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for Boy Scouts
is a real treat. This is booklet given to me, is old. Really
old. My guess is that it is roughly 50 years old, from the language, and
some of the 'incorrect' things it says. If you know anything more about
this booklet, please let me know. There are no copyright or publishing
dates in it. There are some good games in here that you may never have
heard before.
Table of Contents
Give the command BY HEIGHT-FALL
IN! The tall boys should always fall in at the right. Count twos and execute
"twos right." This will bring the troop into column of twos, and the No.
1 boys will constitute one team and the No. 2 boys the other. If the troop
does not know "twos right" have the No. 2 boys step I pace to the front,
thus forming the teams.
Two parallel chalk lines
are drawn about 30 yards apart, the two teams forming on these lines facing
each other. The idea is to throw a tennis ball, indoor baseball or basketball
at the opponents. If a Scout is hit he is out of the game. If he catches
the ball. however. the thrower is out. The Scouts throw in turn. each
team alternating, beginning with the tallest Scout of each team, who is
the captain of that team. It is the duty of this captain to shout "Fire!"
This is the signal for his team to dodge as far back of the line as they
wish, and for the other team to throw the ball. After each throw the team
that has been dodging re-forms on the line. No one may throw or dodge
before the captain shouts "Fire!" The best distance varies greatly with
the sort of ball used.
Three large Indian clubs
are arranged on the floor at the corners of an imaginary equilateral triangle
with 15 inch sides. The Scouts form a circle around these, each Scout
gripping his right hand neighbor's left wrist with his right hand. Thus
it will be seen that if the circle breaks the director can instantly tell
who let go. The object of the game is to pull and crowd some one onto
the clubs so they will be knocked over. The Scout who lets go or knocks
down a club is out of the game. When only three or four are left the game
becomes quite interesting. There are many variations of this game, one
of the best being a chalk circle on the floor.
We were surprised at the
popularity of this old game at a Scout camp one summer. The variation
used was as follows: the players formed a circle around the blind man
and ran round and round until he called "Halt." He then tried to identify
the players by sense of feeling. The Scouts could move their bodies to
avoid the blindman, but could not move their feet. This game despite its
age is a remarkable developer of observation.
The two teams are formed
in column of twos. An Indian club, book, match box or any other object
that can easily be tipped over is set up about 15 yards from the head
of the column. The front Scout of one team steps up to a starting line
and rolls a ball at the Indian club. After his turn he goes to the rear
of his line. The leading Scout of the other team does the same and so
on. the Scouts rolling in turn, each team alternating. If the club is
knocked down, the rear Scout of the other team is out of the game.
This adaptation is an excellent
game when something strenuous is needed to let off surplus steam.
A line is drawn and the
two teams are drawn up !n line facing each other across this. The idea
is to pull the other fellow across the line. When so captured he is out
of the game. Several Scouts can attack one and it is not an unusual spectacle
to see the biggest Scout in the troop hoisted bodily over the line. Care
must be taken not to step over the line. The game is very popular, probably
because it is death on clean clothes and shirt sleeves.
This is played with cheap
(5cents) baseballs. One is placed in a small chalk circle by the Scout
who is "It." The others roll the balls and try to knock it out. If they
succeed, the "duck is off" and the ball must be replaced before the players
can be tagged on their way back with their ducks to the line. Or an Indian
club can be knocked over by balls or beanbags.
In the past this has not
been very popular because the poor chap that was "down" didn't have a
fair chance. He had to pick out the man who had slapped him from a grinning
crowd of 15 or 20 -- a task that would stagger Mr. Holmes himself. The
following variation will appeal to lovers of a square deal: The players
form in single file and the first one bends forward with his head against
the wall. The next two step up and one of these slaps him. He tries to
guess the guilty man If he guesses right the slapper is "down," but if
he guesses wrong the slapper goes to the rear of the line, another Scout
steps forward, and he has to be slapped again.
The two teams face each
other on parallel lines as in "Fire" and each Scout spreads his feet about
18 inches apart. Each Scout rolls a basketball at the other team in turn,
the teams alternating. If the ball goes between a Scout's legs, that Scout
is out of the game. He can do nothing to stop the ball as it goes "under
the bridge."
