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The MacScouter's Big Book of Skits -- T through V
Requires a lot of imagination
or some props to show that these guys are horses and a Martian.
Cast: 2 Horses, Martian,
perhaps some costumes
Setting: Race Track
If necessary, explain
that these are two horses and a Martian.
#1: You know, I had a
bad day on the track today. My rider must have eaten a lot last night,
because he was a lot heavier than usual, so my back got really tired
and I almost tripped.
#2: I've had similar
problems. My rider hits me in the side so much with his feet that I
can't run because it hurts so much.
#1: Say, did you hear
that the ugly mare is going to be entered into the grooming contest?
The mane on that thing just doesn't compare to either of ours.
#2: You're right. Things
in the racing world just don't seem to be fair to us horses.
Martian: You know, I
could help you two out with your problems.
#1 & 2: Look! A talking
This skit requires little
preparation and no props, and has only two speaking parts. It can use
a cast of hundreds, and it is full of blood, gore, and dead bodies. That
makes it perfect for Cub Scouts and campfires.
The Wizard and the lone
Scout need to rehearse their lines, and everybody should practice a
few times. The practice is as much fun as the skit. Encourage all participants
to ham it up. The Wizard should wear a long bathrobe.
The Skit
A lone Scout rushes onto
the stage and screams that the enemy is coming. He has no weapons to
fight with! What should he do? "I know. I'll have to ask the Wizard.
It's my only chance to save humanity from the terrible enemy."
The Wizard enters the
stage, and the Scout rushes to him begging for help. The Wizard tells
him not to panic, and hands him a secret invisible sword. The Wizard
explains the sword, and tells him to say, "Stabety Stab!" when he uses
it. The Wizard assures the Scout that this magic sword will protect
The Wizard retires to
a quiet corner of the stage.
The Scout is delighted.
He waves the sword around, and tells everybody about it. He boasts about
what he will do with it. He moves to one end of the stage.
Several enemy soldiers
sneak onto the other side of the stage, saying, "There he is" and "Let's
get him." The Scout panics as they approach, worries aloud about what
to do, and finally remembers to use the magic sword. Yelling "Stabety
Stab!" over and over, he kills all of the enemy in a mighty battle.
He is very proud of himself, and boasts of his ability.
More enemy soldiers begin
to enter. The Scout starts forward, yelling "Stabety Stab!" but the
enemy keeps on coming. The Scout rushes back to the Wizard for more
help. The Wizard gives him an invisible gun, telling him to yell, "Bangety
Again the Scout boasts
about his weapon, goes into battle, and kills all the enemy. Again he
boasts that he can defeat any enemy with the Wizard's magic weapons.
The situation is repeated,
and the Scout tries "Bangety Bang!" and "Stabety Stab!" without success.
This time the Wizard gives him a magic laser, for which the Scout yells,
"Zapety Zap!" Again he kills all the enemy and boasts. The Wizard quietly
A single enemy soldier
enters the stage. He is the biggest Scout in camp. He creeps slowly
forward, as our Scout boasts about how easily he can defeat the enemy.
The enemy soldier ignores the "Stabety Stab!", "Bangety Bang!", and
"Zapety Zap!", as the Scout tries them several times. The Scout looks
desperately for the Wizard.
The enemy moves faster
across the stage. As he knocks the Scout down and runs over him, he
yells, "Tankety Tank! Tankety Tank!"
Scene: Two Cubs in a pup
Cub 1: Tie up the flap.
It's cold outside!
Cub 2: Oh, go to sleep and you won't feel the cold.
Cub 1: Oh please close the flap. It's so cold outside!
Cub 2: Jumps up, pulls down the flap, jumps back into sleeping bag).
Now, there. Is it warmer outside?
--Thanks to Scouter Frank
Dembicki, Ft. Saskatchewan, Alberta
The object is to set up a
bear warning system. One at a time set up five to eight fellows standing
shoulder to shoulder. The warning system is set up by having each of them
repeating the following message:
Leader: "Thar's a Bar."
(correct pronunciation is important)
Bear Warner: "Whar?"
(be certain that he pronounces it correct, if not correct him.)
Leader: "Over Thar." (pointing with his right hand and arm extended)
A to B: "Thar's a Bar." (at which point he will probably point, so correct
B: "Whar?"
A: "Over Thar." (now he should point with the arm extended for the rest
of the skit.)
