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Eagle Recognition Ceremonies

The ceremonies in this handbook are dignified, and if well conducted, should be very impressive. A troop can combine different elements of ceremonies to fit their needs, or can follow a ready made ceremony. In some, emphasis has been placed on the important role the parents have in their son's success. The Scout's relationship to his Scoutmaster is also recognized, as is the importance of the Eagle Scout as a citizen in his community, and country.

A Court of Honor for an Eagle Scout should be simple enough to be readily understood, yet inspirational enough to make a lasting, memorable impression on all who attend. It is intended that these ceremonies will be helpful in encouraging Troops to develop new ceremonies of their own along lines already proven effective. Let every Eagle Court of Honor in your troop be the best it can be.

Table of Contents


The Challenge Ceremony

CHAIRMAN: We come now to that part of our court of honor where we are to give recognition to the candidate for the rank of Eagle Scout.

AID: Sir, I have the honor to present Life Scout [ Scout's name ] for the award of Eagle Scout.

CHAIRMAN: Awarding the Eagle Badge of rank is an important and serious matter. It is the goal toward which this Scout has been working for several years. It is the culmination of effort by his parents and Scout Leaders. It is an occasion for pride and for joy, but, it is also a time for serious contemplation.

The Eagle Badge of rank is the highest and most coveted award in all of Scouting, and it is the last major step in the advancement program. If at this point, Scouting has not achieved its purpose of building character--then it probably never shall. These thoughts, which are the basic code of Scouting, are well summed up in the pledge that is taken by every Scout in the council upon advancement to Eagle rank.

(To Eagle candidate) I will read the pledge so that you will know that which you are about to promise, and then I will ask you to repeat it after me.

I (give your name), believe in the Boy Scouts of America as a movement, which has as its goals and purposes, character building, citizenship training, physical development. I believe it to be a movement that helps a Scout become master of his own powers, helps him get along with others, and helps him find worthy use for his powers. I believe it is my duty to do my best to obey the Scout Oath and Law. I hereby renew my faith in Scouting and promise to do what I can in service to other Scouts who have not advanced this far along the Eagle trail.

Having heard the Eagle pledge and are you willing to adopt it?


CHAIRMAN: Raise your hand in the Scout sign and repeat after me.

(A Life Scout in the audience interrupts.)

LIFE: Stop! I challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle.

CHAIRMAN: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?

LIFE: I am a Life Scout, and my esteem for the Eagle rank gives me the right to so challenge.

CHAIRMAN: On what grounds do you challenge?

LIFE: Has this Scout achieved the requirements in Scoutcraft and Life Interest?

CHAIRMAN: His application was verified, and indicates that he has satisfactorily completed the required 21 merit badges in the various fields of endeavor. Are you satisfied Life Scout?

LIFE: I am.

(A Tenderfoot Scout in the audience interrupts.)

TF: I, too, challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle

CHAIRMAN: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?

TF: I am a Tenderfoot Scout, and the respect that I have for the uniform that I wear gives me the right to so challenge.

CHAIRMAN: On what grounds do you challenge?

TF: Does his Scoutmaster certify that this Scout has actively participated in Scouting in his troop. Has he demonstrated leadership, and done his best to help in his home, school, church, and community?

SM: As Scoutmaster of Troop ______, I certify that for more than 6 months since attaining the Life rank, this Scout has held leadership positions in his troop. Also, he has been active in school, church, and community activities.

CHAIRMAN: Are you now satisfied?

TF: I am.

(An Eagle Scout in the audience interrupts.)

EAGLE #1: I too challenge the right of this Scout to be awarded the rank of Eagle.

CHAIRMAN: Who are you and by what right do you challenge?

EAGLE #1: I am an Eagle Scout, and the pride that I have in this badge that I wear over my heart gives me the right to so challenge.

CHAIRMAN: On what grounds do you challenge?

EAGLE #1: Has this Scout, nearing the end of the Eagle trail, demonstrated his Scouting Spirit? Has his ability to live and act in accordance with the ideals of Scouting, as exemplified by the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan been noted?

EAGLE #2: Recites the Scout Oath

EAGLE #3: Recites the Scout Law

EAGLE #4: The Scout motto is Be Prepared.

EAGLE #5: The Scout slogan is Do a Good Turn Daily.

BOARD: As chairman of the board that reviewed this Scout's record, I certify that, after investigation, interview, and examination. The board is of the opinion that this Scout has demonstrated that he has held to the spirit of Scouting in his daily living. The board recommends his advancement to Eagle.

CHAIRMAN: Are you now satisfied?

EAGLE #1: I am still not satisfied. I believe that this candidate should understand that the Eagle Rank is a big responsibility. As well as an honor, and I respectfully ask that this candidate be informed of the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout before continuing further.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Eagle Scout. I agree with your feelings and suggest that none are more qualified to impart this than those who wear the Eagle Badge. I invite you and your fellow Eagles to the platform.

EAGLE #2: The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor, which to an Eagle is sacred. Honor is the foundation of character -- it is what a person really is, down inside, not what someone may think he is. An Eagle will live so as to reflect credit upon his home, church, school, friends, upon Scouting, and upon himself. May the white of your Eagle badge always remind you to live with honor.

EAGLE #3: The second responsibility of an Eagle Scout is loyalty, for without loyalty, character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to his ideals. May the blue of your Eagle badge always remind you to be loyal.

EAGLE #4: The third responsibility of an Eagle Scout is courage. Courage gives character force and strength. Trusting in God and with faith in his fellowman, the Eagle faces each day unafraid, and seeks his share of the world's work. May the red of your Eagle badge always remind you of courage.

EAGLE #5: The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. He extends a helping hand to those who toil up the Scouting trail he has completed, just as others helped him in his achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily Good Turn must take on new meaning and blossom forth into a life of service. The Eagle protects and defends the weak and the helpless. He aids and comforts the oppressed and the unfortunate. He upholds the rights of others while defending his own. His code of honor is based upon the belief that leadership is founded upon real service.

EAGLE #1: Mr. Chairman, if this candidate is willing and eager to accept the mantle of responsibility, as well as the honor of the badge, then I will be satisfied and request that you proceed to administer the Eagle pledge.

CHAIRMAN: (To Eagle candidate) Are you ready and willing to accept these responsibilities and to adopt the Eagle pledge which I have read to you at the beginning of this ceremony.


CHAIRMAN: Raise your hand in the Scout sign and repeat after me.

(Repeat the Eagle pledge)

Now, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, I hereby award the rank of Eagle Scout.

Since the parents of this Scout and his Scoutmaster have been so instrumental in his attaining the Eagle rank, I will ask that they come to the platform.

(Proceed with presentation of award and certificate.)

Lighting the Eagle Trail Ceremony


  • Two lecterns, with lights, placed on either side of the stage, will simplify the presentation.
  • A single lighted candle is placed on a table in front of the moderator..
  • Rank symbols are placed on low tables between the two lecterns. An unlit candle is placed in front of each symbol.
  • Twelve small candles are set on a table to one side.
  • Three large candles are set on a table on the other side.
  • Lights are dimmed.


  • Moderator
  • Eagle Candidate
  • Mother
  • Father
  • Speaker #1 (Assistant Scout Master or other Troop leader)
  • Speaker #2 (Assistant Scout Master or other Troop leader)
  • Scout Master
  • Tenderfoot Scout
  • Second Class Scout
  • First Class Scout
  • Star Scout
  • Life Scout
  • Eagle Scout


MODERATOR: To earn the highest rank in Scouting, a Scout must spend a great deal of time and effort. Therefore, the occasion that recognizes his accomplishments should be memorable. Tonight, we shall follow Light the Eagle trail as we recognize the accomplishments of (Eagle candidates name).

When a boy becomes a Boy Scout there is within him something that we call the spirit of Scouting. This single lighted candle before you represents that spirit. Because the spirit of Scouting embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and Law, it becomes a shining beacon of inspiration. Alone, this light may seem feeble, but when multiplied by the more than three and a half million boys in Scouting around the world, it is powerful indeed. After a boy enters Scouting, the Scout Law that he promises to obey begins to guide his life. One by one, using the flame from the spirit of Scouting, we shall light the symbols for each part of the Scout Law. There are 12 parts; each is an important foundation in the building of strong character.

(Twelve small candles are lit as the Scout Law is read.)

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful. Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

(Three large candles are lit by a Scout as the Scout Oath is read)

In the Scout Oath the young Scout promises upon his honor to do his best to do his duty, first to God and his country; second, to other people, by helping them at all times; and third, to himself, by keeping himself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. You see how the light from the spirit of Scouting is now beginning to grow and become brighter.

SPEAKER #1: Now, in the distant, looms the hazy outlines of Eagle summit, flanked by the lesser peaks that represent the Star and Life ranks. To the new Scout they are very far away, but they will come a lot closer as the light from the spirit of Scouting continues to spread. The Scout begins as a Tenderfoot,

(A Tenderfoot Scout lights the candle in front of the Tenderfoot symbol.)

The Tenderfoot badge is the first rank a Scout receives. It stands at the foot of the Eagle Trail. Once inspired by the spirit of Scouting, he won't stay a Tenderfoot very long. Putting a few simple achievements behind him, he will shortly climb to the rank of Second Class.

(A Second Class Scout lights the candle in front of the Second Class symbol.)

The requirements for Second Class become more difficult. A Scout must learn to be self sufficient in the outdoors and continue to render service to others. Now the Scout is ready for the challenge to attain First Class.

(A First Class Scout lights the candle in front of the First Class symbol.)

Although the requirements become more difficult, he keeps climbing until finally comes the day when he tops the first summit along the Eagle Trail. There he receives his First Class Badge.

(A Star Scout lights the candle in front of the Star symbol.)

SPEAKER #2: A broad field of merit badges awaits the First Class Scout. More than 100 merit badges guide the Scout to explore careers, hobbies, and community interest items. The Scout needs but a total of six to conquer the Star Scout summit. Probably a lot sooner than he thought possible, the Scout finds himself standing on Star ridge. Thus, through leadership, service, and achievement, he conquers the first of three great peaks along the Eagle Trail.

(A Life Scout lights the candle in front of the Life symbol.)

The trail to the next summit, Life Scout peak, isn't easy. There is leadership to demonstrate, service to others, and plenty of hard work in mastering five additional merit badges and helping fellow Scouts. The higher the Scout climbs, the fewer travelers he meets along the trail. Yet there are no impossible barriers along the way. This Life Scout's goal can be achieved, but it takes real effort.

