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Songs, Silly Songs and Chants
Here are some short songs, some silly songs and some songs that are
really chants. Some of these have come from summer camp, some from other
Scouters. Please send me your favorites and I'll include them here.
Had a Swarm of Bees
Mary had a swarm of bees
Swarm of bees, swarm of bees
Mary had a swarm of bees
and they to save their lives
had to go where Mary went,
Mary went, Mary went.
Had to go where Mary went
'Cause Mary had the hives.
Tune: Auld
Lang Syne
A tree toad loved a fair
she toad
That lived up in a tree;
She was a fair three-toed tree toad
But a two-toed toad was he.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win
The she toad's friendly nod;
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
Now three-toed tree toads
have no care
For two-toed tree toad love,
But the two-toed tree toad fain would share
A tree home up above.
In vain the two-toed tree toad tried;
He couldn't please her whim.
In her tree toad bower with veto power,
The she toad vetoed him!
Little Fleas
Tune: Auld
Lang Syne
Two little fleas together
They cried when one flea said;
"I've had no place to lay my head,
Since my old dog is dead.
I've traveled far from place to place
And farther will I roam.
But the next old dog that shows his face
Will be my home sweet home."
I'm an Arizona, Arizona,
Arizona star
And I come from the west where the Cowgirls are
I can ride 'em, I can rope 'em
I can show how its done,
I'm a rootin' tootin' cowgirl with my six-shooting gun
Bumbadadum, bang bang!
The Boarding House
To the old
tune of Silver Threads Among the Gold
At the boarding house where
I live
Everything is growing old,
Silver hairs are on the butter,
Cheese is growing green with mold.
When the dog died we had
hot dogs,
When the cat died, catnip tea.
When the landlord died, I left there.
Spareribs were to much for me!
(In harmony)
Toooo much foooor meeeeeee!
-- Thanks to Kat Jensen,
Texas, USA
Nose Billy Blue's Famous Booger Stew
Out west I met an outlaw,
name of Big Nose Billy Blue.
He was big & mean & nasty & known to've killed a man or two.
When asked to stay for vittles I said, "I'd love to Billy Blue".
He pushed a bowl at me and growled, "eat up it's booger stew".
Booger stewwwww
Booooooger stewwwww
I bit my lip and the tears
welled up not wont'in to be rude.
I gulped "what's in it Billy"? He grinned, "it's just a treat for you".
His nostrils flared like cannons he said, "it's just my secret brew".
Then he pulled his six gun and I knew what I'd have to do.
Booger stewwwww
Booooooger stewwwww
I grit my teeth and held
my nose and sipped it while I cried.
It tasted good I told him, but my blood ran cold inside.
"Now how'd you make it taste so good", I asked him to confide.
"Chopped beef, you know, hambooger", he said.
And I sat right down and cried.
Booger stewwwww
Booooooger stewwwww
-- Thanks to E. Owen Head
Blind Jellyfish
(to the tune of Three Blind
Three blind jellyfish
Three blind jellyfish
Three blind jellyfish
Sitting on a rock!
But a wave hits and knocks
off a jellyfish from the rock! Oh no!
Two blind jellyfish
Two blind jellyfish
Two blind jellyfish
Sitting on a rock!
But a wave hits and knocks
off another jellyfish! Oh no!
Two blind jellyfish
Two blind jellyfish
Two blind jellyfish
Sitting on a rock!
But a wave hits and knocks
off the last jellyfish off the rock! Oh no!
No blind jellyfish
No blind jellyfish
No blind jellyfish
Sitting on a rock!
And a wave comes in, and
we get a jellyfish back! Yeah!
(continue with song, usually
until 4 or 5 jellyfish are on the rock)
Movements: for number,
hold up that many fingers Blind- hold hands over eyes, with elbows going
out to the sides Jellyfish- take hands from eyes and spread like you are
doing the breaststroke, and wiggle fingers. When you loose a jellyfish,
have one go back in line. Likewise, when you get a jellyfish, have it
come from the line to the "rock". This is a good one for summer camp,
because you can get many more jellyfish on the rock than you could at
a meeting.
