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The MacScouter's Big Book of Games, Volume 2 -- Older Scouts

Compiled by Gary Hendra and Gary Yerkes


     The MacScouter's Big Book of Games is intended to be used by Scouters and Guiders around the world to further your programs, and bring fun into your Dens and Packs. This Volume 2: Games for Older Scouts is intended for older boys and girls, but it is impossible to draw a line and say you cannot use these games for boys and girls younger than this. In fact, there is some overlap with Volume 1: Games for Younger Scouts.
     The material here has been gathered from many sources, most of which are Cub Scout, Beaver Scout or Boy Scout related, thus the language used within the games. I believe that most games are suitable for Girl Guides, Girl Scouts, Campfire Boys and Girls, and indeed any group of young people. There are over 650 games in the Big Book, divided into many different categories.
     The MacScouter's Big Book of Games has been compiled from a wide variety of sources. It started with the Scouts-L Games FAQ. Then, we combined the Indian Nations 1994 Powwow Book games, with other Powwow Book games, games from Australia, and individual games from many people. Our sincere thanks to Jim Speirs, Merl Whitebook and a long cast of characters for contributing to this volume.
Please note that all of the material contained herein has been provided by others, or has been compiled from material on World Wide Web sites. It is not my intent to incorporate any copyrighted material in this document. It is brought to my attention that any material contained here is copyrighted, and that copyright states that the material is not to be reproduced, I will immediately remove it from the electronic document and from the WWW site.

Table of Contents

Organizing and Playing Games

Games Are --
  • Lessons without teachers
  • Body builders
  • Mind stretchers
  • Friend makers
  • Building blocks
  • Most of all games are fun

Through Games, A Scout

  • Learns new skills
  • Develops new interests
  • Learns to follow the rules
  • Learns fair play
  • Learns to wait his or her turn
  • Is taught respect for the rights of others

Scouts like games in which there is a sizable element of luck. They do not require prizes, nor do they seem to worry if the game is not finished. They like games which restart almost automatically, so that everyone is given a new chance. Scouts like games whereby they gain the reassurance that comes with repetition.

Remember, the success of a game period depends greatly upon leadership. A leader can challenge and persuade the shy Scout and channel the energy of the "showoff", making meetings fun for all.

Choosing A Game:

  • Know and understand the game.
  • Be prepared to teach the game.
  • Take into consideration: Physical arrangements
    Equipment needs
    Number involved
    Abilities of the participants

* KISMIF - Keep it simple make it fun. Give it full attention; practice to make it work; then evaluate to make sure it is right.

Suggestions For Conducting Games:

  • Know the game well and the area needed before teaching it. Have all the necessary equipment on hand.
  • Remove all possible hazards from the game area.
  • Have the full attention of the group before trying to explain the rules of the game.
  • To introduce the game, name it, demonstrate it, ask for questions, then start it.
  • Always insist on fair play.
  • If a game is going badly, stop it, explain it again, then try the game once more.
  • Play, but don't overplay a game. A successful game will be more in demand if it is stopped while it is still being enjoyed.
  • Be alert to overexertion.