All Scouts taking part
place hats or caps in a row. A throwing line is drawn or is marked 15
or 20 feet from the hats. A soft bail and a supply of marbles, pebbles,
or small sticks are provided. These latter are called "babies."
One Scout is chosen "it";
the others line up each behind his own hat. "It" throws the ball at the
hats. Each time he throws and misses, a "baby" is placed in his hat. When
the ball lands in a hat, the owner of the hat takes the ball, while all
the other Scouts run away. As quickly as possible he throws the ball at
one of them. If it hits the Scout, a "baby" is placed in that Scout's
hat and he becomes "it" for the next game. If he misses, a "baby" is placed
in his own hat and he becomes "it" for the next game.
As soon as any Scout has
five "babies" in his hat he is "put through the mill," that is, he must
stand with his back to the players and each player is allowed a certain
number of throws at him with the soft ball. This number may vary from
one to five according to the number of Scouts playing.
Where hats are not available,
small holes are dug in the ground and the ball is rolled into them. The
game then continues as above. This version is called Roley Poley.
This is a trial of skill
between two Scouts. They lie on their backs side by side with elbows locked
and heads pointing in opposite directions. Together they count three.
On the first and second count they bring each inside leg up to a vertical
position. On the third count they vigorously lock legs and attempt to
roll the other fellow up onto his shoulders and thence completely over.
It isn't always the heaviest Scout that wins.
Two boys are blindfolded
and given swatters made by rolling newspapers into the shape of a bat.
The boys lie on the ground and each boy places his free hand on a base
about five inches square, from which base they must not take the hand
during the game. The aim is for the boy to hit an opponent, preferably
on the head, but being blindfolded he must judge his whereabouts by hearing
his movements. The one who makes the greatest number of hits in a given
time wins.
The players form a circle
with the Scout who is "It" in the middle. A basketball is thrown from
one to the other around the circle and the Scout in the center tries to
touch it. If he is successful, the last Scout to touch It is now "It."
If the ball goes outside the circle the director is to get it. No Scout
may move his feet or break the circle.
The two teams form in single
file, the leading (and tallest) Scouts of each team face to face, the
others behind them according to height. Each Scout clasps his hands across
the Scout ahead of him. The two leaders lock wrists. The team that pulls
the other furthest in a given time wins.
This idea has been developed
in various ways. The following rules have worked out very well wherever
they have been played: A list of questions is made up beforehand and divided
Into three columns for the three ranks in Scouting. Four chairs are placed
to represent four bases, also a chair for a pitcher's box if desired.
Of course the players' benches must not be forgotten. The fielders are
placed as in baseball and a Scout comes up to bat. The pitcher asks him
a question according to his rank. If he fails and the catcher answers
it, it is a strike. If the catcher fails also, it is a ball. If he answers
correctly he is allowed to ask a question of the baseman. These questions
to basemen start at first and go right around the diamond in order as
different men come up, but start at the first baseman every inning. If
the baseman "muffs" the Scout goes to first. If he answers correctly it
constitutes a put out. Scouts advance around the bases by being forced,
but if a man wants to steal he can obtain permission from the umpire to
put a question to the next baseman. If the baseman fails the runner takes
one base, but if he answers correctly the runner is out. In like manner
if a baseman wants to try a put out on a runner who has an imaginary "lead"
he can put a question to the runner. If the runner answers correctly he
advances one base, if not he is out. The Scoutmaster will act as umpire.
The teams form in column
of twos. A milk cracker is given each Scout. At the word "Go" the first
two have to eat their crackers and whistle. As soon as a Scout whistles
the next one on his team may eat his cracker. The team that finishes first.
including the last whistle, wins. A suitable prize has been found to be
a glass of water.
A circle is formed. and
the Scout who is "It' is given a handkerchief with a knot in one corner.
The others place their hands behind them and look up at the ceiling as
he passes behind them around the circle. He places the handkerchief in
the hands of some Scout who immediately chases his left hand neighbor
completely around the ring, beating him over the head with the knotted
end of the handkerchief. Then the one with the handkerchief gives it to
someone else, and so on. Making a large hard knot, soaking same in water
or enclosing in its folds a marble or two should be gently but firmly
The Scouts form in a double
circle, that is, each Scout has another fellow back of him. There is also
a Scout who is "It" and one that he is chasing whom we will call the runner.
