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Audience Participations from Baloo's Bugle -- Part 2
Here are more Audience Participations gleaned from our many years of publishing Baloo's Bugle. The MacScouter figured it would be helpful if you could find them all in one place. Use these to add pizzaz to your Pack Meetings.
Many of the Audience Participations are stories where you divide the audience into several groups, teach them their part, usually a response to a word, and as you read the story the audience responds with their phrase or action when you speak the word. It is always best to pause at the word, so the audience has time to respond. You will also find it very useful to copy the story to a separate document and highlight the special words -- captialize them or make them bold, so you know when to pause. Print out the story and read it at your Pack meeting. This is great fun.
Traveling Treats
Trapper Trails Council
Pass out a few small treats to the audience. Each time they hear the word that indicates some direction they move the treat to the person closest to them in that direction. A few could be bigger or wrapped to appear more special.
In Front
The Cub Scout year is filled with such fun. Right at the end of the summer the pack has a grand round-up to invite new cubs into the pack. After the Webelos have Left to join the troop there is more room for all the new Tiger Cubs and Bobcats
In the fall all the Cubs LEFT bags on the doorsteps for the neighbors to fill. After the service projects, caroling, and holiday crafts there were not many days LEFT in December.
The Boy Scouts from the troop invited the Webelos to their camp at the Klondike Derby. Looking to the RIGHT and the LEFT they found the troop's sled RIGHT IN FRONT.
At the derbies the excited Cubs stood IN FRONT to see the racing. Did you see the one that LEFT the others behind in his dust?
IN FRONT of the Pack at the Blue and Gold Banquet the Cubmaster was careful to give the boys their RIGHT awards.
The fun continued with scout shows with displays and activities jam packed RIGHT in a row. What Cub in his RIGHT mind could forget the fantastic time at summer camp?
Den meetings, field trips, Pack meetings, outings galore! You had better WRITE it all down because you would certainly feel sad, if you were LEFT behind.
How To Build A Thingamajig
York Adams Council
Doodads: Clickety-clack, clickety clack
Dingford: Whiz, bang, boom
Freedistant: Whoosh, whoosh
Higoricky: Snap, crackle, pop
Scatereekus: All sounds together
Very few families these days can get by without a thingamajig. Sure you can buy one at the local hardware and appliance store, in all sorts of colors, sizes, shapes, makes and models, but as easy as they are to build yourself, you should just get a kit and put it together. Here are a simple set of instructions for building your own thingamajig...
The Doodads of the thingamajig kit are stored in the bubble-wrap gizmo and are stapled with the purple assembly Dingford to the left-handed Freedistant. The assembly Dingford should be placed in an upright position on any corrugated doomaflatchy or Freedistant to complete assembling the Doodads. Carefully remove the gizmo from its containeration of the Doodads from the Freedistant and lay out the Doodads in parallel with the assembly Dingford and assemble the Doodads in the order listed. You will need two fringhoppers with a 4/3" gagglehump for the Higoricky, and you'll have to use penpoppers to complete the riggeration.
Using a witchifiggle, carefully punch 1/2" what-nots through the assembly Dingford and Freedistant, where the Higoricky will attach. The what-nots are there to capitrate the hoosie Higoricky that will beefling the Doodads together.
Next frammis the chingus to the Freedistant, making sure the whatchamacallits are catiwompus to the hootnanny and the Higoricky, as shown on the assembly Dingford. If it is reversed, the thingamajig will not work properly.
Tighten two fistaroud valves underneath the Freedistant using the hickeys from the Doodads to on from one doodad to the other. Now refracker a jigger to the the demisantis and the doorfunkey near the whatchamacallits. Put a dingus on each loose enough so that the thingamabob can discombobulate and rotate easily, or it might XXXX and fly off and hit someone in the doohickey.
That finishes the instructions. If you've followed them carefully, you should have a well running thingamajig. When you turn over the Scatereekus.
The Witch Hunt
National Capital Area Council
Leader takes a seated position in front of the audience and asks them to follow along, repeating after him and making motions as she does.
Would you like to go on a witch-hunt? Okay? Let's go! Watch me and do all the things I do and repeat after me all the things I say. Here we go!
We're going on a witch-hunt. Everyone tip toe. (tip toe fingers across hand) Shhh! (Finger across mouth) I see a house, a haunted house. We can't go under it. We can't go around it. We can't go over it. I guess we'll have to go in it. (Pretends to open a creaking door, making a loud noise) Shhhh! (finger across mouth) I see the stairs, great long stairs. We can't go around them. We can't go under them. We can't go over them. I guess we'll have to climb the. (Pretend to climb the stairs. Shade eyes and look around. Continue tip toeing) Shhh. (finger across mouth I see a cobweb, a great big cobweb. We can't go around it. We can't go under it. We can't go over it. I guess we'll have to go through it. (Wave hands to get through cobweb, make gestures and face as if disgusted.) Shhh! (finger across mouth) I see a room, a great big room. We can't go around it. We can't go under it. We can't go over it. I guess we'll have to go through it. (Open creaking door. Feel in front of you as in the dark.) It sure is dark in here. I feel something. (Go through the motion of feeling.) It's big! It has a crooked nose! It has a pointed hat! I think it's a witch! It IS a witch! Let's get out of here fast! (Slap knees quickly for running) Open the door, (creaking sound), through the cobweb (wave hands), down the stairs (slap knees) out of the house (continue slapping knees), I beat you home. Now you've been on a witch-hunt.
The Big Wheel
York Adams Council
Divide audience into four groups to respond to the following words in the story:
Big Wheel: "Spin, spin"
Canoe: "Paddle, paddle"
Airplane: "Zooooom"
Car: "Rattle, rattle, rattle"
Man has invented different things that go and provide him with transportation down through the years. The Indian made his Canoe, which took him from place to place and served its purpose well. Men like Henry Ford invented the Car, which today is the most popular type of transportation. There were men like the Wright brothers, who pioneered the invention of the Airplane. And there is a group of people, called the Big Wheels, who really don't go anyplace or do anything, but they like to feel important.
This story is about one of those Big Wheels who just sat and spun his wheels and felt so important while he was doing nothing at all. Everyone around him was working on new and better types of Canoes, designing new and more efficient Cars, and designing and testing newer and faster Airplanes. But our Big Wheel just sat around feeling important, not doing anything to help anybody, while everyone else was doing the work.
Somehow, he always seemed to get by and fool people into thinking that he was important because everyone around him was making progress. The Big Wheel depended on their brains and energy to make him look good. Finally, one day, something happened that changed things overnight for the Big Wheel.
Everyone who had been working on Canoes, and Cars, and the Airplanes decided it was time to teach the Big Wheel a lesson. They were tired of him doing nothing except acting important. So they all became very busy and didn't pay any attention to him. When something came up, the Big Wheel found he couldn't rely on the others to answer questions and make him look important. Finally the Big Wheel realized he could not accomplish anything without help from the others. He realized he was making no contribution to the world at all. He was just sitting there spinning his wheel, while the others accomplished a lot on Canoes, and Cars, and the Airplanes. Big Wheel felt very bad.
It was a hard lesson when Big Wheel finally realized something he should have known all along-if you're going to get anyplace in this world, you can't expect other people to do all the work for you. But it was a good lesson, too. Because when the Big Wheel, really look deep down within himself, he realized that, like the Canoe makers, and the Car workers, and the Airplane people, he too had special talents that he could use to contribute to the world.
Arachne The Spinner
York Adams Council
Arachne (pronounced a-RAK-nee?): "I'm the Best!"
Athena: "A goddess"
Tapestry: "Is it real?"
Shuttle: "Shoosh, shoosh"
Everyone: "Aaaah" (The entire audience does this)
Tonight's theme is "Our Gifts and Talents." Every one of us is blessed with special gifts and talents. But we also have to make sure we don't think ourselves so much better than others because we are blessed with certain talents. Tonight's story explains why.
Long ago, there was a weaver who had a great skill. Her name was Arachne. Arachne made Tapestries that were so lovely, people paid a fortune for then. Everyone came from miles around just to watch Arachne weave. Her fingers would make the Shuttle fly over the cloth. Arachne's friends said the gods had given her an amazing talent. Arachne replied, "There is nothing the gods can teach me about weaving. I can weave better than the gods and goddesses!"
Her friend turned pale with fright. "You better not let the goddess Athena hear you say that!"
"I don't care who hears me. I'm the best there is!" replied Arachne.
An old lady was sitting behind Arachne, examining the Tapestries. "So you think you weave better than the goddess Athena?" she asked.
"Athena wouldn't stand a chance against me," said Arachne.
All of the sudden the old lady's hair began to float like smoke and turned to golden light. Her robe turned white and she grew taller and taller. The old lady turned into the goddess Athena. "A contest between you and me!"
Arachne's friends bowed down to Athena, but Arachne just threaded another Shuttle and agreed to the contest. "Now we'll see who is the best weaver in the world," she said.
To and fro the shuttles went, fast as could be. Athena wove a picture of Mount Olympus and all the gods and goddesses. All the animals were in her Tapestry and Everyone wanted to touch them. They seemed so real. Arachne made fun of the gods in her tapestry. She made them look like ordinary people. But her butterfly looked as though it would fly away and the grain waved in the breeze. When Arachne wove a lion, Everyone shrieked and ran away in fright. Indeed, Arachne's Tapestry was lovelier than nature itself.
