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Scout Bridging Ceremonies
A Bridging
Ceremony from Troop 6,
Colonial Virginia Council
A darkened room, a single
candle burning on a table. The Webelos Scouts (their parents behind them)
are lined up near the Scoutmaster who is standing beside the flame.
SM: "The flame you see
before you represents the Flame of Knowledge. You Webelos Scouts who are
bridging over to Boy Scouts have shown me that you bring with you a hunger
for Knowledge. The Scouting program offers you a special kind of knowledge
that will serve you well as you walk the sometimes difficult Road to Manhood."
SM takes up another
candle from the table where the Flame of Knowledge sits and holds it near
the Flame but does not light it yet.
SM: "The Flame of Knowledge
never goes out as long as there are people who are willing to seek knowledge.
It burns eternally in the mind of Humankind as a beacon, casting it's
rays to guide us as we seek a higher level of understanding or our world."
SM lights candle, saying:
"This candle represents a Youth who seeks knowledge. Each of you Webelos
here with me tonight is that Youth."
SM hands the newly-lit
candle to the nearest Webelo Scout, saying: "You have sought to continue
building upon your Scouting knowledge by finding a Boy Scout Troop that
will help you gain your ample portion of this special knowledge. Take
custody of the Flame." [Places candle in the>closest boy's hand.] "Hold
this sacred Flame for a moment and then transfer this Flame to the next
Webelo Scout. Hand it around from boy to boy until it reaches the last
one of you in line who will return it to me."
As the Flame is transferred
from Scout to Scout, the SM continues talking to the assembly, saying:
"Knowledge, once gained, must be shared. Each Boy Scout must pass on to
other Scouts what he has learned. As you grow more experienced in Scouting,
we will ask you to begin to return to Scouting some of what you have received
from it. Work diligently as you pass down your Trail to Eagle Scout and
you will learn much that you can share with the others who come after
you. Remember, you will receive from Scouting only what you put into it.
I challenge you to work hard so that you will have much to give back."
When the candle has
made it's way back to the SM, he places the second candle in a holder
that was placed well away from the original Flame. After a moment, he
blows out the second candle. NOTE: The Flame of Knowledge is left burning
as long as possible.
SM: "See how easily that
Youth's Flame was extinguished by the Breeze of Laziness? Don't let Laziness
extinguish the Flame of Knowledge that burns in your own mind. Cherish
your Flame by doing your best, by asking questions when you don't understand,
and by living up to the Scout Oath and Law." [Pause for effect.] "But,
notice how the Flame of Knowledge that burns in the mind of Humankind
is still lit? From it you may always relight your own flame should the
Breeze of Laziness blow too hard and snuff out your own Flame. Never stop
learning. Never give the Breeze Laziness a chance to blow."
Now the Troop's SPL, who
has been standing in the middle of a plywood bridge with an ASPL, calls
across to the Webelo Scouts and their parents, "Troop 6 invites the Webelo
Scouts and their parents to join us on the Boy Scout side of Scouting
by crossing over this symbolic bridge."
As the Webelos reach the
middle of the span the SPL and his assistant stop him to remove the boy's
blue shoulder flashes and replace them with red ones his patent offers
up behind the boy's back. After the red flashes are in place, the SPL
then places the Troop's neckerchief OVER the boy's Webelos version, removes
the boy's slide, puts it on the Troop neckerchief, and then slides away
the old neckerchief. [Handing it and the blue flashings off to a parent.]
As the SPL removes the
FIRST neckerchief the SM says, "Notice that we removed the Webelos neckerchief
after we've placed the Boy Scout neckerchief on the Scout. We do this
to be sure that there is no break in a boy's Scouting career."
As the new Boy Scout exits
the bridge, he is welcomed by his new Troop's Assistant SM who's in charge
of the New Scout Patrol, and by as many other boy leaders as the Troop
can muster that evening. The parents are likewise greeted.
When all have bridged
over, the SA asks the new Boy Scouts to take hold of the Troop flag with
their left hand and raise the Scout sign with their right. He leads them
in the Scout Oath, and the ceremony is over.
-- Thanks to Andrew Hagemann,
SA, NSP, Troop 6, Colonial Virginia Council
Broken Arrow
Equipment: An Arrow for each
boy, two council fires, awards Setting: Cubmaster at
first fire, boy scouts at second. Award is attached to arrow.
