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The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest rank that can be earned in the
Boy Scouts of America. It requires considerable perserverance to get there.
Once achieved, the Scout is recognized by his peers, his community, and
his nation, as having achieved something very significant -- something
few attain in their lives.
The Eagle Project workbook has proven very useful to Eagle candidates -- allowing them to enter all the necessary information using their computer.
The Eagle Court of Honor Handbok provides many resources to help you plan your Eagle's special day.
If you have additional resources having to do with attaining the rank of Eagle Scout, please
send them to me.
Today I
Am An Eagle
The Old Ones
tell of the nest
Of the sacred bird called the Eagle
Home for her eaglets sits high,
Touching the sky.
A mother sits proud and defiant,
She has little ones who will soon leave her,
She worries;
The morning has come,
The Mysterious One's rays warm her children's faces.
Today one will fly or fall:
A flap of wings, a screech of power,
He leaps, he is gone.
His head does not look back
There is sadness behind.
He flies east his wings flapping power,
He passes his cousins of the air,
-- Howard Rainer, Taos-Creek, 1977