless hush
in the close to-night
Ten to make and the match
to win
A bumping pitch and a blinding
An hour to play, and the
last man in.
And it's not for the sake
of a ribboned coat.
Or the selfish hope of
a season's fame,
But his captain's hand
on his shoulder smote
[Action : The captain steps
up to the batsman, puts his hand on his shoulder, and says to him urgently-]
"Play up! Play up ! And
play the game !"
Scene II. - Tableau. Soldiers
in a hard-fought fight retreating-a young officer among them.
The sand of the desert
is sodden red-
Red with the wreck of the
square that broke
The gatling's jammed and
the colonel dead,
And the regiment blind
with dust and smoke.
The river of death has
brimmed its banks,
And England's far and Honor
a name,
But the voice of a schoolboy
rallies the ranks-
[Action : The young officer
stands forward, pointing his sword to the enemy, and the retreating soldiers
turn ready to charge with him as he cries-]
"Play up ! Play up ! And
play the game !"
Scene III. - A procession
of all kinds of men, old ones at the head, middle-aged in center, young
ones behind-soldiers, sailors, lawyers, workmen, footballers, etc., etc.-Scotch,
Irish, English, Colonial-all linked hand in hand.
This is the word that year by year,
While in her place the school is set,
Every one of her sons must hear,
And none that hears it dare forget.
This they all with joyful mind
And Bear through life Eke a torch in flame,br> falling fling to the host
[Action: The leader flings out a Union Jack and calls to the rest-]
"Play up! Play up! And play the game !"
[One in the center then calls back to the juniors:]
"Play up! Play up! And play the game!"
[The smallest of the juniors steps forward and cries to the audience]
[Scene, ruined drawbridge at
Kashmir Gate. Groups of officers and soldiers about to blow in the gate.
Description to be read during the picture.]
Lord Roberts, in Forty-one
Years in India, describes how the Kashmir Gate of Delhi was captured by
the British troops during the Mutiny. Lieutenants Home and Salkeld, with
eight sappers and a bugler of the 52nd Regiment, went forward to blow
the gate open for the column to get into Delhi. The enemy were apparently
so astounded at the audacity of this proceeding that for a minute or two
they offered but slight resistance. They soon, however, discovered how
small the party was and the object for which it had come, and forthwith
opened a deadly fire upon the gallant little band from the top of the
gateway, from the city wall, and through the open wicket.
The bridge over the ditch
in front of the gateway had been destroyed, and it was with some difficulty
that the single beam which remained could be crossed. Home, with the men
carrying the powder bags, got over first. As the bags were being attached
to the gate Sergeant Carmichael was killed, and Havildar (native Sergeant)
Madhoo wounded. The rest then slipped into the ditch to allow the firing
party, which had come up under Salkeld, to carry out its share of the
duty. While endeavoring to fire the charge Salkeld was shot through the
leg and arm, and handed the slow match to Corporal Burgess. Burgess succeeded
in his task, but fell mortally wounded as he did so. As soon as the explosion
took place, Bugler Hawthorne sounded the regimental call of the 52nd as
a signal to the attacking column to advance. In this way the troops got
in through the Kashmir Gate, and Delhi was taken. Lieutenant Home was
unfortunately killed within a few weeks by an accidental explosion of
a mine he was firing, otherwise he would have received the V.C.
[ The South African Constabulary
was a corps of 10,000 mounted men which I raised in South Africa during
the Boer War to act as Police throughout the Transvaal, Orange River Colony
and Swaziland. The men were of a splendid type and their fearless devotion
to their duty gained them a great name among both Boer and British and native
tribes as well. Just as the Boy Scout uniform is copied from that of the
S.A.C., so also the Boy Scouts can well copy the example of the pluck and
efficiency of the men of that corps. The following scene is founded upon
an incident which actually occurred of an arrest of a Chief by a trooper
single handed. ]
SCENE: A Native Kraal or
village of beehive straw huts at the back. A lot of native warriors strolling
or sitting about. The Chief, a fine big savage in war paint, enters at
right with one or two Indians or headmen. Warriors all spring together
to salute him, right hand held aloft, and all shout " Bayate." The Chief
then compares himself with a lion and the whites with jackals, and announces
that some of the tribe have captured a party of whites, and he calls them
forward. Enter more savages at right, leading white prisoners, two or
three men, women and children. The men wounded and bloodstained. They
huddle at R.C. (right center) back of stage. Warriors yell excitedly,
pick up their assagais, dance war dance round prisoners, and then rush
to kill them, but are stopped by the Chief at L.C. (left center) shouting:
" Stay-kill them not. Not yet. I have a better use for them than that,"
and explains that he will invite the Government at Pretoria to ransom
them with gold. When the gold is received he will release them, that his
men may then kill them. Warriors shout in acclamation, crowd round the
Chief (at left center) and bow down to him, kissing his feet or the ground
he walks on. In the midst of the hubbub a South African Constabulary trooper
appears (at right), dismounts and stands. Warriors cringe away at left
behind their Chief, staring at the trooper angrily.