Akela: Will (Read names)
and their parents please come forward and take their place of honor at
the Council Fire? Tonight (Read names) have achieved two high honors.
They will receive the Arrow of Light award and graduate from Cub Scouting
into Boy Scouting.
I hold in my hand an arrow.
As you can see, it is straight and true, for only an arrow that is straight
and true will hit its mark. (Hold up arrow so Scout can see its shaft.)
In order to fly straight, it must also have at least three feathers. These
represent the first three ranks of Cub Scouting you achieved; Bobcat,
Wolf and Bear. With these awards in place you began to ascend along the
shaft, toward the tip of the arrow, the Arrow of Light Award. This is
the culmination of all your Cub Scouting efforts. Without a hard, sharp
tip, the arrow is not a very effective weapon. Since you have achieved
this, the highest rank in Cub Scouting, you will now be a more effective
Boy Scout as you take with you the things you've learned and continue
to progress along the Scouting trail.
Please stand. I now present
you with this arrow, to which is attached your award. Parents, please
pin the Arrow of Light on your son. now give your parents the proper salute.
(The proper salute to a mother is a kiss.)
Since you are graduating
form Cub Scouting tonight, you will no longer be a Cub Scout, except in
memory. Because this arrow represents the path along which you have come,
but not the path along which you must now go, I will ask you to return
the arrow.
(Take the arrows and break
them over your knee, just enough to crack, but not completely in two.)
This broken arrow will now be forever a reminder to you, that you achieved
every rank in Cub Scouting, and graduated with honor. It will no longer
fly, just as you will no longer be a Cub Scout. But you will always wear
the Arrow of Light symbol on your uniform, as a reminder of your accomplishment.
You now may keep this broken arrow for your trophy skin. I give you one
last salute before you leave our council fire to join your new Boy Scout
brothers at their council fire. (Salute.) Always be straight and true!
Now walk to your new council fire.
-- Written by Rick McNeal
-- Thanks to Ellen DeVilbiss
A Crossover
This is the crossing over
ceremony I used last year when I graduated my Webelos (including my older
son) to Boy Scouts. This was separate from the Arrow of Light, which was
done at the same meeting.
First you need to invite
local community leaders to the cerremony. I had invited the City Manager,
my Unit Commissioner, DE, Executive Officer from our sponsor and the State
Senators & Representatives that serve the area where the boys live, as
well as the SM, ASM & SPL from the troops the boys where joining. One
Senator & one representative was unable to attend and sent the boys very
nice congragulatory letters, which they were thrilled with. The state
Senator even invited the boys to be pages for a day at the state capital.
You need for a prop, is
a bridge that the boys can walk across from stage left to stage right
(my BA is Theatre). The Cubmaster and ACM stand on the stage left side
of the bridge. I didn't formally announce the ceremony but asked the representatives
from the first troop to come forward and stand on the other side of the
bridge to welcome their new scouts. I called down one boy to the bridge
and his parents joined us, standing to the left of me. The graduating
Webelo stands with his back to the bridge. I turned to the boy and silently
removed his "signs of Cub Scouts". First I removed his hat, handed it
to my ACM to hold upside down, I then removed his neckerchief slide, placed
it in the hat, then the neckerchief placed into the hat and finally the
navy blue epalets, also into the hat. I then took the hat from my ACM,
turned and handed it to the mother, shook the parents hands and sent them
in front of the bridge to the other side to greet their new boy scout.
I turn back to the boy and my ACM shook hands with the boy using the Cub
Scout handshake. I then shook the boy's hand using the Boy Scout handshake.
At this point the boy turns to face the bridge and crosses over. On the
other side, their SM presented the boy with his new hat (gift from the
Pack), red epalets (from the parents) and new neckerchief from the troop.
The last one I graduated
was my son and since I was staying on as the CM, only his father went
over to the other side to greet him. This was done as a symbolic sign
of me staying with the Pack and his going on to Boy Scouts.
After each boy graduated
(and I graduated all the Webelos II) I then announced "New Boy Scouts
of Troop 171 and Troop 271 dismissed. All the remaining Cub Scouts stood
and saluted the boys as they filed out. The new Scouts and their parents
formed a receiving line at the back of the church (our sponsor) and were
greeted by everyone as they left to go downstairs for cake and punch.