The Camp
Counselor Song
Sung to
the tune of Mr. Sandman
Camp director, bring us
a dream
Please bring us children who never scream,
Please make them listen and make them polite
And put them right to sleep when we turn out the light
Camp director, I'm never
ain't got no bedroom to call my own
so please turn on your flashlight beam
camp director, bring us a dream.
Camp director, I've had
I'm going crazy, I need a day off
We've had two tick bites and lots of mosquitos
And I can't get these kids to change their clothes
Camp director, one wet
the bed
Another one's sick with a pain in her head.
One's got poison ivy, one wants to go home
And this one's hair really needs a comb
Camp director (yessssss),
The tents are a mess
These kids are horrors and they want my address
I'd send them all home if I could
Tut they love it here in the woods
I'm Only
[Tune: Wonderwall
by Oasis]
Today is gonna be the day
That you've gotta do the washing-up
By now you should have washed those plates
And then started on those cups
I don't believe you've washed those Billies
The way I asked you to Ð SO DO IT NOW!
And all the paths we hike they keep on winding
And all the torches shining they are blinding
And even when the leaders nag
They are trying to help you Ð to get you through
I think maybe, they're only trying to save me
And after all, I'm only
Backbeat, the word is on the street
That the cooking fire has gone out
Everyone starts to panic
And then starts to run about
Get some paper, and some matches
And cut some kindling too Ð THAT'S WHAT TO DO!
And all the paths we hike they keep on winding
And all the torches shining they are blinding
And even when the leaders nag
They are trying to help you Ð to get you through
I think maybe, they're only trying to save me
And after all, I'm only small.
I'm only small,
My Old Man's
a Sailor
I was a
Girl Scout camp counselor this summer at Camp Tik-A-Witha in Van Vleet,
MS. This was my absolute favorite camp song. I remember it from when I
was at camp as a child. You sing the song over and over, each time replacing
the word "sailor" with another occupation.
My old man's a sailor
now what do you think about that?
He wears a sailor's collar,
he wears a sailor's hat.
He wears a sailor's raincoat,
he wears a sailor's shoe.
And every Saturday evening,
he reads the sailor's news.
And someday, if I can,
I'm gonna be a sailor,
just like my old man.
-- Thanks to Brandy Burnette,
Columbus, MS
A repeat
after me chant
Sauce and cheese
Sauce and cheese and anchovies
Eat-a-lotta, eat-a-lotta, eat-a lotta pizza
Oh, no! Don't drop the pizza!
If you drop the pizza then nobody eatsa
Pizza and Coke are srump-dili-icious
Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble BURP!
-- Thanks to Curt Abbott
-- Pack 183, Warwick, RI
The leader
leads it, and every line is repeated.
Swinging from a rubber band
Crashed into a frying pan
Now Tarzan has a tan
Was flying in an aeroplane
Crashed into a freeway lane
Now Jane's got a pain
Now Tarzan's got a tan
Was walking down the street-a
Moving to the beat-a
Now Cheetah is Velveeta
Now Jane's got a pain
Now Tarzan's got a tan
Was swimming in the ocean blue
Crashed into a big canoe
Now Shamu's gonna sue
Now Cheetah is Velveeta
Now Jane's got a pain
Now Tarzan's got a tan
Was riding on his Harley
Crashed into Bob Marley
Now Charlie's not so gnarly
Now Shamu's gonna sue
Now Cheetah is Velveeta
Now Jane's got a pain
Now Tarzan's got a tan
Now my friends that is the end.
-- Thanks to Katrina Paruch,
Brownie leader, British Columbia, Canada
Ghost Chickens
In The Sky
Sung to
tune "Ghost Riders in the Sky"
The chicken
farmer he went out - one dark and dreary day.
He rested by the chicken coop as he went on his way.
When all at once a rotten egg smacked him in the eye.
It was the sight that he dreaded, . . . Ghost chickens in the sky!
Brrraawwkk, Brraawwkk, Brraawwkk, Brrrrrrraaaaaaawwwwwkkkk
Brrraawwkk, Brraawwkk,
Brraawwkk, Brrrrrrraaaaaaawwwwwkkkk
Ghost chickens, . . . Ghost chickens in the sky!