TROOPER: "How now, dogs,
what is this" ( He walks towards the Chief and says: ) "Chief Sikomo,
I am a messenger of the Great White King."
Warriors shift back (at
left) a pace or two, leaving the Chief standing alone (at left center).
The Trooper suddenly draws two pistols and puts one to the head of the
Chief and with the other covers the warriors. To them he says,
TROOPER: "Your Chief is
a dead man if you move a finger to his rescue. As for you, Warriors, turn
about: if any man shows his face this way it will bring a bullet to his
heart. Now each man drop his weapons, (they do so) and now walk."
(Warriors turn facing away
from the trooper.)
TROOPER: (to the white
prisoners). " Now, good people, get you on your road again. You are safe."
They hurry off (at right).
TROOPER: " Now, Warriors,
your Chief goes with me or he falls dead here."
(To the CHIEF). "It will be well for you to come in peace with me. I am
going to bring you in, alive or dead. I don't much care which-that rests
with you. So Warriors, to your Kraals else Sikomo dies. "
(WARRIORS exit at left.)
To Sikomo : )
TROOPER: Now, will you
go ?
Sikomo half turns to call
his warriors, but trooper threatens with pistol. The Chief with a gesture
of despair turns and moves off (at right) followed by the trooper with
pistol, and looking back to guard against an attack by the warriors.
SCENE: In the jungle, Virginia,
in 1607.
ENTER: A band of Red Indians,
scooting. The leading scout suddenly signals to the others to halt and
hide, and remains himself keenly looking ahead. The PATROL LEADER creeps
nearer to him, and they speak in a loud whisper.
EAGLE'S WING (Patrol Leader).
Ho, Silver Fox, What dost thou see?
SILVER FOX (the leading
Scout). My leader, I saw but just now a strange figure ahead-but for the
moment I see it not. There was an Indian, one of the hated Assock tribe,
and close by him was a being who looked like a man yet not a man. He wore
no feathers, no war paint. But his body was all hidden in skins or cloths,
and his head was covered with a huge kind of protector. He had, it is
true, two arms and legs, but his face was of a horrible color-not bronze
like ours, but an awful white, like that of a dead man, and half covered
with a bush of hair.
EAGLE'S WING It must be
either a medicine man or devil.
SILVER FOX (still gazing
ahead). Look there, he moves !
forward and crouches near SILVER Fox.)
Close to yonder birch tree.
What is it he carries ? A heavy shining staff of iron. See, he is pointing
at those ducks with it. Ah !
(Report of gun in the distance.)
EAGLE'S WING Scouts I There
is the devil before us. He spits fire and smoke from an iron staff.
SILVER FOX Aye, and see
how the birds fall dead before hint.
EAGLE'S WING Yes, he is
a very devil. What a prize for us if we can kill him and take his scalp.
SCOUTS Nay, nay. He is
a devil. He will kill us !
SILVER FOX Yes, that is
true. There is a saying, "Let dogs that sleep lie sleeping, then they
harm you not. Let us leave this devil so he harm us not.
SCOUTS Aye, aye.
EAGLE'S WING Scouts, What
woman's talk is this? Are ye no longer scouts and warriors when ye see
a foe ? The worse the foe the greater the glory of defeating him. Are
four Sioux scouts afraid of one, even though he be the devil himself ?
Begone to your lodges, but never call yourselves warriors more. Ye be
dogs I Ours but to harbor such thoughts. For me I am going to have that
scalp - devil or no devil, I am going to have that scalp !
SILVER FOX Pardon, my leader
I am no cur. Any man I will fight, but a witch or the devil is more than
I had thought on. But if you mean to face him, why, then, so do I.
SCOUTS Ay, and so do all
of us.
EAGLE'S WING 'Tis well,
my Scouts. But soft, he is coming this way. What luck! Better than scalping
him, we will catch him alive, and present him living to our King. Hide.