(An Eagle Scout lights the candle in front of the Eagle symbol.)

While the rank of Life Scout is a coveted one, and deserving to all who obtain it, the Eagle Trail does not end there; it leads on toward a higher summit. The pathway narrows and steepens considerably as it winds along ledges of personal achievement and mountain pastures of troop accomplishment. Mile by mile, the trail becomes more trying. Many challenges must be conquered in these last miles. Before the highest summit along the Eagle Trail can be completed, additional merit badges must be earned. Some of them are very difficult and leadership and service to others are not forgotten. Only with the greatest persistence and courage can the Scout gain the thrill of victory that comes while looking back down the trail, from the very top of the Eagle summit.

SM: Eagle candidate [ Scout's name ], you are to be congratulated for reaching the highest peak of the Eagle Trail; your diligence and hard work have paid off. If you, along with your mother and father, will come forward, your Eagle Badge of rank will be presented.

You have made Troop __________ very proud. May the qualities that inspired you to this achievement continue to lead you on to even greater success in your life.

As an Eagle Scout, the eyes of all Scouting -- yes, the eyes of the world, will be upon you. The traditions of Eagle Scout are high. May you live up to those traditions, always guided by the spirit of Scouting, represented by these blazing candles before you. The Eagle Badge that you are about to receive is symbolic of this spirit of Scouting.

(Eagle badge is presented to the mother to pin on candidate's uniform.)

SM: Mrs. ______________, pin this Eagle badge on your son's chest so that the world may know that he is a Eagle Scout.

(Miniature Eagle badge is given to the Eagle Scout to pin on his mother.)

SM: Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], pin this miniature badge over your mother's heart in recognition of her love, encouragement, faith, and trust in your future. As an Eagle Scout, may you never disappoint her.

(Eagle neckerchief is given to the father to place around the neck of his son.)

SM: Place this neckerchief around your son's neck to tell the world you will continue to support him as he grows into a man.

MODERATOR: Will the audience please rise and give Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], a round of applause.

Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes our Eagle Court of Honor. Anyone wishing to congratulate troop _____'s newest Eagle Scout and his proud parents are invited to the reception immediately after our closing.

The Light of the Eagle I Ceremony


The Eagle court of honor may follow a regular troop court of honor. The flags are in place, and the mood is set. The participants are seated at a table in the front of the room, or they may rise from the audience at their particular point in the program.


  • Master of Ceremonies (MC)
  • Honor Guard


MC: Welcome now to that part of our court of honor where we recognize a candidate for Eagle Scout. The presentation of the Eagle Award is an important and serious matter. It is the climax and the goal for which this Scout has been working for many years.

Honor guard, please escort before this court, Eagle Candidate [ Scout's name ], so we may ensure that he has been prepared properly to receive this high honor.

(The honor guard, composed of Eagle Scouts, escort the Eagle Candidate to the front of the room, near the American flag, leaving him facing the audience.)

MC: The Eagle Award is a culmination of the effort of many leaders of this Scout. It is an occasion for pride and joy and a time for serious contemplation. It is the highest rank in Scouting, and the most coveted of all awards in Scouting. It is the last major step in the Scouting advancement program. If Troop leaders have not achieved their purpose with this scout in the building of character, in the training of leadership, in the practice of service, they probably never shall. It is, right and proper that this court make a careful examination of the applicant. In order that you may understand the completeness of our examination, I shall ask members of the Troop Committee to explain the inquiries made regarding the candidate. Mr./Mrs. ________, please state how this Eagle Candidates accomplished the requirements established by the Boy Scouts of America. .

Mr./Mrs. _______: Mr. (MC), the first consideration in the examination of this candidate, was his proficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed in the requirements for the Eagle Award. The Eagle candidate presented a record of the merit badges he earned and the advancement he has accomplished. These records have been carefully checked. The candidate has been certified by the merit badge counselors approved by the troop committee. The court finds that the candidate has completed all required merit badges.

MC: Mr. #2.

Mr.#2: Mr. (MC) , another important consideration for the Eagle Award is leadership. This court carefully reviewed the record of the candidate's performance in leadership positions. We found all positions held in the troop, school affairs, and his Eagle service project to meet the requirements of the Eagle Award. We find that the candidate displayed his capacity and his willingness to exert leadership in activities that are constructive and worthwhile to this community. We believe that he is qualified to receive the Eagle Award.

MC: Mr. #3.

Mr.#3: Mr. (MC), last, but certainly not least, is the Scout's character. We have interviewed teachers, his pastor, neighbors and many others regarding the candidate. It is the finding of the court that this candidate has put into practice, in his daily life, the principles of the Scout Oath and Law. We believe he will continue these habits after receiving the Eagle Award.

MC: In light of these inquires, this court finds the candidate qualified for the Eagle Award. However, if anyone knows any reason why this Scout should not receive the rank of Eagle, please inform this court now.

EAGLE SCOUT: (From the audience.) Gentlemen of the court. I represent all the Scouts who have received the Eagle Award in _____________ District. We do not object to awarding the rank of Eagle to this candidate. We believe though, that the he must understand that the Eagle rank is a responsibility as well as an honor. We respectfully ask that this Eagle candidate be informed of these responsibilities before the badge is awarded.

MC: The court concurs in your feelings. Let us hear the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout.

(The lights are dimmed. For dramatic effect, use recorded voices in corners of the room or behind drapes. If that isn't feasible, an older Eagle steps to the front to speak as the Voices. As Voice 1 begins, turn on the WHITE portion of the ribbon.)

VOICE 1: The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. An Eagle's honor is sacred. Honor is the foundation of all character. Character is what one is down deep inside, not what others thinks one is. An Eagle will so live that he reflects honor upon his home, his church, his school, his friends, and upon himself. May the white of your badge remind you to live with honor.

(As Voice 2 begins, turn on the BLUE portion of the ribbon.)

VOICE 2: The second responsibility of an Eagle Scout is loyalty. Without loyalty, character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to his ideals. To thy own self be true. It follows as the night into day, thou cannot be false to any man. Neither pain nor profit, pride nor personal loss shall swerve him in his loyalty. May the blue of your badge remind you always to be loyal.

(As Voice 3 begins, turn on the RED portion of the ribbon now.)

VOICE 3: The third responsibility of an Eagle Scout is courage. Courage gives character force and strength. Trusting in God and with faith in his fellowman, the Eagle Scout faces each day unafraid and seeks his share of the world's work. May the red of your badge remind you always of courage.

(As Voice 4 begins, illuminate the rest of the badge, the scroll and the Eagle.)

VOICE 4: The final responsibility of a n Eagle Scout is service. He extends a helping hand to those who still toil up the Scouting trail, just as others helped him in his achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily Good Turn must take on new meaning, blossoming in a life of service. He protects and defends the weak and helpless. He aids and comforts the unfortunate and the oppressed. He upholds the rights of others while demanding his own. His code of conduct is based upon the belief that real leadership must be founded upon service.

May the motto "Be Prepared" always be of service to others. May the eagle suspended from the ribbon always remind you to perform that service when the opportunity presents itself.

EAGLE SCOUT: Gentlemen of the court, if this candidate is willing, yes eager, to accept the responsibilities of the badge as well as its honor, we cordially welcome him into the ranks of Eagle Scouts.

MC: Eagle Candidate [ Scout's name ], are you willing to accept these responsibilities?


MC: By the authority vested in this court of honor by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, and by recommendation of the persons who have investigated your credentials, your leadership practice and your character, this court hereby awards the rank of Eagle Scout to __________. The charge to this worthy Eagle will be given by Mr. ___________.

CHARGE: (Choose an Eagle Charge or Pledge from Chapter 13.)

The Light of the Eagle II Ceremony


(The same as for "The Light of the Eagle" presentation ceremony preceding this section. The Eagle candidate has been escorted to the front of the room, and the lights are dimmed.)


MC: Presentation of the Eagle Award is an important and serious matter. For the Eagle Candidate before us tonight, the award is a climax of his Scouting efforts for many year s . Let me point out that the attainment of this award is made possible through the assistance of those with the candidate tonight. His Scoutmaster, troop leaders, his fellow Scouts, parents, family, friends, and members of our local community. This is an occasion for pride and joy as well as a time for reflection. The Eagle is the highest rank that Scouting offers. It's earned through the advancement program. Scout [ Scout's name] has distinguished himself through his continued, active service in Scouting. He is trained and practiced in his leadership abilities, and he is marked by the character gained through an understanding of his citizenship and religious beliefs. It is important that we understand the meaning of the Eagle badge.


  1. (An older Eagle) The appeal of the majestic eagle has been felt by individuals from prehistoric times to the present day. To the Egyptians, the eagle was the messenger to the gods and the sun, a symbol of eternal life. To the Romans, he was the carrier of Jupiter's thunderbolts and a sign of power. To the America Indians, he stood as the incentive to valor and the pledge of victory. For us today, the eagle is a living symbol of courageous and freedom-aspiring Americans. When the badge of rank for Eagle Scouts was designed in 1912, a small silver eagle was suspended from a tricolor ribbon of red, white, and blue. It remained so today. (Light the Eagle on the light box.)
  2. The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of character. He knows that "A Scout is Trustworthy" is the first point of the Scout Law for a good reason. An Eagle Scout lives honorably, not only because of the infinite importance of doing so to himself, but because of the vital significance of the example he sets for other Scouts. Living honorably reflects credit upon his home, his troop, his church, and his community. (Light the white portion of the ribbon on the light box.) May the white of the Eagle badge remind you always to live with honor.
  3. The second responsibility of the Eagle Scout is loyalty. A SCOUT is true to his family, leaders, friends, school and nation. His loyalty to his troop and brother Scouts makes him pitch in and carry his share of the load. All of these, help build the loyalty which means devotion to community, to country, to one's ideals, and to God. (Light the blue portion of the ribbon on the light box.) May the blue of the Eagle badge always inspire your loyalty.
  4. The third responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to be courageous. Courage is a quality by which men measure in themselves and others. To a Scout, bravery means not only the courage to face physical danger, but the determination to stand up for his rights. Trusting in God with faith in his fellow citizen, he looks forward to each day, seeking his share of the world's work. (Light the red portion of the ribbon on the light box.) May the red of the Eagle badge always remind you of courage.
  5. The fourth responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to be cheerful. To remind the Eagle Scout to always wear a smile, the red, white, and blue ribbon is attached to the scroll of the Second Class Scout Award , which has its ends turned up in a smile. (Light the scroll on the light box.)
  6. The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. The Eagle extends a helping hand to those who still toil up Scouting's trail, just as others helped him in his climb to Eagle. The performance of the daily Good Turn takes on a new meaning, when he enters an adult life of continuing service to others. The Eagle stands as the protector of the weak and helpless. He aids and comforts the unfortunate and the oppressed. He upholds the rights of others while defending his own. He is always prepared to put forth his best.