B - C: "Thar's a Bar." ... and so on until the last one says it to the
Go through the same procedure
with the left hand. The third time have both hands extended, right leg
extended, bent down. Last time the leader goes through the ritual, he
pushes the guy next to him so that the rest will fall like dominoes.
A one person skit that
is a good gag if done properly. One in which you should be careful at
the punch line -- you don't want to injure anyone.
Cast: Nature Guide, 3-4
Victims (line them up as you get them)
Guide: I'm going to bring
you through an imaginary trip to follow a bear's daily activities. First,
I need a volunteer (He will be a victim). First, we'll kneel down, you
in front of me. Then I'm going to say, "There's a bear!" and you're
going to respond, "Where?" and I'll point him out. You still won't see
him and repeat, "Where?" and I'll point him out, and then you'll say,
"Ahh. I see him, he's over there!" and point the same way I did.
Guide: There's a bear!
1: Where?
Guide: Over there!
1: Where?
Guide: Over there!
1: Ahh. I see him, he's over there!
Continue by introducing
the other victims, one at a time and lining them up in front of your
previous victim, and repeating the same sketch, but increasing the length
as you go through it in a repetitious manner ie. you point out to #1,
then he to #2, then he to #3, then he to #4. Finally,
Guide: Guess what? He
fell over! (Push over your victims)
A Scout is sitting in his
tent which is a mess, everything scattered around. Several other scouts
come over and ask what he is doing. The Scout replies he is thinking.
The other Scouts continue asking questions and are finally told, "I am
thinking about my invention." The other scouts want to help (begging and
hamming it up). Finally the Scout says, "OK, but do you rally want to
help?" The other scouts plead and beg. The Scout begins to instruct each
Scout to pick up items and place them in the tent somewhere, (continue
until everything is picked up, thereby cleaning up the tent.) When the
tent is completely picked up, the Scout says: "Well that takes care of
it". The other scouts, inquire, "takes care of what?". The Scout replies:
"My invention, I just invented a way to get my tent cleaned."
The man leads his donkey
around the campfire. "Water! Water!" cries the donkey with a raspy voice.
"Patience, jackass, patience"
says the man.
The man leads his donkey
around the campfire. "Water! Water!" cries the donkey with a raspy voice.
"Patience, jackass, patience"
says the man.
The man leads his donkey
around the campfire. "Water! Water!" cries the donkey with a raspy voice.
"Patience, jackass, patience"
says the man.
The man leads his donkey
around the campfire. "Water! Water!" cries the donkey with a raspy voice.
"Patience, jackass, patience"
says the man.
And they keep walking
in circles around the campfire and repeating this (about 5 times) until
someone in the audience yells, "Hey, when are you going to get to the
punch line???"
The man yells back "Patience,
jackass, patience!!"
-- Thanks to Bob Jenkins
Cast: 5 fisherman, and props
to show a boat, water level (about two feet off floor), and a bench
Setting: Fishing on a lake
#1: I'm thirsty, but
the cooler's on the beach. I guess I'll have to go get one there.
(He seems to walk on
water, by walking on the bench, and comes back. #5 is interested.)
#2: I'm thirsty, but
the cooler's on the beach. I guess I'll have to go get one there.
(He seems to walk on
water, by walking on the bench, and comes back. #5 is confused.)
#3: I'm thirsty, but
the cooler's on the beach. I guess I'll have to go get one there.
(He seems to walk on
water, by walking on the bench, and comes back.)
#5: How do you do that?
(Doesn't get an answer.)
#4: I'm thirsty, but
the cooler's on the beach. I guess I'll have to go get one there.
(He seems to walk on
water, by walking on the bench, and comes back. #5 is perplexed.)
#5: Okay. Let me try
(He tries to walk on
water, but begins to sink into the water.)
#3: Should we have told
him where the rocks are?
Three guys all bandaged up
and smeared with dirt and blood come dragging into the meeting with the
disbelieving tail the fantastic battle that they had just gone through.
"what a battle, what fantastic odds, we never should have attempted it
in the first place, 3 against a 1000, unbelievable; hamming it up. Finally,
one guy says, "Yeah they were the toughest three guys I've ever seen.
Players: a prospector, two
tired hikers, and a "dog"
Scene: An old prospector
seated around his campfire eating dinner. First tired hiker walks up
to the campfire.
1st Hiker: "Hey, old
timer. That grub smells mighty good; would you happen to have any extra
to spare?"
Prospector: "Sure, sonny;
hand me that empty plate over their and I'll fix you right up."
1st Hiker: "Gee, this
plate looks kinda dirty."