If the runner can get in front of any of the "two deep" units forming
the circle he is safe and the third or rear boy of that unit becomes the
runner. Thus it will be seen that the boy who is "It" has to chase several
runners before he is lucky enough to tag one, thus making him "It."
This is similar to knot
tag. A circle is formed, a Scout is chosen to be "It" and one to be the
runner for him to chase. When the runner succeeds in stepping into the
circle at any point the Scout to his left instantly becomes the runner.
This game also reminds one of three deep.
One Scout faces the wall
with his head bent down. The others take turns throwing a soft ball at
him. If a Scout misses he is "It." If he hits, the boy who is "It" tries
to guess who threw. If he hits on the right boy that boy is "It." The
Scoutmaster should tell who is to throw, trying to give each one an even
chance. If the bail is thrown in order it will be easy to determine who
The teams line up as in
"fire." One team about faces and may or may not bend over as agreed upon.
The other team tries to hit one of them in the back with a soft ball thrown
underhand. Scouts who get hit or who miss their throw are out. After each
throw both teams about face and the other team throws the ball, the Scouts
throwing in turn, the teams alternating. The object is to eliminate all
the Scouts in the opposing team.
Line the teams up as for
an old fashioned spelling bee. The Scoutmaster puts Scouting questions
to the Scouts according to their rank. If a Scout fails, the question
goes to the next man of the other team of the same rank, and the Scout
who failed is "spelled down." This game may be played with knots, each
Scout having a small piece of rope, and being required to tie a certain
knot. And still another is good -- give each Scout instructions to apply
a triangular bandage to his right or left-hand neighbor. using the above
rules to eliminate the ones that fail.
Scouts form in 2 lines
facing each other across the room or open space. Tall Scouts are opposite
each other, grading down to the little chaps on the far end of the lines.
A Scout hat is placed in the center of the field or room. and at the word
"go" a Scout from each team runs out to the hat. Turns are taken by starting
at the "tall" end of the line and so on to the end then begin again.
The object is to get away
with the hat and bring it across your own line without being tagged by
the opponent. If you touch the hat you may be tagged and are out of the
game. If your opponent gets away with the hat you are out also. Eliminate
players until one team is wiped out.
This one of the very best
Scout games, either for indoor or outdoor work.
In this tag game the first
man tagged joins hands with the boy who is "It" and later as each boy
is tagged he is added to the chain. Soon only a few remain who are not
caught and the awkward efforts of the unwieldy "chain" to capture these
causes much amusement.
A lion is represented by
one Scout, who goes out with tracking irons on his feet, and a pocketful
of corn or peas, and six lawn-tennis balls or rag balls. He is allowed
half an hour's start, and then the Patrol go after him, following his
spoor, each armed with one tennis ball with which to shoot him when they
find him. The lion may hide or creep about or run, just as he feels inclined,
but whenever the ground is hard or very grassy he must drop a few grains
of corn every few yards to show the trail.
If the hunters fail to
come up to him neither wins the game. When they come near to his lair
the lion fires at them with his tennis balls, and the moment a hunter
is hit he must fall out dead and cannot throw his tennis ball. If the
lion gets hit by a hunter's tennis ball he is wounded and if he gets wounded
three times he is killed.
Tennis balls may be fired
only once; they cannot be picked up and fired again in the same fight.
Bean bags are a good substitute for tennis balls. Made up in bright colors
they are hard to lose.
Each Scout must collect
and hand in his tennis balls after the game. In winter, if there is snow,
this game can be played without tracking irons. and using snowballs instead
of tennis balls.
The rules for this game
are too well known to need repetition. The game is listed as a reminder
to Scoutmasters. In one summer camp the leader found that the boys were
liable to become careless in throwing the stones and some were hurt. He
finally hit on the plan of using tins cans, the sort that are opened by
prying off the top. All sharp edges were removed, and because of the convenience
in standing them on end they served very well.
No camp of any permanence
can afford to be without this game. Old horseshoes make a good substitute
for the regulation quoits.
