Audience Participations from Baloo's Bugle -- Part 1

     These are Audience Participations gleaned from our many years of publishing Baloo's Bugle. The MacScouter figured it would be helpful if you could find them all in one place. Use these to add pizzaz to your Pack Meetings.
     Many of the Audience Participations are stories where you divide the audience into several groups, teach them their part, usually a response to a word, and as you read the story the audience responds with their phrase or action when you speak the word. It is always best to pause at the word, so the audience has time to respond. You will also find it very useful to copy the story to a separate document and highlight the special words -- captialize them or make them bold, so you know when to pause. Print out the story and read it at your Pack meeting. This is great fun.

Table of Contents

Space Adventure

Istrouma Area Council Pow-wow Book

(revised slightly)

SPACE: "Way Out There" (Point ahead moving finger from left to right)

ASTRONAUTS: "Onward and Upward" (Stand up and thrust arm toward the sky)

In the whole Universe there's an enormous place,
Which we all refer too as merely as SPACE.
ASTRONAUTS spend many hours untold.
Searching that SPACE where mysteries unfold
They bring back dust and rocks galore.
Each ASTRONAUT striving to always learn more.
They circle around for days in SPACE
Keeping up such a strenuous pace.
Our country explored SPACE and then very soon.
Our ASTRONAUTS landed upon the far away moon.
Oh what a thrill as we witnessed the sight,
As ASTRONAUTS landed upon the far away moon.
Oh what a thrill as we witnessed the sight,
As ASTRONAUTS raised our flag on that first moon flight.
Right out there through outer SPACE.
Upon the moon stand our flag in place.
Just where the ASTRONAUTS left it that day.
As a part in history they did play.
One fact discovered which story writers weren't pleased
Was that the moon is not really made of green cheese.
So way out in SPACE when you see the man in the moon.
Remember the ASTRONAUTS proved we couldn't eat him at noon!

Robinson Crusoe's Diary
Greater St. Louis Area Council

This is a nonsense game that never fails to crack them up - the sillier, the better! Names of objects are written on slips of paper and dropped into a container. As "Mr. Crusoe" reads his diary, each "sailor" takes turns drawing from the container to fill in the blanks.

Copy these phrases on slips of paper:

A ship A dove A bonfire
A big tree Dandelions A wild goat
30 cannibals A loud noise Some gunpowder
My tent A strong fence A chest of gold
A goatskin A pile of straw A piece of canvas
My fieldglasses All my belongings A table and chair
A cup of goat's milk The top of the hill  


This morning I woke up early and ate my breakfast, which consisted of ________ and ________ . Afterward, I took my saw and hammer and built ________ . Since I was shipwrecked and alone, I had to go hunting in the woods to see what I might have for lunch. I forgot my gun, so I had to capture ________ with my bare hands. I also tried to catch ________ to but could not run fast enough. I went home to my cave, sat down in ________ and ate my lunch. Since my clothes were all lost at sea, I decided to make myself something to wear. I made a pretty neat hat from ________ and a coat out of ________ . I decided to wrap my feet in ________ . Suddenly, I heard a ________ and rushed out and climbed into ________ . I looked through ________ just in case I might see ________ . I didn't but there on the beach I saw ________ dancing in wild glee around ________ . Running up the trail toward my hideout ________ was crying out and looking very frightened. I hid the poor thing behind ________ . I then found my gun, loaded it with ________ and stood guard over ________ . When it seemed safe, I got busy and built ________ all around . Then I finally lay down in my comfortable bed, made of ________ , and slept soundly.

The Sad Tale of Two Famous Cowboys
Santa Clara Council

Wild Bill Hiccup Hic-c-cup
Hap-A-Long Catastrophe Ooooops
Cactus Eeech, Ouch

Let me tell you the story of two famous cowboys from western history. Yes, you've guessed it! They are WILD BILL HICCUP and his sidekick, HAP-A-LONG CATASTROPHE. It seems that WILD BILL HICCUP was constantly plagued with long seizures of hiccups for which there seemed to be no cure. Many doctors all over this land of sagebrush and CACTUS had tried to cure him, but it was all in vain. Nothing worked!

WILD BILL HICCUP'S buddy, HAP-A-LONG CATASTROPHE was also plagued with a peculiar ailment. It seems that he was so clumsy that he was like a bull in a china shop. He stumbled his way from one catastrophe to another.

Out in this land of sagebrush and CACTUS these two men were continually keeping each other company and trying to keep out of the way of others so as not to disturb any more people than necessary. Thus WILD BILL HICCUP and HAP-A-LONG-CASTROPHE were together constantly.

Finally, with much effort and many tries to stay on, HAP-A-LONG CATASTROPHE made it onto the horse with WILD BILL HICCUP and off the two rode through the land of sagebrush and CACTUS. After riding awhile, they caught sight of the horse. It had calmed down and was slowly walking among the CACTUS. Wouldn't you know it! WILD BILL HICCUP got so excited at finding the horse that he began to hiccup violently and of course, HAP-A-LONG CATASTROPHE being the way he was, could not take the jerking of his friend on the horse. Just as they came to the next big CACTUS, WILD BILL HICCUP gave out with a tremendous hiccup which sent HAP-A-LONG CATASTROPHE sprawling right into the middle of the CACTUS and frightened the horse again and sent him running off into the sun.

The last anyone saw of our Western Heroes, HAP-A-LONG CATASTROPHE was still trying to mount WILD BILL HICCUP'S horse, only to be sent flying back into the CACTUS by a giant hiccup from his friend. I'm sure after many trials and failures, our heroes must have felt the whole thing was pointless, but the CACTUS was still there reminding them of the point.

At The Rodeo

Santa Clara Council

This is a stretcher. It gives the audience a chance to stand up and stretch their muscles a bit. This can be done by one person or by a narrator and his assistant who leads the audience in action.

(Extend arms in all directions)

(Stand bowlegged and jog up and down as if riding a horse)

(Jump up in the air and holler "Yippee")

(Pull back hard with both hands as if pulling on a rope while saying "Whoaaa")

(Walk in place saying, "Jingle, Jingle, Jingle")

(Sit down while wiping sweat from brow and saying "Whew -w-w-w!")


The Case of the Missing Watson
Indians Nation Council

Sherlock Holmes The Game is afoot!
Dr. Watson Brilliant Holmes
Detective I Spy!
Investigate Elementary
Old Soldiers Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir!

Ever wonder how Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes got together? They were the best detective team that ever investigated anything. You remember all the stories Dr. Watson chronicled or wrote? Sherlock Holmes was a consulting detective and poor old Dr. Watson wrote stories about their investigations. The way I heard their story went something like this:

One foggy morning in old London town Sherlock Holmes went to the corner newsstand on Baker Street to investigate the news to see if there were any advertisements for jobs for a Consulting Detective. Well, low and behold! There was one that just jumped off the page, literally!! (That's a word use in literature). Anyway, somebody needed Sherlock Holmes to investigate the disappearance of a local Doctor.

Sherlock Holmes hurried 'round to the address listed in the paper to detect if there were possibilities to investigate this disappearing act done by a Dr. Watson. When he reached the structure he found that the ad had been placed by the landlady/housekeeper of an Old Soldiers' home. A really boring place, wherein resided a group of Old Soldiers from the Boer War. In chatting with the Old Soldiers there and the landlady/housekeeper he was really investigating the activities of Dr. Watson. From the information he got from the Old Soldiers and the landlady/housekeeper, Mrs. Jones-Ridley, he detected that investigating this case of the missing Dr. Watson could turn out to be the best chance for Sherlock Holmes to make a NAME for himself.

The game was now officially "afoot"; he put his foot on the sidewalk and started to do what a detective always does, put the pieces together. Sherlock Holmes had gathered all of this:

Item 1. Dr. Watson was an "Old Soldier".
Item 2. He lived in a very boring place with others from the Boer War.
Item 3. Not much went on there.
Item 4. Dr. Watson liked to tell stories, mostly about that war.
Item 5. Dr. Watson had run out of new stories and was very bored!

Elementary!! He shouted for all in the street to hear and Sherlock Holmes hailed a hansom cab (that's a horsedrawn taxicab in England). He called to the driver to take him to the nearest library to investigate the disappearance of Dr. Watson.

Upon reaching the library, Sherlock Holmes strolled through the bookcases called stacks to find Dr. Watson. The Old Soldier was trying to find new material to talk about at the Old Soldier home. The case was solved! The investigation was a success!! And Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were forever to be partners in solving mysteries and writing stories that you can read today.

