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Here are a number of short
songs and prayers which can be used for table graces or other suitable
occasions. Many of these have been provided by way of the WAGGGS-L list
by Robin Knotts, Heart of Missouri GSC, Junior Leader, and others -- thank
you very much. Others have been provided by Robin "Cooky" Stevens, Eileen
Kermode, Rae Haynes, Lori Purvis, Sergio Laurenti, and Evette Ogden.
God has created a new day
Silver and green and gold.
Live that the sunset may find us
Worthy his gift to hold.
Hark to the chimes
Come bow your head.
We thank thee God
For this good bread.
If we have earned the right
to eat this bread
Happy indeed are we.
But if unmerited Thou gives to us
May we more thankful be.
Neath these tall green trees
we stand
Asking blessings from Thy hand
Thanks we give to thee above
For Thy help and strength and love.
Some have meat and cannot eat
And some have nay that want it
But we have meat and we can eat
And so the Lord we thanketh.
[Suggested tunes: Doxology,
"Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow", or "For The Beauty of the Earth"]
For all the glory of the
For all thy protection night and day
For rooftree, fire, and bed and board
For friends and home
We thank thee Lord.
(Tune: Edelweiss)
Come dear Lord, be our guest
As we gather together.
May our heart glow with love,
Keep us close to you ever.
Friendship and joy, may they
bloom and grow.
bloom and grow forever,
Bless our homes, bless our friends,
Bless our common endeavors.
Thank you God, for this day,
Bless all those who greet it.
May your love glow with peace,
may your love go forth from us.
Friendship and peace may they bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever.
Bless our friends, bless our work
bless each of us forever.
Amazing grace how great Thou
You meet my every need,
You quench my thirst,
You guard my home,
My soul and body feed.
(Tune: Pearly shells. echo
each. line)
Like the pearl
in the ocean
Made by God
from a grain of sand.
Like the pearl
may God's blessings surround me.
Make a pearl
from this little grain of sand.
(Tune: Oh dear what can the
matter be.)
May God bless the girls at this meeting
May God bless the food we are eating
May God bless the ones who are leading
May God bless Girl Scouts everywhere.
(Tune: Tell me why)
Orchard and ocean
Farm and field
We thank our maker
For all they yield.
For earth and water
For flower and seed
We thank you God
in thought, word and deed.
(Tune: Ain't she sweet)
Time to eat, Girl Scout snack time is a treat!
We thank God for his generosity--Time to eat!
(Tune: Mary had a little lamb)
Let's join hands and give our thanks,
give our thanks, give our thanks,
Let's join hands and give our thanks,
Give our thanks to God.
A Amen, A Amen, A amen, Amen,
Amen, Amen!
(Tune: Hi Ho Hi HO)
We know, we know,
from whom all blessing flow
We thank him then
We say Amen
We know, we know!
(We know, We know, We know--
repeat 'til tired!)
For food in a world where many
walk in hunger,
For faith in a world where many walk in fear,
For friends in a world where many walk alone,
We give Thee humble thanks, Oh, Lord.
Namaste means thank you
means thank you
means thank you
Namaste means thank you
Namaste my Lord.
For good food
and good friends
and feelings that don't end
Namaste means thank you
Namaste my Lord.
(Tune: Ruben, Ruben)
Thank thee, thank thee
heavenly Father
For thy blessings we have gathered.
Give us strength and understanding,
bless us now, oh Lord.
We pray.
(Tune: London Bridge)
God is great and God is good
God is good, God is good
Let us thank him for this food
(Tune: Teapot)
I am strong and healthy
thank the Lord.
I have bread, room and board
I have good friends and family,
God takes very good care of me.
(Tune: On top of old Smokey)
My God is so great
and I am so small,
but it doesn't matter
he hears when I call!
He hears when I whisper,
he hears when I shout
he hears my "thank you"
'cause I'm a Girl Scout.
(Tune: Down by the station)
Lord, God of power,
guide me every hour
Please bless this food
we're about to eat.
(Tune: My hat it has 3 corners)
My Lord God almighty,
bless us here today
grant that we will be worthy
forever and a day.
(Tune: I love the mountains)
God made the mountains,
God made the rolling hills,
God made the flowers,
God made the daffodils,
God made the field of wheat,
for all the bread we eat,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
(repeat and fade out.)
MAY (Tune: When Irish eyes are smiling)
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be at your back,
May good friends be there to greet you
And your table never lack.
May your life be filled with laughter,
and your heart be filled with song.
May God shine His light upon you,
As you live your whole life long.
(Tune: Animal Crackers)
Fruit from the tree,
and from the vine.
Bread from the oven,
tastes diving.
Gosh, oh gee but I have fun,
Counting my blessings one by one.
God is so very good to me,
Sends me strength and energy,
Thank you God eternally.
(Tune: Pop goes the weasel)
God almighty, Father of all
God the Spirit Eternal
Bless us each, one and all
Spirit Eternal.
Bless the children gathered about,
Bless adults who lead them,
Bless the children 'round the world,
Please help feed them.