This is one of the popular
Scout outdoor games. Two groups are sent some distance apart and proceed
to work toward each other, the side which first sees the other being the
While on a hike the Scoutmaster
announces that he will give points for the identification of trees, flowers,
birds, ferns and animals. The number given will be decided by the Scoutmaster
and will depend upon how difficult he considers the identification to
be. The season will also govern this. For instance, a tree is harder to
identify without the leaves. and a flower out of season might be difficult
to place. At the end of a certain time, say 15 minutes, the Scout with
the most points wins. This game will show up the ones that don't know
how to use their eyes.
Two lines are drawn about
10 yards apart, the space back of one being the stockade and the space
back of the other being the Indian 'village'. The neutral apace between
the two is dangerous to both, but of course each is "safe" in his own
territory. Each party makes raids into the neutral territory and captures
members of the other team, bringing them bodily into their headquarters.
At the end of 5 minutes the team that has captured the most of the other
boys wins. A captured boy is out of the game.
This is another Indian
game, and should be played where there is plenty of good cover, and yet
not too thick undergrowth for moving rapidly. Two good Scouts have to
deliver an imaginary message to the Scoutmaster, and all the rest of the
troop act as the Indian, and do all they can to prevent either Scout coming
The "Scouts" take up a
position several hundred yards away and do not start until the Scoutmaster
blows a whistle. The Indians spread out in a long line about half way
between the "Scouts" and the Scoutmaster, and may not come any nearer
the Scoutmaster, but start for the Scouts if they wish when the whistle
is blown. To win, the Indians must catch and hold both Scouts. "Scouts"
are appointed each time, or may be those who do most to capture the previous
"Scouts." With two Scoutmasters on the ground real messages may be transmitted.
This is a patrol contest,
and may be elaborated ad. lib. There should be two cross country runners,
a reader, sender, receiver and writer on each team. A runner of each team
is posted with the Scoutmaster. The signal readers and senders of both
teams are posted about 1/8 of a mile, say, north of the Scoutmaster. The
receiver, writer and runner of one team are located 1/8 of a mile to the
west of the sending station and in plain sight of it. The corresponding
Scouts of the other team take up a corresponding position, to the east.
The Scoutmaster gives the
same written message to each runner, and these run to the readers of their
team. The message is read, sent, received and written down, turned over
to the other runner and brought back to the Scoutmaster, thus making a
sort of triangular journey, More runners, or even another signal team
may be added if desired.
This excellent game may
be briefly described. One Scout is given 5 minutes to hide himself in
a certain clearly defined territory. The Scout who finds him is to hide
next time, unless the hider cannot be found, in which case be hides again.
A good game for soft turf,
but dangerous on hard ground. Each knight mounts another Scout pick-a-back
and all try to unseat the other knights by pulling and pushing. The one
maintaining his position the longest is the winner of the Tournament.
Instead of using Indian
Clubs as described under "Indoor Games" take a stick about three feet
high and sharpen one end. Stick this into the ground very lightly so that
the least touch will send it over. To prevent accidents the stick should
be too long to lump over. The game is played just the same as poison.
These games are included
through the courtesy of the Seminar Press, Springfield. Mass., and were
collected for Cantonment use by Professors Elmer Berry, 0. L. Fritach
and G. B. Affleck of the Y.M.C.A College.
Play with a medicine ball
or basketball. Boys in line in straddle position. Ball passed over head
from boy to boy. Last boy receiving ball vaults over the line as they
stand in stooped position. Others continue until first boy finishes.
Boys in same position.
Bail is passed between legs and last boy crawls through, pushing ball
ahead with head and hands. Others continue.
Same formation. Ball is
passed either between legs or over head. Last boy runs in and out through
the line. and others continue.
Same formation except that
bails are alternately passed over head and between the legs. Last boy
vaults over one and crawls between legs of next boy. Others continue
Same position. Ball is
passed through line between legs. Last boy tucks ball between knees, jumping
on side of line to front, and others continue.
Same as above, except that
last boy butts ball along side of line with head, not being allowed to
use hands.
Same position. Ball is
passed between legs, last boy running to front of line. Others continue
Players stand in stoop-stand
position as first boy straddle vaults over backs, he getting down on end
of line and second boy beginning to leap frog jump over line, so continuing
until all boys have had their turn jumping over backs of others.
Various combinations can
be used.
All boys in line stoop
over, grasping the left hand of player in back with his right between
legs. Last boy lies down. Line continues backing until all are lying.
Return to starting position, all standing. (This should be executed as
quickly as possible.)