The farmer
had been raising foul, since he was twenty-four.
Workin' for the Colonel, for thirty years or more.
Killing all those chickens, and sending them to fry,
Now they wanted their revenge, . . . Ghost chickens in the sky!
Their feet
were black and shiny, and their eyes were burning red.
They had no meat or feathers, these chickens were his dead!
They plucked the farmer off his feet, and he died by their claw.
They cooked him extra crispy, . . . And ate him with Cole slaw!
The Peanut's
Sung to
tune "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
A peanut sat
on the railroad track,
His heart was all a flutter,
And round the bend came Number 10.
(short pause) Egad! He's peanut butter.
{Counter Verse}
Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga,
K-thump, K-thump, K-thump
Too-oot, too-oot, too-oot, too-oot.
(spoken) Squiiiiiissssshhhh!
Egad! He's peanut butter.
Mama's Soup
Sung to
tune "Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious"
Oh, chicken
lips and lizard hips and alligator eyes,
Monkey legs and buzzard eggs, and salamander thighs,
Rabbit ears and camel rears, and tasty toenail pies,
Stir them altogether and its Mama's soup surprise!
Sung to
tune "Auld Lang Syne"
We're here
for fun right from the start so drop your dignity,
Just laugh and sing with all your heart and show your loyalty.
May all your troubles be forgot, Let this night be the best.
Join in the songs we sing tonight, Be happy with the rest.
Went the Little Green Frog
Galoomph went the little
green frog one day
Galoomph went the litle green frog one day.
Galoomph went the little green frog one day,
and his eyes went Galoomph, too.
Honk! honk! went the big
Mack truck one day.
Squish squash went the little green frog
And his eyes couldn't go Galoomph anymore
Cause he got eaten up by a dog. Roof! Roof!
Tune: Three
Blind Mice
Road Kill stew,
Road Kill stew,
Tases so good,
Just like it should.
First you go down to the Interstate
You wait for the critter to meet it's fate.
You take it home and you make it great!
Road Kill stew,
Road Kill stew.
-- Thanks to Chuck Bramlet
Oni Woni Woni, Wah Wah
Oni Woni Woni, Wah Wah
Eye Eye Eye yippee Eye Eye
Eye Eye Eye yippee Eye Eye
Eye Eye
Eye Eye
For the next round (same
words always), you tap your own knees, then the knees of the guy to your
right, then your own, then those of the guy to your left, and so on. This
is easy.
For your 'brown belt' of
Oni Woni, you fold your arms - one forearm just lying on top of the other.
Now try to follow me on this one - its tricky. An arm moves in line with
the beat of the chant, bending only at the elbow, so only the forearm
moves, thus:
Start both folded.
Right arm out (pointing forwards)
Left arm out
Right arm in
Left arm in
Right arm up (pointing up)
Left arm up
Right arm down
left arm down
now back to right arm out again, etc.
For the black belt of Oni
Woni, you grip your right ear with your left hand, and your middle nose
with the other hand. Then swap, completely over: Left ear with right hand,
nose with left hand. Try it a few times. It's tricky. Then repeat with
the chant.
Hope everyone's laughing
by now! With a bit of practice, you can move swiftly on from one movement
to the next.
As a finale (Black Belt,
1st Dan) you can double the speed. I guess you could try going in reverse,
although I've never tried it! !!
-- Thanks to Chris Boardman,
Cub Scout Leader, 1st Bournville Panther Cub Scouts, Birmingham UK
Coca Cola's I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing or Auld Lang Syne (first
3 verses only)]
I love to hear the word
Wherever I may go.
It's full of friendship
And good cheer
And warms the heart up so.
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello,
Hello, Hello, Hello.
When e'er we meet
Like friends let's greet
Each other with Hello.
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello,
Hello, Hello, Hello.
When e'er we meet
Like friends let's greet
Each other with Hello.
-- Thanks to Laura Humphrey
(Tune: On
Top of Old Smokey)
At camp with the Girl Scouts,
They gave us a drink,
We thought it was Koolaid,
Because it was pink.
But the thing that they told us,
Would have grossed out a moose,
For that good tasting pink drink,
Was really bug juice.