This ceremony was simple but very effective as there wasn't a dry eye
in the audience. The state representative that was able to attend was
very impressed and was also teary eyed.
-- Thanks to Dawn Moriarty:
Boy Scouts are gathered around a "campfire" at the end of the bridge.
Cubmaster, Webelos Leader and Webelos approach bridge (opposite from the
Boy Scouts)
Cubmaster: Greetings,
to our brothers from Troop ___!
ScoutMaster: Greetings
Akela, it has been a while since our last meeting. Is everything going
well in your lodge?
Cubmaster: Yes, thank
you. I have Webelos worthy to join your Troop. Their Leader will assist
them in their journey.
Webelos Leader: Greetings
to our brother Scouts.
Scoutmaster: How many
worthy braves will join our council fire tonight?
Webelos Leader: We have
__ worthy and true boys to cross over to your council fire tonight.
Cubmaster: As each crosses
the bridge to your council fire,I will tell of his achievements. We will
miss them and their families as they move along the trail to Eagle.
Scoutmaster: We are ready,
Akela, send them over. (On Cub side of bridge, the Webelos Leader assisted
by Parents remove the scarf, [and blue tabs if wearing the khaki shirt],
hat, and other Cub patches [removed and lightly tacked on prior to ceremony].
The boy moves to the middle of the bridge [in a spot light if available]
while the Cubmaster recants the boy's history in Cub Scouting. After the
Cubmaster ends, the family and boy cross over the bridge where they are
greeted by the Scoutmaster)
Scoutmster: Welcome to
Troop ______ we are glad to hear of your hard work in Pack ____. This
is the Senior Patrol Leader, who will assist you on your quest for Eagle.
He will welcome you into our council fire.
Senior Patrol Leader:
I too welcome you to Troop ___ we hope that you and your family will enjoy
your stay and will help the Troop. I present you with (Red Tabs, and/or
Troop neckerchief, or, patrol patch, or Scout hat, or Boy Scout Handbook,
or Troop neckerchief slide, etc depending on local and Troop customs)
(During the presentation, the nex Cub is preped)
Scoutmaster: Who is the
next Scout Akela? (The ceremony continues until each boy and familiy crosses
over, after last boy)
CubMaster: That is the
last boy for this year. I have enjoyed seeing you again and hope that
your council fire will burn brightly and warmly.
Scoutmaster: Thank You
Akela, the young men and their families will be a valuable part of our
Troop. Until the next time our council fires meet, Good health to you
and your tribe.
to Boy Scouts, by Don Tolin
Participants: All 2nd Year Webelos
All Troop Boy Scouts
Webelos Den Chief
Scouts' parents and families
Cermony: Webelos on one side of bridge
working together like on activity pin, having fun. Webelos Den Flag in background.
Den leaders and Den Chief with the boys. Webelos stand together and face
audience. Have everyone stand. "We want to teach everyone a song we learned
at Camp Buffalo Bill this summer" Sing the Beaver Song.
Beaver 1, beaver
all, time to do the beaver call.
Beaver 2, beaver 3, let's all climb the beaver tree.
Beaver 4, beaver 5, let's all do the beaver jive.
Beaver 6, beaver 7, time to go to beaver heaven.
Beaver 8, beaver 9, STOP IT'S BEAVER TIME.
Webelos now ask everyone
to join in and sing it one time together. Tell everyone to now sit down.
Webelos remain standing.
When each scout is called
to cross over, boys all give him high fives. The Cubmaster takes off the
scout's Webelos neckerchief and his color tabs. The Cubmaster gives remarks.
The Cubmaster shakes the scout's hand. The Den Chief accompanies the scouts
across the bridge. The scout's parents and family crosses also.
Boy Scouts, in the mean
time, have been sitting around a campfire on the other end of the bridge.
Tent in background. Troop Flag and Patrol Flags in background. 12 points
of Scout Law Displayed. When the scouts and the Den Chief cross-over the
bridge, the boys stand up and fall in rank. The Scoutmaster greets them,
shakes hands with their parents, and greets other family members. The
Scoutmaster puts the troop neckerchief on the scouts, and puts on the
red shoulder loops. He shakes the boy's hand. Boy Scouts welcome new scouts.