Prospector: "Dirty? That
plates not dirty; it's a clean as Three Rivers can get it." Prospector
dishes up the food; hiker shrugs and eats.
1st Hiker: "Well, thanks
for the grub. I've got to be moving on."
1st Hiker leaves and
prospector continues eating. 2nd hiker walks up to the campfire.
2nd Hiker: "Boy, I've
been hiking for miles and I sure am hungry. Would you have any of that
great stew to share?"
Prospector: You bet;
hand me that bowl over there and I'll fill it up for you."
2nd Hiker (makes face
as he looks into the bowl): "This bowl seems pretty dirty to me; do
have a cleaner one?"
Prospector:" Dirty? Why
that bowl's as clean as Three Rivers can get it."
Prospector dishes up
the food; hiker shrugs and eats.
2nd Hiker: "I've got
to be going; thanks for the food."
2nd hiker leaves and
prospector finishes eating.
Prospector: "Well, that
was mighty good grub. Now, time to clean the dishes."
(Prospector puts dishes
on the ground and whistles). "Three Rivers! Here, Three Rivers!". ("dog"
comes running and starts cleaning the plates.) "Good dog, Three Rivers."
-- Thanks to Mike Keables
Scene: Two prospectors meet.
First prospector has camp set up and good cooking. Dog is sitting beside
him. (Boy on all fours is dog.) Second prospector comes in pulling mule
named Sunshine. (Two boys covered with blanket are mule.)
Props: Pick, pan, No.
10 cans for cooking, two beat-up hats, mask for dog (if desired) and
blanket for mule.
Prospector 1: Howdy!
Prospector 2: Howdy!
Prospector 1: Any luck?
Prospector 2: Nope!
Prospector 1: Come fur?
Prospector 2: Quite a job.
Prospector 1: Et lately?
Prospector 2: This mornin.
Prospector 1: Hungry?
Prospector 2: Yep.
Prospector 1: Join me?
Prospector 2: Don't mind iffen I do.
Prospector 1: Have a plate.
Prospector 2: (Holds up plate and looks at it) Don't want to seem to
be pickyunish, but ain't this plate a mite dirty here in the corner?
Prospector 1: (Looks scornfully at him) Well now, it all depends on
how you look at it. But I'll tell you one thing for sure. It's as clean
as Three Rivers can get it.
Prospector 2: (Shakes his head looking at plate) Clean as Three Rivers
can get it?
(Mule brays a loud "hee-haw")
Prospector 2: Shut your mouth, Sunshine. You heard what the man said.
(1st prospector dishes out stew and they eat.)
Prospector 2: Mighty good vittles.
Prospector 1: Thanks pardner. Mind handin' me the plates so we kin clean
em up?
(2nd prospector hands him the plates)
Prospector 1: (Puts plates on floor and calls loudly over his shoulder)
Here Three Rivers. Here Three Rivers.
(Dog comes up and starts licking plates.)
Basically, you get the Den
or Patrol together, and they sing,
"We're three scoops of
three scoops of raisins,
We're three scoops of raisins--
In Kellogg's Raisin Bran!"
At this point, another
scout comes runing out with a big wooden spoon, saying, "Yum yum, raisin
bran, ohh boy, I love raisin bran," and he grabs one of the raisins
and drags him off kicking and screaming. He comes back in a few seconds
later, licking his spoon in a satisfied manner.
Now the raisins singe,
"We're two scoops or raisins," etc.
Same thing happens again--guys
grabs one of the raisins, drags him off, etc.
When you get down to
the last guy, he sings, "I'm one sc--sc--oop of r-r-r-raisins," etc.,
"In K-K-K-ellogg's Raisin B-B-B-ran," looking around in a terrified
Of course, the guy comes
charging out, waving his spoon, at which point the raisin exits, singing,
"Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener..."
Fans are standing in line
waiting to buy tickets for the big game, movie, or concert. Four fans
are standing in line, saying how much they want to attend the event and
wondering when the ticket window is going to open to sell tickets. A person
walks up to the front of the line. The fans get upset telling him to not
butt in line and to go to the end of the line and began to shove him back.
This person tries once more to reach the front of the line and then gives
up and says something to the effect; "I'm giving up, they can get someone
else to open this ticket window.
A Scout is sitting in a bench
in the park reading the newspaper, getting tired he lies down for a nap.
A few minutes latter a Scout comes by, wakes him and asks for the time.
