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Cub Scout Bear Ceremonies
Why the Chipmunk
has Black Stripes Bear Ceremony by Rick Clements
People Required:
- Akela (Cubmaster)
- Baloo (Asst. Cubmaster)
- Forest Scene
- Badges (with tape affixed
to the card the badge is on)
Akela: Once upon a time,
long ago, the animals had tribes and chiefs just like the people. One
night, Porcupine sent out a message requesting all the animals to come
together for a great council of the tribes. He had a very important matter
for them to consider. At the Council meeting, Porcupine stood up to address
the animals. His quills quivered and gleamed in the firelight. "I cannot
decide," he said, finally. "I cannot decide whether we shall have night
or daylight all the time."
Baloo: The bear rocked
to and fro on his hind legs, trying to drown out the others by rumbling
in a big deep voice, "Always night! Always night! Always night!"
Akela: A little chipmunk
who had been sitting on the outskirts of the Council meeting became annoyed.
(Chipmunks hate to sit still for any time.) "You can talk all you like,"
he shrilled out in his tiny, squeaky voice, "but the light will come whether
you want it or not. The light will come."
Baloo: The other animals
did not pay any attention to him, but went on bawling and roaring and
growling until they were hoarse. Chipmunk danced with excitement on the
outskirts of the Council meeting shrieking, "The Light Will Come! The
Light Will Come!"
Akela: And before the
animals knew it, a faint flush had crept up in the sky, and the golden
disc of the sun rose above the tree-tops. Could it be possible that it
was daylight whether they wished it or not?
Baloo: A shrill voice
suddenly piped up from the edge of the assembly. "What did I tell..."
Akela: Chipmunk was gone
like a flash through the trees with Bear after him. Chipmunk was so quick
that he slipped into a hole in a tree before Bear could catch him. But,
just before he disappeared, Bear struck at him with his paw. The black
stripes that run down the chipmunk's sides today show where Bear's claws
hit him long ago at that Council meeting when the animals tried to decide
whether they should have darkness or daylight all the time.
Baloo: Just as the bear
left it's mark on the chipmunk. We are here to honor Cub Scouts who have
left their mark on this pack. On their way to learning about their self,
their family, their country, and God, they have taken part in many activities
in the pack.
Akela: Bring these Cub
Scouts and their parents forward so I may honor them with the award they
have earned.
Baloo: Will the following
Cub Scouts come forward with their parents?
(Baloo names the boys
who are to receive the Bear badge.)
(Akela hands the badge
to the parents.)
Akela: Parents, would
you please present the Bear badge to your son? As is our custom, please
attach the badge to his uniform upside down, with the tape. Once a good
deed is performed, the badge may be permanently attached right side up.
The pin is worn by the parents as an indication that Cub Scouting continues
to be a family activity.
Baloo: These boys deserve
a cheer for their hard work. What could be more appropriate than a bear
Scout Bear Advancement by Rick Clements
People Required:
- Akela (Cubmaster)
- Baloo (Asst. Cubmaster)
- Campfire
- Badges (with tape affixed
to the card the badge is on)
Baloo: One day in 1909
an American businessman named William Boyce was having trouble finding
his way in the London fog. As he stood on the street, a young boy approached
him and asked if he could help. Mr. Boyce told him the address he was
looking for, and the boy led him to his destination. When Mr. Boyce attempted
to give him a tip for his help, the boy said, "No thank you sir, I'm a
Scout and Scouts do not accept rewards for doing good turns." This meeting
inspired Mr. Boyce to form the Boys Scouts of America.
Akela: The slogan of the
Boys Scouts to this day is "Do a good turn daily." And, as Cub Scouts,
we say in our promise that we will help other people. A very important
part of the Cub Scout program is the advancement of the boys as they work
to be good Cub Scouts. We recognize the Cub Scouts in our pack in honor
of the unknown scout in England.
Baloo: Will the following
boys who have earned their Bear badge, and their parents please come forward?
(Baloo lists names of
boys earning the Bear badge.)
Akela: I know the pride
that you have in completing the Bear requirements is the same pride that
was heard in the voice of the unknown Scout so long ago when he said,
"I'm a Scout." And, with your Bear badge, you move closer to that day
when you too will be able to make the same claim.
(Baloo hands badges to
Akela: Parents, would
you please present the Bear badge to your son? Attach the badge to his
left uniform pocket upside down using the tape. Once your son performs
a good deed, the badge may be permanently attached right side up.