The scoutmaster gives remarks. Applause or cheer.
Softly falls the
light of day,
While our campfire fades away.
Silently each Scout should ask:
"Have I done my daily task?
Have I kept my honor bright?
Can I guiltless sleep tonight?
Have I done and have I dared
Everything to be prepared?" -- Thanks to Don Tolin.
Pack Meeting plan prepared in fulfillment of a ticket item for Wood Badge
A Space Theme
Crossover, by Peter Farnham
We used an outer space theme
this time. I have a Captain Picard suit I wear at Halloween, and a working
toy ray gun. We started out by dimming the lights and playing over the speaker
system at full volume Strauss' "Thus Spake Zarathustra," more familiarly
known as the theme from "200l: A Space Odyssey." I came out and tried to
light the "campfire" but had no matches. "Great Denibian slime devils,
I'm out of matches!" I bellowed in my most stentorian starship commander's
voice. "I'll have to speak to Riker about this immediately!" But I solve
the problem by lighting the campfire with a blast from my ray gun (my
ASM turned the dimmer switch up to full slowly). Then I leisurely warmed
my hands, and turned around and warmed my posterior (giggles here, as
Then I turned to the WDL,
and said, "Commander Keith, I understand you have seven graduates from
the starfleet academy who are ready to join the crews of starships 113
and 1515. Bring them up here immediately!" Anyway, you get the idea. Bring
the boys up, congratulate them on their accomplishments, wish them well
in boy scouting, and then cross them over the bridge, where they are received
by a representative from their new troops. We also give them boy scout
neckerchiefs; my troop has a custom-made one we give each new scout.
Another thing we do--I
have each boy sign our cross-over bridge with an indelible magic marker
before they actually cross over. Who knows? We may have a president's
signature on there someday.
At the end, we played
the theme from "Star Wars", also LOUD. Very inspiring.
This is a fun ceremony
and seemed to work well. The boys really liked it--didn't want me to turn
off "Star Wars," so we played it as a finale when they were leaving the
pack meeting.
Each of the seven boys
also received his Arrow of Light in a separate ceremony earlier in the
Jungle Book
Ceremony for Advancing to Scouts
by Edward A. Haluska
People required:
- Akela, the leader of
the wolf pack (the Cubmaster)
- Scoutmaster and Boy
Scouts from the patrol(s) that will be accepting the Cubs.
- Bridge (a small symbolic
one is adequate)
- New Boy Scout bandannas
- Suitable recorded music
and tape player
- It is very common for
the Boy Scouts to be responsible for the crossing over ceremony. If
you want to use this ceremony for crossing over, be sure to discuss
it with the leaders of the Boy Scouts who will be participating.
- The music is mainly
for the parents. During the crossing over, play something suitable like
"Forever Young" or "Where Are You Going My Little One?"
Akela: The moon is full,
just as it was long ago on that night in the jungle when Mowgli first
joined the Seeonee wolf pack. It has been many years since Mowgli returned
from living with the wolves. After he returned, he taught us many of the
lessons he learned while in the jungle. The most important was that the
strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the
wolf. That is why we are here tonight in this council ring. But just as
Mowgli had to leave the pack, tonight we also have some man cubs among
us who have grown strong and tall. The time has now come when they too
must leave the pack to find their place in the world of men. They have
learned many lessons as they have walked the trails of the bobcat, wolf,
and bear. But tonight, because these cubs are ready to begin their next
adventure on their way to manhood, we will not look to the way of the
jungle for guidance. Instead, we will read from a book that men use when
they seek wisdom.
To everything
there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silent, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and a time of peace. Akela: We have now come
to the time and season when we must let go. So let us begin. Parents,
bring forward these man cubs.
(Akela calls out the names
of the Cubs who will be advancing to Scouts. Parents and Cubs come forward
and face the rest of the pack.)
Akela: Akela of the humans!
Scoutmaster: What is it
that you want, Akela of the man cubs. Akela: We have among us several
boys who have grown tall in body and strong in character. They have learned
well the ways of the pack, but now they yearn to run with other boys who
are also between their childhood and manhood. They have been with the
pack for many moons, and have been a source of pride for us all. But now
it is now the season when they must leave us.
Scoutmaster: We understand.
Bring them to the bridge between us.
(If you have recorded
music, start it now.)