The Sleeping scouts says its 6:45. The Scout goes back to sleep. Repeat
this process three times, with it being thirty minutes latter each time(
7:15, 7:45, 8:15). The Scout then takes out a marker and writes on the
paper, "I don't have the Time!", places it over his head and goes back
to sleep. The final Scout walks up; reads the message, wakes the sleeping
scout up and says: "Hey, its a quarter to nine!
[in the USA this could be
J.C. Penny or Montgomery Ward]
Number of participants:
4 or more
Props: Articles of clothing
# 2 enters and passes
# 1, wearing a hat.
# 1: "Where did you get
the hat ?"
# 2: "Timothy Eaton."
# 3: enters and passes # 1 carrying a pair of pants.
# 1: "Where did you get the new pants ?"
# 3: "Timothy Eaton."
Others enter carrying
new articles of clothing and offer similar explanations. Finally # 4
enters wearing just underwear.
# 1: "Who do you think
you are dressed like that ?"
# 4: "I'm Timothy Eaton !"
A boy with a toothache complains
to another boy. The other boy says he will help and pulls out tooth with
a pair of pliers. The boy with the toothache says wrong tooth. Another
person comes along and gives him some apples saying that will cure his
toothache. Boy ends up with a stomachache. Another person says to tie
a string to his tooth and tie the other end to a door. The door slams
in the face of the boy with the toothache. He now has a toothache, headache,
and a stomachache. Another person enters with some hedge clippers or a
axe or something. He says, "I hear you have a toothache". The boy with
the toothache says, "Not that !" and runs off the stage.
In this you need two cups
of water and four or more people. The people in the skit all line up in
a row in front of the audience. The first person in line has water in
his cup and the last person in line has an empty cup with some water hidden
in his mouth.
The skit starts off with
the narrator saying something about this is a demonstration of how a
person can brush his teeth when there is a shortage of water. The first
person takes a drink of water from his cup and proceeds to brush his
teeth with his finger. After a few seconds he stops and places his head
against the ear of the next person in line and that person's cheeks
begin to bulge out as the first persons deflate. This person (the second
person brushes his teeth with his finger for a few seconds and then
puts his mouth against the next person's ear with the same results and
son on down the line until the last person in line in reached. This
person upon finishing brushing his teeth releases the water he has in
his mouth into the cup in his hand.
Two boys enter as if following
a trail. They begin to argue over what kind of tracks they are: "I say
they are raccoon tracks" "No they're wolf tracks" "No they're badger tracks
...". The argument continues until they are suddenly run over by a train.
(Several boys linked together making chuga choo sounds, boy in front has
a flashlight.
"This is Eddy, the amazing
trained caterpillar." (Three or four guys with a sheet over them, sort
of like a Chinese New Year Dragon.) "Eddy, left!" (Everyone shambles left)
"Eddy, right!" (Everyone shambles right.) "Eddy, sit!" (The caterpillar
sits.) "Eddy, fetch!" (Throw something that can be picked up with the
feet, the first guy gets it with his foot and the others stabilize him,
return it.)
"OK, now for Eddy's best
trick. We've been practicing this all week. We need a volunteer from
the audience. Lie down, and Eddy will walk over you without harming
you!" (Eddy does it, but the last guy dumps a glass of water on the
volunteer.) "Oh! Sorry! Eddy's not potty-trained yet."
-- Thanks to Bob Jenkins
Two boys are standing on
a track arguing over what the animal that has been run over on the track
#1: It's a deer
#2: Nope, it's bear
#1: I'm sure it's a deer
#2: Uh-uh... look there. It's a bear...
As this goes on continuously,
a group of scouts form a line, all holding on to each other's hips and
form a train. They then come chugging along the track towards the guys
arguing about the animal (lots of chug-chug noises here).
When they get to the
two guys arguing they run them over and then, from the first two guys
in the train line you hear....
Train #1: What'd ya think
we hit?
Train #2: It was a deer
Train #1: But it looked like a bear...
off the stage....
-- Thanks to Dave Loseke,
Cubmaster Pack 383, Beaverton, OR
All the boys except one lined
up in a row facing the audience, spaced at least Three feet apart. The
remaining boy was the narrator. An adult "volunteer" Was selected; usually
this was the scoutmaster. He is instructed to stand off To the side until
he hears the word spring. That is his que to start running Between the
trees for a few minutes.
The audience is first
told the boys are trees during the summer. Their Branches are strong
and sturdy, and they are full of leaves providing shade to The forest
animals. While the narrator is talking, the "trees" raise their Arms
and mime what the narrator is saying.