MC: You are deserving of much credit in having achieved Scouting's highest rank. Wear your award with humility, ever mindful that the Eagle Scout is looked up to as an example. May the Scout Oath and the Scout Law be your guide for tomorrow and onward.

(At this point parents of the Eagle Scout are escorted to the candidate's side, and the normal sequence of events would follow.)


A Simple Eagle Scout Ceremony


The colors are posted in the front of the room with other appropriate candles and Eagle paraphernalia place.


  • Master of Ceremonies (MC)
  • Scoutmaster
  • Ceremony participants
  • Family of the Eagle candidate are all seated in the front row
  • Visiting Scouts, Scouters and friends are also seated near the front.)


MC: Tonight we have the honor and pleasure of bestowing the rank of Eagle Scout to a member of our troop. This presentation takes on added significance when one considers the tempo of the times. Democracy is a fresh conquest for each generation. This is an important and serious matter and a cause for concern of every true American.

In full awareness of the challenge of the times, the parents of this young man and his Scout leaders have labored long and faithfully. Their efforts culminate tonight in the presentation of the Eagle Award.

The success of these efforts will manifest in the way that this and every other Eagle Scout sets a social pattern for the lives they touch.

(The candidate is escorted to the front of the room by an honor guard.)

CHAPLAIN: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the interest in the Scouting movement that has brought this group together. We thank you for the success of the Scouting program in the United States since 1910. We are grateful for the influence that Troop ____ has had on the lives of boys since it held its first charter in 19___. We pray for continued blessings on this troop, its leaders, its troop committee, and its sponsor through the years ahead. We pray that Troop ____ may continue to turn out leaders for tomorrow, prepared as good citizens.

MC: The Scouting movement constitutes one of the most wholesome and significant development of our day. Eagle Candidate [ Scout's name ] you have been deemed worthy of the highest rank in its membership. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. Your position, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are now a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you will be asked to assume a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to your country, to your fellow Scouts, and to your fellow citizens. As this is a great undertaking, it is therefore right and proper that a board of review make a careful examination of each candidate prior to the presentation of an Eagle Award.

This candidate presented a record of merit badges earned. These have been carefully checked against council records and certified by appointed merit badge counselors. The board of review carefully checked the record of this candidate for leadership in his troop, school affairs, church association, in his community, and in the conduct of his Eagle service project.

This candidate has demonstrated his capacity and willingness to exert leadership in activities that are constructive and worthwhile. It has been satisfactorily established by the board of review that this candidate is putting into daily practice the principles of the Scout Oath and Law. In light of the inquires made, and the favorable results in each case, the board of review has found this candidate qualified and has authorized this court-of-honor to bestow upon you, [ Scout's name ], the rank of Eagle.

(Here, the parents would be recognized, the presentation made, and while the new Eagle Scout is pinning the miniature Eagle on his mother, the poem "An Eagle Scout" is read to the audience. The poem is found in Chapter 14)

(The rest of the ceremony would proceed as other typical examples illustrated.)

Order of the Arrow Ceremony I

This ceremony is appropriate if the Eagle Candidate is an active member of the Order of the Arrow.


A ceremonial campfire as a backdrop. Six Indians enter either in silence or chanting in a low voice from backstage or from the rear of the audience if no stage is available. The four winds stand on one side, Allowat Sakima is at center stage, and Kichkinet off to the side near the candidate.


ALLOWAT: I have led my braves to the summit of this mountain in a long journey from our camp to show you the rewards of your climb along the trail. When you began this trip as a young Boy Scout of many years ago you had this mountain top as your goal. You now have reached the summit, the realm of the Eagles. Before admitting you into honored membership, we must first hear the story of your long climb along the Eagle trail.

KINET: This Scout, after reaching the First Class rank, has worked diligently and has sought experts who gave him valuable counsel on many subjects. He has been given advice and encouragement along the trail by capable leaders.

ALLOWAT: Before admitting this Scout to the realm of the Eagles, I must have assurance that he has been faithful in serving his troop. Also, has he put into practice giving leadership to younger Scouts, and that he is entitled to wear the wings of the Eagle. Mr. Scoutmaster, has your Eagle candidate met these qualifications?

SCOUTMASTER: Yes, he has.

ALLOWAT: Scout [ Scout's name ], you have worked hard to achieve the rank of Eagle, but listen first to the wisdom of the winds.

EAST WIND: I am the spirit of the East Wind. I represent the common law, your duty to God and to country. Trustworthy, loyal, and helpful, are the qualities that a man must possess who lives by the laws of this land. See that you do not lose the great blessing of a lawful land.

WEST WIND: As the spirit of the West Wind. I represent the law of equity, your duty to country and others, friendly, courteous, and kind are the laws that breathe of conscience. They create the atmosphere that comes from within your heart; the desire for you always to be friends to those of all ages, young and old. Be courteous to those who pass along your trail. Cast away the harmful spirit of the unfriendliness and selfishness.

SOUTH WIND: I am the spirit of the South Wind. I represent civil law, your duty to others and to self. Obedient, cheerful and thrifty are the character of civility. A life of cheerful obedience is necessary for the development of a true citizen. Obedience is something we all must learn, to take orders and carry them out cheerfully. Real thrift means earning, spending wisely and saving, and to share with that less fortunate.

NORTH WIND: I am the spirit of the North Wind, the most powerful of all, I represent the divine law, your duty to be brave, clean, and reverent. To be brave is to be unselfish. To be clean in body and soul is to be pure in heart. Cast from your mind and body any evil spirits that try to weaken or destroy the divine law, live a life of reverence. Be always brave, clean, and reverent.

ALLOWAT: Through your climb up the Scouting trail, the badges have changed as your abilities grew. One pledge remained unchanged, the Scout Oath. Is there any reason why you as a new Eagle cannot renew this promise which you first made as a new Scout.


ALLOWAT: Then please stand and with the Scout sign, recite the Scout Oath, slowly and clearly.

CANDIDATE: (Repeat the Scout Oath slowly.)

ALLOWAT: Scouting has been a great influence in your life. It has supplemented the effect of your home, your church, and your school. You climbed through the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.

KINET: Then additional merit badges allowed you to be a Star Scout, while still more and harder ones found you wearing the heart of a Life Scout. More time and harder requirements found you adding to your qualifications until now you have reached the highest rank in the Scouting movement, the Eagle Rank.

ALLOWAT: Without the love and guidance of understanding parents, a boy is severely handicapped. Your parents have watched you grow and develop. They have worked with you in health, nursed you in sickness, guided your thoughts and actions, and helped you in untold ways. Your Adult Leaders have been a strength to lean on. One of them was always there in times of trouble and for help. Your home influence will last throughout your life. I ask your parents to stand beside you as a symbol that they will continue to help the young Eagle to grow in the qualities of leadership and citizenship that a true Eagle must have.

(The four winds escort the parents to the candidate's side.)

KINET: As a token of your willingness to continue your support for this young Eagle, I ask Mrs. __________ to pin the Eagle badge on your son.

Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], you have seen that your mother plans to standby you in the future. Do you now promise to do your best as an Eagle Scout?


KINET: Then you now have the honor to pin a miniature Eagle pin on your mother.

To let everyone know you are truly a proud Eagle Scout, I ask your father, Mr. __________, to place the Eagle Neckerchief around your neck.

Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], you have seen that your father plans to standby you in the future. Do you promise to follow the Scout Law as an Eagle Scout?


KINET: Then you have the honor to give your father the miniature Eagle Tie Pin.

ALLOWAT: As Ceremonial Chief, I now call upon Mr. ____________, to give the new Eagle the charge.

Mr. __________: (Any of the many charges may be used.)

(When the charge is finished, the four winds step up to the new Eagle Scout, one at a time, and tap him on the right shoulder three times, as Mr. ___________ reads.)

Always remember Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], the words of the EAST WIND, to be TRUSTWORTHY, LOYAL, and HELPFUL. The words of the WEST WIND, tells one to be FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS, and KIND. The words of the SOUTH WIND urges one to be OBEDIENT, CHEERFUL, and THRIFTY. Finally, the words of the NORTH WIND, the most powerful of all admonishes, one to be BRAVE, CLEAN and REVERENT.

(Mr. _____________________ returns to his seat.)

ALLOWAT: I now welcome you, Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], to the summit of your trail. the Eagle is strong and powerful, and flies unblinking into the face of the sun. He soars high and builds on a pinnacle. You must not swerve from your duties as an Eagle.

Will the audience please rise.

(KICHKINET, and the FOUR WINDS raise both their hands.)

We now call upon the Great Spirit of all, for his blessing on this new Eagle Scout. May he always strive to attain the noblest and highest ideals of life. Be his strength and his guide. Cause him to follow a straight trail and to never be a reason for other Scouts to waver from their path. Protect him for many moons to come. May the Great Master of all Scouts be with us until our trails cross again.

(Indians walk back from whence they came, and the Scoutmaster takes over to start the congratulations.)

Indian Theme Eagle Ceremony

May be performed by Order of the Arrow Ceremonial Team

Here is an Eagle ceremony that was given to me by our Order of the Arrow Lodge Advisor for our OA Chapter's use in an upcoming Eagle ceremony. I understand its been used here in the Ventura County (CA) Council for a number of years with great success. Have fun. -- Lou Leopold, Cubmaster, Pack 3804, Asst. Advisor, Asuskawa Chapter; Topa-Topa Lodge #291, Ventura County Council, California


  • Allowat Sakima, the Mighty Chief
  • Kichkinet, the Guide
  • The North Wind
  • The East Wind
  • The South Wind
  • The West Wind
  • Drummer
  • Scoutmaster
  • Eagle Candidate and his parent(s)


Drum, Eagle Board, two red candles, white candle, blue candle, candle holder(s)

Scoutmaster: We have the honor and pleasure of recognizing (Eagle Scout Candidate's Name) for the award of Eagle Scout. The parents and Scout leaders of the Eagle candidate whom we honor tonight have labored long and faithfully to develop him towards alert and participating citizenship through the Boy Scout program. It is, however, candidate's personal efforts and achievement that culminates this evening in the presentation of the Eagle Award.

Please escort Eagle Candidate (Eagle Scout Candidate's Name) and his parents to the stage.