Athena laid down her Shuttle and looked at Arachne's Tapestry. "You are a better weaver, said Athena. "Your skill is unmatched. Even I don't have your magic."
Arachne was very smug. "Didn't I tell you so?"
"But your pride is even greater than your skill," said Athena, "and your irreverence cannot be forgiven. No one makes fun of the gods." With that, Athena turned Arachne into a spider. "Now you will weave your Tapestries forever, said Athena. "But no matter how beautiful they are, people will shudder at them and destroy them!"
Franklin Discovers Electricity
York Adams Council
Franklin: "A Penny Saved"
Lightning: "Zap-Zap-Zap"
Experiment: "Try it! Try it! Try it!"
Electricity: "Shocking!"
It was the 1740's when Ben Franklin started working with Electricity. He conducted many different Experiments to try to understand more about it. His most famous Experiment being his kite flying one in June of 1752. Franklin believed that Lightning was a flow of Electricity taking place in nature. To test his hypothesis, he tied a metal key to a child's kite and flew the kite during a thunderstorm. The key became charged with Electricity, and Ben had proof that Lightning is really a string of Electricity. His kite Experiment and his others helped him develop many of the words and terms that we still use today when dealing with Electricity: charge, discharge, conductor, minus, plus, electrician, electric shock, and others.
Franklin's numerous experiments with LIGHTNING led to his invention of the LIGHTNING rod. The LIGHTNING rod is used to protect buildings and ships from getting struck by Lightning. Benjamin Franklin was a huge contributor to the field of Electricity. He is said to be the first man to discover anything spectacular about Electricity, and he is well known by people everywhere for that.
Unlike some other inventors in electricity, Franklin did not spend his entire life working with it. He invented many other things that had nothing to do with Electricity, such as bifocals, the Franklin Stove, and the odometer. In 1831, he founded what is considered as the first public library. He wrote Poor Richard's Almanac, which was published from 1732 to 1757. He also established the first Fire department, and a police force. Franklin was also a huge political power in colonial America. Benjamin Franklin died at age 84 on April 17, 1790. He will forever be remembered for his contributions to Electricity and the rest of the world.
A Frontier Thanksgiving
Trapper Trails Council
Divide the audience into seven groups and assign each group one of the following sound effects to be given on cue.
Settler: "Davey Crockett,"
Gun: "Bang, bang."
Dog: "Man's best friend:"
Turkey: "Yum, yum."
Cabin: "Shut the door!"
Frontier: "Way out west!"
Indian: "Geronimo!"
Thanksgiving: Everyone pats tummy.
Early one Thanksgiving morning, many years ago on the old Frontier, a Settler stood before his lonely Cabin with his trusty Gun and faithful Dog ready to hunt the Turkey he needed for dinner, hoping no Indians would spoil his feast. Whistling to his Dog, the Settler shouldered his Gun and started down the forest trail. Meantime, the Indian, also with a Dog, came down the forest trail from the other direction. Just at that moment a fat Turkey flew between them. Out flew an arrow, off went the Gun, down fell the Turkey, in bounded the Dogs, up rushed the Indian and the Settler. "It's mine," claimed the Settler. "Ugh - him mine," said the Indian. "Gr rr," snarled the Dogs. The noise of the argument shook the Cabin and awoke the whole Frontier. But the Turkey, which was only stunned, took off unsteadily and flew in the open door of the Cabin, where it was promptly captured by the Indian and the Settler and the Dogs. And thus, Thanksgiving came to a lonely Cabin on the old Frontier.
Tonight we've been honoring,
The Boy Scouts so famous.
But we can't sit forever,
And nobody can blame us.
So let us all stand up right now,
And move ourselves awhile. -
Shake hands with all who sit close by,
And give them all a smile,
Stretch your arms way up high,
And shake your leg a bit.
Now everybody turn around
And now, please, let's all sit.
A Trip Through Santa's Workshop
Viking Council
Narrator: Hi folks. We've had a special invitation from old Santa himself to come up and visit his toyshop at the North Pole. He told me that we must make our trip through the toyshop as quietly as possible, so we won't disturb the elves or the toys. You see, the toys come to life when they see visitors, so if they spot us we may have to pretend we're toys too. The elves get very nervous when they see people. So you just follow me and do exactly as I do and we'll be able to visit without disturbing anyone.
Come on. Let's follow Santa. (Walking in place) on a trip through his toyshop. Since the hour's late, we can't take time to stop (hold finger to lips and hump over, pretending to sneak by). Sh-h-h, the jack-in-the-box is sound asleep, so come on quietly and past him we'll creep.
Look! There's the dancing ballerina (point ahead with finger) standing on one toe. Oh no! She saw us! So round and round we go (hold one hand over head and turn around several times.) Now that the ordeal is over, let's continue on our way (walking in place); we want to see some more but too long we cannot stay.
Look over there to the right, (shade eyes with hand, point to right) back in that corner dark; I think that I can see a very tiny spark (pretend to be quietly sneaking up on something). Oh, it's an elf I see, building a Rudolph toy. Oh, oh, he sees us! Pretend you're not a boy! (Cup hand over nose to simulate Rudolph's large nose while saying "blink, blink, blink").
Whew! That was a close call (wipe brow with hand) but we fooled him I guess. We'd better follow Santa (walk in place) before we get into a mess. Oh, Santa has stopped again (stop walking and hold up hand in halt sign). I wonder what he sees. Uh oh, look out, I think I'm going to sneeze! (Hold finger under nose while saying a-a-a-a-choo!") Oh my goodness, that did it! Come on, we'd better run (start running in place). Let's hurry and get out of here, or it may not be such fun!
Come on and blink your nose (all do as before while running in place) as past the Rudolphs we run, just to make the elf think that we are one. There's the ballerina, dancing on her toe. Let's twirl around once (all twirl while continuing running) so past her we can go. Here's the jack-in-the-box, let's get down low and crouch, (get down low and sneak quietly by. Here's the jack-in-the-box, let's get down and crouch, (get down low and sneak quietly by). Out he comes with a b-o-i-n-g! (All shout "boing" as they spring up high in the air and then sit back down in chairs) Now we're back home on the couch! (Drop in chair with hands hanging down sides; wipe brow.
The House Where Santa Claus Lives
House - hands over head in a inverted V
Shed - hand in front of chest in an inverted V
Sled- hands together is waving motion, left to right.
Reindeer - one hand, palm out, at each side of head as antlers
Pack - both hands over right shoulder as if carrying a load
Little girls - all girls, young and old, stand up
Little boys - all boys, young and old, stand up
Box - show dimensions of the box, length and width, with hands
Doll - both hands under right side of head, as if asleep
Lion - Extend both hands and paws and give a deep growl
Soldier - Give the Cub Scout salute while at attention
Santa Claus- pat stomach with both hands and say "Ho, Ho, Ho"
This is the House where Santa Claus lives. This is the Sled behind the House where Santa Claus lives. This is the Sled that is kept in the Shed behind the House where Santa Claus lives. These are the Reindeer that pull the Sled that is kept in the Shed behind the House were Santa Claus lives. This is old Santa Claus who guides the Reindeer that pull the Sled that is kept in the Shed behind the House where Santa Claus lives.
This is the Pack all filled with toys for good Little Girls and good Little Boys that is carried by old Santa Claus who guides the Reindeer that pull the Sled that is kept in the Shed that is behind the House where Santa Claus lives.
This is the Box that is in the Pack all filled with toys for good Little Girls and good Little Boys that is carried by old Santa Claus who guides the Reindeer that pull the Sled that is kept in the Shed that is behind the House where Santa Claus lives.
This is the Doll that is in the Box that is in the Pack all tilled with toys for good Little Girls and good Little Boys that is carried by old Santa Claus who guides the Reindeer that pull the Sled that is kept in the Shed that is behind the House where Santa Claus lives.
This is the Lion that frightened the Doll that is in the Box that is in the Pack all filled with toys for good Little Girls and good Little Boys that is carried by old Santa Claus who guides the Reindeer that pull the Sled that is kept in the Shed that is behind the House where Santa Claus lives.
This is the Soldier that captured the Lion that frightened the Doll that is in the Box that is in the Pack all filled with toys for good Little Girls and good Little Boys that is carried by old Santa Claus who guides the Reindeer that pull the Sled that is kept in the Shed that is behind the House where Santa Claus wishes you a Merry Christmas!
The Cub Knot Story
Northwest Suburban Council
Rope -- I'm fit to be tied
Knot -- Cross arms in front and say What Knot
Cub Scout -- Where's the cookies
Den Meeting -- Paint; cut; glue
For those of you who can’t imagine that a Rope can come alive, this story may be hard to believe. Once there was a four-foot piece of Rope who wanted to become a Cub Scout. The Rope knew that in Den Meetings, Cub Scouts learned to tie Knots in Ropes. And he had always wanted to learn how to tie himself into a Knot.
So the Rope checked with a Cub Scout he knew to find out when the next Den Meeting was to be held.
He put on his best tie; hitched up his pants and headed for the meeting. The Rope could tell that he was at the right house, because several Cub Scouts were arriving to begin the Den Meeting. The Rope walked right in and said to the leader, "I want to be a Cub Scout and attend your Den Meetings."