Baloo: The parents may
sit down while the boys join Akela around the campfire. Then I will place
your headband on your head indicating your new rank.
A Bear Ceremony
Assistant Cub Master:
When a Cub Scout reaches third grade he begins working from the big Bear
Book. Just as Akela met the BEAR with courage, the Scout walks the BIG BEAR
TRAIL. On that trail he finds and conquers 12 challenging achievements in
the categories of God, Country, Family, and Self. He then receives his bear
Cub Master:
Would the following boys and their parents please come forward. Parents
please stand behind your son.
(call out the names)
You have completed all the requirements for your Bear badge and have moved
along the Cub Scout trail. Receive now the mark of the Bear, a TURQUOISE
mark, symbolizing bravery and courage.
[Mark each boy with TURQUOISE face paint.]
Assistant Cub Master:
[Present Bear badges to parents as Cub Master paints faces] It is our pleasure
to award your Bear badge to your parents, who have been your Akela in completing
these requirements. Parents, please pin the Bear badge to your son's left
shirt pocket and congratulate him on a `Job Well Done'. Parents, as your
son's Akela, you are entitled to proudly wear the parent's Bear pin enclosed
with your son's Bear badge.
Cub Master:
It is my pleasure to congratulate each one of you on earning your Bear badge.
Boys please step over to the Advancement Ladder and move your clothes pin
to the Bear level. Parents and Scouts please return to your seats.
Bear Advancement
- Cubmaster
- Assistant Cub Master
- Advancing Cub Scouts
and parents.
- Large cut out of Bear
badge and stand
- Candle holder to hold
one candle for each Cub Scout advancing
- Bear badges with straight
Cubmaster: Since our last
Pack Meeting some of our Cub Scouts have completed all the achievements
for Bear. Will the following Scouts please come forward.
(call out the names)
Scouts to earn the rank
of Bear each of you worked on 12 achievements. In keeping with the Cub
Scout Promise you learned about your religious faith and duty to god,
you learned about our country and your duty to country, you learned about
wildlife and caring for our planet, you shared activities with your family
and learned how to protect yourself and your family, you learned the importance
of staying physically fit, you learned leadership skills, learned how
to safely use a knife by earning your whittling chip and learned how to
use some tools to build things. You worked very hard to complete your
Bear achievements.
However, you did not do
it alone. You had help from your Den Leaders and your parents. Will the
parents of these Scouts please come forward and stand behind your son.
Assist. Cubmaster: We,
are very pleased that each of you Scouts have attained this honor and
will continue your progress through Cub Scouts by earning Gold and Silver
Arrow Points and graduating to Webelos. Before you is a picture of the
Bear Badge and one lit candle representing the Spirit of Cub Scouting.
By advancing from Wolf to Bear you have demonstrated the Spirit of Cub
Scouting in you every day life. Now to spread that Spirit of Cub Scouting,
each of you, one at a time light your own candle using our Spirit of Cub
Scouting candle and then return to your parents.
Cub Master: Parents, As
the Cubmaster, I have not earned the privilege of presenting the Bear
Badge to your sons. So, your Assistant Cub Master, Mr. _______________,
will hand each of you parents the Bear Badge and in turn you may present
it to your son by pinning it on his left shirt pocket.
Assist. Cub Master: Now,
I ask each of you new Bear Cub Scouts to reaffirm your commitment to the
Cub Scout Spirit by repeating the Cub Scout Promise.
I, ______________________
promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other
people, and to obey the law of the Pack. Cub Master: Parents, included
with your son's Bear Badge is a Bear Parent's Pin. By helping your son
along the Bear trail you may proudly wear this pin. For you sons to continue
the Cub Scout Spirit they will be depending on you to help guide them.
To reaffirm your commitment to your son continued advancement along the
Cub Scout trail please repeat the following promise after me:
We will continue to
Do our best
To help our sons
Along the achievement trail
And share with them
The work and fun of Cub Scouting.
Bear Cub Scouts, as your
Cub Master, it is my privilege to be the first to salute you for great
accomplishment. (Cub Master salutes new Bear Scouts with the Cub Scout
Parents and Scouts you
may now be seated.
The Second
Great Step Along the Cubbing Trail
Characters: Cubmaster,
Den Chiefs, Advancing Cubs and parents, Den Leaders
CUBMASTER: Will the den
chief who has Cubs ready to receive their Bear please come forward. (This
is all arranged in advance). Now, will you please give the names of the
advancing Cubs from your Den and bring them forward.