Tommy Joins A Cub Scout Pack

Greater St. Louis Area Council

Cubmaster: Tonight, I would like to tell you a story about a boy named Tommy and how he became a Cub Scout. I need your help to tell this story. Would you supply a part of the story by being one of it's characters, when you hear the name of your character, call out your part.
or Tiger Cubs - "Go Tigers"
Bobcats - "Give a Roar"
Wolfs - "Give a Howl
Bears - "Give a Growl"
Webelos - "A Scoutin' we will go"
Mother, Father or Parents - "That's my son"
All Cub Scouts - "We'll Do Our Best"

     Our story begins when Tommy started back to school after a summer of fun. One day his teacher passed out notes saying, "Be a Tiger Cub." All first grade boys and their Parents are invited to come to a meeting to hear about this Scouting Program.
     He went to the meeting with his Mother and they learned that Tiger Cubs, BSA was a Scouting program planned especially for boys in the first grade. The lady at the meeting said the Tiger Cubs was not like Cub Scouts where the boys worked on advancement, starting as Bobcats and working to earn their Wolf Badge, moving on to the Bear Book and earning the Badge and then becoming Webelos. As Tiger Cubs, they would team with their Mother or Father to form a Tiger Cub den. The boys and their adult partners work together on activities called "Big Ideas": and once a month one of the family teams would plan a special activity for the whole group.
     She said that their Tiger Cub Den would meet with the Cub Scout Pack for special events, also would be invited to the Blue and Gold Banquet and when they moved on to become Cubs, there would be a special graduation ceremony at the Pack Meeting. Each month, the Tiger Cub Den did something special and Tommy and his Mother would do the special things suggested in their "Family Activity Book." One month the Tiger Cub Den used the "Discover Nature and Energy" Big Idea and visited a Veterinarian in the community. At home they fed the birds and looked at the stars as part of that Big Idea. Each time they did an activity, he put a Tiger Cub sticker on his Activity Chart. February came and the Tiger Cub Den received invitations to the Pack's Blue and Gold Dinner. Each family in the Tiger Cub Den was invited to be guests of Den Two and he had a chance to meet the boys in the Den. Joe and Bill were still Bobcats but had completed the Wolf requirements and would get their badges at the dinner. Jerry and George were working on the Bear book; Jim and John would soon become Webelos. The Den made his family feel very welcome and Tommy knew that he wanted to be a Cub Scout.
     As the meeting progressed he watched all of the Cub Scouts and their Parents go forward to receive their awards. The Cubs were presented with their Badges and Arrow Points. One Webelos Scout received his Arrow of Light. He was so proud. Two boys joined the Pack and received their Bobcat Badges. Tommy could hardly wait for the time when he would stand in front of the Pack and become a Cub Scout.
     After the Blue and Gold, the Tiger Cub Den met each month as usual. The boys talked about the Blue and Gold, the fun they had, and when they would become Cub Scouts. They were becoming anxious.
One day, when Tommy came home from school, his Mother had great news for him. Mr. Smith, the Cubmaster, was coming over to talk to them about his graduation into the Pack. He could hardly eat his supper.
     When Mr. Smith arrived, he talked to both of his folks about Cub Scouts and how the Parents of the boys in the Pack were the leaders. He said, that when Tommy became a Cub Scout the Pack would count on them for support, too. His Mother said that she had enjoyed working with the Tiger Cubs and that she looked forward to Cub Scouts. His Dad said that Scouting had become a part of the family and that he would be glad to help, too.
     So the Big Day came, the Tiger Cub Den stood before the Pack, each boy was welcomed with his family to Cub Scouting and at last Tommy was a Cub Scout. He was ready to venture forward on the next step in his Scouting Adventure.


Moaners and Groaners Stunt
Indian Nations Council

Divide the audience into two groups, Moaners and Groaners, have them practice sounds appropriate to their names. Then ask them to sound off when they hear their word as you read this story:

Moaner and Groaner were two little ghosts,
Who spent all their time with outrageous boasts.
If Moaner told Groaner a tale that was tall,
Groaner would not let that faze him at all.
For whatever Moaner said, Groaner said more,
And that made Moaner so mad he went through the door.
Left Groaner alone, and did he feel sorry?
He cried till he died, and thus ends my story of
Moaner and Groaner, two boasting ghosts,
Who died of an overdose of ghostly boasts.


Thanksgiving Sparkler

San Francisco Bay Area Council

Father - Stand up and say "When I was your age, son"
Car - Stand up and say "Chuga, chuga, chuga
Farmer - Stand up and put hands in suspenders and say "Where's my horse?"
Turkey - Stand up and say "Gobble, gobble, gobble"

Once upon a time, just before Thanksgiving a FATHER, a mother and Cub Scout climbed into the family CAR and drove into the country. They were looking for a FARMER with a TURKEY that they could buy for their Thanksgiving dinner. As they drove down the road in their CAR, they saw a FARMER standing in a yard with a TURKEY.

Turning into the yard, the FATHER stopped the CAR near the FARMER and the TURKEY. They all got out of the CAR and the FATHER purchased the TURKEY from the FARMER. "Now, if you will remove the TURKEY'S head, we will get into the CAR and drive home," said the FATHER to the FARMER.

As the FATHER the mother and the Cub Scout were riding home in the CAR an amazing thing happened! The TURKEY, although its head had been removed by the FARMER, began to speak! "Please don't eat me for Thanksgiving," the TURKEY pleaded. "I will make a fine pet for you," he told the Cub Scout. The FATHER, the mother and the Cub Scout talked about this astounding request as they rode home in the CAR.

And so it happened that the TURKEY joined the FATHER, the mother and the Cub Scout in their Thanksgiving dinner of hamburgers and French-fries.

The Turkey became a very good pet, as it did not chase CARS, cats or fire hydrants. The FATHER enrolled the Turkey at college as everyone know, with a good education, it is much easier to get a head . .


Let's Celebrate Christmas

Trapper Trails Council

CHRISTMAS - Let it snow

SANTA - Ho, Ho, Ho

ANY REINDEER NAME -I'll pull Santa's Sleigh

One CHRISTMAS Eve the weather was horrible. The snowstorm was so bad SANTA could not see past the front of his cherry nose. What was SANTA to do? He asked all of his reindeer for helpful ideas.

DASHER told SANTA he could try to fly extra fast. This would create static energy, which would light up the sky. Unfortunately, even though DASHER could dash very fast, it wasn't fast enough.

DANCER and PRANCER found some CHRISTMAS tree lights to tie to the sleigh, but as soon as SANTA and the reindeer were 100 feet off the ground the cord came unplugged and they were in the dark again.

RUDOLPH who usually saved the day with his bright shiny nose had finally gotten over his cold and now had a regular black one like all the other reindeer.

VIXEN and BLITZEN gathered up some tinsel that sparkled. CUPID and DONNER who thought it was hay, ate it for a late night snack.

COMET decided to shine the chrome on SANTA'S sleigh. It shone so brightly SANTA could see for miles. Everyone had a great CHRISTMAS that year thanks to COMET and some elbow grease.


Merry Christmas

San Francisco Bay Area Council

Divide the group into two parts, naming one part MERRY and the other CHRISTMAS. Whenever the word MERRY is mentioned the MERRY group tries to out do the CHRISTMAS group with their HO-HO-HO.

Merry and Christmas are two words so bright,

Who float around in December both day and night.

If Merry is spoken, Christmas is next said,

For they belong together, all in Green and Red.

If Christmas were separated from Merry it would be so sad

And everyone would certainly feel very bad.

So to keep Christmas Merry right from the start,

Remember to feel Merry Christmas deep in your heart

So when you say it, you'll really sound merry

Then Christmas for you -- A true meaning will carry.

So let's do it now with all your might

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


Johnny fixes it good!

York-Adams Area Council

Here is an Audience Participation skit for the theme. The characters and their sounds are:

Johnny: "I can fix it!"
dad: ""Be careful, son."
wrench: "Oh Nuts!"
screwdriver: "Straight or Phillips?"
bike: "Drrrinnngggg, Drrrinnngggg"
pliers: "Hold me tight!"

    Johnny had a problem. His bike was broken. Now Johnny and his dog, Ralph, could not ride to the park to play with his friends. But Johnny, being a very smart Cub Scout, knew how to fix the bike. However, he needed a box-end wrench, a pair of pliers, and a screwdriver. So he asked his dad if he could borrow a box-end wrench, a pair of pliers, and a screwdriver. His dad said "Sure, but make sure you take care of the box-end wrench, pliers, and screwdriver and return them as soon as you’re finished. "I will dad," said Johnny. So Johnny and Ralph went into the back yard to fix his bike with the box-end wrench, pliers, and screwdriver. Since Johnny knew how to use a box-end wrench, a pair of pliers, and a screwdriver, bike was soon fixed and ready to ride. Ralph helped all he could. Johnny took a quick spin to make sure everything was alright and then he called Ralph to go with him to the park. "Oh," said Johnny. "I’d better return these tools to dad before we go." But when he reached for the tools, the pliers and screwdriver were there but the pliers were missing. "Oh no! What would dad think?" said Johnny. He looked all around for the pliers. He looked in the bushes, but no pliers! He looked all over the yard, but no pliers! Finally, he noticed Ralph digging in the garden. Johnny went over to Ralph and there were the pliers in his bone hole. So the pliers were found. And Johnny was able to return the box-end wrench, the pliers, and the screwdriver to his dad. Everyone was happy the bike was all fixed—except Ralph!