Hide yourselves. Lie close around his path, and, when I give the call,
then rush upon him and secure him.
(All hide, R.)
L., accompanied by Indian guide, who is tied to SMITH'S left arm by his
wrist by means of a garter - colored tape.)
SMITH How now, my untruthful
friend ? You have just told me that there are no Indians in this part
of the country, and here are footmarks of several quite fresh, and see
where the grass quite newly trod down is still giving out juice. They
must be quite close by. Lucky that I have thee tied to me, else could
you run away and leave me guideless; but whatever befalls us now we share
the risks together. How like you that, my red cock-sparrow ?
(An arrow whizzes past.)
Ha! They're not far off.
Behold, they come, but they'll find one Briton is stouter stuff than the
foes that they're accustomed to.
(The Red Indians are heard
shouting their war cries without. Arrows fly past. John SMITH fires, loads,
and fires again, talking all the time, while his native guide crouches
back alarmed.)
SMITH (laughing). Ha! ha
! They like not my rifle- fire. They run, the dogs I Another bites the
dust. (Patting his rifle.) Well done, thou trusty Bess-thou art a good
lass, There! Have at them again. (Fires.) Good; another falls I But now
they rally and come on again - their leader gives them heart. Well, and
we will give them lead.
(Fires again. To his guide,
who is very frightened.)
Cheer up. Gadzooks, but
I like their leader-that last ball struck him, still he fainteth not.
He leads them on again. By my head! but we shall yet have a decent fight
of it. Aid me, St. George, and let me show what stuff an Englishman is
made of.
(As he presses forward
the guide in his fear slips down and accidentally drags SMITH down with
How now-fool You have undone
(Indians rush in from all
sides, spring on to SMITH, and after a severe struggle capture him and
bind his arms behind his back. He stands panting and smiling. The Indians
stand back on either side while EAGLE'S WING - with one arm bleeding-addresses
EAGLE'S WING So, devil,
we have thee caught at last. Four good warriors hast thou sent to their
happy hunting-grounds, but our turn has come and we have thee fast-a prize
for kings-and for our King.
SMITH Well, 'twas a good
fight, and you deserve to win for facing rifle-fire, which you had never
seen before. I should like to shake you by the hand had I a hand free
to do it with. But by St. George, had it not been for this white-livered
knave who dragged me down, there would have been more of you to join your
hunting-party down below. But who is this who comes ?
(Scouts' chorus heard,
without, "Ingonyama," etc. Scouts all raise their hands and join in the
chorus, looking off to R.)
R., with his chiefs and warriors.)
KING How now! Eagle's Wing,
what have you here ?
EAGLE'S WING My lord, we
have just fought and foiled a very devil. We killed him not in order that
you, our liege, might have him to see and question and to kill yourself.
(Brings gun.) He used the lightning and the thunder of Heaven with this
engine, so that he killeth those he hateth. Four of us he yonder stricken
dead therewith. He is a very devil.
KING (to SMITH.) SO What
be you ? Devil or witch or Indian painted white What do you here ?
SMITH Hail, King ! I am
no witch nor devil-nothing but a man-an Englishman, which is something
more than a mere man. I came across the seas. Five moons it took me; so
far away my country is. But here I am, and where I am there follow others.
And we come to tell you of a greater King, than thou. Our King who is
now to be your king also.
KING (very angry). What
! a greater King than I ? Knave, how dare you, whether devil or no-how
dare thou speak like this ? Aye, I have heard of these white folk. Art
not afraid ?
SMITH Nay. I have faced
the seas and storms, the anger of the elements, beside which the rage
of men is very small. (Laughing.) Forget not-I am an Englishman-an Englishman
knows not fear.
KING Ho! Say you so ? We'll
soon put that beyond all question by a proof.
(Draws dagger, rushes on
SMITH with a yell, as if to stab him, and stops the knife only as it touches
SMITH's breast. SMITH does not flinch.)
Ah !
SMITH A joke was it. (Laughs.)
By St. George, I thought you meant to kill me.
(the KING'S DAUGHTER. R. Aside.)
POCAHONTAS What is this
strange being ? A man, yet not a red man. He has a noble look. Alas! that
he should fall into my father's power, for he will surely slay him.
KING (to SMITH). And thou
wert, not afraid ?
SMITH Nay. Why should I
be ? I have long ago thought out how to meet my fate. Death and I have
looked at each other face to face before now, and death has a kindly smile
for any one who has never willfully done ill to a fellow creature ; to
such an one he is no longer a dreaded demon, but a kindly host.