Grasp leg of team mate
by the ankles. He runs forward on hands, forming a human wheelbarrow.
a -- Column of six or eight
boys, or even more, may
be used. Line forms closely
together, with arms about waist of boy in front.
b -- A long pole between
legs of all boys.
c -- A rope between legs
of all boys.
Each boy in line stoops
forward, grasping the boy in front around ankles. Continue to race, keeping
time same as in Centipede Race. Six or eight boys are usually used on
a team.
First player with a baseball
bat or stick of about the same length runs a distance behind a line; there
he stops and places his chin on the end of the bat or puts finger on chalk
mark on floor making five revolutions quickly around bat; he then runs
back passing bat to next player in line.
Three boys are placed as
human obstacles in line with team, at intervals of ten yards; the first
in position of attention, the second In leap-frog position and the third
in straddle position. Players are required to run around the first boy,
leap over the second and crawl between the legs of the third; then run
around an object, returning and tagging the next player, who repeats.
For variety include a somersault.
Boys form circle two deep,
each two locking arms. An extra boy starts as runner, another being "It."
The runner locks arms with one of the couples, making it necessary for
the third boy to become the runner
Form circle, two deep.
Rear boy places arms around waist of Scout in front. Runner and player
"It" on outside. Runner attempts to catch on to rear player, making front
boy of the two the runner.
The name of this game comes
from the fact that the players turn and twist away, attempting to prevent
runner from attaching to rear boy.
The circle of boys is formed,
"It" in the center. Boys in the circle pass the ball round in any direction,
preventing "It" from tagging the ball. If ball is tagged, last boy to
touch same is "It" and goes in center of circle. (Game can be played with
indoor baseball, volley ball, soccer or medicine bail.)
Boys form circle In straddle
position. Boy in center of circle attempts to throw balls between legs.
Boys form circle, with
hands held open behind back. A knotted towel, old boxing glove or Swat
Club can be used for this game. "It" places club in hand of someone in
the circle, who proceeds to hit Scout to the right of him until player
has run around circle, returning to his position. (Players are not allowed
to look around but must have eyes straight ahead.)
Scouts form circle, spreading
out. "It" lies on ground in center spinning a rope with a weight attached
to end at about 12 inches height. Scouts in circle must jump this rope
as it comes in their direction. Boy missing replaces "It."
Same game as basketball
tag, with exception that ball must he passed to boy next, either right
or left.
Ball bounced back and forth
to any Scout in circle in attempt to prevent boy in center from recovering
Each boy in circle is numbered.
Number 1 runs around circle to right, tossing ball to second Scout, and
others continue until all have run around circle.
This game is for a competitive
race between two teams of equal numbers, forming separate circles. (Other
combinations of this game can be used, such as ball tucked between legs,
butting ball with head around circle, etc.)
Players form two deep;
heavier boys act as horses, lighter boys as riders, run around circle,
returning to place, the rider passing ball that he has carried to the
next rider, so continuing.
Competition between two
teams. One team forms large circle. Other team gathers on inside of circle.
Outside team attempts to hit each player in center with ball until all
are hit, boys in center attempting to dodge ball. When all are hit, teams
change positions. Winner is decided on length of time taken to tag all
boys on inside.
At command "Go," every
player in circle runs to the right in an attempt to pass the boy in front
of him from the outside; if managing to do so he slaps him on the chest
and player so slapped is eliminated. Give command suddenly, "To the rear,"
and all must reverse direction of race,
All players in circle face
to the right, standing in straddle position. Ball is passed between legs
from boy to boy, either forward or backward, in attempt to keep it away
from "It," who is in the center of the circle.
Same rules as in Swat Tag,
except that two swatters are used and two boys are "It."
Circle is formed, players
joining hands. Player 'It" in center of circle attempts to climb over
or under clasped hands of those forming circle.
Players form in a circle,
clasping hands, around a small circle of four feet diameter marked on
the ground. An attempt is made to pull those next to them into this marked
circle. If one or both feet touch this circle, a player is eliminated.
Each player in the circle
is numbered. Player "It" in center of the circle calls the number of two
of the players, who immediately must change places. Player who is "It"
attempts to get place of one of the two Scouts. Player so replaced is
then "It."
