Camp Songs

        Here are some miscellaneous camp songs. Many of these songs do not have a tune referenced -- please don't e-mail me asking for the tune, just pick something that has the right rhythm and enjoy it! There must be many more camp songs like these, so please send me your favorites and I'll include them here.

Table of Contents

On the Loose

On the loose to climb a mountain, On the loose where I am free,
On the loose to live my life the way I think my life should be.
For I only have a moment, and a whole world yet to see.
I'll be lookin' for tomorrow on the loose.

Have you ever seen the sunrise turn the sky completely red?
Have you slept beneath the moon and stars, a pine bough for your bed?
Have you sat and talked with friends, though a word was never said?
Then you're just like me and you've been on the loose.


There's a trail that I'll be hiking just to see where it might go,
Many places yet to visit, many people yet to know.
But in following my dreams, I will live and I will grow,
In a world that's waiting out there on the loose.


So in search of love and laughter, I am traveling 'cross this land.
Never sure of where I'm going, for I haven't any plans.
Anytime when you are ready, come and join me take my ha
nd. And together we'll share life out on the loose.


As I sit and watch the sunset and the daylight slowly fades,
I am thinking of tomorrow, and the friendships I have made.
I will treasure them for always, and I hope that you will too.
And forever we'll share life out on the loose.



Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?

Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the barges' flickering light.
Silently flows the river to the sea,
As the barges do go silently.


Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the barges' flickering light.
Starboard's shining green and port is glowing red,
I can see the barges far ahead.


Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the barges' flickering light.
Anchors start to pull and engines start to roar
As the barges pull away from shore.


Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the barges' flickering light.
Stars are brightly lighting up the sky
As the barges seem to skip right by.


Alive, Alert, Awake

I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic [clap]
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic [clap]
I'm alive, alert, awake,
I'm alert, awake, alive,
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic [clap]


Thunder, Thunder, Thunderation,
We are the Girl Scout Associatio
n When we work with determinatio
n, We create a sensation

[Repeat, going faster each time]

Merry-go Round

The merry-go round broke downoom boom boom,
It made a funny sound oom beepbeep,
And I did shout when the lights went out and the
merry-go round broke down,
oom boom boom, oom beep beep,
oom boom oom beep, oom boom beep

Mrs. O'Leary's Cow

Late last night, while we were all in bed,
Mrs. O'Leary hung a lantern in the shed.
And when the cow kicked it over, she winked her eye and said,
"There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!" FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

[Sing through, then repeat over and over again, excluding one more of the underlined words each time. After all of these words have been excluded, sing through.]

Green Trees

[Sung before "Taps"]

Green trees around us,
Blue skies above,
Friends all around us,
In a world filled with love.

Taps sounding softly,
Hearts beating true
As Girl Scouts say,
Goodnight to you.


When I come to the end of my lollipop [slurp],
To the end, to the end of my lollipop [slurp],
When I come to the end of my lollipop [slurp],
Plop goes my heart.

Oh gilly oh golly how I love my lollipop right to the very last lick.
But when I am through with it what shall I do with it,
all I have left is the stick, Yick!

When I come to the end of my lollipop [slurp],
To the end, to the end of my lollipop [slurp],
When I come to the end of my lollipop [slurp],
Plop goes my heart.

Bottle Pop

[A round]

One bottle pop,
Two bottle pop,
Three bottle pop,
Four bottle pop,
Five bottle pop,
Six bottle pop,
Seven, seven bottle pop.

Don't throw trash in my backyard,
My backyard, my backyard,
Don't throw trash in my backyard,
My backyard's full.

Fish and chips and vinegar,
Vinegar, vinegar
Fish and chips and vinegar,
Pepper, pepper, pepper, salt!

Oh, Gee

Oh! Gee! How happy I feel.
I got the vision of an automobile.
I don't have to worry where I get my next meal.
Ev'rything's just goin' my way, ev'ry dog's gotta have his own day.
Well, I've had mine and I'm here to SAY everything's goin' my way.
Well my clothes are tailor made and my shoes are patent leather.
All I gotta do is stitch myself together.