(Den Chief announce names
and take boy to Cubmaster at front).
CUBMASTER: Cubs, we are
happy to see that you have made the second great step along the Cubbing
trail. You have completed the Bear Achievements, and you have proved yourselves
worthy of membership in our Pack. The advancing Cubs will face their fellow
Cubs and parents step forward two paces. Cubs, I'm going to ask Den Chief
to lead your in a cheer for these new members of our Bear rank.
(Den Chief leads cheer
and advancing Cubs return to their places in line but remain facing audience.)
CUBMASTER: Now, Den Chief,
I understand the parents of these Cubs are present tonight, and I'm going
to ask you please to bring them forward. (Den Chief brings parents to
Cubmaster and places them so that each Cub is standing between his mother
and father.)
have done a splendid job in our Pack. They have climbed the Cubbing ladder
well. But this could not have been possible had not interested parents
helped. These Cubs have passed their achievements to their parents. Now
I'm going to ask just the parents in the audience to stand and give these
fine boys a hand.
(Cubs in audience remain
seated, but all parents stand and applaud).
CUBMASTER: There are other
people in addition to this fine Den Chief who have contributed to the
advancement of these Cubs. I'm going to ask each advancing Cub to call
out the name of this Den Leader: and as their names are called, I'd like
them to stand while we all sing "They're Jolly Good Fellows".
CUBMASTER: And now we
are ready to award the Bear badges to these Cubs. As Cubmaster, I do not
claim the privilege of presenting the badge. I'm going to present the
badge to each parent and allow them to present it to their son. (Present
badges to their sons and congratulate them.)
The Fourth
Bead Den Ceremony
Cub Scouts who have completed
12 achievements and earned the Wolf or Bear rank, receive their badges at
a pack ceremony. But it's a good idea to recognize them in the Den too,
with a simple ceremony as soon as they finish the 12th achievement. PERSONNEL: Den Leader,
advancing Cub Scout.
EQUIPMENT: Bead from Immediate
Recognition Kit.
DEN LEADER: Today (Name
of Cub) gets his fourth bead for passing three more achievements for Wolf(or
bear) rank. Do you know that means? It means that he has finished all
12 achievements for Wold(or Bear). At our next Pack meeting, he'll get
his new badge I think that's great! He'll wear his new Wolf (or Bear)
badge on his left shirt pocket.
(attach bead to thong
of Progress Toward Ranks patch).
Keep working on advancement,
(Name the Cub). That's the way you'll have the most fun in our Den and
Pack. Let's see you other Cubs keep advancing,too. Congratulations!
Akela's Bears
EQUIPMENT: Orange candle and
advancement board PERSONNEL: Cubmaster,
Den Chief, Bear candidates, their parents (Den Chief escorts candidates
and their parents; may light candle)
CUBMASTER: Will Den Chief(s)
__________ bring forward the following Cub Scouts and their parents: (Name
From the kindly bear,
Akela learned the secret name of the trees, the call of the birds, and
the language of the air. Just as Akela learned things that required a
little more skill, so have these Cub Scouts, as they have achieved the
Bear rank.
Just as Akela's parents
helped him to accept a little more responsibility as he grew older, so
have your parents helped you to achieve your new rank as a Bear Cub Scout.
You too, have proved yourself
worthy of being called braves in Akela's tribe. I hope you will continue
to be worthy Scouts and to advance to our Webelos den some day.
(Hands badges to parents
as Den Chief lights orange candle.) Parents, we appreciate the help you
have given your sons toward earning this badge. Among other things, Scouting
teaches teamwork. Continue to work with them and it will pay big dividends.
We now ask that you present these badges to your son(s).
Pack Ceremony
for Arrow Points
CUBMASTER: Tonight we have
some wolves and bears who have been hard at work on their electives and
some of them have done enough to earn their gold arrow under Wolf or Bear
and of them will receive silver arrows tonight. I would like the following
boys and their parents to come up onto the stage(or front). (Read list of
boys and whether gold or silver, and under which badge.) CUBMASTER: It gives me
great pleasure to award these arrow points to you fellows tonight. As
I read your names the Assistant Cubmaster, , will hand you the awards
with our congratulations for a job well done.