     My friend Don B. sent this to me. He saw Pack 2 in Haverhill, MA do this.

    Divide the audience into left and right and have them stand up and sit down when they heard their word. You could also divide the audience into left, right and Wright.

    Johnny Wright was very excited as he talked to his parents. "I want to become a Cub Scout," he said. "I am the only boy left in the neighborhood that isn't one. Peter invited me to his Blue & Gold banquet tonight to see if scouting is right for me. Can we go?"
    Mr. Wright called Peter's dad to get directions. When he got off the phone he told everyone, "It's at First Baptist Church. We go south on 125, take a left on Cherry St. then our first left into the parking lot…let's go! Johnny ran right out and got into the car. At the church they went in and had a great time. The Cub Scouts got great awards, put on skits, sang songs and had a ball. The Cubmaster came over and talked to Johnny. "Why do you want to be a Cub Scout…"Because at school all the kids talk about the fun they have here, and I feel left out, and my friend left his Cub Scout cap at my house, right on my desk so I tried it on, I look cool in it." Johnny replied. One of the leaders looked at Johnny's parents. "Would you like to help out? It's fun and rewarding". Mr. Wright looked at Mrs. Wright they both fidgeted nervously…"We thought parents brought their boys, then left. We didn't know we had to help." "Oh, you don't have to" explained one of the leaders, "but if no one is willing to give of their time, soon there will be no scouting left. The more parents that help…the less work for us all. You could be den leaders and help boys to stay on the right track, or you could be on the committee and attend a meeting once a month to help make the right decisions for our Pack. There are many positions with different levels of time commitment, I'm sure we could find one that's just right for you…I hope I haven't left out any information…so, would you like to help?"

     Right on, exclaimed Johnny's folks. Johnny just beamed. He knew he had made the right decision by coming to the Blue & Gold.


Rhythmic Exercises

Istrouma Council

Ask the group to follow your instructions

Everyone stand.
Now, hands on your hips, hands on your knees,
Put them behind you, if you please.
Touch your shoulders, touch your nose.
Touch your ears, touch your nose.
Raise your hands, high in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Above your head, as before,
While you clap, one-two, three-four.
Now hands upon the empty space (head)
On your shoulders, on your face.
Then you raise them up so high,
And make your fingers quickly fly,
Then you stretch them out toward me,
And briskly clap them - one, two, three.


Let's Climb a Mountain

The leader says "Want to climb a mountain? Then just say what I say and do what I do. All set? Let's go!

"I think I'll climb a mountain." (Audience repeats this and following phrases.)

"Let's pack." (Put imaginary things into imaginary pack and throw over shoulder).

"Out the door!" (Single clap to indicate banging of door.)

"Down the street!" (Marching claps with both hands against thighs).

"Awfully big town." (Continue marching.)

"In the country at last! (Speed up march.) Here's a river." (Continue marching.)

"And here's a bridge." (Resume ordinary marching.) "Let's cut across." (Swish palms together.)

"Here we are at the foot of the mountain. Let's start climbing." (Clap thighs more slowly.)

"Lost!" (Several slow marching stops and starts.)

"There's a tree, let's climb it and look around." (Fast clapping to indicate running to tree, then arm motions for climbing. Then hand to forehead and peer in several directions.)

"Still lost." (Make slow climb down the tree, then several hesitant marching starts and stops.)

"Look, there's a cave!" (Fast clapping for run to cave.)

"This side is cold." (Feel with hand against imaginary side.)

"This side is wet." (Feel other side.)

"There's a light!" (Point with one finger into cave.)

"There's another light!" (Point in same direction.)

"They're eyes! It's a bear!" (Rapidly reverse actions: coming down mountain, jumping stream, swishing palms across field, over bridge, through streets, ending with a loud clap for door closing back home.)

"Back home! Safe at last! But wasn't that a great climb?"


The Litter Bug

Simon Kenton Council

PAPER Crackle, crackle
CANS Clatter, clatter
TRASH Dump, dump
LITTER BUG Toss and Throw

God put bugs in this world for many reasons,
He made them to live in every kind of season.
But the pesky LITTER BUG, with his PAPER and CANS
Was made through neglected TRASH by the foolish man.

To keep our land beautiful, get rid of that LITTER BUG,
So beach goers can again lounge on a clean, sand rug.
Because of this pest, we must walk around
in PAPER and CANS and TRASH on the ground.

Just who are the LITTER BUGS who mess up our land?
Do you really ever see them toss that PAPER or CAN?
And in dumping his TRASH he is very sly.

So most of the time it just appears there,
As if it had dropped right out of thin air.
Could it be we are so used to throwing things there,
That we dump PAPER AND CANS without being aware?

Without even thinking when we toss TRASH and waste,
We could be a LITTER BUG in all of our haste.
So when you unwrap that gum or candy,
Don't throw down the PAPER just because it is handy.

Next time stop and think when it's pop CANS you toss,
'Cause if you're a LITTER BUG it's also your loss
If every single person would take note of his habit
That pesky LITTER BUG we could certainly nab it.

Then that terrible bug we could surely stamp it out,
With no more PAPER or CANS or TRASH about
By taking care of our TRASH properly from the start.


Wouldn't And Shouldn't

Simon Kent Council

SHOULDN'T Never, Never, Never

Once there was a trash pick-up company who had two people that worked for them that were always causing trouble. One of them was named WOULDN'T and the other was named SHOULDN'T.

WOULDN'T would never drive his garbage route the same way twice and so he missed picking up some of the people's trash. SHOULDN'T would drive around his route so early that half the people had not even put out the garbage when he came around. No matter what the supervisor told them it made no difference. WOULDN'T would start on a different street, and SHOULDN'T would start before light. Complaints were being phoned into the trash pick-up company all the time. Finally a lady told SHOULDN'T how much she appreciated him and the trash pick-up company.

She told him how horrible her property would be if it were not for the garbage disposal. A man thanked WOULDN'T for getting out of his truck and picking up some of the garbage that had fallen onto the road.

That had been the trouble all along. SHOULDN'T was embarrassed to be driving a trash pick-up truck. When he realized how necessary his job was, he stopped going so early so that no one would see him and all the people on his route were happy.

WOULDN'T didn't feel that what he did was important. From that day on, he still started on a different street every week but he never missed a house.

So now the trash pick-up company is happy and so are WOULDN'T and SHOULDN'T.


An Audience Participation Story

York-Adams Council

Pecos Bill - Yippy yi-i-ay
Coyotes or Varmints - Howl
Horse or Widowmaker - Whinny
Indians - War hoop
Gun - Bang-bang
Toad - Hop-hop
Painted Desert - Swish-swish

Pecos Bill fell out of a wagon while travelling westward with his family. He was found by a bunch of coyotes and it wasn't long before Pecos Bill became one of them varmints. One day a cowboy came by and told Pecos Bill that since he didn't have a tail like a coyote he figured that he was a human and that he should have a horse to ride. Now Pecos Bill had no idea how to get a horse. A few days later a little strange horse wandered into the valley and Pecos Bill was able to save the life of the little horse. From that day on, Pecos Bill and Widowmaker stuck together like warts on a toad. After a few years, Pecos Bill and Widowmaker became known as the toughest varmints west of the Alamo. Now once a tribe of painted Indians did a war dance. Pecos Bill took out his gun and started shooting up their game. Pecos Bill gave those Indians such a shakeup that they jumped out of their makeup and that's how the Painted Desert got its name.


How To Wash An Elephant
Indian Nations Council

Before introducing this stunt, choose three people to leave the room. They should not overhear the narrator. Narrator explains to audience that the stunt is called "How to Wash an Elephant", a classic example in communications. He tells the following story and pantomimes the motions as he goes.

Narrator: One morning, Farmer Friendly went out to the barn to begin his chores. (Pantomime walking). He threw open the barn door, and to his surprise, he found an elephant in his barn. (Pantomime throwing open door, surprise). The farmer didn't know what to do with the elephant so he decided that the first thing to do was to wash it. He led the elephant from the barn. (Pantomime picking up elephant's trunk and walking with it over your shoulder. (Open and close the barn door). He left the elephant near the pump got a bucket and scrub brush and pumped the bucket full of water. (Pantomime actions) Now he was ready to begin. First he scrubbed the right side. (Pantomime scrubbing. Lift up elephant's ear and wash them). Then he was ready for the stomach. (Lie on underside). Next, the right side. (Repeat the same actions as for the left side) then he scrubbed the elephant's face. (Pantomime scrubbing between eyes and down length of trunk). Almost done? (Walk to rear of elephant, gingerly lift up tail and quickly scrub there). There, that's done! (Pantomime throwing out rest of water, putting brush in bucket and setting bucket beside pump. Take the elephant by his truck and lead him back to the barn, open door, lead him in, go out and shut door behind).

Narrator tells audience he will call people back in, one by one, and pantomime the stunt, without benefit or narrative. The first person will pantomime what he remembers for the second, and so on. He will, of course, have no idea what the motions mean, so it can be very funny. And by the time the actions are pantomimed for the third person, it will be distorted and bear little resemblance to the original version.