Take one look at me and lordy, lordy, lordy,
EVERYTHING, everything, EVERYTHING, everything, everything's goin' my way...

Little Red Caboose

Little red caboose chug, chug, chug.
Little red caboose chug, chug, chug.
Little red caboose behind the train, train, train train.
Smokestack on her back, back, back, back.
Comin' down the track, track, track, track.
Little red caboose behind the train. Whoo! Whoo!

Going Crazy

I am slowly going crazy, .
1-2-3-4-5-6 switch, .
Crazy going slowly am I, .
6-5-4-3-2-1 switch. .
[Repeat going faster each time] .


The alligator is my friend, he can be your friend too.
I'd rather wear him on my shirt than wear him as my shoe.
ALLIGATOR, ALLIGATOR, can be your friend,
Can be your friend, can be your friend too, ooh, ooh!

The alligator laughs and sings, he never cries the blues.
If only you could understand that he has feelings too.
ALLIGATOR, ALLIGATOR, can be your friend,
Can be your friend, can be your friend too, ooh, ooh!

The alligator swims all day, he never stops to rest,
If only you could understand that he likes water best.
ALLIGATOR, ALLIGATOR, can be your friend,
Can be your friend, can be your friend too, ooh, ooh!

Animal Fair [round]

We went to the animal fair.
The birds and the bees were there.
The big baboon by the light of the moon was combing his auburn hair.
The monkey fell out of his bunk, boom, and slid down the elephant's trunk, whee!,
The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees,
And what became of the monkey, monkey, monkey monkey.....

Early in the Morning

[A repeat song]

Early in the morning--
When I'm fast asleep--
I heard a little birdie--
Goin' cheep cheep--
And this little birdie--
Has a funny name--
Igga Flygga Fleega Flygga
Ish Cannish ka nigga nigga
Igga Flygga Fleega Flygga
Gonna buy some birdseed--
For my windowsill--
It's just to keep 'im quiet--
It's just to keep 'im still--
It's for the little birdie--
With the funny name--
Igga Flygga Fleega Flygga
Ish Cannish ka nigga nigga
Igga Flygga Fleega Flygga


Up in the land of ice and sno
w where the temperature drops to forty below.
Who's the happiest one up there? Percy the pale-faced polar bear.
Sleeps all day and then at night, catches his fish by the pale moonlight.
Has no worries, has no cares? Percy the pale-faced polar bear.

Then one day a hunter came, grabbed poor Percy by the snout.
Put him in a great big cage... Percy howled and he growled, but he couldn't get out!
Now he's living in the zoo... Funny thing is he likes it too.
'Cause he met his girlfriend there... And she loves Percy the pale-faced polar bear.

Who? Percy the pale-faced polar bear.


Kooka-Berra sits in the old gum tree,
Merry merry king of the bush is he.
Laugh Kooka-Berra, laugh Kooka-Berra.
Gay your life must be.

Kooka-Berra sits in the old gum tree,
Eating all the gumballs he can see.
Stop Kooka-Berra, stop Kooka-Berra.
Save some gum for me.

My Grandfather's Clock

My grandfather's clock was too tall for the shelf, so it stood ninety years on the floor.
It was taller by half than the old man himself, but it weighed not a pennyweight more.
It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born, and was always his treasure
and pride.

But it stopped, short, never to go again when the old man died.
Ninety years without slumbering, tick tock, tick tock.
Life seconds numbering, tick tock, tick tock.
But it stopped, short, never to go again when the old man died.

In watching its pendulum swing to and fro, many hours had he spent while a boy.
And in childhood and manhood, the clock seemed to know, and it shared in his grief and his joy.
And it struck twenty four as he opened up the door, with a blooming and beautiful bride.


My grandfather said that of those he could hire, not a servant so faithful he found.
For it wasted no time and had but one desire, at the close of each week to be wound.
And it kept in its place, not a frown upon its face, and its hands never hung by its side;


It rang an alarm in the dead of the night, an alarm that for years had been dumb.
And we knew that his spirit was pluming its flight, and his hour of departure had come.
Still the clock kept the time, with a soft and muffled chime, as we silently stood by his side;


Little Green Frog

Mm Mm, went the little green frog one day,
Mm Mm, went the little green frog.
Mm Mm, went the little green frog one day.
'Cause little green frogs go Mm Mm, Aah!
But, we know frogs go Mm, sha la la la la. Mm, sha la la la la, Mm, sha la la la la.
We know frogs go Mm sha la la la la. Not Mm Mm Aah!