Boys form a circle two
deep; front boy in circle acts as horse, rear boy as rider. When boys
are mounted, ball is passed around or across the circle by riders, horses
attempting to make them miss. If a rider fails to catch the ball, any
horse can hit a rider with ball. In case rider is hit all players change
places, horses thereby becoming riders. If missed, they continue as before.
Grouped as follows. Can
be played with or without boundary lines.
One boy takes "It." First
boy he tags joins hands, and so continue joining hands, forming a chain,
until all are caught.
Game can be varied by having
a home base and by boys not as yet having been tagged breaking the chain,
thereby forcing boy in chain to run back to home base to be reformed,
or suffer being swatted on back.
Boys to prevent being tagged
must drop on back, raising arms and legs from ground. "It" turns around,
and if players who have dropped have not instantly returned to feet, "It"
may boot same until they jump up and run away. (Note -- This prevents
boys from loafing and makes them get up instantly after dropping to prevent
being tagged.)
All players are numbered,
from one up to highest number of players. One of the players tosses ball
in air, calling any number when it reaches its greatest height. Boy called
must recover the ball and hit one of the players. If he misses, he must
run the gauntlet or go through the paddle wheel. Game continues in same
Player must mount back
of another, same as in horse and rider, to avoid being tagged. Player
can jump on any other players back, this making both rider and horse safe
from being tagged.
"It" runs after player.
Anyone crossing between the runner and "It" thereby becomes the runner.
Same as ordinary game of
tag, except that boy must be tagged with a thrown basketball. (Indoor
baseball or volley ball may be used.)
Two teams are formed 30
or 40 feet apart Between teams at usual distance is placed a club or handkerchief.
A player from each team runs forward in attempt to snatch the handkerchief.
If the player snatching It is tagged by opponent before he can run back
to his starting line, he is eliminated from the game. This continues until
all players of one of the teams are eliminated.
Boys, to prevent being
tagged, must jump on any object so that feet do not touch ground.
Player to prevent being
tagged must raise one knee placing arm underneath, grasping nose.
Player to prevent being
tagged must take the position of a Mohammedan in prayer.
A player tagged while "It"
must hold his hand on the spot where tagged while attempting to tag another,
for instance. on back, or ankle, or rear of thigh.
In order to prevent being
tagged, a player must have hold of a third player's ankle, who in turn
must take hold of a third player's ankle, or attempt to get away.
"It" must point finger
to within six inches from ground and turn around three times before attempting
to tag another. The other players cannot run, but must hop away in effort
to prevent being tagged.
Two teams form in line
facing each other on opposite sides of marked chalk line. Boys pair off,
each attempting to pull or force opponent over to his side of line, thereby
making him a prisoner. Continue until one team is eliminated, or the game
can be played on a time limit, team having greater number of prisoners
declared winner.
Two couples mount as horse
and rider. One rider attempts to dislodge other by pulling or pushing,
horse assisting rider.
Two teams formed as horses
and riders; one team attacking the other, attempting to dismount as many
riders as possible of opposing team. After a time limit, whichever team
has had the more riders eliminated loses. A rider unmounted cannot remount,
but is eliminated from the game.
Above game may also be
played on a time limit, with one attacking the other in a bounded territory.
As soon as riders are dismounted, they and their horses must retreat a
distance of 80 feet outside of bounded territory before being able to
return to the game. Whichever team has greater number of mounted players
in bounded territory wins the game.
Two teams form lines short
distance apart. A heavy medicine ball is tossed back and forth in attempt
to make catcher of other team miss the ball . Every boy missing is eliminated
from the game until one of the teams is declared winner.
Played with soccer ball,
basketball, or light medicine ball. Players must keep one hand behind
back, and can use but one hand on the ball. Rules otherwise the same as
in soccer football. Playing area adapted to number on a team.
A long rope, hundred feet
or more, is placed an equal distance between two teams. Opponents rush,
attempting to carry as much of rope over opponents' line as possible.
After a time limit, whichever team has greater length over opponents'
line wins.
Two teams are formed a
distance of 80 feet apart. One team is called "Blacks"; the other "Whites."
A stick, white on one side and black on the other, is tossed in the air.
If stick comes up white, the "Whites" try to tag "Blacks" before they
can run back of their starting line. All "Blacks" caught are taken prisoners
and then proceed to become "Whites," or vice versa.