After all three have tried their luck, narrator explains the story and tells them what they are doing.


Climbing the Mountain

Simon Kenton Council

Divide the group into three smaller groups and assign each group one of the words listed below. Read the story. After each of the words is read, pause for the group to make the appropriate response.

BOY I'll get this right!
CHIEF (hits thighs rhythmically)
MOUNTAIN Poof, pooff!

Far away in our dry southwestern country is an Indian village, set in front of a high MOUNTAIN, towering up out of the desert. It is considered a great feat to climb this MOUNTAIN, so that all the BOYS of the village were eager to attempt it. One day the CHIEF said, "Now BOYS, you may all go today and try to climb the MOUNTAIN. Start right after breakfast, and go each of you as far as you can. Then when you are tired, come back; but let each BOY bring a twig from the place where he turned.

Away the BOYS went full of hope, each feeling that he surely could reach the top. But soon a small BOY came back, and in his hand he held a leaf of cactus and gave it to the CHIEF. The CHIEF smiled and said, "My BOY, you did not reach the foot of the MOUNTAIN; you did not even get across the desert," Later a second boy returned. He carried a twig of sagebrush. "Well," said the CHIEF, "You got as far as the MOUNTAIN springs." Another came later with some bucks horn. The CHIEF smiled when he saw it and spoke thus, "You were climbing: you were up to the first slide rock."

Later in the afternoon, one BOY arrived with a cedar spray, and the old CHIEF said, "Well done, you went halfway up." An hour afterward, a BOY came with a switch of pine. To him the CHIEF said, "Good, you went to the third belt, you made three quarters of the climb.

The sun was low when the last BOY returned. He was a tall, splendid BOY of noble character. His hand was empty as he approached the CHIEF but his face was radiant. He said, "My father, there were no trees where I turned back. I saw no twigs, but I saw the shining sea." Now the old CHIEF'S face glowed too as he said aloud and almost sang. "I knew it! When I looked on your face, I knew it. You have been to the top. You need no twigs for token. It is written in your eyes and it rings in your voice. My BOY, you have felt the uplift; you have seen the glory of the MOUNTAIN.

Oh, ye Scouters, keep this in mind, then; the badges we offer for attainment are not prizes. Prizes are things of value taken from another. Scout badges, though are merely tokens of what you have done, or where you have been.. There are mere twigs from the trail to show how far you have gotten in climbing the MOUNTAIN.


Home on the Range

Divide the audience into two groups and have them respond as the poem is read.

HOME: "Home on the Range"
UNITED STATES: "This Land is your Land"

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like HOME.
No matter where in the UNITED STATES you may roam. You may travel all over the UNITED STATES. But your own HOME state with you always rates. Some choose to roam while others stay, Always in their HOME state till their dying day. No matter in what part of the UNITED STATES your HOME state may be,
There's one thing everyone says you see,
And everybody I'm sure will remember that..
HOME is where you hang your hat!


Johnny Goes To A Pack Meeting

Western Los Angeles County Council

Before you read this story, tell the audience they must do just as Johnny did.

Little Johnny went to a pack meeting with his mother and father. He grew tired of sitting still so he wiggled around in his seat (Audience wiggles). Then he stood up. (Audience stands).

Johnny couldn't see much, so he stood on his tiptoes (Audience stands on toes). Since he still couldn't see anything, he turned to the left and stretched way up on his tiptoes. (Audience turns left and stretched). He still couldn't see very much so he turned to the right and stood again on his tiptoes (Audience turns right on tiptoes).

Johnny thought there might be something interesting on the floor (Audience Kneels). No, there wasn't anything there, so he stood up (Audience stands). He took a little step to the left (Audience steps left). Now he could see. There was the Cubmaster on the platform. (Yoo-hoo Cubmaster!" he called, waving his hand high (Audience waves).

At this everybody turned and scowled at Johnny (Audience scowls). Poor Johnny hung his head in shame. (Audience bows heads). Then, they remembered he was just a boy. And with a smile on their faces, they held out their right hands (Audience smiles and holds out right hand). When the Cubmaster said "GO" they all turned around and shook the hands with the person behind them. Go! (Everyone turns and shakes hands with person behind them.


Automatic Laughs

Heart of America Council

Personnel: Assign the parts and have the group practice. Narrator read the story, and groups respond to appropriate word.

Blue: all those with blue eyes pat the top of their head

Brown: all those with brown eyes pat the top of their head

Left: all those that are left-handed clap their hands

Right: all those that are right handed clap their hands

New: all those under 20 years of age stomp their feet

Old: All those over 20 years of age stomp their feet

Man: all males stand up

Woman: all females stand up

One day a man and a woman went to the store looking for a new car. Their old one, which was muddy brown was not running well. It left much to be desired in the way of speed and safety, and they wanted another one right away. They wanted a bright blue one.

As they walked in the dealership, the woman noticed a blue sports car on the showroom floor. "Darling," said she. "Look at the lovely new car right over there. Wouldn't it be perfect for us?"

"You may be right. It's a lot better than our old brown buggy. Unfortunately, there's one problem, I've left all my money at home," said the man.

You've left it at home?" asked the woman.

"Yes, it's right in the pocket of my new brown suit," said the man.

"Your new brown suit? Why I took that suit to the cleaners just this morning, and I didn't notice any money in any of the pockets." said the woman.

"But I'm certain I left my money in the side right pocket of my new brown suit" the man said as he scratched his head in wonder. "Now wait a minute! Are you saying I'm not right? Are you saying I'm wrong about this? Man oh, man oh, man!"

You have a lot of nerve!" shrieked the woman.

"Let's not argue. We're here to look at cars, and that blue one in the corner is a right nice model. And just think. If we buy the new blue car, we'll never have to worry about our old brown one again."

After looking at the price of the new blue car, and figuring out what they could get as a trade-in on their old brown one, the man and the woman decided buying a new car would be the right move for them. But before they left the store, they started questioning their decision. Would they be better off with the old brown car if the new blue one didn't run right? Or what about a new brown one? How long before they thought of the blue car as the old car? And would they ever feel blue about trading in their brown car? Blue or brown, old or new, what was right and which car did they want to be left with? The man and woman were so confused that they decided to sell their car and buy themselves bicycles. And that's just what they did. And they knew it was a right left right left.


Going Down in History

Great Sauk Trail Council

History-"Way back then" (Hold up both index fingers pointing different ways)

Scout-"Be prepared" (Give Scout Sign)

Cub Scout-"Do Your Best" (Give Cub Scout sign)

Hike or Hiking "Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Camp or Camping-"I Think I Hear a Bear!"

This is a story that you won't find in a History book, but it will bring back memories to many of you who have had a similar experience. The story is about a Cub Scout named Johnny, and his first experience with hiking and camping. This is how it all started. It was approaching the birthday of Scouting which is celebrated in February every year, and Johnny's Cub Scout Den Leader had read to the boys a story about the History of Scouting and how it got started.

Johnny could hardly wait until he was old enough to be a Scout, so he asked his mother if he could plan a day of Hiking around the neighborhood and park, and also a night of camping in their backyard with some of his friends. Mom consented, so Johnny Cub Scout called his friends and they planned it for the next weekend. When the day arrived, Johnny was so proud of himself. He thought he would someday be a Scout who would go down in History, because he was so well prepared. At least, he thought he was prepared when the day began. The Cub Scout went out to the tent to get the lunches, when he was shocked to find the paperbags and torn paper scattered all over the back yard. Looking around they yard, Johnny saw his dog, Scampy, munching on the last bit of the sandwiches and looking very contented. "Oh boy," thought Johnny, "I thought I would make a well prepared Scout, but I wasn't prepared for this!"

After new lunches were made, the boys took their hike. It was a great success and Johnny Cub Scout felt sure that history had been made by the record time in which they had accomplished everything that day. But alas! When bedtime arrived, the tent slumped down in a heap because it had not been put up right, and the sleeping bags were muddy from Scampy's dirty feet, and the batteries in the flashlights were dead. Johnny Cub Scout hung his head and said, "Boy, have I got a lot to learn about the Scouts. Gosh, I sure hope today's events aren't recorded in history.

So Johnny learned in one day that he still needed to learn about being a Scout before he could perform in a manner which would make which would make him proud to go down in history. Later his Den Leader told him that this is what Cub Scouting is for, to teach boys to do their best and prepare them to become Scouts.


Heritage Lost

Great Sauk Council

Narrator: Our American Heritage is filled with heroes. Everyone here has heard of Paul Revere and the story of his heroic ride to warn the people Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts about the approach of the British army. His famous ride took place during the revolutionary war, on April 18, 1775. Paul was able to take his ride because he was signaled by a sentry, who watched for soldiers from the tower of the Old North Church in Boston. Paul and his sentry worked out a simple set of signals: The sentry would light lanterns, one lantern if the soldiers were approaching by LAND and two lanterns if they were arriving by SEA., Paul, mounted on his horse would be watching for the signal, and ready to ride and warn the people of Lexington and Concord to be ready for the soldiers when they arrived.

