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2008 Cub Scout Pow Wow Book & University of Scouting
Santa Clara County Council

"One World, One Vision "

  University of Scouting 2008 Class Notes

     Following are the University of Scouting class notes that were submitted for the CD. Note that some of these are available only in PDF, and some of the original files are in PowerPoint. Some classes use the same class notes from the last couple years, which you can find

Pow Wow 2008 Songbook

01 Warmup - This Land.mp3
02 Experiences with Music in Cub Scouts.mp3
03 We Decided to Write a Pack Song.mp3
04 I Love Being a Cub Scout.mp3
05 Rudolph the Cub Scout Way.mp3
06 Singing Christmas Carols - Frosty.mp3
07 It's Gotta Be Loud - Battle of 1812.mp3
08 The Mermaid Song.mp3
09 Mountain Dew.mp3
10 Gross is Good - Cat Came Back.mp3
11 Why Kids Come to Cub Scouts.mp3
12 Webelos - Father's Grave.mp3
13 Den Yells.mp3
14 Star Spangled Banner.mp3
15 Pack 218 Song (Recorded at Pack 218).mp3
16 Battle of 1812 (Recorded at Pack 218).mp3
17 I Love Being a Cub Scout (Recorded at Pack 218).mp3

Adult First Aid

All Tied Up

Backpacking Basics

Climb on Safely Training

Cub Camp Essentials
Dutch Oven Cooking Training
Fundraising and Finance
Kayak Plans
Origami for Cub Scouts and Leaders
Pioneering Topics
Safety Afloat
Safe Swim Defence


Winter Camping


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