(Drummer starts drumming. Indian party arranged with Allowat Sakima and Kichkinet in front, North Wind next, followed by the East and West Winds with candidate in the middle, followed by the candidate's parents, followed by the South Wind, and drummer in the rear.)

(The four winds take their positions at the right of the Eagle board, Eagle candidate in the center with parents behind the candidate, and Allowat Sakima, Kichkinet, and Drummer to the left of the Eagle board.)

Allowat Sakima: I have led my braves to the summit of this mountain in a long journey from our camp to show you the rewards of your climb along the trail. When you began this trip as a young Cub Scout on the trail many years ago, you had this Mountaintop as your goal. You have reached the summit, the realm of the Eagles. But before admitting you to this honored membership, we must first hear the story of your long climb along the trail. You first learned Scout skills as you climbed through the ranks of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.

Kichkinet: After reaching the First Class rank, you have worked diligently, and have sought experts who gave you valuable counsel on many subjects. Then additional merit badges allowed you to be a Star Scout, while still more found you wearing the heart of a Life Scout. Many more moons have passed while harder requirements found you adding to your qualifications until you have achieved Scouting's highest rank...Eagle.

Allowat Sakima: You have worked to the point where you are about to become an Eagle. Listen, first, to the wisdom of the four winds.

East Wind: I am the spirit of the East Wind. I represent the common law, your duty to God and to country. Trustworthy, loyal, and helpful, are the qualities which a man must possess who lives by the laws and rules of this land. See that we do not lose this great blessing of a lawful land.

West Wind: As the spirit of the West Wind, I represent the law of equity, your duty to country and to others, friendly, courteous, and kind are the laws that breathe of conscience. They create the atmosphere that comes from within your heart. The desire for you always to be a friend to those of all ages, young and old alike. Courteous to those who pass along your trail. Cast away the harmful spirit of unfriendliness and selfishness.

South Wind: I am the spirit of the South Wind. I represent the civil law, your duty to others and to self. Obedient, cheerful, and thrifty are the characteristics of civility. A life of cheerful obedience is necessary for the development of a true citizen. Obedience is something everyone has to learn--to take orders and carry them out cheerfully. Real thrift means earning, spending wisely and saving, and to share with those less fortunate.

North Wind: I am the spirit of the North Wind, the most powerful of all, I represent the divine law. Brave, clean, and reverent. To be brave is to be unselfish. To be clean in body and soul is to be pure in heart. Cast from your mind and body any evil spirit that tries to weaken or destroy the divine law, live a life of reverence. Be brave and clean.

Allowat Sakima: Throughout the climb up the Scouting trail, the badges have changed as your abilities grew. but one pledge remained unchanged, the Scout Oath. Now, candidate, make the Scout sign and state the Scout Oath slowly and clearly to renew this promise which you first made many moons ago.

Candidate: (Repeats the Scout Oath slowly.)

Scoutmaster: This court recognizes candidate as fully qualified for the rank of Eagle Scout. He should understand that the Eagle Scout rank is a responsibility as well as an honor."

Allowat Sakima: You have reached the summit of the mountain, the highest rank in scouting. You may now soar with all the other Eagles, for you are an Eagle.

Kichkinet: To ensure that you understand that being an Eagle is a responsibility as well as an honor, the four winds will now explain the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout before the badge is awarded. (Produces a red candle and hands it, unlit, to the candidate). This red candle represents the life blood of scouting...and its flame represents Scout spirit and the willingness to provide cheerful service to others.

Drummer lights the candle held by the candidate.

East Wind: (Places the white candle into the candle holder). The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. Please light this white candle which represents honor. (Pause) An Eagle Scout's honor is sacred. Honor is the foundation of all character. An Eagle will so live that he will reflect credit upon his home, his church, his school, his friends, and upon himself. May the white of your badge remind you to live with honor.

West Wind: (Places the blue candle into the candle holder). The second obligation of an Eagle Scout is loyalty. Please light this blue candle which represents loyalty. (Pause) Without loyalty, all character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to his own ideals. May the blue of the Eagle emblem remind you of loyalty.

South Wind: (Places the red candle into the candle holder). The third obligation of an Eagle Scout is courage. Please light this red candle which represents courage. (Pause) Courage gives all character force and strength. Trusting in God, and with faith in his fellow man, he faces each day unafraid and seeks his share of the world's work to do. May the red of the of Eagle emblem remind you of courage.

(Kichkinet takes candle from candidate and extinguishes it.)

North Wind: The final obligation of an Eagle Scout is service. The candle you used to light the other three candles represents the spirit of scouting and service to others. An Eagle Scout extends a helping hand to those who continue to toil up the Scouting trail he has completed, just as others helped him in his achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily "good turn" must take on new meaning, and blossom forth in a life of service. His code of action is based upon the belief that real leadership must be founded upon real service. Even as an adult you can continue to provide service. An adult Eagle Scouter is entitled to wear a red, white and blue square knot to show that he has attained Scouting's highest rank, and to signify his readiness to provide cheerful service to those still climbing the trail to Eagle.

Kichkinet: All Eagle Scouts around the world will be honored to have you join us. Candidate, as you go forward in life, receiving other honors and awards, always remember this day when you became an Eagle Scout. The red, white and blue candles representing courage, honor, and loyalty will now be extinguished.

(Drummer extinguished the three candles.)

Even though the flames no longer burn, the ideals that they represent will continue to live in your heart. Listen to the wisdom of the winds.

East Wind: Remember the common law: trustworthy, loyal, helpful.

West Wind: Remember the law of equity: friendly, courteous, kind.

South Wind: Remember the civil law: obedient, cheerful, thrifty.

North Wind: Remember the divine law, the most powerful of all: brave, clean, reverent.

Scoutmaster: We now present Eagle Scout name with the highest award of the Boy Scouts of America, the rank of Eagle Scout.

(Scoutmaster presents the medal to the recipient's parents who, in turn, pin the medal onto the left pocket flap of the uniform shirt. The Scoutmaster presents the new Eagle Scout with the parent pin and the Eagle Scout pins the pin on his parent. If the Eagle Dad tie tack is available, the Scoutmaster presents the tie tack to the Eagle Scout who, in turn, presents the tie tack to his Father.)

Scoutmaster: We will now hear from our new Eagle Scout.

(The new Eagle Scout speaks.)

(After the Eagle Scout has spoken, the drummer begins beating the drum.)

Allowat Sakima: I welcome you, new Eagle, to the summit of your trail. The Eagle is strong and powerful, and flies unblinking into the face of the sun. It soars high and builds on a pinnacle. You must not swerve from your duties as an Eagle.

(All proceed out in the same order as they entered).

-- Thanks to Scott Drown, SM Troop 39, Maltby, Mt. Baker Council, Everett Wa.

The Voice of the Eagle Ceremony


Pictures of the Scout ranks are arranged in a semicircle across the front of the room. They are spaced out far enough so that the candidate and his escorts have room to walk from one to the next. The Eagle card is at the center, and slightly to the rear of the others. The Eagle is candidate escorted to the front of the room near the American and Troop flag. As the narrative for each rank is read the candidate and his escorts move on to that card, and stand behind it. Candles should be placed and lit in front of each card.


MC: This is the voice of the Eagle, the Eagle whose heights you struggled to reach. We remember well when you first came to the base of the cliff, and how you looked up with ambition and determination.

Look back for a moment, look back over the cliff you have climbed; look back at the experience you have encountered in your ascent. These experiences should not be forgotten, and you should profit by making sure that the adverse ones do not occur again. Experience is a valuable teacher if you heed its teachings.

FIRST READER: We remember when you took your first step upon the trail that leads upward. With your first step, you began living the Scout Oath and Law. While you were on the trail, we watched you study and then we watched you learn by doing. First you were only a candidate, building yourself physically, mentally, and morally. Then your brother Scouts called you a Tenderfoot and they were right, you were indeed a Tenderfoot.

SECOND READER: But not for long, for soon you reached the first ledge where you were greeted by a group of Second Class Scouts.

Some, like yourself, were stopping to catch their breath before continuing along the Eagle trail. You began to study more, you worked harder, and almost before you knew it, you came to another ledge, the ledge where First Class Scouts dwell.

THIRD READER: There you found a tempting green meadow by a crystal clear stream, bathed by the sun. Here you were tempted to remain. Yes, you could have remained there to live in First Class glory, but your ambition stirred you on. We remember your progress to Star Scout. You found the trail from First Class had been an optical illusion, not as difficult as it has seemed. This spurred you on, and again you climbed higher.

FOURTH READER: Now the trail was steeper, it was less worn. Fewer Scouts seemed to be heading in your direction. You looked back and saw the crowds below you. You looked up and saw the few above you. With the same determination with which you started your climb, you continued on the trail.

So on it was the badge of Life Scout, the heart badge that was placed on your uniform. You will never forget the thoughts in your heart. It has been experienced by most Scouts on reaching the ledge of Life. "Now I am close to Eagle. I will carry on." The trail became tougher, but more interesting. The original simple principles, the Scout Oath and Law, now had a fuller meaning. Your understanding of them was greater.

MC: Yes, we have watched your character unfold and become manly. We have watched your leadership ability expand into a valuable asset. We have watched your mind develop and your wisdom increase. We have watched all of these things in you. Now that you are at the threshold of your goal, we welcome you. For you have done your climbing in a true Scout-like-manner.

Will Mr. _____(Scoutmaster)_____, please escort to the front, Eagle candidate [ Scout's name ] to receive his Eagle Badge of Rank.

(Here follows the normal recognition of the candidate's parents, the actual presentation, etc. See the examples in this manual for ideas as to where to go from here.)

Parents' Ceremony


(After all the guests are seated, the MC makes a brief statement concerning the honor and significance of becoming an Eagle Scout. The MC/SPEAKER then names the Scout or Scouts who are to be recognized at this ceremony and asks each to escort his parents to center stage.)


The MC/SPEAKER recognizes and commends the Scoutmaster and all other Scouters for their work in helping these boys to become Eagle Scouts.

He also congratulates the parents for their Scout make this high achievement.

Commend and congratulates the Scout for sticking to his purpose until his goal has been realized and for having parents interested in his success.

The MC/SPEAKER'S speech includes a statement along the following lines:

"The Eagle Scout badge is a recognition of the National Court of Honor, presented through the local council and local court of honor."