Have you ever thought what a hard time Paul and his sentry would have had today? Just think of all the ways those British soldiers could come! Let's rewrite a little American history and you can help me and you'll see just how confusing it would be today. I want you to stomp the floor with your feet when I say the following words:

Stomp once every time I say the word LAND
Stomp twice when I say SEA
Stomp three times for AIRPLANE
Stomp four times for TRAIN
Stomp five times for SUBMARINE
Stomp six times for ROCKET

Now we are ready to take another look at history!

In a steeple of the old North Church in Boston, a sentry looked out over the SEA. His eyes strained as he looked across the land. All was very still. It was late at night. Next to him was a lantern. He took a sheet of paper that a Boston citizen had given him from his pocket. It read a signal with your lantern when you see the British army approaching. The signals are: 1 if by Land, 2 if by Sea, 3 if by Airplane, 4 if by Train, 5 if by Submarine, 6 if by Rocket.

After reading it, the sentry began to put it in his pocket. Just then a gust of wind blew the paper out of his hand. Out across the Land and into the Sea it went. The sentry thought, "I'm sure I can remember it". Just then he saw a Submarine surface a short distance from the Land. He grabbed his lantern to wave it 4 times. "Oh No!" he thought. "4 times for Rocket, or its it for Land? No, it's 1 for Land, so it must be 2 for Submarine, no, 2 is for Airplane. It must be 3. As he started to raise his lantern, he remembered that 2 was for Sea, not airplane. Oh dear, what is a Submarine? Let's see, Submarine comes after TRAIN but what's ROCKET? Oh, now I remember, ROCKET is 6 and TRAIN is 4 so SUBMARINE must by 5.

While the sentry was trying to remember his signals, the British SUBMARINE had loaded it passengers onto launches and hundreds of British soldiers were now on LAND. "Oh my," though the sentry," they are not in a SUBMARINE anymore they are on LAND. I'll have to signal that. But he couldn't remember what the signal was for LAND. He desperately tried to remember. I remember ROCKET and TRAIN. That leaves SEA, AIRPLANE and LAND. Oh now which is it? He sat there hopelessly confused. He just couldn't remember any signals. He couldn't unscramble ROCKET, AIRPLAINE, LAND, SUBMARINE, SEA and TRAIN. The British marched onto Lexington and Concord and since all the people were sound asleep the soldiers had no trouble in capturing them.

The only person they met was a man sitting on a horse. Who he was or why he was there, no one seemed to know.


Thanksgiving Sparkler

Heart of America Council

Personnel: Divide the audience into 4 groups. Assign a part to each group and let them practice. Narrator reads story, and groups respond to appropriate words.

Father: Stand up and say "When I was your age, son"

Car: Stand up and say "Chuga, chuga, chuga

Farmer: Stand up and put hands in suspenders and say "Where's my horse?"

Turkey: Stand up and say "Gobble, gobble, gobble"

Once upon a time, just before Thanksgiving, a father, a mother, and a Cub Scout climbed into the family car and drove into the country. They were looking for a farmer with a turkey. They all got out of the car and the father purchased the turkey from the farmer. "Now, if you will remove the turkey's head, we will get into the car and drive home, " said the father to the farmer.

As the father, the mother and the Cub Scout were riding home in the car an amazing thing happened! The turkey although its head had been removed by the farmer began to speak! "Please don't eat me for Thanksgiving," the turkey pleaded. "I will make a fine pet for you." He told the Cub Scout. The father ___, the mother and the Cub Scout talked about this astounding request as they rode in the car.

And so it happened that the turkey joined the father , the mother and the Cub Scout in their Thanksgiving dinner of hamburgers and French fries.

The turkey became a very good pet as it did not chase cars , cats, or fire hydrants. The father enrolled the turkey in college, as everyone knows, with a good education, it's much easier to get a head.


A Great Christmas

Great Sauk Trail Council

SANTA CLAUS: (Hold belly and laugh) HO, HO, HO

SNOW: (Sprinkle with fingers sayiing) FLAKE, FLAKE, FLAKE

PRESENTS: (Spread arms and shout) A new bike

GREETING CARDS: (Throw up hands and say) Hang 'em on the wall

MOM AND DAD: (Scold with finger) You'd better be good

HOLIDAY DINNER: (Shrug shoulders, hold up hands saying) Where's the beef

ANGELS: Do "Twilight Zone" theme while flapping arms

DECORATIONS: Sing "Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly!"

CHRISTMAS: All sounds and parts at the same time

My favorite holiday is CHRISTMAS. I enjoy sending GREETING CARDS, I enjoy a big HOLIDAY DINNER, I enjoy the SNOW, but most of all, I enjoy SANTA CLAUS bringing me lots of PRESENTS.

The house is filled with DECORATIONS. My favorites are silver ANGELS. I help MOM AND DAD open the GREETING CARDS, fix the HOLIDAY DINNER, shovel SNOW, wrap PRESENTS, put up DECORATIONS, and polish the silver ANGELS. After we are finished, I leave out milk and cookies for SANTA CLAUS while MOM AND DAD clean up I can hardly wait until CHRISTMAS morning.

I race to the tree. I see SANTA CLAUS has left me lots of PRESENTS, with little GREETING CARDS on them. He's put some new DECORATIONS on the tree, including some new silver ANGELS, and he has sprinkled the branches with SNOW. Of course, he has left some lovely grown-up gifts for MOM AND DAD.

So we sit down to eat our HOLIDAY DINNER I turn on the radio and Frank Sinatra is singing "Hark the herald ANGELS Sing"! MOM AND DAD and I say grace and eat our HOLIDAY DINNER while the DECORATIONS twinkle all over the house. After dinner we look at the GREETING CARDS one more time, and then go out for an afternoon stroll in the falling SNOW.

I tell you, that SANTA CLAUS is quite a guy. He sure knows how to turn out a great CHRISTMAS.


The Great Christmas Gift Exchange

Great Sauk Trail Council

If you are having a gift exchange as part of your den or pack meeting, try this:

Everyone sits in a circle, holding the gift that they brought for the "exchange." Someone reads the story below, reading slowly enough for the gifts to be passed. Every time the word RIGHT is read, everyone passes the gift in their hand to the RIGHT. Every time the word LEFT is read, everyone passes the gift in their hand to the LEFT. The gift each person is holding when the story ends is the gift they keep.

Christmas was almost here, and Mother RIGHT was finishing the Christmas baking. Father RIGHT, Sue RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT returned from their last minute Christmas errands. "There's not much LEFT to be done," said Father RIGHT as he came into the kitchen. "Did you leave the basket of food at the church?" asked Mother RIGHT. I left it RIGHT where you told me to," said Father RIGHT. "I'm glad my shopping is done," said Billy RIGHT. "I don't have any money LEFT."

The hall telephone rang, and Susan RIGHT left to answer it. She rushed back and told the family "Aunt Tillie RIGHT LEFT a package for us RIGHT on Grandma RIGHT'S front porch. I'll rush RIGHT over there now and get it,: she said as she LEFT in a rush. Father RIGHT LEFT the kitchen and brought in the Christmas tree. By the time Susan RIGHT returned, Mother RIGHT, Father RIGHT and Billy RIGHT had begun trimming the tree. The entire RIGHT family sang carols as they finished the decorating. Then they LEFT all the presents arranged under the tree and went to bed, hoping they had selected the RIGHT gifts for their family.

Now, I hope you have the RIGHT present for yourself, because that's all that's LEFT of our story, except to wish you a Merry Christmas. Isn't that RIGHT?


It's All In Your Mind
York Adams Council
From Santa Clara County Council 1996 Pow Wow Book

JUMPING JACK: Stand up and jump once; then say "Boinggg" and sit down.

RUNNING RALPH: Stand up and run in place; bring feet down three times, say "Zippp" and sit down.

COMPUTER CHARLIE: Stand up and, in robot fashion, swing arms back and forth saying "Does compute. Does Compute" then sit down.

This is a story about a boy called JUMPING JACK and another one named RUNNING RALPH, and still another boy called COMPUTER CHARLIE. These three boys were all friends and they stuck pretty close together around the neighborhood.

JUMPING JACK got his nickname because everywhere he went he was always jumping over things for no apparent reason except that he liked to jump. You would see the boys walking along the street with JUMPING JACK jumping over benches, curbs, fences, and almost anything that wasn't too high.

As you probably guessed, RUNNING RALPH got his name because he was always running. Maybe it's because his legs were shorter than those of his two friends, which meant that he had to run to keep up with them.

COMPUTER CHARLIE got his name because he was a very intelligent boy and he excelled in mental skills. Everyone teased COMPUTER CHARLIE because he wasn't good in sports and wasn't as strong as his friends JUMPING JACK and RUNNING RALPH. However, this didn't matter to them because the three boys were great friends and went everywhere together.

One day something happened to prove to all the other children that COMPUTER CHARLIE was just as valuable to this world as anyone else, and that having strong muscles is not more important than being good in mental skills.

