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Memory and Team Building Games
From the Scouts-L Games FAQ
You will need:
4 spring loaded mouse traps per team
An endless supply of rolled up paper balls
We will suppose that there
are four teams or patrols of six boys. They are spaced at equal distances
down the length of the hall. Each team or patrol has it's mouse traps
cocked at one side of the hall on the floor. At the other side of the
hall opposite each group of mouse traps are three attacking boys from
each of the other patrols. These attacking boys are armed with rolled
up balls of paper. Each patrol is allowed up to three defenders for their
mouse traps. These defenders must sit on the floor half way between their
mouse traps and the defenders. The attackers must lob the paper balls
over the heads of the defenders and set off the mouse traps. The winning
patrol is the one that has the last loaded mouse trap.
You will need:
1 spring loaded mouse trap
3 bamboo canes
3 lengths of string
Some objects such as plastic
bottles to be picked up, for each team.
You will have to bore a
hole or fit a screw eye in one end of each mouse trap so that it can be
attached to a length of string. Each team stands at one side of the hall
and the objects they have to collect such as plastic bottles are on the
other side of the river (hall). The only way that they can get the objects,
is to lash the three bamboo poles together to form a fishing pole and
attach the string with the mouse trap attached to the end. You will have
to show the scouts how to cock the mouse traps safely or you may have
to do some first aid on bruised fingers.
You will need:
Blindfolds for each member of the minefield
You split into two teams,
one forms a line across the playing field. They are blindfolded and standing
close enough together to touch hands. Each hand is a mine that will 'destroy'
a ship (a member of the other team.) that team quietly tries to sneak
along the line weaving in and out of the mines, (i.e. between their feet,
or between two scouts). we once had someone go fetch a utility ladder
and climb over the minefield. After a minefield team member uses one hand
and hits a ship, that hand is out of play for the round. Thus later ships
may go through an unprotected area. Smaller scouts usually win this one.
When the whole team has gone through or not as the case may be, change
over. At the end of the game, the winning team is the one that managed
to get the most ships through the minefield.
You will need:
4 counters for each boy, red, blue green and yellow one of each color.
When the game starts the
boys are given a set time 5 to 10 minutes in which they are allowed to
trade. They trade in the following manner. A boy approaches another boy
with a counter in his left fist , he does not show the other boy what
color he is holding. If they agree to trade then they give each other
a counter taking care that they do not show the color they are swapping.
Any boys who do not wish to trade simply cross their arms, this indicates
that they are not open for trading. After the trading period is ended
you show the lads the stock market chart shown below and get the lads
to add up their scores.
Print out the following
table and make copies.
4 Red counters 100
4 Green counters 60 points
3 of any color 40 points
Single Red 1 point
Single Green 4 points
4 Blue counters 80
4 Yellow counters 50 points
2 of any color 15
Single Blue 2 points
Single yellow 5 points.
After they have added up
their scores and you have found out which scouts have the highest scores,
collect the counters in and hand out one of each color again to the scouts.
Now play it again with the scouts knowing the values and see the difference
in tactics. From time to time you could introduce jokers these are White
counters. You place some of these on the table and the boys are told they
can take them if they wish. The value of these is unknown until they add
up the scores. You then tell them that they either get 10 extra points
for each White counter they have or minus 10 for each White counter they
hold, much like Bulls and Bears in the stock market. You can decide if
it is going to be a plus or a minus by either tossing a coin or rolling
a dice.
By Mike Stolz
4 chips for each boy, all of different colors (red, green, blue, yellow)
1 chip for each adult - white
(I made my chips by cutting 1 inch squares from colored cardboard)
The boys are given a chip of each color. the adults each have one white
chip. The boys get 7 to 10 minutes to 'trade' chips with each other or
an adult. To trade, each boy holds a chip HIDDEN in one hand. When they
agree on the trade, the chips are exchanged. ALL TRADES ARE FINAL! Boys
who do not wish to trade should fold their arms to signal that they don't
wish to trade. All trades are 1 chip at a time. Boys can also trade with
adults if they want to. After the trading is over, show the boys the stock
market list below and have them add up their scores.