(Akela now leads the cubs,
one at a time, to the center of the bridge between Cub Scouts and Boy
Scouts. The boy is stopped at the center of the bridge, and Akela then
removes the Cub's Webelos bandanna and any other Cub Scout insignias.
The Scouts of the patrol that the Cub will be joining then place a Boy
Scout bandanna on the boy and lead him to their group.)
Akela: Although these
boys are no longer with our pack, we still call on the Great Akela of
all Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts to always guide their way. We ask that the
Great Akela watch over them as they learn to soar with the Eagles. And,
in the fullness of time, after the great wheel of life has turned full
circle, when the season again comes to the time to gather in, and the
moon is full, we pray that these boys will return, tall and proud and
strong, and present their own man cubs to be accepted into the pack. But
until then, let us send them on their way with a last wolf howl.
(Akela leads pack in wolf
The O/A Ceremonies advisor
was the Cubmaster for the Pack. The logistics of the event may seem a bit
daunting but the ceremony worked very well. Props:
- 4 canoes
- PFDs for everyone going
into the canoes
- Make sure that you comply
with the Safety Afloat requirements for qualified life guards.
- Perform this during
the day
- The four winds and the
chief and drummer are the O/A ceremonies team
Procedure: The Webelos
Scouts have a brief ceremony in which their parents are asked to help
them by putting on the PFD.
The Webelos are then lead
to the end of a small pond (200m X 75m).
The Cubmaster calls to
the four winds at the other end of the pond to let the crossover begin.
The drummer starts drumming,
which is how the ceremony team knows it is time to paddle up to where
the second ceremony is done.
The chief and four winds
get out of the canoes and perform the brief ceremony.
The Webelos are then loaded
into the canoes and paddled over to where the Boy Scout troop is waiting.
The troop then has their
induction ceremony.
The entire crossover lasted
about 45 minutes.
The Webelos and parents
were awed by the ceremony.
The four winds are BSA
or RC certified life guards.
-- Thanks to Jay Bemis
Magic Neckerchief
Graduation Ceremony Script
This Ceremony is written for
Webelos Graduation to Boy Scouts. With slight modification, it can be used
for any level rank advancement. It is written assuming several scouts, but
with minor changes could be used for a single scout.
Materials: Neckerchief (if using Webelos
neckerchief, the Webelos patch must be removed - it holds too much acetone,
and will result in burning the part of the neckerchief above the patch)
2 coat hangers and 2 safety pins
1 large mouth Peanut butter jar with lid Acetone
A lighted candle or advancement log with lighted candles Fire extinguisher
Setup: Stretch out the hangers, attach
one safety pin to each. Mix the "Magic Water"
in the jar. This should be done outside with good ventilation. Keep the
lid tightly closed except when dipping the neckerchief. Magic water consists
of EXACTLY 40% Acetone and 60% Water (2 parts Acetone to 3 parts Water)
You will need an assistant
for lights, one for handling the dipping of the neckerchief, and one off-stage
with the fire extinguisher (just in case)..
When it is time to dip
and burn the neckerchief, use the following procedure:
1. Attach the corners
of the neckerchief to the hangers with the safety pins.
2. Lightly shake the jar
of Magic Water to remix the components. Tightly wad the neckerchief and
dip it completely into the jar containing the Magic Water. The whole neckerchief
must be wet or the dry part will burn.
3. Squeeze out the neckerchief
and quickly extend it, holding the hangers. While this is being done,
the lid must be replaced for fire safety.
4. Pass the neckerchief
over the flame. Make certain the neckerchief is spread between the wire
holders. It cannot be rolled or folded in any part.
Make certain that the
neckerchief is well in front, or off to the side of you. We used an old
broom stick, with the hangars attached to it so that no one had to be
real close. If you work quick enough, the whole neckerchief will appear
to be engulfed in flames, and the flames will extend several inches above
the top of the neckerchief.
5. Shake gently when just
the edges remain burning. This will extinguish the flames along the hems,
which hold more acetone than the body, due to the additional fabric here.
You must move very quickly
through steps 2, 3 and 4, or the acetone will evaporate before it can
be ignited. The jar of acetone must be kept away from the flame, and be
covered at all times except when actually dipping the neckerchief. Acetone
is highly flammable. You might want an additional assistant or two to
help with this.