Not every Scout, in Scouting, can qualify for Scouting's highest rank of Eagle because:

  1. The physical requirements are strenuous as set forth in the required merit badges.
  2. Mental requirements are unusual, and require much more than average intelligence. (Expound on the intelligent application of requirements for rank and merit badges.)
  3. Perhaps an even more difficult and more important requirement for the Eagle Badge of rank is the personal character of the Scout. His attitude toward God, and the ideals of Scouting, reflected in his cooperation and service to others in his troop. Also in his home and in his community. The applicant must have a high degree of the spirit of cheerful service to others, which is the basis of good citizenship.

"I am happy to report that our review reveals that this Scout has (these Scouts have) qualified in the requirements for personal character and good citizenship. In addition to the technical requirements for the Eagle Badge of rank."

(Another Scouter or the same, may take over the rest of the program: He addresses the Eagle court applicant, secures an answer to each of the following questions from each candidate. Make it impressive.)

  • "Do you realize that you will have a greater responsibility as an Eagle Scout?"
  • "As an Eagle Scout, this qualifies you for greater leadership responsibility. Are you willing to accept this responsibility for your brother Scouts, troop and others?"
  • "As an Eagle Scout, those who know you will follow your daily personal conduct and live the spirit of the Scout Oath and Law. Will you do your best as an Eagle Scout to live the Scout Oath and Law?"
  • "Then, are you now ready to recommit yourself to the Scout Oath?" (Here the Eagle Scout candidate moves one pace forward and gives the Scout sign.)
    • "Rededicate yourself by reciting the Scout Oath?"
    • (Each mother invests her son with the insignia of the Eagle Badge. The new Eagle Scout gives his mother the traditional miniature eagle.)
    • (The son stands at the right of his mother, and his father stands at the left of his mother.)
    • (When all the insignias have been presented the MC/ SPEAKER gives the new Eagle Scout the Scout handclasp with the left hand. Then he takes the right hand of each of the parents in his right hand and makes a statement like the following.)

"May I congratulate you again and may I remind you that Scouting should now become an even greater tie between son and parents, binding you even more closely together as a family. To you, Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], I am confident that you will honor Scouting with your life and service as tonight Scouting honors you. May God bless you and make you a blessing, in my prayer."

SPEAKER: "By the authority invested in me by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, I now declare you an Eagle Scout."

Citizenship Ceremony

This Eagle ceremony is ideal for more than one candidate.


(In the VIP area or on a stage or platform are seated the Mayor of the city, the chairperson of the court of honor, and the MC. Also, the commissioners and other distinguished Scouters and guests. The Commissioner rises and calls the roll of honor. Each Eagle candidate rises when his name is called and advances to the platform where they all stand at attention.)


The MC of the evening delivers the charge to the Eagle Scouts. The Mayor then calls each Scout by name, congratulates him and presents to him his personal citation in an attractive folder. The Mayor reads the first citation in full. He calls the names of those which follow.

(At the close of the presentation, Scouts about face, give Scout sign and repeat the Scout Oath.)

MC: "I have the honor to give you the Eagle Scout charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting. The Boy Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history and you have been chosen worthy of this high rank in the Boy Scouts of America. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. Your position, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to country, to your fellow Scouts and to humanity.

As you live up to your obligations you bring honor to yourselves and to your brother Scouts. Your responsibility goes beyond Scouting, to your country and your God. America has much to give you and your children after you; but it depends for the most part on the quality of her citizens. Our country has had a great past. Your challenge is to make the future even greater. I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, each of you, but lead only toward that which is the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and to your fellow citizens. So live and serve that those who know you, will be inspired to better living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and for selfish ends. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good. Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God. Whatever others may say or do, you will leave behind you a record of which every Scout may be proud.

CITATION TO Scout [ Scout's name ],

You joined Troop _____ of _____________ in the _______________ Council, Boy Scouts of America on ________. You advanced to Second class rank on ______________. To First class rank on __________.

You earned _____ merit badges, and because of your character and good citizenship, you achieved Star rank on __________. You received additional badges and awarded the Life rank on __________. You have earned the following badges: (List the badges here.)

In addition to these badges you were recommended by your parents, your teachers, your Scoutmaster and others whom we rely. The court of honor believes you will be a first class citizen, always worthy of your Eagle Badge of rank.

On behalf of ______________________ Council, Boy Scouts of America, and with the high hope that you will always represent the finest of character and citizenship, we welcome you to the Eagle rank and congratulate you, your parents, and Troop leaders.

This statement signed by the president of the council, Scout Commissioner, Chairperson of the court of honor, District Commissioner, Scoutmaster, and Scout Executive.

Officially presented by: _____________________________

Mayor of the city of _______________________________

Picture Ceremony


(The chairperson of the court of honor, explains to the audience that tonight he is going to draw a picture. The central figure in this picture is to be the Eagle candidate. The candidate is directed to take his place on stage.)

Continuing to explain, the chairperson points out that the next step in drawing the picture is to fill in the background. For this purpose several persons are being asked to help with the presentation of the Eagle Badge of rank.

Whenever possible each of the following persons should be present and called upon for their part in the Eagle ceremony. After the chairperson introduces them they take their places on stage, forming a semicircle in back of the Eagle Scout candidate.


a. National Council Representative
Each council in the United States is allowed one representative for each 1000 boy member in the council, to represent the council on the National Council. In this council we have ______ individuals who are National Council Representatives. We are fortunate this evening to have one of these representative with us, Mr./Mrs. _______________, of _______________ Council. Since the Eagle Badge is presented directly from our National Headquarters in Texas, we are going to ask Mr./Ms. _____________ to be the first person in this picture. Also later we will ask him/her to be the first person to start the Eagle badge on its journey to the candidate.

b. Council Officer
The council officers are the council president, vice-presidents, treasurer, and the district chairmen, who represent their districts on the council executive board. Also members and council committee chairmen appointed by the council president. Our National Council Office forwards the Eagle badge to the local council. We have asked Mr./Ms. ______________ of _______________ Council, who is the council's ______________, to take his/her place in our picture next to the National Council Representative.

c. District Officer
The district officers of _______________ District are the district chairman, vice-chairmen, and members of the district committee, appointed by the district chairman. As the National Council forwards the Eagle Badge to the council for awarding, so the council forwards the badge to the district. We will therefore ask Mr./Ms. __________ of _______________ District, who is the district's __________ to take his/her place in our picture next to the council officer.

d. Eagle candidate's Pastor (or Rabbi)
The institution that helps all of us most is the church, (synagogue) from the cradle to the grave she is ever with us. We are proud that Scouting is privileged to help in her work. We have asked the Eagle candidate's Pastor (Rabbi) to be with us for the awarding of this Eagle Badge of rank. Reverend (Rabbi) _______________ of the __________ Church (Synagogue), may we ask you to take your place next to the district officer.

e. School Representative
Another institution that helps us is the school. Many teachers have helped in the development of our candidate. We have asked one to represent them all, (Mr./Ms.) ___________ of the ____________ school. Will you please take your place in our picture next to the Reverend.

f. Scoutmaster
With the addition of the next individual, the background of our picture is almost complete. That person is the Eagle candidate's Scoutmaster, Mr. _______________, of Troop _____ of _______________. You must indeed feel somewhat exhausted at times for the many hours you have given voluntarily and cheerfully to the Scouts in your troop. Will you please take your place next to the school representative.

SPEAKER: The picture is now complete except for the two people who have done the most for the Eagle candidate, his mother and father.

(He then asks the Eagle candidate to go into the audience and escort his mother and father to the stage. Place one on each side of the candidate.)

SPEAKER: The picture is complete. But there are two things to be asked the Eagle candidate before the badge can be presented. The first is that the Eagle candidate give a brief resume of what he did to earn the rank of Eagle. (Eagle candidate should read from a statement prepared in advance. Not more than 200 or 300 words.)

The second requirement is that the candidate rededicate himself to the Scout Oath. (Candidate gives the Scout sign and repeats the Scout Oath after the speaker.)

Addressing the Eagle candidate, the speaker informs him that it is a pleasure to have a part in the ceremony. Also that he is happy to issue the badge to the National Council representative for presentation to the candidate. The National Council Representative addresses the candidate and after a few personal remarks, he/she ends by saying he/she is happy to pass the badge to the council officer for presentation to the candidate.

(The council officer, district officer, pastor, school representative and Scoutmaster each passes the badge to the next person after a few remarks addressed to the candidate.)

(The Scoutmaster presents the badge to the candidate's mother, who in turn pins it over the heart of her son. The Eagle Scout receives a miniature Eagle pin from the Scoutmaster and presents it to his mother. Flowers may be given if desired.)

SPEAKER: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the Eagle ceremony. Anyone wishing to congratulate the troop's newest Eagle and his proud parents are invited to do so.

(Form a receiving line in front of the room., follow with a reception.)

Eagle Scout Investment Ceremony


Set the stage a background of flags behind the installation team. On stage there is a Scout candelabra with 22 candles, representing the 12 points of the Law, 3 points of the Oath, the 6 ranks of Scouting and the Scout spirit. All candles are out except the "Spirit of Scouting." Begin the ceremony by having a bugler step out and sound fan-fare. The curtains open and the narrator begins.


  • Master of Ceremonies (MC)
  • Five Scouts: Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star and Life, in the wings prepared to enter on cue.


MC: To earn the higher ranks in Scouting, a Scout has to spend a great deal of time and effort. Therefore, the occasion that recognizes his accomplishments should be something special. Tonight we shall follow the Lighting The Eagle Trail. (House lights are turned off.)

When a boy becomes a Scout there is instilled within him something that we call the spirit of Scouting. The lighted candle before you represent that spirit. Because the spirit of Scouting embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and Law, it is a shining beacon of inspiration. Alone, this light may seem feeble, but when multiplied by more than three million boys in Scouting, it becomes very powerful indeed. Here to tell us more about Lighting The Eagle Trail, is Mr. _____#1___.

Mr. #1: Far away, looms the hazy outline of a lofty Eagle Summit, flanked by lesser peaks that represent Star and Life. Yes, to the newcomer they are a long way ahead, but they come a lot closer as the light from the Spirit of Scouting spreads.

The first Scout rank in Scouting is Tenderfoot. (The Tenderfoot lights a candle) Once inspired by the Spirit of Scouting he will not stay tender-of-foot for long. Putting a few simple achievements behind him, he quickly climbs to the rank of Second Class Scout. (Second Class Scout lights a candle) Even though the requirements stiffen a bit, he keeps climbing until finally he tops the mountain ridge along the Eagle trail where he receives his First Class award. (First Class Scout lights a candle) This is no place to rest on the Eagle trail, for now he clearly sees the peaks ahead.