Now that they know the
value of the chips, let the boys play the game again. Collect and redistribute
the chips, and see how trading tactics change. After the second trading
period is over, add up the scores again and see how the boys did this
Stock Market
Chart - Trading Chip Values
You will need:
Two price lists, one of things that you are selling and one of things that
you are prepared to buy back.
Various things for the
teams to buy
You will also need some
form of currency such as colored cards, paper or even beads.
At the start of the game,
each team is given the same amount of currency. They then have to decide
what they are going to buy from you in order to make something to sell
back to you for a profit. Most things that you buy back should result
in a profit, but you should put in some items that produce no profit or
even a loss. As an example of the sort of things on your to buy list would
be a cup of hot tea for the scout leaders. To do this they will have to
purchase from you matches, tea bags, milk and sugar, a cooking stove,
fuel for the cooking stove, water pot and water.
From: Lynne Axel Fitzsimmons
This game comes from a
Games book published by the Bharat Scouts and Guides (India). It is attributed
to the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland.
You will need:
Enough blindfolds for half your group, and a reasonably large room.
The Leader is the lighthouse.
Half the troop (pack, company) are ships, and put on the blindfolds at
one end of the room. The other half are rocks, and distribute themselves
on the floor between the ships and the lighthouse. Please ask the rocks
to keep their hands and feet in to minimize tripping. The rocks also should
not clump up.
The lighthouse goes "woo
woo" to guide the ships. The rocks go "swish, swish" quietly to warn the
ships of their presence. On go, the ships navigate between the rocks to
the lighthouse. If they touch a rock, they are sunk and must sit on the
floor (and go "swish, swish" also). When all the ships have made it to
the lighthouse (or have been sunk), the rocks and ships switch places.
From the Scouts-L Archive
You will need:
About twelve different shaped items, a sheet or back projection screen and
a slide projector or strong light (Note: clear bulbs are better than pearl)
A number of objects are
held, one after the other, behind the screen, e.g. scissors, bulldog clip,
flower. After all the objects have been seen, a short time is given for
the lads to write down or tell to the leader, the objects that they saw
in the correct order of viewing.
You will need: (for each six
or patrol) A table, a piece of chalk and ten items
Each patrol gets a table
set up on it's side in their corner as a barrier, so that the other patrols
can't see behind it. On the floor they draw a 747 grid, and mark horizontal
axis A to G and vertical axis 1 to 7. They then take ten items and place
them at random on their grid. The patrols are now given five minutes to
look at each others grids and try and memorize the locations of as many
items as they can. After five minutes they each retire behind their barricades.
Each patrol in turn fires three shots. For a shot they must say the name
of the patrol they are firing at, the grid reference and what item is
at that grid reference. If they are correct then they capture that item.
Each patrol only gets 3 shots per round. After a set number of rounds,
the patrol that has captured the most items are the winners. Please note
that this is a memory game, no pencils and paper allowed.
You will need: (for each six
or patrol): Two bowls or buckets on chairs,
Ten mixed items
Teams or patrols stand
in single file facing the front of the hall. At the front of the hall
facing each team is a bucket or bowl on a chair. In each bowl there are
ten items (the same items for each team). At the back of the hall opposite
each team is an empty bucket or bowl. The scout leader calls out an item
and the first man in each team has to run to the front, get that item
place it into the other bucket at the back of the hall and then run back
to the back of his team. The first team with their man back get a point.
As you continue playing
this the objects will be distributed between the front and the back buckets.
If the scouts have good memories they will remember what items are in
what buckets. This will save them time. If an object is called by the
leader and it is in the back bucket then it has to be placed in the front
bucket and vice versa. The reason for the bucket being on a chair is so
that the scouts can't look in to see what is in the bucket.