But the den leader said, "I can Knot let a Rope be a Cub Scout!"
Well, the Rope was really upset. He ran out of the Den Meeting, Knot knowing what to do next. He ran out into the gravel road and was run over by a bread truck. The Rope was tumbled, rolled, crunched and, in general, pretty messed up. His ends were all unraveled and he had been twisted into a quadruple half hitch Knot! The Rope couldn't even remember who he was. But somehow, he remembered he wanted to be a Cub Scout and that a Den Meeting was going on that he should be attending. He stumbled to the front door and knocked. The Cub Scout den leader halted the Den Meeting to answer the door. When the den leader opened the door, there was the unraveled half hitched Rope. "I want to be a Cub Scout,” said the Rope.
The den leader looked at him and said, "Aren't you the Rope that was here a few minutes ago. The Rope looked right at the den leader and shouted, "I'm a frayed Knot!"
The Plumber
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council
Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner: Honey, I'm home
Plumber: Get a mop, get a mop
Tools: Clank, clank, bang
Electrician: Bzzzt! How shocking
TV set: We'll be right back
One day, Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner came home from work to find their kitchen flooded with water. "Whatever shall we do?" asked Mrs. Homeowner. "We'll call a Plumber!" said Mr. Homeowner. "He'll know what to do."
Quick as a wink, the Plumber arrived with his bag of Tools. "Don't worry," said the Plumber, "this looks like a simple leak. I'll just get my Tools and have it fixed in a jiffy." Then he crawled under the sink and began banging on the pipes. Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner covered their ears and left the room. But suddenly, all the lights in the house flickered - and then went out! "Oh no!" cried Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner. "Now we'll have to call the Electrician!"
Soon the Electrician arrived with his bag of Tools and began to check the wiring. "Here's the problem," he said, as he stuffed his Tools back into their case. "There's something wrong with your TV Set." "The TV Set?!!?" said MR. Homeowner. "How much will it cost to fix?" "Oh, about a thousand dollars," said the Electrician, smiling broadly at the thought of all that money.
"A thousand dollars just to fix a TV Set? said Mrs. Homeowner. "We can't afford to pay that much? Mr. Homeowner thought about missing his favorite TV shows, then shook his head and slowly took out his checkbook.
Just then the Plumber came into the room and handed his bill to Mrs. Homeowner. "Wait a minute dear," she said. "You might miss your favorite shows but I have to wash my hair tonight! You know we only have enough money to pay one of these bills, and you know what they say - TV or not TV, water's the question!
The Banquet
Heart of America Council
Banquet, Let's eat! (rub tummies)
Cubmaster, Sign up! (Cub Scout sign)
Cub Scout, Yipee! (jump up and down)
Den Leader, Oh dear! (Hand on top of head)
Den Dad, Not again! (both hands to side of head)
Parents, Us too! (Points to self)
Committee Chairman, Thank heaven! (Hands to ceiling)
Everyone, (All at once)
Blue and gold time has come again. Cub Scouts and Den Leaders had come up with ideas for the banquet to please the Cubmaster. They also had to stay within their budget to the Committee Chairman's delight. The made invitations for their parents and centerpieces for the table with the help of the Den Dad.
When they arrived at the Banquet, the parents were very happy with the decorations the Cub Scouts had made. When the awards were presented, the Den Dads and the Den Leaders received thanks for jobs well done. The Cubmaster and the Committee Chairman were also rewarded; and then Everyone decided it was the nicest Banquet they had had so far.
Cub Scout Nature Hike
Heart of America Council
Cub Scouts: “My Turn! My Turn!”
Den Leader: “Now, boys.”
Robin: “Hop, hop, I’m off!”
Dogwood: “Arf! Arf!”
Hike: “Hup! Two! Thr ! Four!”
Animals: “Grrrrrr! “
Once upon a time a den of Cub Scouts went on a Hike to see what they could see. Their Den Leader pointed out sights like spider webs, Robin’s nests and Dogwood trees. The Cub Scouts wanted to take a nature Hike, to see how many wild Animals, they could find and the Den Leader saw it as a perfect opportunity for them to learn about conservation and make plaster casts of the tracks of Animals.
As the Hike went on, the Cub Scouts splashed in a creek, chased a Robin, climbed a Dogwood, and tried to out-moo a field of cows. The Den Leader grew weary of trying to keep up and suggested they rest from their Hike, under the shade of a Dogwood, and eat their sack lunches.
As the Cub Scouts were eating they grumbled about not seeing any wild Animals yet on their Hike. The Den Leader explained that if they were patient and much quieter, they would not scare the Animals away and have a better chance of seeing some. Just then a Robin, landed on a branch of their Dogwood tree and the boys all made the Cub Scout sign and were very quiet. The Den Leader motioned for them to lay some bread from their sandwiches on the ground. The Cub Scouts tore the bread in small pieces and scattered it around them. Like all wild Animals, the Robin, was at first afraid of the people below her Dogwood branch and just watched curiously. But then, she flew to the ground to sample the bread. One of the Cub Scouts was very, very still and held a piece of bread carefully in his fingers and soon the Robin was eating out of his hand. Eventually the Cub Scouts could sit still no longer and the movement and the noise scared the Robin back to a branch of the Dogwood tree.
The Litter Bug
Heart of America Council
Paper -- Crackle, crackle
Cans -- Clatter, clatter
Trash -- Dump, dump
Litter Bug -- Toss and Throw
God put bugs in this world for many reasons,
He made them to live in every kind of season.
But the pesky Litter Bug, with his Paper and Cans
Was made through neglected Trash by the foolish man.
To keep our land beautiful, get rid of that Litter Bug,
So beach goers can again lounge on a clean, sand rug.
Because of this pest, we must walk around
in Paper and Cans and Trash on the ground.
Just who are the Litter Bugs who mess up our land?
Do you really ever see them toss that Paper or Can?
And in dumping his Trash he is very sly.
So most of the time it just appears there,
As if it had dropped right out of thin air.
Could it be we are so used to throwing things there,
That we dump Paper AND Cans without being aware?
Without even thinking when we toss Trash and waste,
We could be a LitterBug in all of our haste.
So when you unwrap that gum or candy,
Don’t throw down the Paper just because it is handy.
Next time stop and think when it’s pop Cans you toss,
’Cause if you’re a Litter Bug it’s also your loss
If every single person would take note of his habit
That pesky LitterBug we could certainly nab it.
Then that terrible bug we could surely stamp it out,
With no more Paper or Cans or Trash about
to keep our land beautiful we must all do our part,
By taking care of our Trash properly from the start.
Chief Woodskunk
York Adams Area Council
Cowboy: "Yippee!"
Old Paintbrush: (Whinny)
Chief Woodskunk: (Make war whoop)
Sitting Bull: "Hee Haw"
Emma: (Rattles stones in tin)
Timber Wolf: "Howoooooo"
Sheriff: "Bang, bang"
Deputy: "He went that-a-way"
Once upon a time there was a Cowboy who went out into the desert, riding his horse, Old Paintbrush. Far off in the distance, he could hear the Timber Wolf. The Cowboy made camp and went fast asleep, first making sure Old Paintbrush was secure. Now, creeping through the desert was Chief Woodskunk riding his mule, Sitting Bull. He was pursued by the Sheriff and his Deputy. In his pocket, Chief Woodskunk had his trained rattlesnake, Emma, who was trained to creep up and bit the Cowboy and his horse. While Chief Woodskunk crept up, Old Paintbrush watched the camp, the Timber Wolf howled, the Cowboy snored, and Sitting Bull ate cactus.
In the meantime, the Sheriff and his Deputy sprang their trap. "Halt, you are my prisoner!" shouted the Sheriff. The Cowboy woke up and mounted his horse, Old Paintbrush, which frightened the Timber Wolf and Emma.
Away went old Chief Woodskunk on his faithful mule, Sitting Bull, and after them went the Sheriff, his Deputy, the Cowboy, and Old Paintbrush. But old Chief Woodskunk led them into a blind, and that was the last anybody ever saw of the Cowboy, Old Paintbrush, Emma the rattlesnake, the Timber Wolf, the mule Sitting Bull, the Sheriff, or his Deputy.
On The Beach
Northwest Suburban Council
A Madlib Story
Ask the audience to provide the words to fill in the blanks in the story.
Narrator reads the story, filling in the blanks with the words provided by the audience.
If you want to enjoy yourself at the beach, you should bring your ___plural noun___. Before exposing your skin to the sun, you should put suntan oil on your ______body part______. Rub it on your face; then smear it all over. Be sure that it’s rubbed in thoroughly. Then go into the salt water and ___verb___. When you come out of the water, don’t dry your ____body part____. Lie down on a(an) ___noun___ and soak up the rays. It’s fun if you bring a(an) ______noun_______ __to play with at the beach, I like to build ___plural noun___ with sand. You see all sorts of bodies at the beach. Some are ___adjective___ like your own. You can ___verb___ on the beach. Some beaches allow you to sunbathe without your ____plural noun___ . ___exclamation___ ! My friend, ____person in room____ went to a beach without his/her ____noun____ and got so sunburned that he/she had to walk home.
