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Prayers and Other Religious Materials

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Prayer For Our Country

The following prayer was contributed by Stan Krieger ( of Summit, NJ. It is a slight rewrite of the Prayer for Our Country, as translated in the Siddur Sim Shalom (the prayerbook used in many Conservative Jewish congregations).

Among the principles of Scouting are Duty to God and Duty to Country. These are expressed in the following reading:

Our God and God of our fathers, we ask Your blessing for our country, for its government, for its leader and advisors, and for all who exercise just and rightful authority. Teach them insights of Your Law, that they may administer all affairs of state fairly, that peace and security, happiness and prosperity, justice and freedom may forever abide in our midst.

Creator of all flesh, bless all the inhabitants of our country with Your spirit. Then citizens of all races and creeds will forge a common bond in true brotherhood, to banish all hatred and bigotry, and to safeguard the ideals and free institutions which are our country's pride and glory.

May this land under Your Providence be an influence for good throughout the world, uniting all men in peace and freedom. Amen.

WhatCan We Give?

The following reading was contributed by Stan Krieger ( of Summit, NJ. It is from a compilation of readings used by Sisterhood (the women's group of many Conservative synagogues).

One of the objectives of Scouting, duty to others, is readily expressed in the following writing:

  • Our Friendship to those who need it.
  • Our Love to those close to us.
  • Our Thanks to those who deserve it.
  • Our Encouragement to those who are unsure.
  • Our Support to those who seek it.
  • Our Respect to those who have earned it.
  • Our Understanding to those whose views differ.
  • Our Comfort to those who suffer illness.
  • Our Consolation to those who grieve.
  • Our Time to causes we deem worthy.

These are gifts we can all afford to give. None is beyond our means, none has to be gift-wrapped, and none needs to be exchanged for size or color preference.

A gift of oneself is precious not only to the recipient, but enriches the giver as well.


by Greg Gough

Thy song sings in my heart
Thy voice whispers in the wind.
Thy beauty is shown in all things.
Magnificent & steadfastis your presence.

Thank you for reminding us of How great you are.

A Hiking Prayer

by Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav (1722-1811)

The following prayer was contributed by Paul S. Wolf (aa854@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu) who is Sysop of The Freenet Scouting Center and a member of the Greater Cleveland Council.

Master of the Universe
Grant me the ability to be alone;
May it be my custom to go outdoors each day
Among the trees and grass, among all living things.
And there may I be alone, and enter into prayer,
To talk with the one to whom I belong.
May I express there everything in my heart,
And may all the foliage of the field
(All grasses, trees, and plants)
May they all awake at my coming,
To send the powers of their life into the words of my prayer
So that my prayer and speech are made whole
Through the life and the spirit of all growing things,
Which are made as one by their transcendent source.

Benediction For Court Of Honor

The following was contributed by Ted Brown, District Chairman of Tioga District, Baden-Powell Council. Ted indicated that he had gotten it from someone else and it had originally come from a New York City committee on Scouting and religion.

SETTING: Twelve Scouts or Scouters in a line, each with a white candle. A center candle (possibly a different color) is used to ignite the first of the twelve. Each participant in turn lights his candle from the one before him. Each recites a point of the Scout Law while lighting his candle and then recites or reads the short description. The closing statement can be given by the last person, the leader, or all twelve in unison.


Please give us the guidance and insight to love and to trust one another and help us be good Scouts and always worthy to "Do a Good Turn Daily."


May we keep in mind our families, whose time we have often sacrificed to help make a difference in our communities. Please support them in our absence.


Give us the strength to be helpful not only to those that we can easily help, but also let us learn to reach out to others that are forgotten and neglected.


Let us be thankful for the friends we have, and let us be wise enough to know when to lean on our friends when we need help.


Please give us the patience and tolerance to work with others and to respect their points of view.


Let us strive each day to treat each other kindly. Treat others as we would like to be treated.


Please let us never forget the important lesson that to be a great leader, one must be a great follower.


Let us be cheerful for what you have given us and let us appreciate each new day as a new opportunity to make a positive difference.


Help us learn to save so we can share with others. Let us always be mindful of our environment and treat your earth in the correct manner.


Please give us the courage to speak up for what is just and proper and the tenacity to make the world a better place in the midst of trials and tribulations.


Let us keep our minds and our bodies: physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.


For we in Scouting believe that through the programs and volunteers in the Boy Scouts of America we are doing your ministry.

May the Great Scoutmaster watch over us and protect us until we meet again. Amen. Thank you and have a safe trip home.