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After Me Songs and Chants
Here are some repeat after
me songs and chants. They are great fun for young and old around the campfire.
There must be many songs like this for all youth group ages and programs,
so please send me your favorites and I'll include them here
-- Songs --
This is a
"Repeat after me" song
One sunny day
I met a bear
Out in the woods
A way out there
One sunny day
I met a bear
Out in the woods
A way out there
(other verses sung in the same manner)
He looked at me
I looked at him
He sized up me
I sized up him
He said to me
Why don't you run?
I can see you
Ain't got a gun
And so I ran
Away from there
Right behind me was
That great big bear
In front of me
There was a tree
Oh my oh me
A great big tree
The nearest branch
Was ten feet up
I'd have to jump
And trust to luck
And so I jumped
Into the air
I missed that branch
A way up there
Now don't you fret
Now don't you frown
I caught that branch
On the way back down
That's all there is
There ain't no more
Unless I meet
That bear once more
Next time I saw
That great big bear
He was a rug
On the bathroom floor
-- Thanks to Lynn Whited
Littlest Worm
littlest worm
I ever saw
was stuck inside my soda straw
(all together)The littlest worm I ever saw, was stuck inside my soda straw.
I took a sip
and he went down
right through my pipes
He'll surely drown
(all together)I took a sip and he went down, right through my pipes he''ll
surely drown.
I burped him up
and he was dead
i buried him
in a flower bed
(all together)I burped him up and he was dead, I buried him in a flower
He was my pal
he was my friend
and now he's gone
and now he's dead
(all together)He was my pal he was my friend and now he's gone and now
he's dead.
The Princess Pat--
Lived in a tree--
She sailed across--
The seven seas--
She sailed across--
The Channel Two--
And she took with her--
A rig of bamboo--
A rig of bamboo--
Now what is that?--
It's something made--
By the Princess Pat--
It's red and gold--
And purple too--
That's why it's called--
A rig of bamboo--
Now the Captain Jack--
Had a mighty fine crew--
He sailed across--
The Channel Two--
But his ship did sink--
And yours will too--
If you don't take--
A rig of bamboo--
Now the Princess Pat--
Saved Captain Jack--
She pulled him out--
She brought him back--
She saved his life--
And his crew too--
Do you know how?--
With a rig of bamboo--
This is a repeat after me
The prettiest girl (echo)
I ever saw (echo)
Was sippin' cider (echo)
Through a straw (echo)
(all together) The prettiest
girl I ever saw, was sippin' cider through a straw.
I asked her if (echo)
She'd teach me how (echo)
To sip some cider (echo)
Through a straw (echo)
(all together) I asked her
if she'd teach me how, to sip some cider through a straw.
First cheek to cheek (echo)
Then jaw to jaw (echo)
We sipped that cider (echo)
Through that straw (echo)
(all together) First cheek
to cheek thrn jaw to jaw, we sipped that cider through that straw.
And now and then (echo)
That straw did slip (echo)
And we'd sip cider (echo)
Lip to lip (echo)
(all together) And now and
then that straw did slip, and we'd sip cider lip to lip.
Now 49 kids (echo)
All call me "pa" (echo)
From sippin' cider (echo)
Through a straw (echo)
(all together) Now 49 kids
all call me "pa", From sippin' cider through a straw.
The moral of (echo)
This little joke (echo)
Is don't sip cider (echo)
Sip a coke!! (echo)
(all together) The moral
of this little joke, is don't sip cider, sip a coke!!
-- Thanks to Kyna Hendra
Chicka Boom
I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.]
I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.]
I said a-boom-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-boom!
[Group echoes.]
Uh-huh! [Group echoes.]
On Yeah! [Group echoes.]
This time! [Group echoes.]
We sing! [Group echoes.]
Each time a leader adds a different variation such as: LOWER,
Audience echos each line.
You can also have audience sets up clap or slap legs to the rhythm
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [Make sloshing sounds and move hands as if slogging.]
Following verses:
Sticks. [Snap fingers.]
Tree. [Make gestures climbing up and down.]
Gate. [Make gate-opening gestures.]
River. [make swimming gestures.]
Cave. [Go in it and find lion. Reverse all motions quicky to get home.]
-- Thanks to Delmont Scout
Reservation and Resica Falls Scout Reservation 1996 Songbook
-- Chants
Hands up! (they echo &
do motion)
Wrists together! (they echo & do motion)
A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha,
a-root-chy-cha CHA!
A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!
Hands Up! (echo)
Wrists together! (echo)
Elbows In! (echo) (keep adding the motion)
A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha,
a-root-chy-cha CHA!
A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!
Hands Up! (echo)
Wrists together! (echo)
Elbows In! (echo)
Head back! (echo)
A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha,
a-root-chy-cha CHA!
A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!
(Keep going back to the
beginning, adding one motion each time and doing the "root-chy-cha" chorus.
During the chorus, kids are moving to the beat.)
Knees together....
Toes together....
Bottom out....
Eyes closed....
Tongue out.....