Simon Kenton Council
Narrator reads story. When audience hears a "water" word, they do a wave, like at sporting events.
One upon a time, there lived a poor merchant from Botany Bay. He sailed across the Seas to distant lands. He traveled with his dog, Bruno. During Ocean voyages, he missed his family.
On one of these Sea journeys, the poor merchant traveled to the island of Catomania. He heard a loud caterwaul as he entered the Bay. The island had a terrible problem. Too many cats! The king begged him to help. The poor merchant let loose his trusty Bruno. Bruno chased the cats on board the ship in the Bay.
The poor merchant quickly set sail for the high Seas, with a shipload of cats. At the next port, the island of Micea, he found another island with a problem. They had never seen a cat before. The island was run over with Sea gulls. There was practically not a place to land his ship because the gulls covered the Water's edge. He was able to sell all of the cats to the inhabitants of Micea. The cats who were hungry after the long Ocean journey, gobbled up all of the gulls but two who flew to the top mast of the poor merchant's ship in the BAY.
The merchant sailed for many days in the Ocean. When he reached America, he brought out his caravan of camels. They pulled his ship right to the Rio Grande River in Albuquerque. He found the pioneers wrestling with a plague of locusts. The quick-thinking merchant threw a stone at the giant gulls. They swooped down and hungrily devoured the locusts. The pioneers who were still settling in, didn't have much to trade, so he let his camels have a drink from the River and was on his way again.
The next stop was an island called Waterworld. There was so much Water, the islanders had a hard time eating, sleeping, working or playing. The camels smelled the Water as soon as they made port and stampeded. Soon, the excess Water was gone. The islanders thanked the merchant by presenting him with a cargo hold full of umbrellas. They wouldn't he needing them anymore.
When the mercirant arrived home, his family Rained tears of joy. The tears poured for days and days. The wise merchant who knew it never Rains but it pours, sold the cargo hold of umbrellas to the good citizens, and became the now rich merchant from Botany Bay.
"The Transcontinental Train"
Sam Houston Area Council
Divide the audience into groups, and have them respond as shown, whenever their word is read.
Train: "Toot! Toot!"
Conductor: "All Aboard"
New York Doctor: "New York City!?"
Penn Steel Worker: "Man of Steel"
Southern Belle: Hi, y'all"
Texan: "Remember the Alamo!"
Kansas farmer: "The World's Breadbasket"
Just before the transcontinental Train was ready to pull out of Grand Central Station, the Conductor held the door for one more passenger, a New York Doctor who hurried aboard. The Train moved slowly between the tall buildings, out of New York, through New Jersey and on to Pennsylvania. The Conductor checked the ticket of the New York Doctor as the Train pulled into the Pittsburgh Station. A Pennsylvania Steel Worker boarded the Train and sat across the aisle from the New York Doctor.
The train wound through the Appalachian Mountains, by rivers and through forests down to Atlanta. The Conductor greeted a Southern Belle who boarded the Train. She smiled at the Penn Steel Worker, and sat behind the New York Doctor.
The Train picked up speed as it left the mountains and crossed the delta lands of Mississippi. The Conductor paused to look out the window with the Southern Belle, as the Train traversed a long bridge over the Mississippi River. It arrived at the hot springs in the midst of the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, as the New York Doctor and the Penn Steel Worker played cards.
The Train crossed into Texas and stopped at Dallas, where a young Texan boarded the Train, showed his ticket to the Conductor, tipped his hat to the Southern Belle, and took a seat.
The Train moved north through the rolling hills of Oklahoma and through the wheat fields of Kansas, stopping in Wichita where a Kansas Farmer and his wife boarded the Train. The Kansas Farmer shook hands with the New York Doctor, and sat beside the young Texan, as his wife smiled at the Penn Steel Worker, and sat next to the Southern Belle.
The Train turned west, moved up steep mountain passes and through the snow-covered Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Utah. The Conductor checked his watch as the Train sped out of the mountains and into the desert of the Great Basin in Nevada.
The Texan and the New York Doctor admired the large trees, as the Train wound through the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Redwood forests. The
Train pulled into its final destination of San Francisco, California, where the Conductor said goodbye to New York Doctor, the Penn Steel Worker, the Southern Belle, the Texan, and the Kansas Farmer.
Why You Should Go To College
A Madlib Story
Northwest Suburban Council
Narrator reads the story, filling in the blanks with the italicized words provided by the audience.
Our American universities offer students many ___adjective___ courses that will prepare them to become good ___ plural noun___. You can get a degree as a Bachelor of ___plural noun___ or take a regular liberal ___plural noun___ course. Or if you want to become a ___adjective___ engineer, you can study __adjective__ mathematics and differential __plural noun__. Then, after ___number___years, if you want to continue your studies, you can write a thesis and become a Doctor of ___plural noun___. When you get out into the world—if you have a diploma from a university –you will be able to get a job as a ___an occupation___. If you don’t have a diploma, you will have to take a job as a ___an occupation__. So it’s important that you study hard in high school, so that you will do well in your college entrance exams. Remember, “A Little Learning is a _____adjective____ thing.”
The Picnic
National Capital Area Council
The blanks are to be filled in with words from the following word list. Each person or group takes turns reading one word from his list – in order – no skipping around. The word list should be on cards so they can be reused.
Sometimes the story will make sense, but mostly it will not – but everyone will have a good time on the Picnic!
The blanks are to be filled in with words from the following word list. Each person or group takes turns reading one word from his list ? in order ? no skipping around. The word list should be on cards so they can be reused.
Sometimes the story will make sense, but mostly it will not ? but everyone will have a good time on the Picnic!
A loose tooth |
An orange ghost |
A tall pine |
A short purple pencil |
A red bedspread |
Three boiled eggs |
A Juicy watermelon |
A swarm of bees |
A used airmail stamp |
A fat onion |
A green crayon |
Some soapy dishwater |
A bald eagle |
A limping dinosaur |
Two snowballs |
A butterfly net |
A can worms |
A complaining lion |
A green tomato |
An ice-cream stick |
A cake of soap |
A beautiful earring |
2 cups spaghetti sauce |
A used firecracker |
One large rattlesnake |
Three raisins |
Four hot rocks |
A chicken plucker |
Some Dominoes |
Driver?s license |
A tail light |
7 pounds of feather |
16 paper plates |
Four sour pickles |
Six plump skeletons |
Two cans of dog food |
A can of tar |
Three petunias |
A dog?s footprint |
A cat?s meow |
A pink steam engine |
A windy day |
A plaid kite |
A princess phone |
One fine day, two little old ladies decided to drive out of town for a picnic. Miss Bingley loaded a basket with ___, and ___ and other tasty things. Then, they drove off with their lunch in an old car that belonged to Miss Arbuckle. The cap on the radiator was decorated with ___ and the holes in the roof had been patched with ___ and ___.
As they drove along, Miss Bingley pointed to the side of the road. ?Oh, look at that bush with the ___ and the ___ growing on it.? ?Let?s stop here?, said Miss Arbuckle. They carried the basket to some shade cast by ___ and spread ___ to sit upon. Nearby, ___ sang gaily in a tree and some low bushes had ___ and ___ growing on them. The two friends were having a wonderful time. ?There?s nothing so delicious as ___ with mustard and relish,? said Miss Arbuckle, as she brushed the crumbs off her lap with ___. ?Yes,? sighed Miss Bingley. ?However, it is getting late. Maybe we?d best start for home now.?
But their car refused to go. The motor made a noise like ___ and then stopped. ?Oh, dear!? said Miss Arbuckle, looking under the hood, ?I think I see ___ and ___ caught in the gears.? ?Impossible,? said Miss Bingley. ?Are you sure the tank isn?t empty? Are you sure you put enough ___ before we left home?? ?Of course I did?, said Miss Arbuckle. It must be the wheels. We?ll jack them up with ___ and ___ and then replace them with ___ and ___. She covered her dress with ___ and took ___ to loosen the bolts. Just then a farmer drove up and asked if he could help the ladies. ?Looks like ___ in the engines,? he said, tightening a bolt with ___. Then he stepped back and the car started. ?I just connected the ___ to the ___ which had rattled loose.? The two old ladies gave him the rest of their ___ and ___ to show their appreciation, and drove happily home again.
Jolly Green Giant & The Scarecrow
Heart of America Council
Jolly Green Giant - ?Ho-ho-ho?
Little Green Sprout - ?Me
Scarecrow - ?Booooo?
Corn - ?Pop, pop, pop?
Come gather around me, all ye Cub Scouts.
As I tell you the story of the Little Green Sprout.
The wise and friendly Scarecrow knows all, you see,
About how the Jolly Green Giant and his small friend came to be.
It seems these two friends in a big field of Corn
One bright sunny day, most surely were born.
For the old Scarecrow some talk overheard,
And has come here now to pass along the word.
In the field of Corn stood Farmer Brown and his son,
Hoeing out all those weeds till the day was done,
How those two worked as they did toil and sweat
To make their new crop the finest one yet.
The poor Scarecrow felt so guilty that day,
For all he must do was scare birds away.
He heard people say, ?Isn?t that Scarecrow grand.
He?s made this Corn field the best in the land.?
This made him sad and down deep in his heart,
Scarecrow knew that this job was just a small part.