Practice the steps above
outside, before the meeting to make sure that you can get it right when
the time comes. It will be embarrassing if the wet neckerchief doesn't
burn due to evaporation of the acetone. This trick works because the acetone
burns, while the water keeps the neckerchief from burning. Remember that
the acetone will evaporate pretty quickly, or you will miss the effect.
Script: (Dim house lights gradually
while calling forward the graduating cub scouts and their parents. Leave
only the lights in front on while telling the story.) Tonight Webelos Scouts
_____________________ are graduating to boy scouts. Will they come forward
with their parents.
These young men have completed
their Cub Scouting activities. There remains but one test before they
may cross the bridge into Boy Scouts.
"Have they done everything
they can to BE PREPARED?"
Deep in the heart of the
mountains and deserts of New Mexico, there is an Indian village along
side a small stream. The village and the area around it are very green
and lush. This is very unusual, for the village is in the middle of a
very harsh desert land.
While hiking in the area
several years ago, I came across this village and stopped by the stream
for a rest. There was an old Chief sitting in the sun by the stream, and
I asked him:
"Why is this area so green
and your people so healthy?"
The old Chief replied:
"The waters of this stream
are magical. They assist all who come, by telling the people if they have
done everything they need, to be prepared. By hard work with the assistance
of these magical waters, my people have done the things needed to be prepared
and prosper in life."
I thought for a while
and said:
"I too could use these
magical waters, for I know of many young men who are working hard to be
prepared for life. Could I take some of these magical waters with me?"
The old Chief smiled and
"It is for the youth that
these waters are most special."
"Take something special
from one of the young men who are to be tested and dip it in the water.
Pass the special item over the flame, and if the special item burns, but
is not consumed, then they have done everything needed to be prepared."
(Turn out the lights.)
From one of the cub scouts
before us, we take the Webelos Neckerchief.
(Clip the neckerchief
to wire holders at corners. Be careful not to twist or fold the fabric.
It must be smooth.)
And dip it in the Magic
(Have the assistant dip
the neckerchief while you hold the wire holders. Quickly take the neckerchief
from the jar and spread it tightly between the wire holders. Your assistant
covers the jar before you put the neckerchief over the candle, but you
cannot wait too long. This part must be done quickly.)
Then pass it over the
flame of the Spirit of Scouting.
(Do so.)
Scouts, you have passed
the test and are prepared to cross over into Boy Scouting. May the Great
Spirit of Akela go with you throughout your scouting days.
(At this point, it's not
a bad idea to bring up the fire safety issue, and "Don't try this at home
- only trained Cubmasters are allowed to perform this ceremony!" )
-- Thanks to George R.
Over to Scouting
Setting: A bridge is in the
center stage. One side of the bridge is represented as the Cub Scout side
and the other side as the Boy Scout side. You can use your imagination on
how to symbolize each side so it is apparent which side is which. Use of
Boy Scouts with candles lighting the path is very impressive. Cubmaster
and Scoutmaster standing appropriate sides. CUBMASTER: Tonight we
mark a great occasion....the graduation of ______ Webelos Scouts into
a boy scout troop. We are sad to see them leave because they have been
a great help to our pack...but we are happy for them because they are
going on to the great adventure of Boy Scouting. These Webelos have worked
hard for this night and have advanced well. As a symbol of their hard
work, each Webelos scout will be given an arrow. As I call your name,
will each Scout come forward with your parents.
(Call each boys name off.)
Reader: The arrow alone
gives meaning to each of these scouts. The wooden shaft gives the strength
like the strength the Scout Promise gives each boy. The fletching helps
guide the arrow on a straight and true path like the Scout Law guides
the Scout on a straight and true path. The arrowhead points the way to
the target like Webelos badge and Arrow of Light requirements have pointed
the Scout to the ways of Boy Scouting.
Each arrow has these parts...but
each arrow is is individual. Each arrow represents their
own trail through Cub Scouting. (Give each boy his arrow.)
It has been a long trail...As
you look at the arrow you can look back and see how far you have traveled.
Your first trail led you across the Bobcat Ridge, where Akela took you
into the Pack as a Bobcat. The yellow mark tells that this boy completed
his Bobcat requirements. You may have then climbed the steep Wolf Mountain.