Little Green Frog

[Day camp version]

Mm ah went the little green frog one day.
Mm ah went the little green frog.
Mm ah went the little green frog one day.
And his eyes went Mm ah Mm ah Mm ah ah.

Honk honk went the big Mack truck one day,
Splat splat went the little green frog.
His eyes didn't go Mm ah anymore,
'cause they all got eaten by a dog.

What is That Thing I See?

What is that thing I see?
Up in the attic there?
It is a monstrous thing.
'Cycling round and round.
It is an elephant
So wide and elegant.
With one tail here, .
And one tail there. .
[Sing through, then repeat, replacing one line with humming each time it is repeated. When the whole song is hummed, then sing through again] .

Tarzan of the Apes

I like bananas, coconuts and grapes. .
I like bananas, coconuts and grapes. .
I like bananas, coconuts and grapes. .
That's why they call me Tarzan of the Apes.


Every mornin' by the riverside,
See the people there by my side.
Every mornin' when I open the door,
See the people there beggin' for more.
On a Monday,
And on a Tuesday and a Wednesday,
And on a Thursday and a Friday,
And on a Saturday and Sunday
I got sardines on my plate,
I don't need any steak,
With sardines,
And pork and beans.
And sardines.


I'm a Texan, I'm a Texan, I'm a Texas star.
And I come from the west where the cowboys are.
I can ride 'em, I can rope 'em, I can show you how.
So come on over to Texas where the six shooters are.
Bang diddly bang bang, [Whoo, Whoo]

I Love a Rabbit

I love a rabbit.
A crazy, crazy rabbit.
Hop, Hop, Bunny, Bunny.
Hop, Hop, Bunny, Bunny.
Hop, Hop, Ho Ho, Hop, Hop.

He don't like carrots.
I'm crazy about carrots.
Chew, Chew, Bunny, Bunny.
Chew, Chew, Bunny, Bunny.
Chew, Chew, Ho Ho, Chew Chew.

And when we go to beddy-bye,
I kiss he and he kiss I.
But if he's been a such-and-such,
he has to sleep in his rabbit hutch.

Oh, I love a rabbit.
A crazy, crazy rabbit.
Hop, Hop, Bunny, Bunny.
Hop, Hop, Bunny, Bunny.
Hop, Hop, Ho Ho, Hop, Hop.


Magic is the sun that makes a rainbow out of rain.
And Magic keeps the dream alive to try and try again.
Magic is the love that stays when good friends have to leave.
I do believe in Magic, I believe.

When I was young, I thought the stars were made for wishing on.
And every hole deep in a tree must hide a leprechaun.
Old houses all had secret rooms, if one could find the key.
I do believe in Magic, I believe.


Growing up, the grownups said, someday I'd wake to find,
that Magic's just a childhood dream I'd have to leave behind.
Like clothes that would no longer fit, and toys that I'd ignore.
I'd not believe in Magic, anymore.


When I grew up, I learned again, that much to my surprise,
Magic did not fade away, it took a new disguise.
A child, a friend, a smile, a song, the courage to stand tall,
I do believe in magic, after all.


Campfire's Burning [round]

Campfire's burning, campfire's burning.
Draw nearer, draw nearer.
In the gloaming, in the gloaming.
Come sing and be merry.

I'm a Nut

I'm a little coconut, sitting under a coconut tree.
Everybody steps on me, that is why I'm cracked you see.
I'm a nut, in a rut, I'm cra-a-zy.

Called myself on the telephone, just to see if I was home.
Asked myself out on a date. Told myself "Be ready by eight."
I'm a nut, in a rut, I'm cra-a-zy.

Took myself to the picture show. Sat myself in the very front row.
Wrapped my arms around my waist, got so fresh I slapped my face.
I'm a nut, in a rut, I'm cra-a-zy.