-- Thanks to Donna Ransdell,
Poway, CA
and Pepper
My name is salt (clap clap
clap clap)
My name is pepper(clap clap clap clap)
I taste real good(clap clap clap clap)
I taste like pepper(clap clap clap clap)
When salt goes away(clap clap clap clap)
Pepper starts to cry wa wa wa wa
When salt comes back(clap clap clap clap)
We are together!
In this song, the song
leader sings (says) a line and the audience repeats the line. Keep the
beat by alternately slapping thighs and clapping hands:
Flea Fly!
Flea Fly Mosquito!
Oh no no no no Mosquito!
Get that big bad bug with the bug spray!
PSSSSSSSSSSH (spray can sound)
Repeat three or more times,
each time a little faster.
Another Version:
Flea Fly!
Flea Fly Flo!
Eenie, meenie, decimeenie, oo wall a wall a meenie!
Ex a meenie, zoll a meenie, oo wall a wall!
Beep billy ott in dotten oh bo ba beaten dotten shh!
Flea fly!
Flea fly flow!
Kumalata kumalata kumalata veeslay!
Oh, no no no, not the veeslay.
Ich a mini, satch a mini, oo walla walla mini.
Des a mini, satch a mini, oo walla wall.
A beat billy oaten bobin obo a boatin bobin obo a boatin bobin boatin
bobin boatin bobin boatin bobin sssshhh...
Fleas (audience repeats)
Fleas Flies (audience repeats)
Fleas Flies Mosquitos (audience repeats)
Calimine, calimine, calimine lotion
Oh no, no more calimine lotion
Itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, itty bitty
Nasty bitey mosquito -- SQUASH (squash is yelled at top of lungs)
Flea Fly!
Flea Fly Flo!
Coo-ma-la, Coo-ma-la, Coo-ma-la Vista
Oh no-no, no, not the vista
Eenie, meenie, decimeenie, oo walla walla meenie!
Ex a meenie, zoll a meenie, oo walla wall!
Beep billy ott in dotten oh bo ba beaten dotten shh!
-- Thanks to Susan Best,
Ev Holm, Cathy Porter
Pizza Chant
(This is
a repeat after me chant)
Big and Hot
Big, Hot and Juicy
Eatalota, Eatalota, Eatalota Pizza
Oh no more Italian pizza
Pepperoni, mushrooms, anchovies on the pizza
Mozzerella cheese, and Parmesan too
Cheese, doesn't matter kind of pizza,
Doesn't matter kind of pizza
Mmmm, Mmmm good!
Small and cold
small, Cold and Moldy
Barfalota, Barfalota, Barfalota pizza
Oh no, 3 week old pizza
Doesn't matter kind of pizza,
doesn't matter kind of pizza
Mmmm, Mmmm good!
Whattatin Chew!
Bodo Skedetenat Whattatin Chew!
It's Skiddlin' Oatin' Dotin' Bodo Skedetenat Whattatin Chew!
Ishy Dishy Little Fishy, It's Skiddlin' Oatin' Dotin' Bodo Skedetenat
Whattatin Chew!
Itten Ditten Little Kitten, Ishy Dishy Little Fishy, It's Skiddlin' Oatin'>Dotin'
Bodo Skedetenat Whattatin Chew!
Oaten Doaten Little Boaten, Itten Ditten Little Kitten, Ishy Dishy Little
Fishy, It's Skiddlin' Oatin' Dotin' Bodo Skedetenat Whattatin Chew!
-- Thanks to Craig McGarrah
The leader or leaders begin
this song by starting the tempo by slapping their thighs then clapping their
hands. Then yell the following. Remember - this is an echo song.
This is a repeat after me song
This is a repeat after me song (audiance echo)
Dog (audiance echo)
Dog - Cat
Dog - Cat (audiance echo)
Dog - Cat - Mouse
Dog - Cat - Mouse (audiance echo)
Froggie (audiance echo)
Itty Bitty teeney weenie little greenie frogie
Itty Bitty teeney weenie little greenie frogie (audiance echo)
Jump, jump, jump little froggie
Jump, jump, jump little froggie (audiance echo)
Little greenie froggie eating all the bugs and spiders
Little greenie froggie eating all the bugs and spiders (audiance echo)
Fleas and flies are scrumpditllyitious
Fleas and flies are scrumpditllyitious (audiance echo)
Ribit ribit ribit ribit ribit ribit CROAK !
Ribit ribit ribit ribit ribit ribit CROAK ! (audiance echo)
FASTER ! (speed up the tempo)
FASTER ! (audiance echo)
(repeat body)
CUB SCOUT SPEED !! (speed up the tempo)
CUB SCOUT SPEED !! (audiance echo)
(repeat body)
SUPER CUB SCOUT SPEED !!!! (Heres the tricky one)
SUPER CUB SCOUT SPEED !!!! (audiance echo)
Dog croak ! (one slap "Dog", One clap "Croak")
(After a few times the audiance will get SUPER CUB SCOUT SPEED)
-- Thanks to David M. Sanchez,
Cubmaster, Pack 265, San Jose, Ca.