As he stood there watched, an idea came to his head,
The farmer and son were hoeing, the Scarecrow then said,
?I?ll call them the Jolly Green Giant and Little GREEN Sprout.
?Til soon the whole world will surely find out,
That the fields of Corn and other crops too
Are grown by people like these faithful two.?
So he told the Jolly Green Giant and Little Green Sprout
How he knew what they did and sang praises with no doubt.
So the story of the Jolly Green Giant and Little Green Sprout
Was spread to people near and far and all round about.
So, don?t think, my friend, it?s just a bunch of Corn
?Cause that?s the truth of how those two were born.
Whenever you hear that famed Jolly Green Giant
Now you?ve heard the secret from the old Scarecrow
Of how those green people help make things grow.
Remember that those folks you see hoeing away,
Are symbolized now by that green pair today.
Three cheers for the Jolly Green Giant, LItTLE GREEN Sprout, Scarecrow, and that field of Corn where it all came about.
Planting A Garden
Heart of America Council
Gardener (with thumbs pointed up) ?With a green thumb?
Cucumber ?Cool man?
Onions (wipes tears from eyes) ?Boo Hoo Boo Hoo?
Tomato Whistle a wolf whistle
One day our Gardener went out to plant his garden. The Gardener chose to plant his plot with many vegetables including Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and Onions. The Gardener took some seeds and planted first a row of Cucumbers, then a row of Onions, then a row of Tomatoes.
The Gardener then stood back to watch his garden grow. Soon the Cucumbers, Onions, and Tomatoes had sprouted. The Cucumbers fell in love with the Tomatoes but the Onions stood between them. It looked as though this budding romance would never be, because the Cucumbers were in one row and the Tomatoes were in another and the Onions were coming up between the two. The Cucumbers grew to be big and tall, and the Tomatoes grew to be plump and sweet, but the Onions still separated them.
Alas all is not lost, one day, later in the season, our Gardener went out to his garden and picked the Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Onions, and the Gardener made a great salad. In this salad he placed the Cucumbers, the Tomatoes, and the Onions, The Cucumber was at last by his beloved Tomatoes, while the Onion had to stand aside. That is, until the Gardener ate his salad.
Smokey Bear (A true story)
Simon Kenton Council
Big Tree - I am so big!
Middle-Sized Tree - See my pretty leaves
Baby Tree - I'm just a bush
Camper - I love this beautiful forest
Fire - Crackle, crackle
Smokey - Only you can prevent forest fires
Babbling Brook - Assign one person, they get up and run through the group, babbling
One upon a time in a beautiful lush green forest, there stood three trees, the Big Tree, the Middle-Sized Tree and the Baby Tree. A Babbling Brook coursed its way through the forest. A Camper made a Fire for his breakfast without clearing the area for 10 feet and then went for a hike without making sure the Fire was dead out. The Fire threw some sparks into some dried grass. It started smoldering. The Babbling Brook was not close enough to put out the sparks. In a short time, the dry forest was ablaze. The animals heard the sounds of the Fire. smelled the smoke, and tried to flee. A bear cub couldn't see where his mother had gone so he did what she had taught him when there was danger. He climbed the Big Tree. The Fire roared by. It burned up the Baby Tree and Middle-Sized Tree. It singed the Big Tree with the bear cub clinging to the top. After the Fire, a ranger found the bear cub still in the top of the Big Tree and got him down. He was singed and scared. The ranger healed his burns and raised him. He called him Smokey. He became the symbol to remind CAMPERS and hikers to be careful with FIRE and protect the Big Trees, the Middle-Sized Trees and the Baby Trees so we can enjoy the forest with the Babbling Brooks running through them. Remember, "Only you can prevent forest fires!" the one who says that is Smokey Bear.
Why Santa Has A Beard
San Francisco Bay Area Council
Santa, (Holds hands on stomach while saying HO-HO-HO)
North Pole: (Fold arms, holding self while saying "BRR-R-R')
Sleigh: (Wave right arm once while saying 'SWOOSH-H-H)
Workshop: (Cover ears while saying "BANG, BANG, CLATTER,CLATTER)
You've all heard many stories about Santa and his Workshop at the North Pole. You have also heard stories about his Sleigh and reindeer. But there is a story about Santa that very few people know, so if you listen very closely, I'll tell you about how Santa decided to grow a beard.
Everyone knows the weather is very, very cold at the North Pole where Santa has his Workshop. He works very hard throughout the year with his little elves, making toys for his Christmas Eve visit. Like everyone else, Santa needs relaxation, and a chance to get away from it all. His way to relax is to take a leisurely ride in his Sleigh.
With such cold weather at the North Pole, Santa always had to bundle up tightly before taking a Sleigh ride. Once he forgot to wrap his heavy wool scarf around his face while he went Sleigh riding. When Santa returned from his Sleigh ride and walked into the Workshop where Mrs. Claus and the elves were happily working, he had icicles hanging down the sides of his face and chin, just like a beard.
When Mrs. Claus looked up and saw him, she squealed with delight, "Why Santa you look absolutely marvelous with your sparkling white icicle beard." Well, when Santa saw how much this please Mrs. Claus, he was very flattered and decided right then and there to grow a long, flowing white beard and mustache. And that is what he did.
By doing this Santa caused two things to happen. He made himself so handsome that whenever Mrs. Claus passed him by at the North Pole Workshop, she gave him a big smile. This made Santa blush so much, that to this day, he is still blushing. That's why his cheeks always look rosy. And now he doesn't have to wrap a scarf around his face when he goes Sleigh riding at the North Pole. Mrs. Claus has even started going on Sleigh fides with Santa because she is so very happy that he grew his beard.
Audience Participation
Heart of America Council
Leader reads and audience acts accordingly
Santa Claus stood up, stretching his arms out wide;
First he looked to his left and then to his right side.
He bent down and wiped off? his boots so shiny.
Then he turned around to see his behiny.
But he couldn?t see it, alas and alack,
So he then turned right back.
Then feeling relaxed, he stomped his feet
And then sat down again in his seat. (J. Newell)
Computer Pals
National Capital Area Council
Divide the group into seven smaller groups and assign each group one of the words listed below. Read the story. After each of the words is read pause for the group to make the appropriate response.
All should do Scout/Scouting.
Jeff "Whew, it's hot!"
Mouse "Squeak, Squeak"
Vaughn "Burrrrrrrr, it's cold!"
Nome, Alaska "Watch out for the moose!"
E-Mail "Zoom, Bing!"
Orlando, Florida "Mickey Mouse"
Send "Click, Swish!"
Keyboard "Typety, typety"
Scout or Scouting "Do Your Best!" (ALL)
Vaughn ___ had just attended School Night for Scouting ___ in his home town of Nome, Alaska ___. He wanted to SEND ___ E-Mail ___ to his computer pal Jeff ___, in Orlando, Florida ___ to tell him that he joined Scouts ___. He knew that Jeff ___ had been in Scouting ___ for a while and wanted to find out what he was getting into.
So, Vaughn ___ sat down at the computer Keyboard ___ and reached for his Mouse ___. He typed in the message, hit Send ___ with the Mouse ___ and eagerly awaited Jeff's ___ reply.
While doing homework at the Keyboard ___, Jeff ___ received Vaughn's ___ E-Mail ___. He was really excited to get Vaughn's ___ news. Jeff ___ immediately sent E-Mail ___ back to Vaughn ___ in Nome, Alaska ___ with all the fun Scouting ___ stuff they do in Orlando, Florida ___. He talked about such things as the Pinewood Derby, Day Camp, the Blue & Gold, the Raingutter Regatta, Orama, plus all of the great hikes, field trips and more! When Jeff ___ finished listing all the things they do in Scouts ___, he hit the Send ___ key on his Keyboard ___. After Vaughn ___ finished reading Jeff's ___ E-Mail ___, he began to think he had made a smart decision by joining Scouts ___.
A couple of weeks later, after Vaughn ___ had attended his first Pack meeting, where he received his Bobcat badge, he decided to Send ___ Jeff ___ an E-Mail ___ to tell him the good news. So he sat down at the Keyboard ___ and reached for his Mouse ___ to Send ___ the message.
Jeff ___ drew a card with his Mouse ___ to congratulate Vaughn ___ for earning his first Scouting ___ badge.
After each of their meetings, Jeff ___ from Orlando, Florida ___ and Vaughn ___ from Nome, Alaska ___ would Send ___ E-Mail ___ to each other telling everything they had done in their meetings. They both agreed Scouting ___ is a lot of fun. They also became life-long buddies and pen pals!
Cub Knot Story
York Adams Area Council
Rope: "I'm fit to be tied"
Knot: Cross arms in front and say "What knot"
Cub Scout: "Where's the cookies?"
