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Scout Baden-Powell Patrol Ceremonies
for the Baden-Powell Award
Materials needed:
- Baden -Powell Star for
each Patrol Member, in envelope
- Patrol emblem of B-P
- Single Baden-Powell
- (these two items should
be taped to a card, in the way that they would be worn if on a shirt)
- Eight small candles
- One large candle
- Safety pin
- Patrol Leader of Baden-Powell
- Assistant Patrol Leader
of Baden-Powell Patrol
- Senior Patrol Leader
- Scoutmaster
The ceremony starts with
all lights out, and the large candle lit.
Scoutmaster: "Tonight,
we recognize the ___________Patrol for their group efforts toward bettering
our Troop and their Patrol. Will the Patrol Leader of the ___________Patrol
please come forward and bring your Patrol Flag"
(Patrol Leader and Assistant
Patrol Leader stands in front of Troop, facing the candles and the Scoutmaster
and Senior Patrol Leader. Assistant Patrol Leader holds the Patrol Flag.)
Scoutmaster: "Baden-Powell,
the founder of Scouting, had some ideas on what kept kids together. He
tried out those ideas at a camp and invited boys to come and participate
in this experiment. He found that Scouting works better with a group of
eight, and that this group must work and support each other...not just
meet. This is the principle behind this special BSA award, which bears
his name."
Senior Patrol Leader:
"The Baden-Powell Patrol Star Award is a PATROL, not Scout, honor. To
earn the Star, the Patrol must:
(lights first small candle)
Have Patrol Spirit. (lights second small candle) Meet as a Patrol. (lights
third small candle) Have representation at the Patrol Leaders' Council.
(lights fourth small candle) and must work as a Patrol.
I have the honor of presenting
this award to the ________ Patrol, of Troop ____. Please bring the patrol
flag forward."
(Assistant Patrol Leader
brings Patrol Flag forward, and while Scoutmaster holds flag still, Senior
Patrol Leader attaches the card with the Patrol Emblem and B-P star to
the flag. Assistant Patrol Leader takes flag back to stand beside Patrol
Scoutmaster: "The Baden-Powell
Patrol Star Award is a GROUP, not individual, honor. There were some additional
things that the _________ Patrol had to accomphish. To do this, it required
them to:
(lights fifth small candle)
Wear their uniforms correctly with pride (lights sixth small candle) Assist
each other in advancing upwards on the Scouting trail (lights seventh
small candle) Do Patrol events and activities (lights eighth candle) and
Build their Patrol to EIGHT.
We started out with only
one candle...representing the spirit of Scouting. From there, this spirit
spread to your Patrol Leader, and in turn, to each and every member of
your Patrol. As we lit additional candles, you began to see more and more
light and looked at the group instead of the individual candles.
Senior Patrol Leader:
As the "light" of Scouting grew in your Patrol, people in and out of our
Troop started to see you not as individuals, but as a group. You agreed
to work together, to help each other, and to be the best Patrol you can....just
like those boys participating in Brownsea did.
Scoutmaster: For your
efforts, I am proud to present to your Patrol Leader Baden-Powell stars
for each member of his Patrol. May this encourage you onward to earn a
second, third and as many stars as your Patrol can. Congratulations, and
don't forget to share your experiences with others as you move onward
on the Scouting trail!"
(Scoutmaster presents
envelope with stars to the Patrol Leader, and shakes hand with the Scoutmaster.
The Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader return to their Patrol line
or seats.
Hope this helps someone
out there needing a simple but meaningful ceremony to award these emblems
by. You can modify it by creating a ribbon and attaching the Patrol emblem
and star to it, therefore making it easier for the Patrol to be recognized.
-- Thanks to (MAJ) Mike L. Walton (Settummanque, the blackeagle
Patrol Award Ceremony
SPL lights a gold candle and
calls the troop to attention. SPL: "Mr Scoutmaster,
the __________ Patrol of Troop ____ has proven itself most worth and has
completed all the requirements for the Baden-Powell Patrol Award."
SM: "Mr. Senior Patrol
Leader, assemble the patrol."
SPL: "__________ patrol
- front and center." SPL hands an unlit white candle to each Scout as
they assemble. The patrol forms a line facing the troop with the SPL and
ASPL at the ends.
SM: "Mr. Assistant Senior
Patrol Leader, what are the achievements of the Buck Patrol."
ASPL: "They have shown
patrol spirit and have conducted themselves with great honor. They have
fulfilled their duty to others through patrol service projects. They have
had patrol meetings and have planned and carried out patrol events. They
have helped with the planning and execution of the troop's program through
their participation on the Patrol Leaders Council . Two of their member
have recently advanced and they routinely present themselves in proper
Scout uniforms."
SPL: "They have proven
themselves worthy of this honor and the Patrol Leaders Council has confirmed
their worthiness. In remembrance of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of
Scouting and the creator of the Patrol Method, I recommend that the Buck
Patrol be awarded the Baden-Powell Patrol Award to wear below their patrol
patch as a symbol of their great achievements for all to see."
SM: "Mr. Senior Patrol
Leader, you may present the Baden-Powell Patrol Award patch to the members
of the Buck Patrol."
SPL and ASPL present the
patch to each Scout. The SPL then lights the Patrol Leader's candle and
asks him to light the candle next to him and raise his candle high until
all candles are lit and raised high.
SM: "May the __________
Patrol continue to light the way for Troop ____ as we continue down our
Scouting path. __________ Patrol - Be Prepared!"
__________ PATROL AND
TROOP: "We are prepared!"
SPL and SM: "Congratulations!"
-- Thanks to Bob Myers,
SM, Troop 575, Dan Beard Council, Cincinnati, Ohio