Bought some roses at the store, told myself I wanted more.
That's why I broke up with me, now I am a nut that's free.
I'm a nut, In a rut, I'm cra-a-zy.

Coca-Cola went to town, Pepsi-Cola shot him down.
Dr. Pepper fixed him up, now we all drink 7-Up.
I'm a nut, in a rut, I'm cra-a-zy.

7-Up got the flu, now we all drink Mountain Dew.
Mountain Dew went to a shrink, now we all drink from the sink.
I'm a nut, in a rut, I'm cra-a-zy.

Rattlin' Bog

[partial repeat after me]

Rare bog, a rattlin' bog, way down in the valley-o.
Rare bog, a rattlin' bog, way down in the valley-o.

And in that bog--
There was a tree--
A rare tree--
A rattlin' tree--
And the tree was in the bog, way down in the valley-o,


And on that tree-- br> There was a limb--
A rare limb--
A rattlin' limb--
And the limb was in the tree,
And the tree was in the bog, way down in the valley-o,


And on that limb--
There was a branch--
A rare branch--
A rattlin' branch--
And the branch was on the limb,
And the limb was in the tree,
And the tree was in the bog, way down in the valley-o,


[continue, using twig, nest, egg, bird, wing, feather, tick, hair]

Ten in a Bed

Ten in a bed, and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out and bumped his head and gave a shout.
"Please remember to tie a knot in your pajamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...

Nine in a bed, and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out and bumped his head and gave a shout.
"Please remember to tie a knot in your pajamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

Eight in a bed, and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out and bumped his head and gave a shout.
"Please remember to tie a knot in your pajamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three, four, five, six...

Seven in a bed, and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out and bumped his head and gave a shout.
"Please remember to tie a knot in your pajamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three, four, five...

Six in a bed, and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out and bumped his head and gave a shout.
"Please remember to tie a knot in your pajamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three, four...

Five in a bed, and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out and bumped his head and gave a shout.
"Please remember to tie a knot in your pajamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three...

[Continue, until you get to one]

Buzzard Song

If I had the wings of a buzzard,
Up to the sky I would fly (would fly),
There to remain as a buzzard,
Until the day that I die (I die).

Chore-us: Oo la la, Oo la la, Oo la, Oo la la, Oo la la la (Repeat!)
Oo la la, Oo la la, Oo la, Oo la la, Oo la la la.

If I had the wings of an airplane,
Up to the sky I would fly (would fly),
There to remain as an airplane,
Until the day that I die (I die).


If I had the strength of a pioneer,
Up to the woods I would chop (would chop),
There to remain as a pioneer,
Until the day that I drop (I drop).


If I had the strength of a counselor,
Up to Camp Laurel I'd go (I'd go),
There to remain as a counselor,
Until the day that I go (I go)


The Day I Went to Sea

When I was one, I sucked my thumb, the day I went to sea...

I jumped aboard a sailing ship and the captain said to me,
"We're goin' this way, that way, forward, backward, over the Irish sea.
With a bottle of Coke, and that's no joke, and that's the life for me", said he.

When I was two, I buckled my shoe, the day I went to sea...
When I was three, I scraped my knee, the day I went to sea...
When I was four, I slammed the door, the day I went to sea...
When I was five, I danced a jive, the day I went to sea...
When I was six, I picked up sticks, the day I went to sea...
When I was seven, I counted to eleven, the day I went to sea...
When I was eight, I was really late, the day I went to sea...
When I was nine I got in line, the day I went to sea...

When I was ten, I did it again, the day I went to sea...

My Friends

CHORUS: My friends, my friends are good for me, I like them and they like me.

1. Together we drink our juice and bread; we're so happy when everybody's fed.


2. Together we sing and dance around, wiggle our toes in the soft green ground.


3. A friend can be 'most short or tall, a friend can be 'most anyone at all.


4. Mountains are high and valleys are low; we'll be friends wherever we go.


[This may be used as a repeat-after-me song, with the chorus sung all together]


Swimming, swimming;
In my swimming hole.
When days are hot,
When days are cold,
In my swimming hole.
Breast stroke,
Side stroke,
Fancy diving too.
Oh don't you wish that you could have nothing else to do

[Repeat, humming the first line, singing the rest. Repeat again, humming the first 2 lines, singing the rest, and so on until the whole song is hummed. Then sing through]

The Doughnut Song

[may be used as a repeat-after-me]

Well, I walked 'round the corner
and I walked 'round the block,
and I walked right into a bakery shop.