The three boys, JUMPING JACK, RUNNING RALPH, and COMPUTER CHARLIE, were on their way to the store one day when suddenly they saw the local bank being robbed and the robber making his get-away. JUMPING JACK jumped over hedges and fences hurrying to a neighbor's house to call the police. RUNNING RALPH was right beside him. But COMPUTER CHARLIE just stood there watching the whole thing. The swiftness of the two boys brought the police running to the scene of the robbery. The policeman began asking questions. But JUMPING JACK and RUNNING RALPH could tell them nothing about the robbery because they had been too busy running to telephone the police. But COMPUTER CHARLIE began rattling off a long list of facts about the model and color of the car, the license number, the direction the robber went, and a full description of the robber. His mental abilities were a great help to the police.

After reading about it in the local newspaper, all the other children were so proud of COMPUTER CHARLIE that they never again teased him about his mental skills. They came to realize that the COMPUTER CHARLIE's of the world are just as important as the JUMPING JACK's and RUNNING RALPH's, because when they all pool their talents, they can accomplish great things!

The Little Computer Who Could
Mt. Diablo Silverado Area

This is an audience participation skit. Divide the pack into as many groups as there are parts. When the character is mentioned in this story, the group assigned to that character makes the designated sound.

Old Computer - "Not Enough Memory At This Time"
Cub Scout - "Do Your Best"
Cubmaster - "Does Not Compute, Does Not Compute"
New Computer - "Save that Screen!"
Den Leader - "Log on, Log on"

It was December, and the Cubmaster announced that the theme the next month was "Does Not Compute". The Den Leaders announced this theme to their Cub Scouts. The Cub Scouts were quite excited about the innovative theme. They could not wait to start learning things about their New Computers. The Den Leader announced that their Cubmaster wanted the Cub Scouts to come to the Pack Meeting with new things to show and tell about their computers. One Cub Scout, Tommy, had a very Old Computer. It belonged to his Den Leader when he was a boy. The Cub Scout did not feel that his Old Computer would work as well as the other boy's New Computers. Each week the Cub Scouts came to the den meeting with their notebooks full of computer paper from the previous week's den assignments. The Cub Scouts were all excited to share what their New Computers had done. Tommy was very sad because he felt his Old Computer's work was not good enough. Tommy would not show any of the other Cub Scouts what he had in his notebook. The Den Leader kept asking Tommy to share, but he came up with all sorts of excuses.

Finally, the night of the Pack Meeting came, and the Cub Scouts all assembled to show their month's work with great anticipation. The Cubmaster asked the Den Leaders one by one to have their den come up and explain what the boys had learned and done. As the Cub Scouts went up den by den, Tommy heard and saw all of the wonderful things that the New Computers could do. Eventually, it was Tommy's dens turn. Each boy explained what he had done and it was now Tommy's turn. Tommy looked down at this notebook full of papers and took a deep breath. Tommy explained that he only had an Old Computer and that he didn't want to show anyone what he had done. Earl, Tommy's good friend, pulled one of the papers out of Tommy's notebook and exclaimed, "Wow!! This is neat!" Everyone jumped up and ran to the paper. Earl said, "Look at how Tommy's Old Computer printed this graph. It doesn't look as smooth and refined as mine, but it looks cool. It has a lot of dots on it." Tommy's face was red, but he explained to everyone about the dot matrix printer. He explained that back in the old days that is how all Old Computers printed. He said that the New Computers usually have laser printers that make things look different than the old printers. After the meeting, all of the Den Leaders and Cub Scouts told Tommy they really enjoyed leaning about his Old Computer. The Cubmaster came up to Tommy and told him how proud he was of Tommy and that he was glad his Old Computer had such a good home. Tommy went home and gave his Old Computer a big hug. He said, "I'll never trade you in on a New Computer because you do what the Cub Scout motto says "Do Your Best."

The Banquet
York Adams Council

BANQUET: Rub tummy and say "Let's Eat!"

CUB SCOUTS: Jump up and down and say "Yipeee!"

Den Leaders: Put hands on sides of head and say "Oh, dear, not again!"

Committee Chair: Raise hand to ceiling and say "Thank heavens"

Cubmaster: Show Scout Sign and say "Sign's up!"

Parents: Point to yourself and say "Us too!"

Blue and Gold time had come again. The CUB SCOUTS and the Den Leaders had to come up with ideas for the Banquet to please the Cubmaster. They also had to stay within their budget for the Committee Chair. They made the invitations for their Parents, and centerpieces for the tables with the help of the Leaders.

When they arrived at the Banquet, the Parents were happy with the decorations that the Cub Scouts had made. When the awards were presented, the Den Leaders received thanks for jobs well done. The Cubmaster and the Committee Chair were also awarded-with a great Banquet that was within budget! The Parents, the Cub Scouts, the Den Leaders, the Cubmaster, and the Committee CHAIR decided it was the best Blue and Gold Banquet they had had so far!

The Surprise Party
York Adams Council

Cake: "Yum Yum"

Candles: "Ooooooo"

Ice Cream: "Burrr"

Invitations: "Y'all come!"

Decorations: "Beeeeeautiful"

Party: "Whoopieeee"

Scouting: Everyone applaud

There was excitement in the air when Mrs. Brown announced that there was going to be a surprise Party. She asked the members of the group to participate by doing different tasks. Tom was to take care of the INVITATIONS. Jerry and Bill said they would be glad to make the DECORATIONS. Al was to bring the PARTY favors. For refreshments, Dick said that he could bring CAKE and Sam would be happy to bring some chocolate ICE CREAM. Jim, the only boy left, had trouble deciding what to bring. Finally it dawned on him, "We will need to have CANDLES and I will bring them." The group left the meeting with anxious anticipation, eager to prepare their parts for the PARTY.

Tom's job was finished first when he made a list of people to invite and sent out all the INVITATIONS, being sure not to miss anyone on his list.

Finally the big day arrived and Jerry and Bill were there very early to put up the DECORATIONS. Sam arrived next with lots of ICE CREAM. The PARTY seemed to come to life when Al came in with a big assortment of PARTY favors. Where was the CAKE? Jim was already there with the CANDLES. Sam was worried about the ICE CREAM melting. But still no CAKE! When everyone was about to give up on the PARTY, in walked Dick with a scrumptious looking CAKE and the PARTY was in full swing. The CANDLES were put on the CAKE and the ICE CREAM was dished out.

Then there was a quietness about the PARTY. Everyone looked at one another and said, "Hey, who is this PARTY for?" Then Mrs. Brown said, "This PARTY is for all of you! We are here to celebrate the birthday of SCOUTING!"

Mexican Jumping Bean
Heart of America

Pass out jellybeans and have everybody squat down. The leader says, "All yellow jumping beans, jump 3 times." Those with yellow jelly beans jump accordingly. Continue with all the colors, and vary the number of jumps just to keep things jumping. The last direction is, "All you jolly jumping beans, eat your jelly beans!"

A Trip To The Dining Hall
York Adams Council

Cub Scout: Rub tummy and say "hungry, hungry"

Dining Hall: Hold tray and say "what's cookin'?"

Knife: Make cutting motion and say "tough stuff"

Fork: Make stabbing motion and say "jab, jab, jab"

Spoon: Make motion of eating soup and say "slurrrrp"

Narrator: All good scouting events should include three squares a day. Here's a story of one Cub Scout's experience in the Dining Hall.

One morning at Cub Scout Resident Camp, Den 4 got up bright and early to go to breakfast at the Dining Hall. They hadn't eaten since the night before so every Cub Scout in the den was ready to go. When they got there, they stood in line with everyone else until they had said the Philmont Grace.

Then the lines began moving into the Dining Hall. The first thing the Cub Scouts did was pick up their utensils. They got a Knife, a Fork, and a Spoon. Then the servers piled on the delicious food. Sure, no one really knew what it was, but it sure looked like food. The first server gave them some glob of white stuff and said it was oatmeal and that you eat it with a Spoon. The second server gave them something yellow—gooey yellow. He said it was eggs and that you eat it with a Fork. The next server tossed a crinckly brown disk on the tray and said it was sausage. It was to be cut with the Knife.

The Cub Scouts took their trays to their tables and sat to eat. Taking their Forks, they began with the eggs. As gooey yellow as they looked, they really were quite good. And as they ate their eggs, they also dipped into the white globs, called oatmeal, with their Spoons. It was pretty good too. And finally, they cut up their sausage with their Knifes and ate that too. Even that was quite delicious. After they were all finished, they took their trays to the dish room and left the Dining Hall. They sure couldn't wait for lunch!

Tin Foil Recipe

York Adams Council

(You can also have props up front or, even better, have your own Chef Dom DeLouise as a narrator, making the meal as he recites the recipes.)

Tin Foil: "Zip, crinkle, fold"

Sausage: "More pork sausages, Mom. Please?"

Carrots: "What's up, doc?"

Rice: "Rice-a-Roni the San Francisco treat!"

Beans: "Ho-Ho-Ho Green GI-ant"

Soup: "That's what Campbell's soups are mmm-mmm good!"