Mr. #1: Now a broad mountain meadow of merit badges challenges him. He must gather six of them as he presses onward toward Star Mountain. (Star Scout lights a candle) He is farther along the Eagle trail than he thought he would ever be, and he is proud of his progress. He realizes benefits that he has gained from his training for leadership and for service. The Life Scout rank, the next summit along the trail seems far away. Our hiker rushes on, working, serving, leading and as he goes he adds five more merit badges to his collection. The farther he climbs, the fewer companions he meets who are with him along the trail, and the more effort, he expends. (Life Scout lights a candle) Moving on our traveler has attained another peak. To guide us up the final peak is Mr. _____#2_____.

Mr. #2: Our new Life Scout has completed many accomplishments, but looking up, the Scout beholds yet another summit, the highest summit of the range. He knows it must be Eagle Summit about which he has heard so many stories. The trail leads on and upward. Now the pathway narrows and there are even fewer Scouts on it. Toward the summit the path steepens considerably and winds along narrow ledges. Many tough spots will need to be overcome to conquer the last few miles. He must find and gather ten more merit badges. As he goes about that task, he is busy giving leadership to other Scouts who seek to climb the ranks of Scouting. He is continually giving service to those who cannot enjoy the trail, but need a helping hand. Only those with real persistence and courage are able to gain the thrill of Eagle Summit.

Before continuing up the trail to your goal, which is now very apparent. Let me remind you that there are more mishaps in mountain climbing after reaching the top than there are on the trail upward. One who achieves the highest goal of Scouting should never forget the rigor of the training he has endured and the responsibilities of leadership and service that were a part of his success. Never forget that the Scout Law should always be fundamental in your life. There are twelve parts of the Law. (Installation team will light the twelve candles' one at a time, repeating the twelve Scout Law and their definition.)

Finally, the three parts of the Scout Oath are promises that will carry you safely and securely as you travel down unknown paths in the future. (A Scout lights the three candles as the Speaker reads the Scout Oath.)

(Mr. is seated and MC takes over the podium.)

MC: The Eagle candidate Scout [ Scout's name ], and his parents are escorted to the stage by members of the Troop.

(To Eagle candidate) You are almost at the summit that you have been diligently seeking to reach. Please take the candle representing the Spirit of Scouting, step onto the Eagle Summit and light the candle that signifies you have reached the very top. (Candidate lights the candle)

MC: (Addressing Troop Committee Chairman or Advancement Chairman) Mr. __________, Chairman of the Troop Committee, has Scout [ Scout's name ] conducted himself in a manner that exemplifies meaning of Scouting.

CHAIRMAN: All records and interviews have indicated that the candidate for Eagle has exemplified the meaning of Scouting.

MC: Thank you Mr. ___________, for your report. Will Mr. ______, representing the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, will come forward and administer the Eagle Pledge.

BSA REP.: SPL, please bring your troop to attention.

SPL: Troop ATTENTION! (Scouts and Scouters should stand at attention)

BSA REP: Eagle candidate [ Scout's name ], please step forward, render the Scout sign and repeat after me:

I, [ your name ] realize the obligation to my fellow eagle scouts to my home, my country, and my God. I will at all times do my best to assist other scouts, who are climbing the eagle trail and to give back more to scouting than it has given me and to assist my troop as much as possible and to the best of my ability.

SPL: Troop please be seated.

MC: Now Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], the eyes of all Scouting -- yes, the eyes of the world are trained upon you. Let me remind you that the tradition of the Eagle is high. May you so live to preserve and uphold this tradition. May your life be guided by the Spirit of Scouting, symbolized by the blazing candles before you. May the Eagle badge that you are about to receive be symbolic of the fine Spirit of Scouting.

Mr. Scoutmaster please join me to present the Eagle badge to Scout [ Scout's name ], who will escort his parents to center stage.

(Scoutmaster hands the Eagle badge to the mother for pinning )

MC: Your mother will now have the honor of presenting you the Eagle badge.

(To the Eagle Scout) This miniature Eagle pin is for your mother, who has stood nobly by you. Will you pin it over your mother's heart in recognition of her love, encouragement, faith and trust she has in you.

You are now an Eagle Scout, and as such you must never disappoint your parents who have done so much for you. Understand that without their support achieving the rank of Eagle would have been all but impossible.

(To all) Immediately after the benediction and retreat of the colors, you may congratulate Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ].

PASTOR: Benediction and retreat.

History Of The Eagle And Man Ceremony


Room is in darkness. Flags are still in place at the front of the room from the opening ceremony. At the front is a table with one lighted candle representing the light of Scouting. In front of this candle, one each, red, white, and blue, unlighted. Behind the lighted candle is the Eagle light box, covered with a sheet. The master of ceremonies is at the front of the room, slightly to the side, behind a lectern. One Scout is standing by the table to light the candles with the light of Scouting.


MC: [As the Scout lights the red candle.] The red of my flag is the lifeblood of brave men ready to die or worthily live for this, our country.

[As the Scout lights the white candle.] The white of my flag is for purity, cleanliness of purpose, thought, word, and deed.

[As the Scout lights the blue candle.] The blue of my flag is for faith and loyalty, like the eternal blue of the star-filled heavens.

[As the Scout replaces the light of Scouting and removes the sheet covering the Eagle light box.] By authority vested in me as a representative of the ____________ Council and the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, I declare this court of honor to be duly convened.


MC: Tonight we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing [ Scout's name] for the award of Eagle Scout.

The parents and Scout leaders of the Eagle candidate whom we honor tonight have labored long and faithfully to develop him toward alert and participating citizenship through the Boy Scout program. Their efforts culminate this evening in the presentation of the Eagle Award. The success of these efforts, however, will only be manifest in the way this Eagle Scout himself sets a social pattern for those whose lives he touches.

Honor guard, please escort before this court of honor, Eagle candidate [ Scout's name ], where he will be prepared to receive the highest rank conferred by the Boy Scouts of America, that of Eagle Scout.

[The honor guard, composed of Eagle Scouts will escort the Eagle candidate to the front of the room, near the American flag, and will leave him facing the audience.)


[This speaker needs to be of a very high caliber. There are many difficult words and phrasings. The part could even be broken into several parts. In any case, the person or persons doing this part should practice until it can be delivered effectively.]

I am the eagle. Since the beginning of time, man has used me and my brothers as a symbol of royalty, power, victory, authority, and valor. My strength and courage have inspired men through the ages.

Ancient man looked upon me as an inveterate enemy of serpents. They saw the battle between the sun and clouds as battles between an eagle and a serpent.

The ancient Assyrians associated me with Ashur, the great sun god. I was held in awe and worshipped for my majestic beauty. In the Assyrian myths, I was a symbol of storms and lightning and the god who carried souls to Hades.

In India and Babylon I was the symbol of fire, of wind and storms, and the bringer of immortality.

In the golden age of Greece, I was a symbol of victory and supreme spiritual energy. I was the sacred bird of Zeus, the ruler of all gods. The Greeks represented me with wings out-stretched holding a serpent in my claws. Thus, I represented the triumph of good over evil.

In Rome, I was the symbol of Jupiter, the supreme god. The Romans saw me as the symbol of victory. As the Roman legions conquered the world, they marched under the standard of the eagle, with outstretched wings. The silver eagle was the symbol of the republic and the Roman Empire used the golden eagle as its symbol. I became the personal emblem of the Caesars, representing supreme authority.

In the Middle Ages, I became the symbol of Germany. And, as falconry flourished as a sport in Europe, only kings were allowed to hunt with an eagle.

The rise of Christianity brought me still more honor. To the early Christians, the eagle was the symbol of ascension. This was due to the strong flight of the eagle with its gaze fixed on the sun. In early icons I was best known as the symbol of St. John the Evangelist.

In the nineteenth century, French troops under Napoleon conquered Europe under the symbol of the eagle. Many French soldiers gave their lives to protect the golden eagle which supported the French flag on the battleground.

On June 20, 1782, I became the symbol of a new country. Because of my courage and beauty, I was chosen to symbolize the new United States of America. The eagle became a prominent feature of the seal of state of the new republic.

From this early beginning, I have been used in many ways to symbolize the ideals of this country. Several states have the eagle on their state flags. You can find me on the coins of America from the beginning to present day.

I have a prominent place in America as in ancient Rome as a symbol of power and authority. The emblems of the President, vice-president, several members of the President's cabinet, and most branches of the armed forces center on the eagle.

From the god of the Assyrians to the symbol of the Caesars to the emblem of this country, it was thus fitting that the eagle should have a part in the most momentous achievement of man. The Apollo 11 crew chose Eagle as the name for the lunar module which was to make history. And with the words of Eagle Scout Neil Armstrong -- "Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed" -- man was on the moon.

In 1911, following tradition as old as man himself, the Boy Scouts of America chose the eagle to symbolize the very highest in achievement. Through all of history, I have been the symbol of man's best; now the eagle is the symbol of Scouting's best.


MC: In a moment, ____________________, [name and title of guest speaker] will confer upon you the award of Eagle Scout. However, I am sure you will agree that some special persons should be accorded the privilege of standing with you and in some measure sharing these high honors.

Honor guard, please escort the parents of the Eagle candidate to his side.

[Parents take places on each side of the Eagle candidate.] [Invite the Scoutmaster to stand next to the parents.]

As the special guest of tonight's Court of Honor, Mr. ____________________ will present the Eagle Award.

[Introduce presenter.]

PRESENTER: [He has the option of speaking informally for a few minutes about the Eagle Award or the Eagle candidate. He speaks from a position near the candidate. He concludes his speech with the following sentence.]

[ Scout's name ], it is with distinct honor and pleasure that I present you with the Eagle Award.

[He then pins it on or passes badge to mother to pin on her son.]

MC: No one will ever know the unnumbered acts of self-sacrifice and helpfulness from the mother of this Eagle Scout which have led us to this night. As the symbol of what this mother has made possible, the court now asks [ Scout's name ] to present to his mother a miniature Eagle pin.

[The presenter gives it to the Eagle Scout who then pins it on his mother.]

PRESENTER: [ Scout's name ], it is customary that you also give your mother an Eagle kiss.

[The Eagle does so.]

MC: Your father has stood by you over the years and has offered his encouragement and assistance. As the symbol of what he has contributed to your attainment of this award, the court now asks you to present him a miniature Eagle Dad tie tack.

[The presenter gives it to the Eagle Scout who then pins it on his father's tie.]