Den meeting: "Paint, cut, glue"
For those of you who can't imagine that a Rope can come alive, this story may be hard to believe. Once there was a four foot piece of Rope who wanted to become a Cub Scout. The Rope knew that in Den Meetings Cub Scouts learned to tie Knots in Ropes. He had always wanted to learn how to tie himself into a Knot. So the Rope checked with a Cub Scout that he knew to find out when the next Den Meeting was to be held. He put on his best tie, hitched up his pants, and headed for the meeting. The Rope could tell he was at the right house because several Cub Scouts were arriving to begin the Den Meeting. The Rope walked right in and said to the den leader "I want to be a Cub Scout and attend your Den Meetings". But the den leader said "I cannot let a Rope be a Cub Scout!" Well the Rope was really upset. He ran out of the Den Meeting, Knot knowing what to do next. He ran outside into the gravel road and was run over by a bread truck. The Rope was tumbled, rolled, crunched, and in general, pretty messed up. His ends were all unraveled, and he had been twisted into a quadruple half hitch Knot. The Rope could not even remember who he was. But somehow he remembered he wanted to be a Cub Scout and that a Den Meeting was going on that he should be attending. He stumbled to the front door and knocked. When the Cub Scout den leader opened the door, there was the unraveled half hitched Rope. "I want to be a Cub Scout," said the Rope. The den leader looked at him and said, "Aren't you the Rope that was here a few minutes ago?" The Rope looked right at the den leader and shouted, "I'm a frayed Knot".
How the Sun, Moon, Stars, Got into the Sky
National Capital Area Council
Chief -- Stand with arms folded across chest and say ?Ugh?
Sun -- Cover eyes with hands and say ?So Bright?
Moon -- Frame face with hands and say ?Good Night?
Stars -- Blink Rapidly and say ?Twinkle Twinkle?
Narrator: Long, long ago the Native Americans had no fire and no light. They suffered much during the cold winter and they had to eat food uncooked. They also had to live in darkness because there was no light.
There was no Sun, Moon, nor Stars in the sky. A great Chief kept them locked up in a box. He took great pride in the though that he alone had light. This great Chief had a beautiful daughter of whom he was also proud. She was much beloved by all the Native Americans in the tribe.
In those days, the raven had powers of magic. He was a great friend of the Native Americans and the Chief. He wondered how he might make life more comfortable for them.
One day he saw the daughter of the Chief come down to the brook for a drink. He had an idea. He would put a magic spell on her. In time, a son was born to the daughter of the Chief. The old Chief was delighted and as the boy grew, his grandfather became devoted to him. Any thing he wanted he could have.
One day he asked the old Chief for the box containing the Stars. Reluctantly, the old Chief gave it to him. The child played for a while by rolling the box around. Then he released the Stars and flung them into the sky. The Native Americans were delighted. This was some light, though not quite enough.
After a few days, the child asked for the box containing the Moon.. Again the old Chief hesitated but finally the boy got what he wanted. Again, after playing awhile with the box, the boy released the Moon and flung it into the sky. The tribe members were overjoyed. But still there was not enough light, and the Moon disappeared for long periods.
Finally, the child asked for the box with the Sun. ?NO,? said the old Chief. ?I cannot give you that.? But the boy wept and pleaded. The old Chief could not stand the tears, so he gave the box to him. As soon as he had the chance, the child released the Sun and cast it into the sky.
The joy of the tribe knew no bounds. Here was light enough and heat as well. They ordered a feast of the Sun and all the Native American celebrated it with great jubilation. And the old Chief was happy. He had not know the Sun, the Moon and the Stars could means so much for the comfort and happiness of his people. And for the first time, he too enjoyed himself.
The Exerciser
Inland Northwest Council
(Let your Webelos lead this)
The exerciser stood up tall,
And stretched his arms from wall to wall,
He put his hands way up high,
Then down again beside each thigh.
He put his chin upon his chest,
Then he pulled it far back, his neck to rest.
Then he reached down and touched to the ground,
And then he turned himself once around.
Then with his hands he touched his feet,
And then quietly he took his seat.
Toy Store Uproar
York Adams Area Council
An audience participation skit, ideal for any large gathering! Whenever these words are read, the group is to perform these motions and sounds:
Doll: Bend forward at the waist and say 'Wahhh".
Jack-In-The-Box: Stand up and say 'boing".
Bird: Put hands under armpits, flap 'wings' and say Tweet-tweet".
Train: Punch the air rhythmically and say 'Choochoo' and 'Chug'chug'.
Soldier: Stomp feet and say 'March, march, march".
The Doll had seen it all. The absent-minded shopkeeper had really done it this time! He had closed up shop for the night and never locked the toy shop door! Now what would become of them ?unprotected for a night! If someone decided to rob the store, none of the toys was safe. The Doll knew something had to be done. But what? She tried to get the attention of the Soldier. She inched her way to the very edge of the shelf. "help," cried the Doll, but the Soldier never looked her way.
The cuckoo Bird! A bit flighty perhaps, but nonetheless helpful. The Doll called him, but the Bird was so busy chirping out the hour, he never heard her.
By now, the Doll had worked herself so near the edge of the shelf that when the Jack-In-The-Box suddenly popped up, he frightened the poor Doll who lost her balance and toppled off the shelf right into the engine car of the Train. As she landed, she hit the throttle of the Train, setting it in motion.
As it rounded the first bend, the top of the Train bumped into the Jack-In-The-Box, knocking him off his shelf and into the next car of the Train.
At the second bend, the Jack-In-The-Box popped up when he was just beneath the Soldier. The startled Soldier fell head first into the Bird. They both tumbled over and over each other ? first the Bird, then the Soldier, the Bird, the Soldier, Bird, Soldier ? until they landed in the last car of the Train.
The Doll cried out in disbelief! What a horrible night this was turning out to be! A Train pulling a Doll, a Jack-In-The-Box, a Soldier and a Bird ? all going round and round an unlocked toy shop in the middle of the night!
Just then, the door slowly opened. The Doll held her breath. "Why, you naughty toys." It was the absent-minded shopkeeper! "I came back because I realized I hadn't locked the door, and what do I find ? all of you playing after hours"!
Then the shopkeeper set the Bird in the sentry box which belonged to the Soldier, the Doll where the Train belonged, the Soldier on the shelf where the Doll usually sat, and the Jack-In-The-Box in the clock where the Bird was supposed to be.
This is all wrong", the shopkeeper said. So he put the Bird in the Train, the Doll on top of the Jack-In-The-Box, and the Soldier in the clock. That can't be right", he squealed, and he put the Doll in the Train, the Train in the clock, the Bird in the sentry box and the Soldier in the Jack-In-The-Box. And when he saw the total confusion he created, he gave up. And so do I!
The Lion Hunt
National Capital Area Council
The leader takes a seated position in front of audience so all can see him and instructs everyone to make signs and gestures as indicated.
Would you like to go on a lion hunt? O.K. -- let's go.
Way, way down in the deep dark jungles of Africa, there lives a tribe of Pygmies.
One morning the chief got up, yawned, stretched, and looked at the sky.
(All go through motions.)
He called all the Pygmy from their huts. (Sound one "whoop" by cupping hand over mouth.)
They all come out, stretch, and answer their chief with two whoops. (All give two whoops.)
The warriors go to the chief's hut to talk over the plans.
(Sound effect: All repeat "Soda water bottle, soda water bottle.")
The Pygmies say good-bye to their wives.
(Make sound, "Low wo-wo-wo," by cupping hands over mouths.)
Here we go down the trail. (Everyone produces sound of marching Pygmies by striking knees with palms of hands, alternating.)
We're getting out in the tall grasses now.
(Rubbing palms of hands back and forth against each other.)
Up ahead there's a big river with a bridge. Here we go across the bridge.
(Hit chest with fists, alternating.)
We're across. (Regular marching resumed.)
We're starting up a mountain (tempo slows).
This is hard work. (Slower and slower.)
We're getting close to the top now. (Tempo quite slow, then back to normal.)
We're on top now; here we go down the other side.
(Speed marching up to a run tempo, then back to normal.)
O.K., we're back on level ground.
Oh! Oh! Narrow river. No bridge. Better jump. Run!
(Slap knees fast, long pause, then one smart slap.)
Made it. More tall grass. (Rub palms together.)
Sh-h! (All repeat Sh-h!)
Sure looks like lion country. Yep, there's a lion ahead. We have to sneak up on him.
(Walk fingers of right hand across palm of left hand.)
Suddenly the lion charges with a roar. R O A R! The Pygmies turn and run
(Running tempo against knees. Now repeat all actions and gestures in reverse):
We're back to the mountain...jump the creek...cross the through the grass...through the gate...slam the gate shut...bit sigh of relief. And then the wives start asking questions all at once. You know how women talk.
(All say "rhubarb, rhubarb" in a high pitch to imitate old women.)
O.K. We've been on a Pygmy lion hunt.
Clancy To The Rescue
Central New Jersey Council
Divide the group into seven smaller groups and assign each group one of the words listed below. Read the story. After each of the words is read pause for the group to make the appropriate response.
Clancy (feel your muscles, like a strong man)
Horses (Slap thighs)
Yell (Indian fashion, with hand over mouth)
Fire Engine (High-pitched siren sound)
Bell (Swing arm like a clapper saying, *Clang, clang, clang!')
Hose (Shh-sh-sh sound like water from a hose)
Steam (Hissing s-s-s-s-s sound)
If you like Horses___, you would have enjoyed living back in the 1800's when they had old-fashioned Steam___ type Fire Engines___, pulled by Horses___. One of the Fire Engines___ was driven by the greatest hero ever, Clancy___! Yes, Sir! Clancy___ was a real hero. Every day when there was no fire, he would take the Horses___ out for exercise, trotting them gently up and down the streets. If there were children along the way, Clancy___ would always stop and let them pet the Horses___.