Best with rope 1 1/2 inches
in diameter and 20 feet long. Variations of Tug of War can be used. For
instance. Scouts run to their half of the rope from behind a boundary
line. etc.
Two lines of scouts form
two feet apart. Behind each line a chalk line is marked about a distance
of three feet. One line attacks, attempting to break through opponents
and cross line behind them. (Boys may hold tackle, or use any method,
besides blows, of preventing opponents from crossing their line.)
Team of eight or more players
take position in line with long rope or pole between legs, alternately
half the players facing forward, the other half backward.
A relay race; first player
runs fifty yards forward the next backward, the third sideward, the fourth
walks "heel and toe," others continuing in order. (Other combinations
can be used.)
Can be run with two men
placing arms about one another's waists and starting forward with inside
foot. If they do not keep step they are disqualified. Or the two runners
can have cords fastening the thighs and ankles together.
The first four players
of a team lock arms and must run abreast, rounding an object and returning.
Others continue the same way.
Field; Large, about size
of football field. Equipment; Three soccer balls, three rugby footballs,
three basketballs, and three volley balls. Object of game to get majority
of balls over opponents' goal line. Soccer balls can only be dribbled,
footballs can only be punted, basketballs can only be thrown, and volley
balls can only be batted. None of the balls may be carried.
Game starts with balls
being piled up in center field. All teams line up behind their respective
goal line. All start with a rush when signal is given. Interfering with
opponents in possession of ball is allowed.
Company or class forms
in open order. All players in rows are numbered, or the numbers of Scouts
according to number in patrol can be used. The instructor calls a number
and gives a sharp military command. Player who makes a mistake or is slow
to execute command has a point scored against his team or patrol, whichever
it happens to be.
Class forms in open order.
Leader says, "Kelly says 'Arms forward-raise,' etc. Occasionally command
is given without being preceded with words "Kelly says." If any obey command
in that instance they are eliminated. Competition can be between teams
or patrols.
Opponents place right feet
together, clasp hands and attempt to pull each other off balance.
A stick thrust between
elbows and under knees, hands clasped in front of lower legs.
Without stick, place hands
under knees, clasping ankles.
Object is to butt or shove
opponent off balance.
Flat of hands against opponent
in attempt to push him backward off balance.
Two players lie flat on
back, arms clasped at elbows, facing opposite directions. Inner leg is
raised to greatest height, and attempt made to pull over opponent in hooking
Two opponents hold stick
at full height over head. Stick is lowered in an attempt to twist it in
the grasp of the opponent. With pencil or chalk upper edge of stick can
be marked so that the judge can tell in which direction stick is twisted.
Both opponents in sitting
position, feet touching stick grasped between them. Object, to pull and
raise opponent from sitting position.
Opponents grasp stick with
both hands and attempt to wrestle, pull or twist stick out of opponent's
Opponents face each other
on hands and knees. A strap or two towels tied together are placed behind
rear of head of players. Object is to pull opponent across a line by backing
up and moving opponent forward by strength of neck.
Players hop on one foot
with arms folded, shoulder each other in an attempt to make opponent place
other foot on the floor.
Opponents box with open
hands in attempt to slap opponent's cheek. Player receiving three slaps
on cheek first loses match.
Player sits on bottle lying
on side. Places one foot on top of other. Attempts to light a candle or
write his name on a card.
Fail forward on one hand.
With pencil reach forward and mark as far as possible.
With back to wall, heels
on floor, pick up penny and return to stand.
a -- Place penny on point
of elbow, toss in air, and attempt to catch in hand.
b -- Place penny on back
of neck, toss, and attempt to catch.
Stand two feet from wall,
bend backward until in position to pick up handkerchief from floor.
Hold stick vertical, bend
backward and try to rotate body about stick.
Hold one foot in hand and
attempt to jump through with other leg.
Place tips of fingers together.
Have someone attempt to pull them apart, grasping you by the elbows.
Mounted, the rider attempts
to dismount opponent by striking with boxing glove.
Prize going to player making
highest chalk mark on pole.
Two men sit astride a pole
and attempt to knock each other off with pillow or stuffed club.
Shoes are mixed in a barrel.
Players must find them. First one to put on shoes and report to referee
declared winner.