KING Well! he'll have a
guest before long now; for since you say he is a friend of yours it proves
that you are, as my people first told me, some kind of witch or devil
yourself. Therefore, it will be well for the land that we do slay thee.
Besides, I have not seen a man's red blood for many days, and I am tired
of the blood of the Assocks.
(POCAHONTAS shrinks down,
holding her ears.)
I shall dearly like to
see bow looks the blood of a white half-man half-devil. But first I want
to see him cower, and squeal for mercy; for therein lies the joy of killing.
(Calls to his Warriors.)
Ho ! there I Stretch out this devil on the ground, and let him learn that
death is not the joy he thinks it is.
(They drag SMITH down,
and lay him on his back on the ground, c. One holds his feet, but the
rest, finding that he does not struggle, stand back ; two prepare to use
their battle-axes on him, while the rest dance weird dances, singing Ingonyama
chorus round him. The executioners make false blows at his head-but he
never flinches.)
POCAHONTAS (kneeling beside
the KING, R.), Oh ! King-I have not often asked for gifts from you-and
now I pray you, on my bended knee, to grant me this request. I have no
slave to guard me when I walk abroad. It is not seemly that I take a young
brave of our tribe, and the old ones are so very old and slow. Now here
is a slave of whom one may be proud-one strange to see yet strong and
great and brave. Ah I give him to thy child instead of unto death.
KING Nay I nay I my child.
If you like not the scene, withdraw, for he shall die. 'Tis sport for
me to see how long he lasts before he cries for mercy. And when he does
he dies. (To WARRIORS.) Now stand him up, and try some new device to make
him quail.
(POCAHONTAS shrinks back.
They raise SMITH, and he strands boldly lacing them.)
KING Death now comes to
thee, and thou hast no chance of escaping him. Art thou not now afraid
of him ?
SMITH Nay. Why should I
be? We men are born not for ourselves but as a help to others ; and if
we act thus loyally we know our God will have us in His care both now
and after death.
KING But after death you're
dead ?
SMITH Not so. A Christian
lives again.
KING (to SMITH.) Well now
your hour has come. I know not what has brought you to this land, but
you shall know that witch or no, your spell can have no power on me; and
you will die, and I shall smile to see you die.
SMITH What brought me here
was duty to my King and God and countrymen; to spread his powerful sway
over all the earth, that you and yours may know of God, that trade may
spread to carry peace and wealth through- out the world. If you accept
these views all will be well; if you accept them not then do your worst,
but use your haste; our mission is to clean the world I Kill me, but that
will not avail, for where I fail a thousand more will come. Know this,
O Savage King, a Briton's word is trusted over all the world ; his first
care is for others-not himself; he sticks to friend through thick and
thin ; he's loyal to his King. And though you threat with death or pains,
he'll do his duty to the end.
KING (springs angrily forward).
I'll hear no more. You offer terms to me, the King ! Down, dog, upon your
knees, and meet the death you feign to smile at.
(To WARRIORS.) Strike,
strike, and smash this vermin from my path.
has been cowering in the back- ground, runs forward and places herself
close in front of CAPT. JOHN SMITH, so as to protect him from the WARRIORS,
who are preparing, R. and BACK, to rush at him with their spears and axes.)
POCAHONTAS Hold ! Warriors
-I am your Princess, and to get at him you have to kill me first. (To
KING.) O King-I call you no more Father." O King, your rule has been a
time of blood and murder. I was too young to think before, but now I know
that all your works are cruel, bad, not just.
(WARRIORS lower their weapons,
and whisper among themselves, as if saying: " Yes. She's quite right.")
And I have been obedient
as your child till now. But now my eyes are opened, and I see that as
King you are neither just nor kind towards your tribe or other men. To
bring it home to you, I swear that if you slay this man you also slay
your daughter! For I'll not leave him thus to die alone. (To WARRIORS.)
Now, braves, come on and do your work. (They hang back.) How now-you never
feared an enemy, so why fear me ?
EAGLE'S WING (bowing).
Nay, sweet Princess, it may not be. We care not what of men we kill in
fighting for our land, but this we cannot do to raise a hand against a
woman, and she our own Princess.
KING (furious). How now
I What talk is this ? Ye speak as though you had no King and no commands.
Slay on strike true, and spare not man nor maid, for she no longer is
a child of mine.
(Braves still hesitate.)