Next the audience is
told about a tree in the fall and how it begins to lose Its leaves.
The "trees" should begin to sag their branches.
Next the audience is
told about a tree in the winter time and how the wind Howls through
their bare limbs. Someone can supply the sound effects if you Desire,
and the boys should be moving like their is a large gust of wind Pushing
them around.
Finally, on cue as you
say the word spring, have the volunteer move quickly Between the trees
several times. You will finish the skit by saying "...... And Also in
the springtime, notice how quickly the sap runs through the trees."
This skit can be as long
or as short as you want to make it. As each season is Discussed in as
great as detail as you want. The trees should be mimicking what The
narrator is saying. Make sure the narrator places emphasis on the word
Sap, so the audience reacts quickly to the gag.
A child comes home with a
bag full of treats. The parent says that he needs to inspect the candy.
Gives excuses for not giving most of it back. After the child leaves,
the parent says that he must do what he has to do to protect the child
and proceeds to eat some of the candy.
Otherwise known as "Trimming
the Tree" in the Leader magazine. Text from The Best of the Leader Cut
Out Pages.
Cast: Mother, Father,
Child, scout staff with sprig of evergreen lashed to the top; materials
to make snipping and sawing sounds (you can pre-record these on cassette
Setting: Kitchen
Mother is on stage, father
and child out of sight.
Father tells child to
go ask mother how the tree looks.
Child runs onstage and
Mother peers through
imaginary kitchen window, hints and says it needs more off this side.
Child runs off stage
and repeats her directions. Sounds of sawing, snipping, etc.
Repeat several times,
with mother pointing in different directions each time, father perhaps
becoming impatient, and child becoming more and more tired. Finally
many sounds of sawing and snipping. Father marches on stage with staff,
show it to mother and audience.
Father: Now is it right?!?
Four guys dressed up like
turkeys waiting for the Best Turkey Contest with one turkey really strutting
his stuff. Feathers can be made from construction paper and brown type
clothes worn. The one turkey who is strutting his stuff, really wants
to win, he preens, even leaves for a minute coming back with additional
stuffing sticking out. Comments are made about this turkey by the others.
The contest begins and the strutting turkey wins only to find out that
the winner gets to be Thanksgiving Dinner. The turkey starts to run and
the judge chases after him telling the audience how he loves a happy winner.
Characters: Bob, 12 Cub Scout
friends (if den has less than 12 boys, have them repeat their entrance
on stage)
Props: Items called for
in skit on a table (use your imagination to create wilder items)
Setting: Bob is standing by table with props. As each boy enters, he
hands him the appropriate item.
Cub #1: On the first
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- a knob to adjust my TV.
Thanks Bob.
Bob: You're welcome!
(Each cub takes items
and exits. Then next cub enters from opposite side of stage)
Cub #2: On the second
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- two napkins. Thanks Bob.
Bob: You bet!
Cub #3: On the third
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- three French fries. Thanks
Bob: No problem!
Cub #4: On the fourth
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- four comic books. Thanks
Bob: Glad to do it!
Cub #5: On the fifth
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- five rusty nails. Thanks
Bob: Don't mention it!
Cub #6: On the sixth
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- six greasy rags. Thanks
Bob: OK!
Cub #7: On the seventh
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- seven soggy sweatshirts.
Thanks Bob!
Bob: Yeah, you're right!
Cub #8: On the eighth
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- eight mugs for milk shakes.
Thanks Bob!
Bob: Give me five! (does
high five with Cub #8)
Cub #9: On the ninth
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- nine dirty dustpans. Thanks
Bob: Cool dude!
Cub #10: On the tenth
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- ten leaping lizards. Thanks
Bob: Check you later!
Cub #11: On the eleventh
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- eleven pies for pitching.
Thanks Bob! ( A pie plate full of whipped cream can actually be thrown
at Bob here - if you like!)
Bob: (wiping off cream)
That's what friends are for!
Cub #12: On the twelfth
day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- twelve dump trucks dumping.
Thanks Bob!
Bob: Bye, pal! (last
cub exits, table is cleared of all props) Now, let's see. That was (singing)
twelve dump trucks dumping, eleven pies for pitching, ten leaping lizards,
nine dirty dustpans, eight mugs for milk shakes, seven soggy sweatshirts,
six greasy rags, FIVE RUSTY NAILS, four comic books, three French fries,
two napkins and a knob to adjust my TV. (looks at audience and wipes
brow) Whew! I finally did it. I finally got my closet cleaned out!