MC: In recognition of fatherly advice and guidance along the trail to Eagle, I ask ____________________, father, now to present his son with the Eagle Scout certificate and personal letter from the Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America.

[The presenter gives them both to the Eagle's father, who then reads the letter aloud and presents them both to the Eagle.]

MC: The court thanks Mr. ____________________ for coming tonight and assisting in the presentation of the Eagle Award to [ Scout's name ].

NESA REPRESENTATIVE: [ Scout's name ], by virtue of your earning the Eagle Award, you are now eligible to become a member of the National Eagle Scout Association. Your troop has enrolled you as a 10-year member in the association and I have the honor of presenting your membership to you. Fail not your fellow Eagles, for your responsibilities are now greater than before. As you go forward in life, receiving other honors and awards, always remember this night when you became an Eagle Scout.

[He then gives him the NESA membership.]

MC: [ Scout's name ], you are now about to join the ranks of Eagle Scouts. Before doing so, however, we ask you to recommit yourself to Scouting's essential principles. ____________________ [name and title of person to deliver the charge] will assist by delivering the Eagle charge.

SPEAKER: Would all the Eagle Scouts in the audience please stand and form a line behind the new Eagle Scout.

[ Scout's name ], I have the honor to give you the Eagle charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting.

The Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history. You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America of being worthy of the highest rank in this great movement. All who know you rejoice in your achievement.

Your position, as you know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to country, to your fellow Scouts, and to mankind in general. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations, you bring honor to yourself and to your brother Scouts.

America has many good things to give you and your children. But these good things depend for the most part on the quality of her citizens. Our country has had a great past and you can help make the future even greater.

I charge you, [ Scout's name ], to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and to your fellowman. So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to finer living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and to gain selfish ends. I charge you, [ Scout's name ], to be among those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good.

Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and reverence for God; and whatever others may do, you will leave behind a record of which every other Scout may be justly proud.

[ Scout's name ], you will now rededicate yourself by repeating the Scout Oath. Repeat it slowly, as you stand before the three lighted candles representing the three parts of the Scout Oath. Resolve to maintain the perseverance that has brought you this far.

EAGLE SCOUT: On my honor -- I will do my best -- to do my duty -- to God and my country -- and to obey the Scout Law -- to help other people at all times -- to keep myself physically strong -- mentally awake -- and morally straight.

SPEAKER: Your conduct along the trail has been excellent. You have rededicated yourself to the principles of Scouting, but one more thing is important: Your future.

As an Eagle Scout, you become a guide to other Scouts of lower rank. You become an example in your community. Remember that your actions are now a little more conspicuous and people will expect more of you. To falter in your responsibility would not only reflect upon you, but on your fellow Eagles and all Scouting. The torch you carry is not only yours, but is ours also.

[ Scout's name ], I challenge you to enter this Eagle brotherhood, holding ever before you, without reservation, the ideals of honor and service. By the repetition of the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow members, you will become an Eagle Scout. Though the words you use are similar to those by which you joined Scouting, they will mean more now than they could have meant at any time in the past. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout, with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence. Scout, parents, and guests, please stand. [ Scout's name ], Scout sign. Repeat after me:

"I reaffirm my allegiance -- to the three promises of the Scout Oath -- I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself -- the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout -- On my honor -- I will do my best -- to make my training an example -- my rank and my influence -- count strongly -- for better Scouting -- and for better citizenship -- in my troop -- and in my community -- and in my contacts with other people -- to this I pledge my sacred honor."

Scouts, parents, and guests may be seated. By the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my privilege and pleasure to pronounce you an Eagle Scout. May the oath you have taken remain graven on your heart forever.


MC: I now declare this Eagle Court of Honor closed. I ask the members of the court and all Eagle Scouts present to be the first to congratulate [ Scout's name ], Scouting's newest Eagle Scout. Following this, everyone will have the opportunity to do so.

[Announce reception to follow.]

Of Men and Eagles Revised

History of the Eagle

The base of the piece below, originally titled "Of Men and Eagles", I picked up at an Eagle Court of Honor in the Mene Oto District of the Santa Clara County Council in the early 80's. I don't know its origin. Since then, I've gone through it, changed the language to be much more pluralistic (much less sexist than it was), beefed up most of the sections with more historical content which I found in books at the University of Washington library, and put the whole thing into a more chronological order. -- Steve Aberle

I am the Eagle. Since the beginning of time, humans have adopted my likeness as their own symbol. Sailing the skies with a sense of freedom, my flights have long allowed the human imagination to soar beyond its earthly bounds. My strength and courage have inspired many throughout the ages.

From the earliest myths and legends that predated recorded history in the lands now known as Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, the ancient ones looked upon me as the traditional enemy of serpents. They saw the battle between the sun and clouds as battles between an eagle and a serpent.

My feathers are prized by the native Americans as they practice the ancient ceremonial customs of their ancestors. Among various tribes, they have symbolized added promise in dances for rain, the hope for peace, skill and prowess in hunting, and bravery and valor in battle.

Over 5,000 years ago, the Sumarians chose me as their symbol. In ancient Egypt, I was captured, then released during funerals to bear the souls of deceased rulers to the heavens. The ancient Assyrians associated me with Ashur, the great sun god. I was awed and worshiped for my majestic beauty. In the Assyrian myths, I was a symbol of storm and lightning. To the peoples of India I was the symbol of fire, of wind and storms, and the bringer of immortality.

In the golden age of Greece, I was a symbol of victory and supreme spiritual energy. I was the sacred bird of Zeus, the ruler of all gods. The Greeks depicted me with outstretched wings holding a serpent in my claws, the triumph of good over evil.

As a golden eagle, I was the imperial icon of the Roman empire. As a silver eagle, I was the symbol of the republic. In Rome, I represented Jupiter, the supreme god. As the Roman legions conquered the world, they marched under the standard of the eagle. I became the personal emblem of the Caesars, signifying supreme authority.

The rise of Christianity brought me still more honor. To the early Christians, I was the symbol of the ascension. In early icons, I was best known as the symbol of St. John the Evangelist. To 12th century Christians, my flight represented renewal of the church. When the Spanish arrived in central Mexico, they found that the ancient Aztecs had established a city where an eagle with a snake in its beak rested on a cactus.

As falconry flourished as a sport in Europe during the middle ages, only kings were allowed to hunt with me. Knights in 15th century Germany grouped themselves into the order of the Red Eagle and of the Black Eagle.

On June 20, 1782, the Continental Congress of the United States of America adopted my image on its seal to signify that this new country should rely on its own virtues. My likeness can be found on American coinage beginning in 1795.

In the 19th century, French troops under Napoleon conquered Europe using me as their symbol. Many French soldiers gave their lives to protect the golden eagle which supported the French flag on the battleground.

In 1911, the Boy Scouts of America selected me as their highest achievement award. On July 20, 1969, I arrived on Earth's moon, when a lunar module named Eagle, commanded by Eagle Scout Neil Armstrong, landed in the Sea of Tranquility.

Today, I enjoy a prominent place in America as a symbol of power and authority. The emblems of the President, vice-president, several members of the President's cabinet, and most branches of the armed forces center on my image. Several states picture me on their state flags and on their state seals.

From a time before recorded history to the present, my image continues to represent freedom, strength, bravery, courage, promise, triumph of good over evil, spiritual energy, and ultimate achievement. It is most fitting that I am also the symbol of Scouting's best. I am the Eagle.

-- Thanks to Steve Aberle

A Brief Eagle Ceremony

This script was contributed to the Scouts-L Youth Groups Discussion List on Internet by Mike Walton of Greenwood, KY. It was originally used for an Eagle Court of Honor at an army base in Stillwater, OK.


  • Eagle Scout
  • Eagle Scout's Mother
  • Eagle Scout's Father
  • Scoutmaster
  • Commissioner (or Executive)
  • Volunteer Scouter
  • Presenter
  • Eagle Scout escorts (four Eagles)


COMMISSIONER: At this time, on behalf of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, I hereby convene this Court of Honor for the purpose of presenting the Eagle Scout Badge to Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ]. Will everyone please stand and will the escorts please bring forward the Eagle Scout to the front of the room.

[Eagle escort brings the Eagle Scout forward to the assembled group.]

COMMISSIONER: The Eagle Scout Badge is the highest youth award which may be earned by a member of the Boy Scouting program. It represents another step forward by the Scout toward the BSA's goals of developing citizenship, of imparting character development and enhancing personal fitness. While the Eagle Scout Badge is one of seven badges which the Scout earns, the achievement of the Eagle Scout Badge is indeed the highest honor that a Scout may achieve.

Scout [ Scout's name ] , will you please face the audience, raise your right hand in the Scout sign and please repeat the Scout Oath.

[Eagle Scout repeats the Scout Oath.]

COMMISSIONER: Thank you, Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ]. At this time, I wish to call up on your Scoutmaster to wish you well.

SCOUTMASTER: Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], I wish to congratulate you upon this achievement on behalf of the boys and adults of Troop ___. We are all extremely proud of your achievement and equally proud of your progress along the Scouting trail. As a small token of our pride in you, it is my honor to present this special neckerchief, emblematic of all Eagle Scouts everywhere , to you. Please wear this with pride in our program and with pride in your personal achievement.

[Scout master removes old neckerchief and replaces it with Eagle Scout Neckerchief. This is different from the NESA white neckerchief, this one is blue and silver.]

[Scout master then expresses his or her own personal good wishes for the new Eagle.]

SCOUTMASTER: Just like your past progress along the trail, you did not go it alone. Your fellow Patrol and Troop members assisted you greatly . Your friends and those in your community supported you while you completed the service projects in the Troop. But your parents supported you throughout and it is at this time I ask them to please join us here. Will the Eagle escort s please bring Mr. and Mrs. __________ forward to join their son.

[Eagle escorts bring the parents of the Eagle present.]

SCOUTMASTER: At this time, I wish to present __________ who will address all of us but particularly the new Eagle and his parents. Ladies and Gentlemen, __________.

PRESENTER: [says personal greetings, and other comments relating to the achievement of the Eagle Scout Badge. Then, states the following:]

I have the honor of presenting this presentation kit and certificate on behalf of the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America to your Scoutmaster for presentation to you.

[Presenter presents the presentation kit and certificate to the Scoutmaster, who then holds it while the presenter gives the new Eagle Scout the Eagle Scout Charge.]

PRESENTER: Mr. Scoutmaster, will you please assist me in presenting the Eagle Scout Badge to Mrs. __________, who will pin her son with this high honor.