(After this is done, the
Cubmaster then says:) "These boys have learned how to make and do many
useful and fun things while working on these electives. For each 10 projects
he completes, he receives an arrow point, so you can see that these boys
have been busy fellows indeed. For all their fine efforts, we're going
to give them a special applause stunt." (Have other boys stand and give
as applause stunt.)
Arrow Point
Ladder Ceremony
Preparation: Ceremony board
resembles a ladder; the top rung representing the Boy Scout with lower rungs
representing the Cub ranks. Between each Cub rank a vacant rung representing
the elective achievements. Each rung representing the Cub rank supports
a candle. At the beginning of the ceremony the Cubmaster lights candles.
As boys are awarded Gold and Silver arrow points the candle representing
his rank is moved to the vacant rung representing his progress. CUBMASTER: Den Chief (name)
will you please escort Wolf (name) and Bear (name) to the ceremonial circle?
(Den Chief escorts Cub to front) Cub Scouts, each of you have taken another
step forward and upward in your climb to the rank of Boy Scout. With the
help of your parents and Den Leaders, the climb has been much easier.
Will the parents of these
boys come forward please? (Den Chief escorts parents to stand in position
behind their boy.) Wolf (name), for the extra work on your Wolf electives,
I present to your parents in your behalf the gold arrow point of Cub Scouting.
(Cubmaster moves candle to appropriate rung and congratulates parents
and boy).
Bear, (name), having received
the gold arrow point some time ago, indicates to me your desire to advance
still farther up the ladder. In your behalf, I present to your parents
the silver arrow point of Cub Scouting. Wear it proudly. (Cubmaster again
moves candle to appropriate rung on ladder and congratulates parents and
To each of you that have
received awards today, again, Congratulations! And to you boys and parents
still striving for coveted awards, work hard that you may attain your
goal, the top rung of Cub Scouting.
Bear Award
EQUIPMENT: Council fire-Award
blanket-Ceremonial spear-Appropriate emblem-indian costumes.
PERSONNEL: Akela (Cubmaster),
Medicine Man (Adult Leader)
AKELA: "I hold the lance
of the Bear, read the names of those qualified for this high honor."
MEDICINE MAN: (reads names)
AKELA: "Will these Cub
Scouts and their parents come to the council fire?" (Guide them to their
MEDICINE MAN: (Reads qualification
for this award - Bear)
AKELA: "I ask the den
leaders, have these boys met these tests?"
DEN LEADERS: (Remain seated)
AKELA: "It is then my
pleasure to award to you the following awards. "
MEDICINE MAN: (Gives each
boy his Bear badge individually and arrow points he is receiving at this
AKELA: (Announces the
names of the boys who may be receiving any arrow points.)
Family Participation
in the Bear Rank Ceremony
This ceremony emphasizes family
participation in Cub Scouting. Exact wording is unimportant; do not worry
about memorizing. Present it in a conversational tone. If you have more
than one Cub Scout receiving the award, have all the boys and their parents
come forward at the same time. This ceremony is easily adapted to all ranks.
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster,
Scouts, parents and Den Chief
EQUIPMENT: Bear Badge,
certificate, straight pins
and parents, tonight we want to honor those Cub Scouting families who
are advancing in rank. Den Chief(name), one of the Cub Scouts in your
den is ready to receive his Bear Badge this evening. Is that right? (answer)
Will you please escort Cub Scout (name) forward. (den Chief does so) (name),
we're really glad that you have reached the Bear rank in Cub Scouting.
It's one more step up the ladder. (gives handshake) Are your parents with
CUB SCOUT: Yes, sir, they
CUBMASTER: Den Chief (name),
will you please escort Mr. & Mrs. (name) forward so they may take part
in our ceremony? (den chief does so) We are glad to have you here tonight.
(shakes hands) We want to tell you how much we appreciate the cooperation
which you have given. Without it your son might not have reached the Bear
rank. Cub Scouting is a family program and that means not only your son
is advancing to the Bear rank, but the whole family has taken another
step upward too. As the Cubmaster I haven't earned the privilege of presenting
the badge to your son so I am going to give it to you, Mr. & Mrs, (name),
and ask you to present it to your son. (Dad does so and both parents congratulate
son) Now, will all of the Cub Scouts in the audience stand and give (name)
a hand for the fine job of advancement he is doing. (Cub Scouts applaud).
Will parents and guests stand and recognize Mr. & Mrs. (name) for their
son's honor. I am sure we're all aware of the contribution made by (names),
Den Leaders. Will they stand and be recognized. (all applaud).