It looked fresh and fruity,
Like tasty Koolaid,
But the bugs that were in it,
were murdered with Raid.
We drank by the gallons,
We drank by the ton,
But then the next morning,
We all had the runs.
Next time you drind bug juice,
And a fly drives you mad,
He's just getting even,
Because you swallowed his dad.
-- Thanks to Robert J.
(Tune: My
Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
My body needs calamine lotion.
My body's all red, you can see.
The flowers I picked for my mommie,
Turned out to be Poison Ivy.
Don't touch! Don't touch!
Because it's Poison Ivy, ivy,
Don't touch! Don't touch!
Because it's Poison Ivy, ivy.
-- Thanks to Robert J.
in My Pocket
(Tune: Brownie
Smile Song)
I have something in my pocket,
That I found behind a log.
My leader said to let it loose,
But I want to keep my frog.
It's cool and green and slimey,
And it squiggles in my hand,
I also have a wooly worm,
and a pocket full of sand.
-- Thanks to Robert J.
As I was walking down the
street one dark and dreary day,
I came upon a billboard, and much to my dismay,
The sign was torn and tattered from a storm the night before.
The wind and rain had done its job and this is what I saw:
Smooooooke, Coca-Cola Cigarettes
Chew Wrigley's Spearmint Beer
Ken-L-Ration Dog Food Makes Your Complexion Clear
Simonize Your Baby With A Hersey's Candy Bar
And Texacola Beauty Cream Is Used By All The Stars
Soooooo Take You Next Vacation In A Brand New Fridgidaire
Learn To Play Piano In Your Winter Underwear
Doctors Say That Babies Should Smoke Until They're Three
And People Over Sixty-five Should Bathe In Lipton Tea...
With Flow Thru Bags!
--Thanks to Heather Clemens
Tune: Battle Hymn of the
I know a song that gets
on everybody's nerves
I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves
I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves
- And this is how it goes:
Repeat indefinately!
Or --
This is the song that never
It goes around and round again.
This is the song that never ends,
It goes around and round again...
Or --
The cow went up the hill.
The cow went up the hill.
Next verse, same as the first, it never gets better, it only gets worse.
-- Thanks to Signe Rogers,
John Pannell
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over
the Ocean
When I'm just a dreamin' and schemin'
I think of things I'd like to be
And the thing that I've finally decided,
Is the life of a dog is for me, for me!
The life of a dog is for me!
A dogs life is simply quite lovely
Chasing mailmen would really be fun!
I'd torment the cat and I'd chew up your hat,
And then I would lie in the sun, the sun!
Then I would lie in the sun!
When people come by I'd be just a bit shy
I'd lick them and when I was through
I'd show them a trick and I'd chase them a stick
And then I would pee on their shoe, their shoe!
Then I would pee on their show!
I'd lie on the floor and I'd bark at the door
And when I was wet I would stink
I'd scratch at a flea, and I'd climb on your knee
And out of the toliet I'd drink, I'd drink!
Out of the toilet I'd drink!
( Words Copyright 1996
Cub Resources)
Scout socks, the longer you
wear them the cleaner they get.
Some day, I probably will launder them, but something keeps telling me
To not do it yet, not yet, not yet, not yet........
-- Thanks to Jim Lindberg
Herman met Sally on the beach
one night,
The sea was calm and the starfish were bright.
She looked at him and he looked at her it was true love at first sight.
Well, Herman told his folks about the girl that he found, They said,
"Herman there must be other girls around. 'Cause crabs walk sideways,
lobsters walk straight and We won't let you take her for your mate."
Crabs walk sideways
and lobsters welk straight,
And you can't take a crab for your mate.
Well, Herman told his Sally and it broke her heart
She loved that lobster right from the start
He took her in his claws and said "I'll always be yours,
But still, dear, we'll have to part." Chorus:
She said, "Let me talk to your mom and dad,
I'll show them crabs really aren't that bad."
But they turned her away
"What will the neighbors say."
And they laughted at the funny walk she had. Chorus:
Then one day on the sandbar what did Herman see,
But his little ol' Sally walking straight as can be.
He said, "Sweetheart now they'll take you in the family!"