(Tune: After the ball)
Before this day is over
Before the night begins
Help me protect the planet
Be one of it's caring friends
I thank you for all your blessings
May I earn the right
To live in harmony with them
Before the night.
(Tune: Alluetta)
Merci Beaucoup Lord
God almighty.
Merci Beaucoup
thank you very much.
Chorus: Merci beaucoup
Merci beaucoup
Thanks to you
Thanks to you
oh, oh, oh
(Tune: Aloha Oy)
Aloha to God above
Aloha a word that means
I love you.
Mahalo too means
I thank you.
Mahalo aloha to God.
Alleluia, alleluia,
amen, amen.
Be present at our table Lord
Be here and everywhere I go
His mercies bless and grant that we
May learn to live and die for Thee.
For health and strength
and daily bread
we praise Thy name oh Lord.
Another version:
For health and strength and daily food
We praise thy name O Lord.
Within this camp and all our days
Thy presence we adore,
We praise Thy name.
We praise Thy name.
We praise Thy name O Lord.
Jubilate Deo,
Jubilate Deo,
Gelobet sei
Gelobet sei
Der herr mein Gott.
Gelobet sei
Gelobet sei
Der herr mein Gott.
Gelobet, Gelobet, Gelobet sei.
Der mein Gott.
(translation: Praised be the Lord, my God.)
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia.
Gracias senor
allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia.
Gracias senor
Gracias senor alleluia
Gracias senor alleluia
Gracias senor alleluia
Gracias senor.
(Tune: Camp town races)
Thank you God for all you do
Thank you God for all you do
Every single day.
(contributed by Judy Hubbs)
(Tune: Wendy)
Thanks be to God, the father almighty
Thanks be to God, who gives us our bread. (or: who gave us the earth)
Thanks be to God, the spirit eternal (or: father eternal)
Thanks be to God, forever.
He gives us the starry sky!
He gives us the birds that fly!
He gives us the rainbows high
above the clouds, above the clouds..
[ above the clouds, above the clouds!]
(repeat "thanks" part)
-- Thanks to Laura Humphrey, Lone Star Girl Scout Council, Austin, TX USA
Day is done (raise hands up)
gone the sun (lower hands)
from the lakes (arms stretch in front of you)
from the hills (arms stretch upward and diagonal, like a hill)
from the sky (arms reach up to sky)
all is well (arms in front, bend at elbow toward you)
safely rest (arms together cross in front of body--like folding your arms
in front of you)
God is nigh. (bow head on your crossed arms.)
Let us break bread together
on our knees
Let us break bread together on our knees
When I fall on my knees with my face
to the rising sun,
Oh, Lord have mercy on me.
(Tune: Taps)
Thanks to God, for our food
for our milk, for our stew, for our bread.
God is joy, God is love
Bow your head.
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
God our father, God our father
Once again, once again,
we would ask thy blessing,
we would ask thy blessing
amen, amen.
(Tune: Morning is here)
Good morning God, this is your day
I am your child, show me the way.
(Tune: Edelweiss)
Bless our food, bless our friends
come oh Lord and sit with us.
Make our talk glow with peace
come with your love to surround us.
Friendship and
may they bloom and grow
bloom and grow forever.
Bless our food, bless our friends,
Bless our dear land forever.
Thank you for the world so
thank you for the food we eat
thank you for the birds that sing
thank you God for everything.
We gather together to ask the
Lord's blessing
He chastens and hastens his will to make known.
The wicked oppressing cease them from distressing
Sing praises to his name he forgets not his own.
(Mountain Meadows is a resident
camp in California)
We thank the Lord for the food we eat,
For camping fun and the friends we meet,
For the rushing streams and the calm cool breeze,
For lovely meadows and tall green trees.
This happy meal will happier
If we, O God, remember Thee
We thank you, God, for happy hearts,
For fine and sunny weather;
We thank you, God, for this our food,
And that we are together.
For every cup and plateful,
God make us truly grateful.
As we enjoy this earthly food
At this table you have spread,
We'll not forget to thank you, God,
For all our daily bread.
Dear Lord, bless this food.
Let children everywhere have just as much to thank You for. Please God,
hear our prayer. Amen.
-- Thanks to Evette Ogden
For what we are about to do,
may the Lord make us truly responsible.
For what we are about to think, may the Lord make us truly wise.
For what we are about to say, may the Lord make us truly sensible.
For what we are trying to achieve, may the Lord accept and bless our efforts.
-- Thanks to Sergio Laurenti
[Tune: Eidelweiss]
Bless this house, bless
this bread,
Come oh Lord and sit with us.
May our hearts grow with peace.
Come with your love and surround us.
Friendship and love may they bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever.
Bless our friends, bless us all,
Bless all [ . . . ] Scouts forever.
[Tune: Michael Row the Boat])
God is great, God is good,
Let us thank him for our food, Alleluia.
By His hand we all are fed, Alleluia
Thank you Lord, for daily bread, Alleluia.
[Tune: Frere Jacques]
God our Father, God our
Once again, once again,
Thank you for our blessings, thank you for our blessings.
