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2007 Pow Wow Book, Santa Clara County Council

"When Tradition Meets Tomorrow "

  Cub Scout Program Monthly Themes for 2007

Introduction -- Description of the monthly themes

February 2007.  Monthly theme, “Aloha, Cub Scouts”
Webelos Activity Badges Scholar and Engineer          More...

March 2007.  Monthly theme, “Baloo Skies”              More...
Webelos Activity Badges Athlete & Engineer

April 2007.  Monthly theme, “Cub Cafe”                   More...
Webelos Activity Badges Sportsman & Family Member

May 2007.  Monthly theme, “Cubs and Bugs Galore”   More...
Webelos Activity Badges Outdoorsman & Handyman 

June 2007.  Monthly theme, “Wheel into Summer”    More...
Webelos Activity Badges Traveler & Artist

July 2007.  Monthly theme, “The Rockets Red Glare”
Webelos Activity Badges Aquanaut & Geologist         More...

August 2007.  Monthly theme, “A Century of Scouting”
Webelos Activity Badges Naturalist & Forester       More...

September 2007.  Monthly theme, “Cub Scout Express”
Webelos Activity Badges Citizen & Communicator     More...

October 2007.  Monthly theme, “Down On The Farm”
Webelos Activity Badges Citizen & Showman            More...

November 2007.  Monthly theme, “Indian Nations”   More...
Webelos Activity Badges Craftsman & Scientist

December 2007. Theme, “Celebrations Around The World”
Webelos Activity Badges Craftsman & Scientist

January 2008.  Monthly theme, “Cub Scout Car Show”
Webelos Activity Badges Fitness & Readyman

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