Leader Skits

     I was going to call this Adult Skits, but thought that might have the wrong connotation. No, these are skits that are basically silly, but are best done by the leaders, or to leaders, rather than the Scouts. Please send me your favorite skits for leaders and I'll include them here.

Table of Contents

The Would-be Den Leader

My wife and I did this at a Pack meeting. Between things on the agenda I popped up out of my chair, ran up to the front where she was speaking and, acting like a real dweeb, said...

"Ms. Den Leader Coach. Oh, Ms. Den Leader Coach."

"Yes, what do you want?"

"I wanna be a Den Leader, I wanna be a Den Leader. What do I have to do to be a Den Leader?" Ham this up a lot. Be bouncy and enthusiastic.

"Well....OK, so you want to be a Den Leader." Hesitantly.

"Yea, Yea!! I wanna be a Den Leader, I wanna be a Den Leader. What do I have to do to be a Den Leader?" Ham this up. Turn and nod to the audience.

"Well...OK. But you first have to answer three questions in order to be a Den Leader."

"OK, OK. What are the questions? What are the questions?" With great enthusiasm.

"OK, here is the first question. Are you ready?"

"Yea, yea. What is it?"

"Here we go. How many days of the week begin with the letter 'T'?"

At this point the prospective Den Leader begins to mumble, might say a thing or two to the audience, particularly if there are Scouts in the front row, counts on his fingers, then says... "I have it, I have it!!"

"OK, so how many days of the week begin with the letter 'T'?"

"Well, lets see. There's 'Today' (pausing) and 'Tomorrow'. How's that, huh, huh?"

"Well, thats certainly a different answer but I guess that IS correct."

"What's the next question, whats the next question?"

"OK, here's the next question. How many seconds are there in a year?"

"Oooh, that's a real tough one. Let me think." At this point, the dweeb really ponders this, counts on fingers, mumbles, maybe says something to the audience, and counts on his fingers some more, then says... "I have it, I have it!!"

"OK, so how many seconds are there in a year?"


"Twelve? How did you arrive at that number?"

"It's easy." Starts counting out on his fingers, "Theres January Second, February Second, March Second. See, twelve!"

"Arrrrgh! Well, once again you have a pretty creative answer and we certainly need creativity in our Den Leaders."

"So whats the third question, whats the third question?" "OK, here it is. How may 'D's are there in the song, 'Rudolf, the Red Nosed Reindeer'?"

"Oooh, that's the toughest one yet. Let me think." At this point, the dweeb really ponders this, counts on fingers, scratches figures in the air, mumbles, maybe says something to the audience, and counts on his fingers some more, then says... "I have it, I have it!!"

"So, how may 'D's are there in the song, 'Rudolf, the Red Nosed Reindeer'?"

"Seven hundred forty-three."

"Seven hundred forty-three. That's incredible. How did you arrive at that figure."

"It's easy... DE-DE DE-DE-DE-DEE-DEEEE DE-DE-DE-DE-DE-DE-DEEEE..." Sing about that much of it, that way, and leave the stage.

-- Thanks to Kyna and Gary Hendra, The MacScouters, skits@macscouter.com.

The Fisherman

Props needed: one chair, one fishing pole, green garbage bag half filled with crumpled paper.

The Scene set-up: Leader sits on chair, holding pole, making like he is fishing. Another leader announces that the scene takes place on a frozen lake. The sitting leader is obviously a successful fisherman, because look at all of the fish that he has in his garbage bag.

First Leader: (Walks on) Wow! Look at all of the fish! What's your secret? Etc., etc...

Fisherman mumbles a reply but doesn't open mouth... first leader says can't understand reply... while first leader is trying to get fisherman to say something, second leader walks on, and goes through the 'Wow... What's your secret?' routine.... Fisherman mumbles a reply, but still doesn't open mouth. Continue this until all of the leaders are on stage, with all leaders commenting on 'What's your secret?'.... Once all of the leaders are on stage, everyone starts to get angry at fisherman for not replying in a way that they can understand.., etc., etc.

Finally, fisherman cups hands under his mouth, and goes 'Patooee', and says something like: 'Well, the secret to my success is that you have to keep the worms warm!'.

Grossed the cubs out, but this skit has been done at every campfire since then.

-- Thanks to Jim Speirs