She said, "Don't you sweetheart me! Hic!" Chorus:
-- Thanks to Brenda Desormeaux
"A horse and a flea and
three blind mice,
Sat on a kerbstone shooting dice,
The horse slipped and fell on the flea,
The flea said whoops there's a horse on me.
Boom Boom aint it grand to be crazy
Boom Boom aint it grand to be crazy
Giddy and foolish all day long
Boom Bomm aint it grand to be crazy"
There are actions --
A horse -- make large round in air with arms
A flea -- little as between finger and thumb
3 -- as 3 fingers
blind mice -- hands over eyes
Sat on kerbstone -- left arm across chest
Shooting dice -- right hand 'shooting dice' across left arm
The horse -- same again
slipped -- shooting action with right arm
and fell on the flea -- same as last time
the flea -- ditto
theres a horse -- same again
on me -- clap on hand down on other hand.
Boom Boom -- clap hands
Aint it grand to be crazy -- wave arms wildly around
Giddy & foolish all day long -- hug arms round oneself
B -B a i g t b crazy - as before.
-- Thanks to Eileen Kermode, Maghull, Liverpool, England
Three little elephants went
to play
Upon a spiders web one day
They found it such tremendous fun
That they called for another elephant to come.
*This is played thus - 3 people behind each other with hands on waist
of person in front. They heel and toe walk around in time to song, then
at the end of the first verse they each choose someone else to join so the
next verse is:
Six little elephants went to play - etc......
*When everyone is heel and toe ing their way round with hands of waist
of person in front, the first person puts hands on waist of last person.
The circle moves in close and at the given word 'sit' everyone should be
able to sit on the knee of the person behind - count to three - and stand
up - more often than not everyone falls over.
-- Thanks to Eileen Kermode
I wish I was a Honorsorarius
of Ripamatadomy aha ha ha ha
But since I'm not and never can hope to be
A Honorsorarius of Ripamatadomy
I'm a boon jug; I'm a tee bone
I huzzed and bit my head upon a tree. aha ha ha.
*I know nothing about this song - where or why - a GS taught it to me
in 1972 !
-- Thanks to Eileen Kermode
My Aunt Greet veeta veeta veet
(make female shape in air)
Had a puss veeta veeta vuss (make circle shape in air)
And that puss veeta veeta vuss (make circle shape in air)
Had a tail (make tail into air with one arm)
Now that tail veeta vetta vail (make tail into air again)
Had a curl veeta veeta vurl (make curl in air)
And that curl veeta veeta vurl (make curl again)
Had a tip. Comma (make dot in air) (Comma is 'tip' in a Scandinavian tongue)
Now that tip veeta veeta vip (make dot in air again and continue with previous
Had a curl veeta veeta vurl
And that curl veeta veeta vurl
Had a tail
And the tail veeta veeta vail
Had a puss veeta veeta vuss
And that puss veeta veeta vuss
Had my Aunt. (wolf whistle).
-- Thanks to Eileen Kermode,
Maghull, Liverpool, England
There's a hole in the bottom
of the sea,
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole, There's a hole,
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea
(in the first verse with hands make a horizontal hole, point down, wiggle
fingers as sea water)
There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea,
There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea,
There's a whale, There's a whale,
There's a whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea
(add to actions a large circle in air for whale)
There's a tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the sea..........etc
(add to actions a wave upwards of the arm)
There's a bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the bottom of the
sea ..........etc
(add to actions a chop action by side of one hand onto other hand)
There's a nerve in the bone in the tail on the whale in the hole at the
bottom of the sea ..... etc.
(add to actions a shiver of body)
By the end of the song most people will be exhausted and ROFL
-- Thanks to Eileen Kermode,
Maghull, Liverpool, England
Be kind to your web-footed
For a duck may be somebody's brother
Ducks are the demons of the swamp
Where the weather is dark and damp
Now you may think this is the end
Well it is!
Camp Shirts, they never
get dirty...
They longer you wear them the stronger you get...
Sometimes I think we should wash them,
But something inside me keeps saying.. not yet not yet not yet
The verses to "Our Honored
Guests Are Here!" are easy to make up and are quite variable, depending
upon who is attending the Scouting function. Here are a few sample verses.