A mother and a father had
several children, now all the children had their mouths twisted out of
shape except their son John, who they had sent to college and had just
returned. They all got ready for bed and Mother asked Father to blow out
the light. "Yes I will," was his reply. "I wish you would," said she.
"Well I will," said he. Father blows upward due to the twist in his mouth.
Father asks mother (use the same sequence of phrases as in the previous
sentence), she blows downward. Mother asks daughter, daughter blows to
the right. Mother asks son (not John) who blows to the left. Finally,
John, the college son is asked. He blows straight and blows out the candle.
Father then says, "What a blessed thing it is to have a son with an education."
Cast: UMITW under blanket,
Circus Announcer, as many people as you want (say up to 4 or 5), victim
Setting: Circus, Boardwalk
Announcer: Ladies and
Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Come and see the Ugliest Man in the World!
(or Smell the Worst Breath in the World!) Ah you, Sir, would you like
to try?
#1: Sure, why not! I've
got a strong stomach! (looks under and faints (or says, Bad Breath!))
Continue with your other
"volunteers." Each faints with, "Oh, Gross," "He's Ugleeeee!" and so
on. Bring in your victim and invite him to look (or smell.) Suddenly,
the UMITW faints in a similar manner to the volunteers (or says, Bad
A lady is riding on a train
with her baby wrapped in a blanket. A stranger comes and sits down next
to her. He asked if he can see the baby. Upon opening the blanket the
stranger says: "Ma'am, that's the ugliest baby I have ever seen." She
yells at him ( you beast, how can you say such a thing, etc.) and hits
him with her fist until he leaves. Repeat this three times. While beating
the third stranger she yells for the conductor. She complains to the conductor
that this is the third man who has "insulted my little darling". The conductor
urges the stranger to a new seat. The conductor returns to apologize and
tells the lady that he wants his riders to be happy. He tells the lady
he will bring a her a drink and he'll stop by the kitchen and get a banana
for her monkey.!
Mad Scientist and a monster
named Harold. The mad scientist talks about his greatest creation Harold.
The scientist asks for a volunteer out of the audience. The mad scientist
tells Harold to rise up, walk forward, and then the monster gets near
the volunteer to kill him. Harold grabs the volunteer and kills him and
returns back behind the scientist. The mad scientist goes on about how
great his monster is, repeating his commands for Harold to stand up, move
forward and kill. What the mad scientist doesn't realize is that Harold
is reacting to his commands. The mad scientist continues to gloat as Harold
comes forward and kills him. Harold continues walking toward the audience
as the stage blacks out.
The singers are on stage.
An announcer explains that they are going to sing upside down! They duck
out of sight behind a curtain (a sheet held by two accomplices will do).
Placing their hands in their shoes, they wobble the shoes above the curtain
top looking as they are having trouble standing on their heads and are
about to topple over while singing. They requires practice and the assistance
of someone to direct them. To end the skit let one of the curtain holders
become distracted and accidentally drop the curtain revealing the "upside
down singers" in action."
Scene: One vampire, standing
on stage, takes a can marked "blood", pours tomato juice from it into
a glass and drinks it. The second vampire enters.
Vampire #1: Mmm. Delicious.
Vould you like some?
Vampire #2: no, thanks. I couldn't drink another bite.
Vampire #1: So vat's new.
Vampire #2: Nothing much. I just saw a poor old bum begging on the street
Vampire #1: You did. Vat did he say?
Vampire #2 He vanted me to help him. He said he hadn't had a bite in
Vampire #1: So what did you do?
Vampire #2: Vat else? Naturally, I bit him!
An office setting with a
boss and an assistant who runs in and tells the boss that his just received
a message that the Viper is coming. The boss gets very agitated and upset
repeating the assistant's message. Several others come in repeating the
same message. They are all in a state of panic when the last person comes
on stage with a squeegee and a sponge announcing, "I'm the vindow viper.
I've come to vipe your vindows. Vhere do I start."
Version 2:
Cast: 4 Kids, The Viper,
rags, pump spray
#1: (Comes running in)
The viper is coming in an hour! Hide! (Runs out)
#2: (A moment later; runs in) The viper is coming in half an hour! Run!
(Runs out)
#3: (A moment later; runs in) The viper is coming in 15 minutes! Call
for help! (Runs out)
#4: (A moment later; runs in) The viper is coming in 5 minutes! Save
yourselves! (Runs out)
Viper: (A moment later, with props) Hallo! I'm de Viper! Vere's de Vindows?