Narrator: Here is the perfect recipe for a great Cub Scout Tin Foil dinner. The first thing you do is get all of your ingredients together. You'll also need the Tin Foil to hold your meal. Start with a nice big Sausage. Slice it into 1/4-inch round slices. Next get a can of precooked, pre-sliced Carrots. Open that can. Next, you needs some Beans. Again, get the precooked, pre-cut sort in a can. And let's not forget the Rice—minute Rice, if you please. Don't forget that you need a can of Soup. It can be Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken, or any other Soup you want.

Now take your big piece of Tin Foil and fold it just so. Make sure there's lots of room in there to put the ingredients. Next you add your Sausage—not too little and not too much. Now spoon in some Carrots. Oh yeah! Oops, almost forgot to spoon in some Beans while we're at it. Now, add a big glop of your favorite Soup. Almost done here. Measure out a half-cup of minute RICE and pour that in. A great meal almost done. And last, but not least, fold that Tin Foil up and throw your meal in the fire. That's what we call a great Tin Foil meal.


A Lesson for the Big Bugs
York Adams Council

Bees - Buzz-Buzz
Ants - Hup-2-3-4
Mosquitoes - Bite-e-Bite
Frog - Croak-Croak
Woods - All sounds together

This is a story about Bill and his family and their adventure in the Woods. One fine spring day, Billy's family decided to go for a picnic in the Woods, where they could enjoy the outdoors. They packed a nice picnic basket and headed out on their walk.

As soon as they got to where they were going, they found a nice place to set up their picnic. Billy and his brother went to the stream where they looked at a Frog. They heard some Bees over by the wild flowers, and watched some Ants walking on ground. Being close to the water, they were also being bothered by some Mosquitoes.

When they went back to the picnic area, they told their parents about the Woods. How they saw a Frog and how the Mosquitoes were bothering them. They said that the Bees didn't bother them and that the Ants were really hard workers. Dad listened closely as he as he unwrapped another sandwich and carelessly threw his paper off to the side. Billy's little sister had just finished a soda and dropped the can by a tree. Mom threw her paper napkin on the ground and jumped up in disgust. "That is it!" she said. "I think the Ants are taking over the picnic."

Dad stretched out for a nap and had just dozed off when Billy's sister started to scream. She had been stung by a Bee. While Mom took care of her, Dad tried to go back to sleep. But he couldn't because the Mosquitoes were pestering him. Finally he decided that they had better go home.

Billy protested. "Why do we have to go?" "Well, Billy," Dad replied, we don't seem to be wanted here in the Woods. We sure haven't been treated very well. The Mosquitoes are eating me alive. The Ants took over the picnic. And a Bee stung your sister."

Well," said Billy, "maybe the Woods are trying to tell us something and the Mosquitoes, and the Ants, and the Bees are trying to tell us something.." "What is that?" asked Dad. "Well," said Billy, "just look around us and you'll see we haven't been very nice visitors to the Woods. Look at all the trash we've thrown around. Seems to me we're the worst bugs of all—litterbugs!"

So the family started cleaning up the mess they'd made and afterwards they felt better. They took a nice walk through the Wood, listening to the sounds. They actually enjoyed the buzzing of the Bees, the croaking of the Frogs, and the Ants at work.

When they returned home, they were tired, but happy they had learned an important lesson that day. The worst kind of bug is a litterbug!

They Write the Story
York Adams Council

The following stories have important details missing that need to be supplied by the audience. If you are going to use any of these during the Pack Meeting, I would recommend that you make up "blanks" ahead of time and hand them out to people who will help you "write" the story.

As an example, you can have an index card for each missing word/phrase. On the top of the index card include the part of speech [noun, verb, etc.] and a sequential number indicating when the word/phrase is interjected. Then have the group of "storytellers" stand in the front of the room with the leader. As the leader reads the story, he/she points to the appropriate storyteller when that part is needed. [Sometimes the leader may have to reread a sentence to get the whole thought out for everyone to hear.]

Becoming a Frog


Becoming a frog is not difficult. You must start as a [ADJECTIVE] egg and [VERB] near water. You clump together with [NUMBER] other eggs on the shore of [PLACE]. Soon you hatch and become a tadpole, which means you can [VERB] around in the water. Over the next few weeks you will grow [PLURAL NOUN] and your tail will get [ADJECTIVE] and disappear. Soon you will [VERB] onto the land-- a full-fledged frog!

Where Buffalo Roam


Bison, also called [PLURAL NOUN], have an important place in Native American heritage. Native Americans used bison meat as food, and [PLURAL NOUN] for shelter. They would [VERB] clothes from the hides and trade [PLURAL NOUN] with other tribes. They were [ADJECTIVE] to use every part of the animal.

The Three Trees
Greater St. Louis Area Council

Big Tree Plunk
Middle Sized Tree Plink
Baby Tree Pink
Babbling Brook Gurgle, Gurgle
Rabbit Clippety clip
Hunters Bugle call
Gun Bang

Once upon a time in the deep, dark woods there stood three TREES, the BIG TREE, the MIDDLE Tree and the wee BABY Tree--and through the TREES ran a BABBLING BROOK and hopped the little RABBIT.
One day a group of HUNTERS came into the forest where stood the three trees--the BIG TREE, THE MIDDLE SIZED TREE and the little BABY TREE--and through the trees ran the BABBLING BROOK and hopped the little RABBIT.

As the HUNTERS wandered through the forest, in which stood the three trees--the BIG TREE, the MIDDLE SIZED TREE and the little BABY TREE --and through the trees ran the BABBLING BROOK and hopped the little RABBIT--one of the HUNTERS spied the little RABBIT. He raised his gun at the little RABBIT, and sadness reigned in the forest, in which stood the three trees-- the BIG TREE, the MIDDLE SIZED TREE and the little BABY TREE--and through the trees ran the BABBLING BROOK, but no longer the little RABBIT.

The BIG TREE, the MIDDLE SIZED TREE and the little BABY TREE were all very sad. Even the BABBLING BROOK was sad. But all of a sudden out from the thicket hopped the little RABBIT. The HUNTER'S GUN had missed.

And once again happiness reigned in the forest where the three trees - the BIG TREE, the MIDDLE SIZED TREE and the LITTLE BABY TREE --and through the trees ran the BABBLING BROOK and hopped the little RABBIT.

The Happy Hikers
York Adams Council

Before you just start using this as it's presented, make sure you try it at home and check the time it takes to run all the way through it. If it takes too long, just cut out some of the scenery!

Narrator: We're going on a hike. Just do what I do and listen carefully. (Begin walking in place)

Here we go on a hike through the woods and over the mountains. Come along with me. (Smile, wave to group, and hike in place)

We're coming to a steep hill. (Bend over as if climbing)

Now we're on top. What a lovely view! (Shade eyes and look around)

Now, we'll have to go down. (Move hand like going down a roller coaster and say "swoosh")

Boy, we're out of breath. (Breathe heavily)

Now, we're passing through a meadow. (Hike in place)

What's that I see? (Stop, look to one side)

It's a rabbit! And a meadowlark. (Look up)

And a bumble bee! (Run swiftly in place, waving arms as if fighting off a bee)

We're happy hikers. (Hike in place)

We're happy because of the beautiful mountains we see. (Shade eyes and smile)

And because of all that clean fresh air we are breathing. (Breathe heavily) and especially because we got away from the buzzing bee. (Smile, turn head to look behind you and wave "bye" to bee)

Now we're getting tired. (Slow pace, walk droopily)

There's what we need! (Point)

A cool refreshing drink from the river. (Pick up pace, kneel down and scoop water to mouth)

Ahhh, how refreshing. Let's be on our way, (Hike in place)

Now let's try to jump over the river without getting our feet wet. (Take big step, get feet wet, shake them off)

Oh, well, don't feel too bad about not making it. That was a wide river. At least we have cool toes. (Shake feet again)

We'd better stop for lunch. (Stop, reach in pocket, bring out sandwich, start eating, take handkerchief from pocket, wipe mouth, replace handkerchief, resume hiking in place)

Ummmm, that feels better. Look, there's a lovely lake. (Point)

Let's swim across. (Swim strokes)

That was great! (Resume hiking in place)

Look at that crooked trail ahead. (Point)

It's nothing but twists and turns. (Continue hiking -- twisting and turning)

I'm glad that's over. I was getting dizzy. (Stagger)

Looks like we have come to the end of the trail. (Stop)

What do we do now? Are you tired? (Shake head YES!)

So am I. (Sit down, wipe brow.)

Long Rivers Council
Pow Wow 1992


How The Sun, Moon, and Stars Got Into The Sky
(Old Indian Legend)
York Adams Council

CHIEF: Stand with arms folded across chest and say "Ugh! Ugh!"

SUN: Cover eyes with hands

MOON: Frame face with hands and smile

STARS: Blink rapidly

Long, long ago the Indians has no fire and no light. They suffered much during the cold of winter and they had to eat their food uncooked. They also had to live in darkness because there was no light.