Sometimes the alarms were in the daytime, but sometimes they were at night. When the alarm sounded at night, one man would Yell___ up to the firemen above, and the men would run to the Fire Engine___ where the Steam___ was up, and away they would go to the fire, clanging the Bell___, with Clancy___ driving the Horses___.
One night most al the men were in bed and the others were playing checkers when the alarm sounded. Where was the fire? At the mayor's big two-story house! Quick as a flash they were there. Clancy___ stopped the Horses___ and Yelled___, "Keep the Steam___ up men." They started the fire Hose___ and began to squirt water on the fire.
Clancy___ strained to see upstairs where the mayor's wife was trapped. Flames were everywhere! Clancy___ Yelled___, "You'll have to jump!" The mayor's wife was afraid, so Clancy___ threw her a rope and she came right down into the middle of the net.
The firemen kept fighting the fire. They got the Hose___ on it and kept up the Steam___ in the Fire Engine___. Before long, the fire was out, so they turned off the Hose___, got back on the Fire Engine___, and went back to the fire house, clanging the Bell___. To Clancy___ and the other firemen, it was all in a day's work. The sleepy firemen went back upstairs and soon were sound asleep.
The Reluctant Rabbit
York Adams Area Council
Joe: Abracadabra
Rabbit: Flop hands like ears and wiggle nose
Hat: Tip imaginary hat
Dog: Wooof
Joe was very busy. It was only a few days until the Pack Meeting and he was still trying to perfect his disappearing Rabbit trick. All the other Cub Scouts already had their tricks ready. But Joe was having a little trouble. He had his black top Hat and a very nice little Rabbit and Joe even knew exactly how to do the Rabbit in the Hat trick, but the Rabbit would not cooperate.
Just then, Joe?s Dog came bounding into the room. ?Woof,? said the Dog. He was a very large Dog and the minute the Rabbit saw him, he bolted under the bed, toppling the Hat and just about knocking JOE off the bed. ?Dog,? shouted Joe, ?Get down! You keep scaring my Rabbit. And I already have enough trouble with him.? The Dog hung his head in shame. He was really a very good Dog and did not mean to scare the Rabbit. Joe reached under the bed and pulled out the Rabbit. Joe petted the Rabbit ad soon he was calm. ?Now, let?s practice,? Joe said. He took the Hat and after waving the magic wand a few times he put the Rabbit into the Hat. But the Rabbit would not stay in the Hat. Joe?s Dog sat quietly and watched. Nothing Joe did seemed to help.
Joe was getting very frustrated. He put the Hat on his own head and sat down on the bed. The Hat fell down around Joe?s eyes so he could not see. ?Boy it?s dark in here,? he said. That was when it hit him. The Rabbit had claustrophobia and was afraid of the dark! Every time Joe put him in the Hat, the Rabbit got very nervous and tried to escape. Joe patted his Dog on the head and thought and thought. He didn?t have time to train another Rabbit. What could he do?
Then Joe had a bright idea. He opened the top drawer of his bureau and began searching through all his stuff. His Dog came over to help. Soon Joe found what he was looking for?his penlight. He put it in the bottom of the Hat and turned on the light.
Then he took the Rabbit waved the magic wand and stuffed the Rabbit into the Hat. This time, with the light to keep him calm, the Rabbit stayed.
?Hurray!? shouted Joe. ?Now I can do my trick!? And sure enough, the Rabbit had disappeared; the Hat was empty! Even the Dog was surprised.
Jared And His Magic Show
Trapper Trails Council
Every time you hear the word Magic everyone is to say Abracadabra and Alacazam!
Jared was a Cub Scout. He liked Magic shows. He decided that he would put on his own Magic show.
He practiced and practiced all his Magic tricks. Finally the big day came. He was going to put on his Magic show for his family and friends
His brother liked Magic tricks too! He thought it would be fun to pull a trick on Jared. He talk to his sister Shari who was going to help Jared with his MAGIC tricks, and asked her to help him with plan.
The time came and Jared started his show. He showed some Magic tricks with cards. Then he showed a trick using a handkerchief and some flowers.
The next Magic trick he did was to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Then Jared showed the Magic number trick. Now it was time for his last Magic trick. He was going to make Shari disappear.
Jared had Shari get in a Magic box. Jared shut the door and said the Magic words. He opened the door He closed the door and told everyone he would make her come back. Again, Jared said the Magic words and opened the door and guess what? She was still gone. Jared was very surprised.
His Brother was laughing. Jared's brother came out to help him. They both said the Magic words and there she was with a big smile on her face.
Jared's brother said, "The Magic trick was on you. You thought she was really gone and she wasn't."
The Brown Bear
Bear: Grrrr-Grrr-Grrr
Fire: Crackle-Crackle-Burn
Ranger/Warden: Howdy folks!
Cub: Do Your Best
Smokey: Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires!
One spring day, high in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico, a brown bear cub and his mother went for a stroll in the woods.
The forest was warm and dry, but alive with the smells and sounds of the season. Blue jays and swallows sang high in the lush green tress. Rabbits and mice scampered through flowery meadows. Squirrels and chipmunks scurried straight up the trunks of fragrant pines.
The Cub was just three months old and weighted only four pounds. But he was very clever. He had already learned where to find berries and honey to eat and fresh water to drink. He also knew what to do in case of danger: climb a tree. And that is what saved his life.
The Cub and his mother had not walked far when panic broke out around them. Birds began screeching and flying in all directions. Rabbits rushed out into the open. Deer leapt left and right around the trees. The forest had caught Fire. And the Fire was coming their way.
The Bear nudge her Cub, and both began to run. The smoke grew thicker and thicker. Fiery cinders filled the sky. The little Cub ran until he could run no more. Finally, he stopped to look for his mother. She was gone! In the confusion, she had lost sight of him. For the first time in his life, the little Cub was alone and scared. What should he do?
Then he remembered what his mother had taught him: When in danger, climb a tree. So up he climbed into a tall tree. He wrapped his legs around the trunk. The frightened Cub closed his eyes and clung tightly. Below him, the Fire roared on.
Meanwhile, forest Rangers fought the dreadful flames. The Fire was so big that foresters called in a special troop of Fire firefighting soldiers to help them. One of the Fire fighters noticed a small Bear Cub in a tree.
Before the firefighters could reach the Cub, a blast of fire cut off their path. They hit the ground and covered their faces until the flames blew over. The Fire roared around the tree where the little Bear clung. It singed his fur and burned his paws, but he held on. Finally the Fire passed, and the Cub opened his eyes. he saw that the trees in his forest home were now black and leafless. The air felt dark and greasy. The birds and animals all had gone.
Then the Cub heard a strange sound and saw a strange creature. Gently, the creature - a man - pulled him from the charred tree trunk. The Bear Cub had never seen a human before. "What's you name, little fella?" the man asked, as the smoke rose all around them. "I think Smokey is a very good name for you."
The firefighter brought Smokey to a game Warden named Ray Bell. Mr. Bell took care of wounded animals. He knew just what to do. First, he took Smokey to see Dr. Smith, who bandaged the cub's burned leg and paws. Then Mr. Bell brought Smokey home to his family.
Mrs. Bell, four-year old Judy, and even their cocker spaniel, Jet, welcomed the little Cub. Smokey had a new family - and a new home. Everyone in the family helped Smokey recover. Mrs. Bell fed him oatmeal and honey and nursed him back to health. Judy cheered him up with games and cuddles. And Jet let Smokey curl up beside him and eat from his dish.
In a few short weeks, Smokey was strong and healthy. The little Bear who had lost his home and family was going to be all right.
The Bell family and the other game Wardens knew that Smokey's experience could serve as an important lesson to others. They story of what had happened to Smokey's home in the Capitan Mountains could help teach children how to prevent forest Fires.
But the job meant moving Smokey to the National Zoo in Washington D.C. So the Bells said good-bye to their special friend, and Smokey boarded an airplane with his name on it.
By the time Smokey got to Washington, people all over the country had heard the story of the forest Fire and the rescue of the little Bear. His picture appeared in newspapers nationwide. Smokey Bear was a national hero.
The Misspelled Smoke Signals
York Adams Area Council
Divide the group into five smaller groups and assign each group one of the words listed below. Read the story. After each of the words is read pause for the group to make the appropriate response.
Little Bear "I'll get this right!"
Drums hit thighs rhythmically
Smoke Signals "Pooff, Pooff!
Indian War whoop
Mother: "You can do it!"
Little Bear was a very hard working Indian boy. He studied hard to learn to play the Drums so he could send messages to his friends in other villages. But Little Bear had trouble with his lessons in Smoke Signals. After one particularly frustrating experience, Little Bear ran into his teepee and threw himself down on his buffalo skin bed. "What is the trouble, Little Bear," asked his Mother who was busy sewing new buckskins for his father. "Mother," why must Indians learn to do Smoke Signals?" Little Bear asked. "To communicate," she replied, "this was the Indians from our tribe can talk to other villages." "But we have the Drums," said Little Bear. "This may not always be enough," his Mother replied, "we also need the Smoke Signals. Now go on back and practice your Smoke Signals some more."