You will need: (for each six
or patrol) A suit of cards Ace to ten (one pack of cards will supply four
The ten cards for each
team are laid out at random, face down on a table in front of them. One
at a time the boys run up and turn over a card. If it is not the Ace then
they turn it face down again and run back to their team and the next player
has a go. When the ace is turned up they can lay it face up at the front
of the table. The next card needed is the two and so on. Play continues
until one team has all its cards turned face up in the correct order.
You will need: Sets of cards
having the compass points printed on them
This game is played the
same way as the previous game, but this time the boys have to place the
cards at the correct compass position for that card. Suggested order for
laying down cards: North, South, East, West, North East, South East, South
West, North West. NNE, SSW, NNW, SSE, ENE, WSW, ESE, WNW
You will need: A number of
plastic cups and objects to fit under them (e.g. a ball, a ring, a key etc.)
Two teams one each side
of the hall. Each team is numbered 1 to N with boys with the same number
on each team of similar size. The object are placed in the center of the
hall in a row and the plastic cups placed over them. The leader now calls
out an object and a number. The two boys with that number have to rush
to the row of plastic cups, find the correct cup and take the object to
the leader. The lad who gets the object to the leader wins a point for
his team.
You will need: Twenty four
35mm film canisters, these should be opaque and all look the same. Into
twelve of these you place a marble, fishing bell or anything that will make
a noise when the canister is shaken.
The boys sit in a circle
and take it in turn to pick up two canisters at a time and give them a
shake. If they both rattle then a prize or point is given to the boy who
picked them. These canisters are then removed from the game and the next
boy has his turn. If both canisters do not rattle then they are both replaced
where they were picked up from and the game continues. The game gets more
difficult as more are removed as there are then more empty ones left in
the game than ones that rattle. You could make it more difficult by having
a larger number of containers to begin with. You could also guild the
Lilly by putting numbers on the canisters but I have not found this to
be necessary. You can use this as a team game, the winning team being
the one with most points or as individuals against all the rest.
You will need: (for each six
or patrol)
2 chairs
Coins adding up to 50 pence
The boys stand in their
patrols or sixes, in straight lines across the middle of the hall. In
front of each patrol is a chair, this chair is the post office. On this
chair at the beginning of the game is an assortment of coins. We use coins
that add up to 50 pence. Each teams post office, has the same number and
value of coins. Behind each patrol is placed another chair, this chair
is the 'BUREAU DE CHANGE'. The leader calls out a sum of money, say 20
pence. The front man in each team then runs to the post office and has
to leave 20 pence on the post office chair. Any extra coins must be taken
and placed on the BUREAU DE CHANGE chair. On finishing his move the player
runs back and joins the back of his team. The first man back gets a point
for his team. If a value is called which is higher than the value on the
post office chair, the boys must run to the BUREAU DE CHANGE to collect
the coins they need. Great fun can be had by calling out 49, a lot of
them will start counting the coins out, but the smart ones soon realize
that they only have to leave one coin at the BUREAU DE CHANGE to get 49
at the post office. Calling out the value that is already at the post
office also causes a laugh.
You will need:
Various items that will fall over easily such as skittles
Plastic bottles and short
lengths of wood or plastic tube
Give each team the same
type and number of objects. Allocate each team a lane down the length
of the hall across which they must lay out the obstacles. You could mark
these lanes with chairs if you wished. When the teams have completed their
task, line them up at one end of the hall and then get them to swap lanes
with one of the other teams. This way if they have made the obstacle too
easy then they will give this advantage away to another team. After allowing
them a minute or two to look at the lane they are in, turn out the light
and get them to walk down the lane to the other end. The patrol leader
or Sixer should be the leader for his team. At the finish end of the hall,
one of the leaders could flash a torch on and off at random to give them
a bearing. Points are deducted from each team for the number of obstacles
they have knocked over.
2 sizes of caber will be used.
(Small for Scouts under 14 and large for those 14 and over)
A log is lashed, 6 ft. high,
between two trees. The entire Patrol must get over it. Assistance can only
be given by those that have not crossed over yet. Scoring is by the percent
of the Patrol that get over.