Ye will not ? Dogs, wouldst
have me do it for myself? I will, and, what is more, I'll slay you, Eagle's
Wing, for this, and you too
(Enter a warrior SCOUT,
L., who rushes up to the KING and kneels while shots are heard outside.)
SCOUT O King ! There be
more white devils over there. They're pressing on, and none can stand
against them.
firm, and kill these devils as they come. To every brave who takes a white
man's scalp I'll give the noblest feather for his head. Stand firm! Bend
well your bows.
(While the KING and WARRIORS
are looking Off L. towards the fight, POCAHONTAS takes SMITH R., draws
a dagger and Cuts JOHN SMITH's arms loose. He shakes hands with her. Taking
the dagger, he rushes to the KING, and seizing his hair with one hand,
and threatening him with the dagger with the other, he leads him C.)
SMITH Now yield thee, King,
as prisoner, or I will send thee quick to other hunting-grounds. (To WARRIORS,
who rush forward to rescue the KING.) Nay, stand you there: another step,
and lo, your King will die. (A pause. All stand quite still.) I will not
harm if he lists to me.
(Leads KING to front, C.,
and then lets go his hold of him. WARRIORS remain at back. Distant noise
of fighting, cries and shots heard all the time. WARRIORS keep looking
off to see how the fight is going on.)
(SMITH standing L., facing
SMITH If you would live
in peace, your only way is now to join with us. Our God is stronger than
your idols, and our King is king of many tribes far greater and more powerful
than your own. But if you join with us your wicked ways must cease ; no
more to kill your people for no crime, no more to steal their goods or
beasts, no more to make them slaves against their will. Beneath the British
flag all men are free.
(WARRIORS whisper among
themselves. SMITH turns to them.)
What say you ? Will you
join and serve our King, and live in peace, or will you go on being slaves
of cruel chiefs, to live a life of fear and poverty
EAGLE'S WING Nay. We should
like to join you well, but we have always been faithful to our King, and
what he says, why that is what we'll do.
SMITH You're right in being
faithful to your King. Now, King, what say you ? Will you join our mighty
King with all your braves, or will you face his power and be destroyed
KING (sullenly). You talk
as though you were a king yourself and conqueror, instead of but a prisoner
in my hands. You must be mad or very brave, since I could kill thee at
one stroke.
SMITH Well, mad or brave,
it matters not; but there are others just as mad or brave out there, who
even now (points O.# L.) are pressing back your men; and were your men
to kill off all of us, a thousand more will come for each one killed,
and in the end you too would meet your fate. Know this, that Britain,
once she puts her hand to the plough for doing noble work, does not withdraw,
but presses on till peace and justice are set up, and cruel wrongs redressed.
You would yourself remain as King among your people, but beneath the friendly
wing of Britain's world-wide power.
braves! I never asked your will before; but ye have heard what this brave
man has said. What think ye ? Should we yield or fight this white man's
power ?
EAGLE'S WING My King, we
all say "yield," and join this mighty power, whereby we shall ourselves
be strong.
POCAHONTAS (kneeling to
KING, R.). Once more I call thee father, and I pray, for all the wives
and children of our tribe, that you will take this noble man's advice,
and bring true peace at last into our land.
(Kisses KING'S hands and
remains kneeling while he speaks.)
KING 'Tis well. Fair sir,
we yield; and on our oath we swear allegiance to your King for aye and
ever, weal or woe. We will be true.
(holding up right Hand
in Scouts' sign).
WARRIORS (holding up right
hand in Scouts' salute). We will be true.
SMITH (taking St. George's
flag from under his coat, and tying it on to a Scout's staff, holds it
Behold your flag, the flag
of St. George and Merry England !
(WARRIORS salute and sing
Ingonyama Chorus. Band plays " Rule Britannia ------ CURTAIN.)
Band or tape round head,
with plait of hair over ear, and four goose feathers with black tips.
Naked body colored red brick dust color.
Trousers: light-colored
if possible, with strips of colored rag and goose feathers stitched all
down the outside seam of the leg. Bare feet. Bow and arrows and staff.
Like warriors, but with
red blanket or shawl over one shoulder, and headdress made of linen band
with goose feathers, some upright in it and continued down the back.
Headdress band of linen,
with three upright goose feathers and two drooping on each side ; also
a plait of hair over each shoulder. Brass curtain-rings tied with thread
round each ear as earrings. Necklace of beads, also bracelets. A skirt.
Colored short petticoat under it. Bare feet.
Big hat with pheasant's
tail feathers. Beard and moustache and long hair of tow or crepe hair.