[Scoutmaster opens the kit, gets the medal out and gives it to the mother, who then pins her son's badge on the uniform on the left side above the pocket centered.]

PRESENTER: __________, because your mother gave birth to you, nurtured you an d gave you solace, comforted you and assisted in your development, I ask you to please present to her the small Eagle pin, a outward symbol of your achievement which she may wear with pride.

[Scout master gives the pin to the Scout, who then turns and pins his mother.]

[At this time, the Volunteer Scouter stands and faces the Scout and his parents.]

VOLUNTEER SCOUTER: __________, my name is __________, and it is my honor to read to you a special message sent to you from the National Office of the Boy Scouts of America. However, before I read this, I wish to call upon anyone present who is a holder of the Eagle Scout Badge to please stand.

[Eagle escorts and any other Eagle Scouts present stand at this time. Volunteer Scouter reads the letter sent to Eagle Scouts from the National President and the Chief Scout Executive. Afterwards, Volunteer Scouter presents the letter and the Eagle Scout card to the father of the Scout.]

VOLUNTEER SCOUTER: At this time, the National Council, Boy Scouts of America hereby recognizes [ Scout's name ] as an Eagle Scout of Troop ___. We as k that Mr. __________ present his son with his card and the letter from the National Council.

[father presents card and letter to Scout.]

PRESENTER: [ Scout's name ], because your father raised you, taught you important lessons, gave you solace, comforted you and assisted in your development, I ask you to please present to him the small Eagle tie tack, a outward symbol of your achievement which he may wear with pride.

[Scoutmaster gives the tie tack to the Scout, who then turns and pins his father.]

COMMISSIONER: On behalf of the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, I hereby declare this Court of Honor closed and join with al l assembled in greeting the new Eagle Scout.

NOTE : Depending on time and circumstances, it is possible and desirable to add a place for the new Eagle to insert his own personal touches and for someone to list his achievements and his progress toward Eagle. Also, it is possible to add a presentation of a membership in the National Eagle Scout Association.

-- Thanks to Mike Walton, Settumanque! the Blackeagle.

A Re-dedication Ceremony In Troop 16

A Ceremony for Eagle Scout Re-dedication to the Scout Oath & Law

(Props needed: Troop 16 "Induction" birch log candle rack and candles, matches)

[Note: this is 3 tiered birch logs, mounted on a post. 1 candle on the highest log, 3 candles on the middle, 12 on the lowest]

(Personnel: 1 Boy Scout leader (SPL?) and 6 Scouts for Scout Law, all in full Class A uniform)

SPL: (to audience) We are about to re-dedicate ourselves to the Scout Oath and Law.

(to team) Team members prepare yourselves.

(pause a moment, while 'scout law team' assembles in front of candle racks,

SPL steps behind center candle rack. When all is ready and quiet: )

SPL: My Brothers, Once before you stood here with your Fellow Scouts. I will now remind us all of our determination to always be true and faithful to the obligations of a Boy Scout. (SPL lights 1 candle.)

You see before you a single light, which represents the Spirit of Scouting. As we go through this ceremony, you will see this light grow until it shines in all parts of the world. In this way, the promises you make and the obligations you take, when in deed you live them, will make your whole life a shining light.

You see before you 3 candles, each symbolizing a part of the Scout Oath. The center candle represents your Duty to God and Country, and to obey the Scout Law. (light center candle)

Service is the keynote of the second part of our Oath, and exacts a solemn promise: To help other people at all times. (light second candle)

Character is the third part of our Oath, and is bound up in a pledge: To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. (light third candle)

Now the 12 points of the Scout Law will be presented to complete the true obligations of a Scout. May the virtues which they represent glow the brighter in our hearts and minds.

(1st scout comes forward, in front of candle racks, turns to face candidates, makes the scout sign and says A Scout is Trustworthy. As he speaks, SPL lights 1st candle. REPEAT FOR EACH LAW.)

(when all 12 laws have been done)

SPL: Will Eagle Scout Candidate [ Scout's name ] please come forward. (candidate does so)

SPL: (to candidate) Eagle Scout Candidate [ Scout's name ]. We, your fellow scouts ask that you re-dedicate yourself to the principles of Scouting, and that you resolve to uphold these principles with the same ambition and perseverance that has brought you this far on the scouting trail.

(to audience) Will all Scouts and Scouters please rise, and raise your right hand in the Scout sign and say with us the Scout Oath.

On my Honor... (all do so)

SPL: Two. You may be seated.

(Team and Eagle Scout candidate return to seats, audience sits)

-- Thanks to Ben Parker, ASM T-16 Oak Park IL


Setting: (A brief opening ceremony. the colors are posted in the front of the room. Other appropriate candles and Eagle paraphernalia are in place. Scoutmaster, Ceremony participants, and family of the Eagle candidate are seated in the front row. Visiting Scouts and Scouters are also near the front.)

MC: Tonight we have the honor and pleasure of bestowing the rank of Eagle Scout on a member of our troop. This presentation takes on added significance when one considers the tempo of the times. Democracy is a fresh conquest for each generation. this is an important and serious matter and a cause for concern of every true American.

In full awareness of the challenge of the times, the parents of this young man and his Scout leaders have labored long and faithfully through the Boy Scout program to develop him toward alert and participating citizenship. their efforts will culminate tonight in the presentation of his Eagle Award.

The success of these efforts will be manifest in the way that this and every other Eagle Scout sets a social pattern for all those lives they touch.

(The candidate is escorted to the front of the room by an honor guard in the usual manner.)

Chaplain: PRAYER FOR SCOUTING Heavenly Father, we thank You for the interest in the Scouting movement that has brought this group together tonight. We thank you for the success of the Scouting movement in the United States since 1910. We are grateful for the influence that Troop _____ has had on the lives of boys since it held its first charter in 19__. We pray for continued blessings on this troop, its leaders, its troop committee, and its sponsor through the years a head--that Troop _____ may continue to turn out leaders for tomorrow, prepared as good citizens.

MC: The Scouting movement constitutes one of the most wholesome and significant developments of our day. You have been deemed worthy of high rank in its membership. all who know you rejoice in your achievement. Your position, as you will know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are now a marked man; as an Eagle Scout, you will be asked to assume a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to your country, to your fellow Scouts, and to your fellow citizens. As this is a great undertaking, it is therefore right and proper that a board of review make a careful examination of each candidate prior to the presentation of an Eagle Award. This candidate has presented a record of merit badges earned and these have been carefully checked against council records and certified by duly appointed merit badge counselors. the board of review has carefully checked the record of this candidate as to leadership in his troop. School affairs, church association, in his community, and in the conduct of his Eagle service project. this candidates has demonstrated his capacity and willingness to exert leadership in activities that are constructive and worthwhile. It has been satisfactorily established by the board of review that this candidate is putting into daily practice the principles of the Scout Oath and Law. In light of the inquiries made, and the favorable results in each case, the board of review has found this candidate qualified and has authorized the court of honor to bestow on you, ____name____, the rank of Eagle.

(Here the parents would be recognized, the presentation made, and while the new Eagle is pinning the miniature Eagle on his mother, the poem "An Eagle Scout" is read to the audience.) (The poem is found in this manual.)

(The rest of the ceremony would proceed as other typical examples illustrate.)

-- Thanks to George Crowl

An Alternate Opening Ceremony

Setting: Across the front of the room are located the set of poster cards representing each of the ranks in Scouting. In front of each is a candle to be lighted as the words are spoken about each rank. The light of Scouting, which would be by itself in the middle of the whole arrangement is used to light each one in turn.

MC: Upon my chest I proudly wear,
A badge of gold with which I dare
To challenge you to aim so high,
Your life will be where eagles fly.
Five million strong, the boys and the men
Stand up for Scouting...salute...and the,
Hark to the tale of one who knows,
As onward...onward...Scouting grows.

(First candle is lit at Tenderfoot, then proceed, one at a time.)

1. I am the Tenderfoot. My three points stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath. You find me on the mariner's compass, forever pointing the way to the North Star and a safe journey in life. On my face are two stars representing truth and knowledge, a shield which is the emblem of a nation molded together in justice, and an eagle to guard the freedom of my land.

2. I am the Second Class. The ends of my scroll are turned up in the willing smile of the Scout. On my face is our motto, "Be Prepared," and suspended from me is the knot, tied there to remind you of the slogan of the Boy Scouts of America, "Do a Good Turn Daily."

3. I am the First Class. I was Tenderfoot and I laid my course by the stars of truth and knowledge and girded myself with the righteousness of justice and freedom. I added a smile that I might be a friend to all and bound myself together with the knot of duty to others.

4. I am the Star. Now that I can stand alone, I have earned the right to improvement on my own. To me goes the honor of choosing my field. Before me lies a horizon of endless opportunity.

5. I am the Life. I have shown the world that Scouting is in my heart. I have mastered knowledge of subjects that will benefit my country and my fellowman. I am ready to reach for my wings to fly.

6. I am the Eagle. It has been a long, hard--but wonderful -- road. I have mastered my goal. With deep humility I now stand as a representative of the best that Scouting can accomplish in the lives of boys. May I now pass on to my younger brothers a portion of my knowledge.

Eagle Scout: The red candle, like the red of my flag, is the lifeblood of brave men ready to die or worthily live for our country.

The white candle, like the white of my flag, is for purity: cleanliness of purpose, thought, word, and deed.

The blue candle, like the blue of my flag, is for faith and loyalty, like the eternal blue of the star-filled heavens.

MC: Scouting is no doubt one of the greatest organizations in the world to foster the highest ideals of citizenship. It is little wonder then that so many of our nation's greatest leaders had some of their earliest leadership experiences in Scouting. Now Scouting is changing, but one thing remains constant, and that is that the total development from boyhood to manhood depends upon physical, mental, and moral growth expressed in the Scout Oath. The skills are so demanding and the challenges are so great that it is not surprising to learn that only about two percent of all boys in Scouting achieve the rank of Eagle Scout each years. When most boys enter Scouting they picture themselves as some day becoming Eagle Scouts, but as you know, there are just too many activities and interests clamoring for their attention and the flames that were burning aspirations dim to ashes and flicker away and they stop short.

What does the Eagle badge represent? It means that a Scout has set a goal and worked to achieve that goal. The Eagle Scout badge stands for strength of character. The Eagle Scout badge is a symbol of what a boy has done, but, more important, it represents what the boy will be in the future as he grows to manhood.

(At this time, the Eagle candidates are introduced to the court, and the presentation ceremonies continue as in other examples in this manual.)

-- Thanks to George Crowl