Little Bear left the teepee. He stopped by his Drums and sent a little message, but no one answered. So he made a little fire, just the right size to send Smoke Signals . He took out his blanket and when the fire was just right, he trapped the smoke and let out a nice little puff. But it just didn't look right. Then an old Indian who had been watching from a little ways off came up to him. "Little Bear," he said, "I see what you are doing wrong. You are not spelling it right." Little Bear looked surprised; he did not know you could misspell Smoke Signals. "Let me show you," said the old Indian. He took the blanket and held it a bit differently. As he released the Smoke Signal it floated softly into the sky. And it looked just right.
"I see," said Little Bear, "I was holding it wrong." He took the blanket and tried it himself. Once again a perfect Smoke Signal drifted into the afternoon sky. "Oh, thank you, thank you," he said turning to where the old Indian had stood. But the old Indian had disappeared. Little Bear ran to the teepee. "Mother," he called, "I can do it! Now I can communicate with Drums and Smoke Signals. Mother, who was the old Indian who helped me?" But Little Bear's Mother did not answer, she only smiled.
The Lost Lizard
National Area Capital Council
Cub Scout: ?I?ll do my best.?
Lizard: ?Scurry, scurry.?
Cap: Pantomime putting on cap
Coat: Pantomime putting on coat
(The audience is told to follow the narrator in pantomime besides doing their assigned parts.)
Once there was a Cub Scout who had a pet Lizard that he kept in a box. One day the Cub Scout looked in the box and the Lizard was gone. ?I guess I?ll have to put on my Cap and Coat and look for my Lizard,? he said. So the Cub Scout put on his Cap and his Coat and he put the box in his Coat pocket and went outside to look for the missing
First the Cub Scout looked under the porch (pantomime looking under porch). No Lizard.
Next the Cub Scout looked behind a tree (pantomime). No Lizard. Then the Cub Scout looked in the bushes (pantomime). No Lizard.
Just as the Cub Scout was losing hope of finding his lost Lizard, the March wind came around the corner of the house and blew the Cub Scout?s Cap off. Holding his Coat tightly around him, with the box in his Coat pocket, the Cub Scout ran down the street after his Cap (pantomime).
The Cub Scout chased his Cap past the fire hydrant to the street corner. After looking carefully both ways (pantomime), the Cub Scout ran across the street after his Cap. The wind was blowing strong, so the Cub Scout held his Coat tightly around him as he chased the Cap into the park.
Finally the March wind put the Cap down on a rock, and the Cub Scout caught up with it.
And when the Cub Scout picked up his Cap, what do you think he saw? There, on the rock, under the Cap, was his lost Lizard! He picked up the Lizard, put it in the box, put the box in his Coat pocket, put his Cap on his head and went straight home.
When he got inside the house, the Cub Scout took off his Coat and his Cap. And took the Lizard out of the box. To his surprise, he discovered that this wasn?t his missing Lizard after all. Sitting quietly on his desk, the Cub Scout found his own Lizard.
?Oh well,? said the Cub Scout. ?I?ll take the new Lizard to the den meeting this afternoon.
Mrs. Smith will put him in our den zoo. Won?t she be proud of me?? And with that, the Cub Scout put both Lizards in the box and went outside to play, after putting on his Cap and Coat, of course.
Abe the Left-footed Mule
York Adams Area Council
Mr. Mullins: ?Whoa there!? (Gestures as if pulling on reins)
Mrs. Mullins: ?Stop, Stop! ? (Holding hands to head)
Abe, The Mule: ?Haw Hee, Haw Hee? (index fingers pointed up like ears)
Able, The Mule: ?Hee Haw, Hee Haw? (index fingers pointed up like ears)
Jasper: ?Howdy folks? (hand raised in greeting)
This is a story about MR. Mullins and Mrs. Mullins, two of our Pilgrim ancestors and their little mule named Abe.
Abe was left-footed and he did everything just exactly backwards. When Mr. Mullins wanted to, plow the fields, Abe pulled the plow so far to the left that he went in big circles,. When Mrs. Mullins wanted to go to the village, Abe went backwards instead of ahead. ?It is Very embarrassing,? cried Mrs. Mullins. ?It is very confusing,? cried Mr. Mullins. And Abe just cried.
One day their cousin Jasper came to visit and he saw Abe plowing circles and pushing the wagon backwards. Mr. Mullins was so confused. Mrs. Mullins was so embarrassed. Abe was so unhappy. ?We?ll have to send Abe away,? said Mr. Mullins, ?or we can never get to the village,? said Mrs. Mullins. ?And we do love him so,? they both cried. ?Hmmm,? said Cousin Jasper, ?Abe is a very handsome mule, even if he is left-footed.? So Cousin Jasper thought it all over and he said: ?Why don?t you get a right-footed mule to go along with left-footed Abe?? ?Yes, why don?t we!? said Mr. Mullins and Mrs. Mullins. So they did; they got a very right-footed mule named - Able.
Now everything works out very nicely. When Abe plows left, Able plows right. Between them their field was the straightest in all the colonies. When Mrs. Mullins hitches them up to go into the village, she hitches Abe backwards and she hitches Able front wards. And away they go at a good, fast-pace. ?We may look strange? says Mrs. Mullins -, ?But we do get to the village in a hurry?.
So Mrs. Mullins is happy. Mr. Mullins is happy, And Abe and Able are happy. And Cousin Jasper went home very well pleased with himself.
York Adams Area Council
This is just a fun read-it-to-them story. Better get lots of practice before attempting it, though?its not an easy read!
Once upon a time in a corn foundry there lived a geautiful birl and her name was Rindercella. Now Rindercella lived with her mugly other and tow sad listers. Also in this same corn foundry there lived a pransome hince, and this pransome hince was going to have a bancy fall and he?d invited people for riles amound especially the pick reople. Now Rindercella?s mughly other and her tow sad blisters went to town to buy some dancy fesses for the cancy fall, but Rindercella cound?t go cause all she had to wear were some old ruddy dags. Finally the night of the bancy fall arived and Rindercella coudn?t go so she just crank down and shried. And she was sitting there shrieing when all of the sudden there appreared before her, her gay mudfather and he touched her with his wagic mend and there appeared before her a kig hutch and hix white sorces to take her to the bancy fall, and he said-?Rindercella, be sure and be home before midnight or I?ll purn you into a tumpkin!?
When Rindercella arrived at the bacy fall the pransome hince met her at the door because he?d been watching behind a wooden hindow. Rindercella and the pransome hince mance all night until nidnight and they Jeff in fove. And finally the midclock struck night, and Rindercella spaced down the rairs and just as she beached the rottom she slopped her dripper! The next day this pransome hince went all over the corn foundry looking for the geutiful birl who had slopped her dripper. They finally came to Rindercella?s house, and he tried it on the mugiy other and if fidn?t dit. The he tried in on the two sisty uglers and if fidn?t dit and then he tried it on Rindercella and if fid dit! It was exactly the sight rite! And so they were marrned and lived heavely after nappily. Now the storal of the mory is: If you go to a bancy fall and you want a pransome hince to Tell in fove with you--don?t forget to slop you dripped!
It?s All In Your Mind
National Area Capital Council
Jumping Jack: Stand up and jump once, say ?Boing? and sit back down.
Running Ralph: Stand up, run in place, stomp feet 3 times and say ?Zip!? Sit back down.
Computer Charlie: Stand up, swing arms back and forth (like the robot from ?Lost in Space?) and say, ?It Computes, It Computes.? Sit back down.
?This is the story about a boy named Jumping Jack, and another boy named Running Ralph, and still another boy named Computer Charlie. These three boys were close friends and they went everywhere together.
Jumping Jack got his name because everywhere he went he was always jumping over things for no apparent reason except that he liked to jump. You could see all three boys walking around town with Jumping Jack jumping over benches, curbs, bushes, fences and almost anything that wasn?t too high.
As you may have guessed, Running Ralph got his name because he was always running. Maybe his legs were shorter than his two friends and he had to run to always keep up, or maybe he just liked to run.
Computer Charlie got his name because he was a very intelligent boy who excelled at mental skills. Everyone always teased Computer Charlie because Computer Charlie wasn?t very good at sports or as strong as Jumping Jack and Running Ralph. But this never seemed to bother the three friends because they stuck together no matter what.
One day, Jumping Jack, Computer Charlie, and Running Ralph were on their way to the store when they saw a local bank being robbed. The robber was making his getaway. Jumping Jack jumped over the bushes and a fence to get to a neighbor?s house to call the police. RUNNING Ralph was right behind him. But Computer Charlie just stood there, watching the whole thing. Thanks to Jumping Jack?s jumping and Running Ralph?s running, the police arrived at the scene in no time at all. They started to ask questions, but Jumping Jack and Running Ralph didn?t know what to say because they had been too busy running and jumping to see what had really happened.
But Computer Charlie began telling the police everything they needed to know. He knew the model and color of the getaway car, the license plate number, the direction the robber went, and a description of his clothes and size. His mental skills were a great help to the police.
After reading about the theft in the newspaper, all of the children were so proud of Computer Charlie. They never teased him again about his mental skills. They came to realize that Computer Charlie was just as important as Jumping Jack and Running Ralph. Together, by pooling their talents, they were able to accomplish many great things.