Could all be stitched to hat if desired. Steel gorget or wide, soft linen
collar ; long 'brown r yellow coat, with big belt. Bagging knickerbockers.
Stockings. Shoes with big buckles. Old-fashioned flint-lock gun.
Strips of brown paper,
I ft. to I 1/2 ft. wide, and 2 ft. to 3 ft. wide at the bottom will represent
trees if stuck up on the back wall, and marked with charcoal and chalk
to represent rough bark.
A farmer's man is discovered
at work hoeing up field, and with him a small boy, who plays about, with
loosely tied-on boot. Enter a patrol of Scouts, who ask if they can camp
in the farmer's field. The man assents, and the patrol rig up their shelter
and light fire and place billies round, and then march off leaving one of
their number, a tenderfoot, in charge. The latter straightway goes to sleep.
Two tramps now make their
way on the scene, Weary Willie and Tired Tim, and commence to beg from
the man, who gives them a coin. They, however, want more, and threaten
him, till he runs away. They notice the child and resolve to take him
with them, and throwing a coat over his head, steal away with him. He,
in the struggle, kicks off his boot, which is left on the ground. They
Enter red-faced farmer,
who gets excited when he sees Scouts' tent and fire, and he yells for
his man and demands explanations. Now enter patrol of Scouts, marching.
Farmer goes up and abuses the Patrol-leader, and orders them to take themselves
off, threatening to use his whip. The leader explains that the man had
given permission, etc. Farmer roars out for " Garge."
" Garge " enters with white
face and in terror, wringing his hands, and explains that the farmer's
little son is missing, and he expects the tramps have taken him. Thereupon
Patrol-leader steps up and offers to find and bring him back if the farmer
wishes. He agrees, and they depart, farmer and man with them. They find
as they go the shoe. This gives them the trail, and they disappear in
the tramps' direction. (Bushes or trees will make this possible.)
Tramps enter with boy,
sit down for meal, thrash the child, and then go to sleep. A Scout appears,
discovers them, and goes back to report. The patrol works up to the tramps,
surrounds them, and struggle ensues, the tramps being captured and led
away prisoners, and the child placed on improvised stretcher and carried
home, to farmer, who profusely thanks and wishes to reward them; but this
is refused by leader, who says they will be more than satisfied if the
farmer will permit them to use his (field for their camp, etc., and so
Scouts sitting at ease.
Enter a runaway horse and cart 'the driver should be lying out of sight
in the bottom of the cart, with opening made in the front of cart for
reins to go through and for him to see out. A rope trailing from horse's
bridle). Two Scouts rush out; one grasps the trailing rope and runs, hauling
on it ; the other gets on to back of cart, climbs in and gets hold of
the reins. Between them they stop the horse. They find the insensible
driver in the cart ; Scouts lift him down and lay him on the ground ;
one makes a pillow with coat to raise his head ; the other points out
that his face is pale, he has fainted, therefore don't use a pillow -lower
his head, press his eyebrows, and so bring him round. Help him into cart,
one drives his horse, the other supporting him.
Scouts sitting at ease.
Enter two villainous-looking ruffians who are evidently loitering about
on the lookout for a victim to rob. The Scouts hide themselves and watch.
Enter an old gentleman, well-to-do, smoking, twirling his stick. One villain
walks humbly up to him asking him (in dumb show) to help him as he is
out of work. The old gentleman listens to his story, but while be does
so the second villain is sneaking round behind him with an empty sack
in his hand ; he creeps nearer and nearer, and suddenly rushes and pulls
the sack over the old gentle- man's head, while the other goes for his
watch. But the Scouts rush in and springing on to the thieves throw them
down, overpower them, and truss them with staves through their elbows
and wrists tied with neckerchiefs.
Meantime one Scout has
run (or biked) off for the police, who promptly arrive on the scene-take
notes and march off the two villains. Old gentleman offers money from
his purse which Patrol-leader refuses. He then gives cheque for the patrol,
shakes hands, and walks off very happy amid the cheers of the Scouts.
While Scouts are sitting
at ease they notice a bad smell of gas, jump up, hold noses, etc. Enter
men one after another, staggering along, becoming overcome by gas, and
falling insensible. Scouts tie handkerchiefs over mouth and nose ; go
on all fours to the men ; tie ropes round their waists and heels and then
in a bowline round about their own necks, and drag them out feet first-first
laying out the men's coat tails under their heads to prevent them scraping
along the ground.
---------------------- THE
END ----------------------