During all verses except the first, the group being named stands up and
takes a bow. Members of the audience may call out groups to honor as the
song goes on. Here are a few sample verses:
Sung to the tune, "Farmer
in the Dell"
"Our honored guests are here!
Our honored guests are here!
So stand up now and take a bow,
Our honored guests are here!"
"Our fathers are here!
Our fathers are here!
So stand up now and take a bow,
Our fathers are here!"
The last verse is a reprise of the first verse. On the last verse, everybody
stands up and bows. This song is an excellent icebreaker.
Other groups to name,
in no particular order:
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Girl Guides
-- Thanks to Rodger Morris, Scoutmaster, Troop 852, Ventura County Council
Tune: Row,
row, row your boat
Catch, catch, catch a bug.
Put it in a jar.
Sometimes they fly, sometimes they die,
but most get squashed on your car.
-- Thanks to Cathy Porter,
Pack 987 and Troop 424
Tune: Clementine
This here is a story of
a fungus that I grew,
It was homework done for science but it quickly went askew
Had I known then what would happen
When I mixed some Spam with glue
I never would have started, on the fungus that I grew!
-- Thanks to Nancy, Assistant Cub Master Pack 3506, Salt Lake City
(sung to
the tune of the original song)
I'm singin'
in the rain,
Just singin' in the rain,
what a glorius feeling...
tsh tsh tsh-
tsh tsh tsh-
tsh tsh tsh- (these are noises like symbols make)
Hey! (hands go in air over head every time 'hey' is said)
tsh tsh tsh-
tsh tsh tsh-
tsh tsh tsh-
Hey! (hands go in air over head every time 'hey' is said)
1.Thumbs up! (audience repeats...thumbs up!)
back to singin' in the rain while holding thumbs up.
2. Thumbs up! (repeat)
Elbows Back! (repeat)
back to singin' in the rain while holding thumbs up and elbows back.
3. Thumbs up! (repeat)
Elbows back!(repeat)
Knees bent! (repeat)
back to singin' in the rain while thumbs up, elbows back, knees
get the is gonna get crazy here in a minute or two..)
4. add to the already existing list TOES TURNED IN!
5. " " " " " " BUTT OUT!
6. " " " " " " CHEST UP!
da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da
-- Thanks to Ted Marconi
Allegheny Highlands Council, BSA, Smethport, PA
Mind Your
Own Business
Everywhere we go,
People always ask us,
Who we are,
And where we come from,
So we tell them,
Mind your own business,
Get your nose out of it,
Bucket on your head,
And toast down your trousers,
And if they can't hear us,
We'll say it very posh
Every where one goes,
People are always inquiring of one,
Asking who one is,
And where one's abode is situated,
And so one always informs them,
In the politest possible wayÉ
Mind your own business
Get your nose out of it,
Bucket on your head,
And toast down your trousers,
And if they can't hear us,
We'll say it like a hippie man É
Every where I go man,
People are always hassling me,
Asking who I am inside,
And where my roots are,
And so I always meditate to them
In the calmest possible way É
Mind your own business
Get your nose out of it,
Bucket on your head,
And toast down your trousers,
And if they can't hear us,
We'll say it like a Valley Girl.
Everywhere I drive,
People are always phoning me,
Asking what my Daddy does
And where my clothes come from,
And so I always gossip to them,
On my mobile phone É
Mind your own business
Get your nose out of it,
Bucket on your head,
And toast down your trousers,
And if they can't hear us,
They must be deaf!
-- Thanks to Rachel
I'm a Little
Piece of Tin
I'm a little piece of tin,
Nobody knows what shape I'm in.
I've got four wheels,
And a running board.
I'm not a Chevy and
I'm not a Ford.
Honk! Honk!
Rattle, rattle, rattle,
Crash! Beep! Beep!
Honk! Honk!
Rattle, rattle, rattle,
Crash! Beep! Beep!
Honk, Honk.
-- Thanks to Catherine
M. Cory, Chesapeake, VA
My Dream
(tune: Home
on the Range)
Oh, give me a suit that
an astronaut wears,
And a ship that he flys to the moon.