I picked up a doughnut
and I wiped off the grease,
and I handed the lady a five cent piece.

Well, she looked at the nickel
and she looked at me,
and she said "Hey mister, you can plainly see.

There's a hole in the nickel,
there's a hole right through."
Said I, "There's a hole in the doughnut too!
Thanks for the doughnut, good-bye!"

Sitting on Top of an Iceberg

Sitting on top of an iceberg, out in the ocean wide.
Nothing to wear but pajamas, nothing to do but dive.
Oh, but isn't it barney and how the frost does bite.
You have to hug a polar bear to keep you warm at night.


CHORUS: May all of your dreams bloom like daisies in the sun.
May you always have stars in your eyes.
And may you not stop running, not until your race is won.
May you always have blue skies.

A dream is something all your own, to keep within your heart.
To build on when you're glad, or when your world's been torn apart.
A dream is something all your own that no one else can steal.
A dream is something you can make come real.


Now you can share a laugh with any stranger you may meet.
And you can share your money with a beggar on the street.
But you can only share a dream when love can set it free.
Please won't you share yours with me?


Friends Are Nothing

1. Friends are nothing 'till they laugh together.
They must laugh the whole day,
They must laugh the night away.
They must laugh, together they must laugh.

2. Sing
3. Dance
4. Camp
5. Friends are nothing 'till they part. .
They must part through the years,
They must part with many tears. .
They must part, and hope to meet again some day.

[Sing first verse through, then replace underlined word for word provided to create verses 2, 3, and 4. Sing last verse through]

We All Fly Like Eagles]

[Echo Song]

We all fly like eagles--
Flying so high--
Circling 'round the universe--
On wings of pure light--
Ooh ichi aye-oh--
Ooh ee aye-ay--
Ooh ichi aye-oh--
Ooh ee aye-ayŃ

[Repeat 3 times]

Rise Up, Oh Flame

Rise up, oh flame, by thy light glowing.
Show to us beauty, vision, and joy.

[Repeat continuosly until fire is lit, or you want to stop]

Thanks Be to God

Thanks be to God, the Father Almighty.
Thanks be to God, who gave us the Earth.
Thanks be to God, the Spirit Eternal.
Thanks be to God forever.


God Has Created A New Day

God has created a new day,
Silver and green and gold.
Live that the sunset may find us
Worthy his gifts to hold.

Silent Grace

May the Great Spirit in the sky (point up and make circles with your arm)
Protect you in the future (point forward)
As in the past (point back)
With much (hit fists together)
Great (spread arms out)
Love (cross arms over heart)

[Usually done silently, using only the hand motions]

We Are Thankful

[Tune of "Frere Jaques"]

We are thankful,
We are thankful,
For our food,
For our food,
And our many blessings,
And our many blessings,
Amen, Amen


[A round]

Happiness runs in a circular motion,
Floating like a little boat upon the sea.
Everyone is a part of everything anyway,
You can be a part if you let yourself be.

Happiness runs, happiness runs.
Happiness runs, happiness runs.
Happiness runs, happiness runs.
Happiness runs, happiness runs.

Happiness runs, happiness runs anyway.
Happiness runs, happiness runs too.
Happiness runs, happiness runs anyway
Happiness runs, happiness runs too.

Rolling Over the Billows

It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go 'round.
It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go 'round.
It's cheese, it's cheese, it's cheese that makes the mice go 'round.

Oh, rolling over the billows, rolling over the sea.
Rolling over the billows in the deep blue sea.
Oh, rolling over the billows, rolling over the sea.
Rolling over the billows in the deep blue sea.

2. mice, cats
3. cats, dogs
4. dogs, boys
5. boys, girls
6. girls, love
7. love, world

[Sing first verse and chorus, then sing the verse, replacing underlined words with new ones provided. Sing through chorus after each verse]