There was no SUN, no MOON, and no STARS in the sky. The great CHIEF kept them locked in a box. He took great pride in the fact that he alone had light. This great CHIEF has a beautiful daughter of whom he was also proud. She was much beloved by all the Indians in the tribe.

In those days, the raven had the power of magic. He was a great friend of the Indians and the Indian CHIEF. He wondered how he might make life more comfortable for them.

One day he saw the daughter of the CHIEF come down to the brook for a drink. He had an idea. He would put a magic spell on her. In time a son was born to the daughter of the CHIEF. The old CHIEF was delighted as the boy grew. His grandfather, the CHIEF became devoted to him. Anything that he wanted he could have.

One day he asked the CHIEF for the box containing the STARS. Reluctantly the old CHIEF gave it to him. The child played for a while by rolling the box around. Then he released the STARS and flung them into the sky. The Indians were delighted. This was some light though not quite enough.

After a few days, the child asked for the box containing the MOON. Again the CHIEF hesitated, but finally, the boy got what he had asked for. Again, after playing a while with the toy, the boy released the MOON and flung it into the sky. The tribe was overjoyed. But still there was not enough light and the MOON disappeared for long periods.

Finally, the boy asked for the box with the SUN. "No," said the old CHIEF, "I cannot give you that." But the boy wept and pleaded. The old CHIEF could not stand the tears, so he gave him the box. As soon as he had a chance, the child released the SUN and cast it up in the sky.

The joy of the Indians knew no bounds. Here was light enough and heat as well. They ordered a feast of the SUN and all of the Indians celebrated it with great jubilation. And the old CHIEF was happy. He had not known that the SUN and the MOON and the STARS could mean so much for the happiness of his people. And for the first time, he too, enjoyed himself.


Auto-Matic Laughs
York Adams Council

Tonight I'm going to read you a story about a couple that went shopping for a new car. But the story is a little dry, so I'd like you to help me through this. When I read certain words, I'd like you to provide some background "action" to them. Here are the important words and their actions.

* If you have BLUE eyes, whenever you hear the word BLUE, pat the top of your head.
* If you have brown eyes, whenever you hear the word Brown, pat the top of your head.
* If you are left-handed, whenever you hear the word Right, clap your hands.
* If you are right-handed, whenever you hear the word Left, clap your hands.
* If you're under 20, stomp your feet whenever you hear the word Old.
* If you're over 20, stomp your feet whenever you hear the word New.
* If you are a male, stand up whenever you hear the word Female.
* If you are a female, stand up whenever you hear the word Male.

Here's that dry story I told you about…

One day, a Man and a Woman went to the store looking to buy a New car. Their Old one, which was a muddy Brown color, was not running well. It Left too much to be desired in the way of speed and safety, and they wanted another one Right away. They wanted a bright Blue one. As they walked into the dealership, the Woman noticed a Blue sports car on the showroom floor. "Darling," she said, look at that lovely New car Right over there. Wouldn't it be perfect for us."

"You may be Right. It's a lot better looking than our Old, Brown buggy. Unfortunately, there's one problem—I've Left all my money at home," the Man said.

"You Left it at home?" asked the Woman.

"Yes, it's Right in the pocket of my New Brown suit," replied the Man.

"Your New Brown suit? Why I took that suit to the cleaners just this morning and I didn't notice any money in any of the pockets," said the Woman.

"But I'm certain I Left my money in the inside Right pocket of my New Brown suit," said the Man as he scratched his head in wonder.

"Now wait a minute! Are you saying I'm not Right? Man, oh Man, oh Man! You have your nerve!" Shrieked the Woman.

"Let's not argue. We're here to buy a car and that Blue car in the corner is a Right nice model. And just think, if we buy the New Blue car, we'll never have to worry about our Old Brown one again!" said the MAN.

They wandered over to look at the New Blue car. After looking at the price of the New car and figuring out what they'd get as trade-in on their Old Brown one, the Man and the Woman decided that buying the New Blue one would be the Right thing to do.

But before they Left the dealer, they started questioning their decision. Would they be better off with their Old Brown one, if the New Blue one didn't run Right? How long before they thought of the New car as an Old one? Or what about a New Brown one? And would they feel Blue about trading in their Brown one? Brown or Blue; Old or New. What was Right and which car did they want to be Left with?

The Man and the Woman were so confused they decided to sell their car and buy bicycles. And that's just what they did. And they KNEW it was Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left!

The Indian Hunter
York Adams Council

Divide the group into eight sections and assign a character to each. As each character is mentioned in the story, the assigned group stands up, yells out their lines, then sits down.


Chief:"Me empty"


Pony: "Clip-clop, clip-clop"

Bow And Arrow:"Swissssh"

Fire:"Crackle, crackle"

Tom-Tom: "Boom, boom"

North Wind: "Wooo, wooo"

Deer: "Skitter, scatter"

Many moons ago, in the land of the Plains Indians—the tribes of the Pawnee, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kiowa—there was a village that was in trouble. For many days no rain had fallen and the crops were drying up. The buffalo and the Deer had gone north to seek better water holes. The village's very existence depended on getting fresh meat.

The Chief called a council with all the members of the village. They all gathered around the Fire as the Tom-Tom sounded the call. When all were present, the Chief looked around the circle. It was complete, even to his own son, a Brave of just nineteen harvests. They discussed their problem until the Fire dwindled to just smoky red ashes. Finally, the Brave stood up and said that the only way was for a true-blooded member to go far off where the Deer were grazing and return with food for the village. He, himself, would go.

Early the next morning the Brave mounted his Pony. As the Tom-Tom sounded, the Brave waved to his father, the Chief, and rode on his Pony into the North Wind.

Onward the trail led with the Brave and the Pony getting weak. The North Wind howled with glee. Finally he came upon a small water hole. There, drinking, were two fine Deer. The Brave tethered his Pony, aimed his Bow And Arrow, and let fly two direct hits.

The Brave started back to the village with the two Deer strapped to the Pony's back. Southward they trod and the going was slower and slower. Despite his great hunger, the Brave ate very little, for he knew his people were depending on him. Finally, he came to a scout from the village. The Indian sounded his Tom-Tom, signaling the Chief and the people that the Brave and his Pony had returned.

That night, there was great celebration as the tribe gathered around the Fire, each eating a welcome portion of the Deer. The Brave told his story to the Chief and his people. This story of his Pony and his Bow And Arrow is relived today in Indian dance legend, to the sound of the Tom-Tom.

A Genius Is This & That
York Adams Council

Ed: In this month's focus on physical fitness, we also want to make the point that mental alertness is very important. To that end, use this skit to point out just how smart your Pack is.

Here's an audience participation skit - ideal for large group meetings or banquets. There is only one character - the narrator or storyteller - and there is no rehearsal or scenery necessary. Just pick your narrator with care! He is the key to success.

Before he tells the story, the narrator divides the audience into 5 groups and assigns each a "part" - a sound and action each group makes at the mention of a certain word. The narrator pauses after each capitalized word. The words and their responses are:


Norman - Say "Oh, my!" and raise both hands

Right - Say "This!" and raise right hand

Left - Say "That!" and raise left hand

This - Say "Right!" and raise Right hand

That - Say "Left!" and raise Left hand

Genius - All clap and Cheer!

Well, now that everyone is entirely confused, let's begin!

Narrator: This is the story of Norman, a boy who wanted very much to be a Genius. But, no matter how hard he tried, it just didn't work out. You see, NORMAN had a problem - he could not tell RIGHT from LEFT.

At school, the teacher would say, "When you know the answer, raise your Right hand." By the time Norman figured which hand was which, it was too late! At home it was the same thing. It was, "Norman, you have your Left shoe on your Right foot."

Things weren't any better outside. In football, they would send him in at Left end and he would be Right. In baseball, they'd yell, "Norman, 'move to your Left!" He'd move Right.

Poor Norman! No matter what he did, it wasn't Right! or Left! But Norman was determined! Finally, he figured out what to do. He'd call it This and That. This for Right and That for Left. Somehow, it all seemed easier. And in no time, he had it down pat.

One day, while Norman was home alone, a burglar forced his way in. Norman was frightened! The burglar asked where his mother's jewels and furs were. Norman said, "In the closet." But when the burglar said, "Which way is That, Norman, of course answered, "Left." The burglar followed these instructions and found himself in the kitchen! Being a smart burglar he said, "This isn't Right!" and Norman said, "Oh, yes it is - but your asked for That!"

The burglar became angry and said, "Now listen, I asked where the closet is, do you understand That?" And Norman answered, "Oh, yes, That is Left!" The burglar said, "This is enough!" And Norman said, "Oh, no, This is Right!" Exasperated, the burglar said, "Oh, forget it! Just tell me where the closet is!" And Norman said, "Turn This." But naturally, the burglar misunderstood and turned the knob on the door in front of him, and plunged headlong down the basement stairs.

Just then, Norman's parents came home, and when he told them what had happened, his father said the words he'd been waiting so very long to hear, "Norman, you're a Genius"

Long Rivers CouncilPow Wow 1992