And if I study the stars and the planets out there,
My dreams will surely come true.
Oh, how I dream of the stars
And the sky and the planets and moon.
I know if I dream just as hard as an astronaut does,
Then I'll be an astronaut too.
Moon Walk
(Tune: La
I have a spaceship,
I have a spaceship,
and I will fly it to the moon.
I have a spaceship,
I have a space ship,
and I will go there very soon.
And when I get there,
and when I get there,
I will walk upon the moon.
And I will see it,
and I will like it.
Oh it will be so very cool!
Stars and
(Tune: Swanee
Way up among the stars
and planets,
Far, far in space.
That's where we'll find the life and knowledge,
To live out there some day.
If you search the Milky Way,
You may find life there.
Way up among the stars and planets,
Far out in Outer Space.
The Astronaut's
(Tune: My
Bonnie Lies...)
I went for a ride in my
space ship,
The moon and the planets to see.
I went for a ride in my space ship,
Now listen what happen to me.
Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my spaceship tome, to me.
Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my spaceship to me.
I went for a ride in a
The capsule was crowded and I,
Developed a cramp in my muscles,
So I decided to walk in the sky. (Chorus)
I went for a walk in my
The ship was controlled from the ground,
And someone in charge down at NASA,
Forgot I was walking around. (Chorus)
Red Wagon
You can't ride in my little
red wagon
Backseat's broken and the axles draggen
You can't ride in my little red wagon
Maybe tomorrow, but NOT TODAY!
Second verse, same as the first,
A whole lot louder and a whole lot worse. etc.
After about four or five
verses, no words can be made out in the din that results.
-- Thanks to Nathan Beauheim,
1997 Scoutcraft Director, Camp Frank Rand Chimayo, NM, Great Southwest
3 Cheers
for the Bus Driver
(Sung to
"Did You Ever See a Lassie?")
My favorite all time song
for the end of the field trip
3 Cheers for the Bus Driver,
the bus driver, the bus driver
3 Cheers for the Bus Driver, the bus driver today.
He's married, he's jolly,
he's built like a trolley
3 Cheers for the Bus Driver, the bus driver today
God bless him - HE NEEDS IT!
God bless him- HE NEEDS IT!
3 Cheers for the Bus Driver, the bus driver today
Words by
Prof. Evona York, UABC - Mexico (for Las Colinas District Cub Day Camp
(CA) 1999)
Sailing, sailing -
Sure wish we had a boat
Instead of this leaky old guitar
So we could stay afloat!
Sailing, Sailing,
Hoping the sharks don't bite!
If a big octopus
Does not swaller us,
We may get home tonight!
Sailing, sailing -
Hoping it doesn't rain,
Because if it does,
A terrible fuzz
Will grow on our ears again.
Sailing, sailing
Trying to hitch a ride!
If you ride on a whale
Hold onto his tail
Or you may end up inside!
Sailing, sailing -
Paddling like a frog,
You play a kazoo,
And holler "Wahoo!"
While splashing through the fog.
Sailing, sailing,
What if you cannot swim?
Just find a seahorse,
With a saddle, of course,
And you can ride home on him!
Green Socks
Green socks they never
get dirty
the longer you wear them the stronger they get.
Sometimes I think I might wash them
but something inside me keeps saying
Not Yet Not Yet Not Yet NOT YET!!!!
The worms crawl in
The worms crawl out
The ants play pinochle
on your snout
Your guts turn green
Like vaseline
Your pus runs out
Like whipping cream
Never laugh
When a hearse goes by
Or you may be
The next to die
They'll wrap you up
In a bloody sheet
And throw you down
About sixty feet
The worms crawl in.....
Wee Wee , Wee Wee, Wee
Wee Wee Wee Wee, Wee Wee
When I was a Wee Wee tot
They took me off my Wee Wee cot
And put me on my Wee Wee pot
To see if I could Wee or not
Wee Wee, Wee Wee, Wee Wee
Wee Wee, Wee Wee
And when they saw that
I could not
They took me off my Wee Wee pot
And put me on my Wee Wee cot
And there I gave it all I've Got!
Wee Wee, Wee Wee, Wee Wee
Wee Wee, Wee Wee