A #10 can, with wire bale,
is placed on an "island" 10 ft. into the Amazon. The Patrol has to get the
can without anyone stepping into the river, or spilling the contents of
the can. Equipment: 6 ft. of 1/4" rope, pole or tree limb long enough to
reach the "island", a stick 2 ft. long, 2x6x12 board. Scoring is by cooperation,
spirit, and success or failure.
A "Yard" is enclosed by an
"Electric Fence" (twine) 36" high. Inside the "Yard" is a 2x4 with steps
or log to assist. The Patrol must get as many members over the fence as
possible. Anyone touched by the "fence" is zapped and eliminated. Scoring
is by cooperation, spirit, and success.
Setup a Kim's Game with 20-30
normal campsite items and 20-30 special items (total of 50). Each Patrol
is allowed 30 seconds to observe and then must write down all that they
can remember. Scoring is by the number that they get correct.
This game takes place on a
clear grassy area. A 50 ft. circle is marked on the grass with a 10 ft.
circle in the center. All Scouts remove their shoes, place them in the center,
and move out of the 50 ft. circle. The judge mixes the shoes and then gives
the go signal. Patrol members must find their own shoes, put them on, tie
them, and get back to the outer circle standing in a line. Scoring is by
time (the number of seconds it takes subtracted from 180) a 10 point penalty
is charged for any shoes not properly tied or buckled.
Scouts become "bears" and must
collect food -- colored paper squares. When all food is collected the judge
checks to see how many have collected a balanced menu. "Bears" without balanced
menus do not survive. Scoring is by the percentage of the bears that survive.
Patrols are given a list of
items to "collect" during the day. By the end of the competition they must
go to the station and show their collection. Scoring is by the number of
correct items.
Each Scout is assigned a number
-- 1, 2, 3, etc. The Patrol is then blindfolded and is instructed to get
themselves in numerical order, without speaking. Scoring is by subtracting
the number of seconds used from 120. Time allowed: 2 minutes maximum.
A collection of 15 "nature"
items is displayed. Each boy is given 5 minutes to list the items he can
identify without speaking or helping each other. Scoring: Sheets are graded
and the total points divided by the number in the patrol times 10, determines
the score.
Each participant needs a 6
ft. rope. Patrols form into pairs facing each other. On "go" each Scout
ties a bowline around his own waist, the first one done then ties his rope
to his partner's with a sheet bend. The two partners then lean back and
raise their hands. Scoring: the number of seconds used subtracted from 120.
Add a bonus of 5 points for each correct knot.
The entire group must stand
on a 2' x 2' platform at the same time, for 10 seconds. Scoring: 10 points
for each Scout on the platform.
With a 50 ft. rope, the Patrol
ties a clove hitch around a tree. No one is allowed to go closer than 15
feet to the tree. Scoring is by the number of seconds used, subtracted from
240. 4 minutes maximum allowed.
The patrol divides into two
groups. They line up as shown, facing each other with one empty space in
the center.
The two groups must now
switch positions on the line. The A's move to the B's space and vice versa.
They must follow this procedure:
1. Step only into an adjacent
empty square.
2. Step around a person
facing the opposite direction.
Players cannot move backwards.
Players may not step around someone facing the same direction. Only one
player can move at a time. Scoring is by the number seconds used subtracted
from 300.
Everyone in the Patrol needs
a 6 ft. rope. Each person ties a bowline around their waist. They then tie
the other end of their rope to a central loop (about 1 ft. in diameter,
supplied by the judge.) They then must travel a set course as fast as possible.
1. No one may be dragged.
2. Proceed safely.
Scoring is by the number
of seconds used subtracted from 240.
The Patrol must form a monster
that moves 50 ft. and makes a sound.
1. The Monster must have
only one more leg than the number of Scouts in the Patrol;
2. The Monster must have
one less arm than the number of Scouts in the patrol;
3. The Monster must make
a single sound, not just a group shout.
Scoring: Judges prerogative.
0-50 for the Monster 0-50 for the sound.