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May the time be not too distant, O LORD, when all your children will understand
that they are brothers and sisters, so that, one in spirit and one in
fellowship, they may be for ever united before you. Then shall your kingdom
be established on earth, and the word of your prophet shall be fulfilled:
"The Lord will reign for ever and ever." Amen
-- From the Jewish Sabbath
Lord, stay with us as we come together; let all the earth keep silence
in your presence.
Dear Lord, bless all those everywhere who contribute to shape the hearts,
minds, and bodies of young people. Let us remember what they have taught
and apply it daily.
When facing deceit and dishonesty, let us be Trustworthy. If we see hypocrisy
and faithlessness, let us be Loyal. Where disregard of others and mere
materialism prevail, let us be Helpful. In an atmosphere of ill manner,
let us be Courteous. Where some measure manliness in brutality and crudeness,
let us be Kind. Though lawbreaking and rule-scoffing are common, let us
be Obedient. While others grumble and grouch, let us be Cheerful. In an
environment blighted by waste and extravagance, let us be Thrifty. When
confronted with danger and temptation, let us be Brave. As we see filth
and pollution everywhere, let us be Clean. While witnessing impiety and
irreligion, let us remember to be Reverent.
In short, in a world that has for generation after generation lamented
the lack of good examples, let us, as Scouts, stand out, grow up, and
be real adults.