A-amen, a-amen.
Variation of third line:
"We would ask thy blessing . . . ."
For health and strength and
daily bread
We praise thy name, Oh Lord.
The Lord is good to me
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need
The sun and rain and the appleseed.
The Lord is good to me.
And every seed that grows
Will grow into a tree,
And one day soon there'll be apples there,
For everyone in the world to share.
The Lord is good to me.
Oh, here I am 'neath the
blue, blue sky
Doing as I please.
Singing with my feathered friends
Humming with the bees.
I wake up every day,
As happy as can be,
Because I know that with His care
My apple trees, they will still be there.
The Lord's been good to me.
Peace is the bread we break;
Love is a river rolling.
Life is the chance we take
When we make this world our home.
Gonna make this world our home.
[Tune: We Are Climbing Jacob's
Thank Thee, Thank Thee,
Heavenly Father,
For Thy blessings, as we gather,
Give us peace and understanding,
Bless us all, O Lord.
[Tune: Michael Row The
Boat Ashore]
Thank you for the food
we eat, Hallelujah.
Thank you for the friends we meet, Hallelujah.
Thank you for the birds that sing, Hallelujah.
Thank you Lord for everything, Hallelujah.
For food in a world where
many walk in hunger
For faith in a world where many walk in fear
For friends in a world where many walk alone
We give thee humble thanks, Oh Lord.
The eagle give thanks for
the mountians
(arms like wings, then become mountain peaks)
The fish give thanks for the sea
(hands together like swimming fish, then wave motion)
We give thanks for our blessings
(arms raised in front like receiving something being passed down from
a height)
And for what we're about to receive
(arms lowering, hands like they are holding something)
-- Thanks to Lori Purvis,
Snowy Owl, 1st Stayner Brownies, Ontario, Canada
Tune: Rock Around the Clock
God is great, God is good
Let us thank Him for our food
We're gonna thank Him morning, noon and night
We're gonna thank Him 'cuz He's outta sight
Amen, amen, amen, do do! Yeah!
(tune: Happy birthday)
Alleluia, Amen
Alleluia, Amen
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Alleluia, Amen
-- Thanks to Rae Haynes,
Leader, Junior Troop 1477, Crofton, Maryland
Oh God the Giver, take
the thanks we give,
For life and for the food by which we live,
Thinking of those who carry it by sea,
Upon our sailors may Thy blessing be.
At the back of the Bread
is the millers flour
At the back of the flour is the mill,
At the back of the mill is the wind and the rain,
And the Father's will.
-- Thanks to Eileen Kermode,
Maghull, Liverpool, England.
Another version:
Back of the bread is the
And back of the flour is the mill,
And back of the mill is the wind and the rain,
And the Father's will.
The same tune is used at
each meal. Try the tune on a piano, using the keys from middle-C up to
the B-flat.
Line One: F E F G F B-flat B-flat A
Beats: 1 .5 1 1 1 1 1 2
Line Two: D E F D C C C
Beats: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Line 3: Same as line one.
Line 4: D E F B-flat A G F
Beats: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Amen: F F
Beats: 2 2
Gracious giver of all good,
Thee we thank for rest and food,
Grant that all we do and say,
In your service be this day.
Father for this noon day meal,
We would speak the praise we feel,
Health and strength we have from thee,
Help us Lord to faithful be.
Tireless guardian of our way,
Thou hast kept us well today,
While we thank thee we request,
Care continued, pardon, rest.
-- Thanks to Carol, Co-Leader
Brownie Troop 124, Burbank, CA
Amen (clap), Amen (clap), Amen,
Amen, Amen, (sing it over),
Amen (clap), Amen (clap), Amen, Amen, Amen
(two part round)
is here, the board is spread,
Thanks be to God who gives us bread.
(two part)
(1) - Allelu, Allelu, Allelu,
Allelujah... (2) - Praise ye the Lord,
(1) - Allelu, Allelu, Allelu, Allelujah... (2) - Praise ye the Lord,
(2) - Praise ye the Lord... (1) - Allelujah,
(2) - Praise ye the Lord... (1) - Allelujah,
(2) - Praise ye the Lord... (1) - Allelujah,
(all) - Praise ye the Lord
(Tune: Edelweiss)
Thank you, Lord, on this
For our many great blessings,
Thank you, Lord, on this day,
For our many great friendships.
Glory to God, may He hear our prayers,
Guide us on forever,
Thank you, Lord, on this day,
For our many great blessings.
-- Thanks to Robin "Cooky"
Stevens, Brownie 3079 - Monument Service Unit Registrar & Delegate, Connecticut
Trails Council
(Tune: Waltzing Matilda) Do
we ever stop and pray
For the food we've had today,
Counting all our blessings one by one.
We are privileged to be here
Living out our Promise dear
Let us sing praises to our God.
Praise be to God
Praise be to God
Extending friendships far and near
They will live forever
Though we're not together.
Praise be to God
For our blessings here.
The first half is sung to the verse tune and the second to the chorus tune.
-- Thanks to Anne Elzenaar, Wellington, New Zealand