The red mark means he has completed the Wolf badge. After that there may
be a gold and silver marks for the arrow points that you may have earned.
After finding your way through Bear Forest, you may have earned your Bear
rank. The green mark shows you have gained your Bear achievements, and
again you may have earned a gold and silver arrow points. Your trail next
may have led you to Webelos Rank...first earning three Webelos pins shown
by three black marks, then your Webelos badge which is marked in blue.
The Arrow of Light trail may have been hard and rugged. You first earned
another four Webelos pins. Then came the highest Cub Scout Achievement,
the Arrow of Light which is signified by the white marking on the arrow.
The twelve beads will remind you of the twelve points of the Scout Law.
The red and white feathers not only stand for the troops colors, but also
for devotion and honor.
Your trail in Scouting
does not end in Cub is only the beginning...for all of you
have prepared yourself for the crossing over to Boy Scouts.
The bridge before you
is a symbol of your crossing from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. The bridge
is a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression. It is
a means of connection or transition from one side to this
bridge represents how our Pack is connected to our Troop . As I call each
boys name, please come stand before Your Cubmaster where he will remove
your Webelos neckerchief.
(Cubmaster is calling
over to the Scoutmaster.)
Scouts of Troop .
Scouts of Akela. What do you desire?
CUBMASTER: We have several
Webelos who have prepared themselves for entrance into your Troop.
and their parents forward to the bridge that joins our Pack and Troop.
I will send two of my Scouts over to escort the boys and their parents
over the bridge.
(Boy Scouts cross over
to Pack's side and then escorts the new scout and their parents to the
other side.)
Webelos leader speaking
to the Scoutmaster: These are your new Scouts, ready for the adventures
ahead of them. They are going to call themselves the patrol.
Webelos leader speaking
to the boys: As I call each of your names, please come forward to your
Scoutmaster, , where he will place on you the Neckerchief of Troop .
to welcome the new patrol and their families to our Troop . (Lights on)
please form your patrols. (Have SPL lead all scouts in the Scout Promise)
Crossing the Bridge Ceremony
Read by the Cubmaster
A BRIDGE is a structure
carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression. It is a means of connection
or transition from one side to another. During the years you and your
son have been in Cub Scouting, we have had numerous opportunities to work
together along the trail. Now, Boys' name is leaving the Pack to follow
the trail of Boy Scouting. I am sure you are going to find the same satisfaction
there that you have found in Cub Scouting.
As a symbol of the growth
of your son and his entrance into Scouting, may I ask that he stand before
me where I will divest him of his Webelos Handbook and neckerchief. (Take
Webelos Handbook and Neckerchief from boy) You and he will slowly cross
over the bridge into Scouting, pausing at each of the twelve steps. At
the end of the twelve steps you will be welcomed by the Scouts of Troop
# . (Dim the lights and have spot light shining on a bridge as the boy
and parents cross the bridge.)
(As Cub takes each step,
the Scouts call out loudly each of the Scout laws.)
2nd - LOYAL
6th - KIND
10th - BRAVE
11th - CLEAN
Read by Scouts -
We welcome you into Troop
# , we meet each Day at Time at Place . We shall look forward to welcoming
you at our next troop meeting.
Read by Scoutmaster
(Hands Scout Handbook
to new Scout) This book now replaces your Webelos book. Read and study
it. Keep it handy for it is your guide through many adventures in Scouting.
Done by Assistant Scoutmaster
- (Places Troop neckerchief around new Scouts neck and shakes his
The Final Steps
ARRANGEMENT: Darkened room,
Red light is on bridge, which is centered between American and Pack flags.
Assembled on stage to the left of the bridge are the parents and Webelos
Leader, on the opposite end of the bridge is the Scoutmaster. CUBMASTER: Tonight we
mark a great occasion, ... the graduation of Webelos Scout (name) from
our pack. We are sad to see him leave because he has been a great help
to our Pack... but we are happy for him because he is going on to the
great adventure of Scouting. He has worked hard for this night and has
advanced well. Please escort Webelos Scout (name) to the front.
(Boy who has been standing
on opposite side of room, is escorted to front by another Webelos Scout,
who carries the den flag. They stop at front, the graduating Webelos Scout
returns to his place.)
CUBMASTER: (Recaps information
such as date boy joined pack, ranks he earned, awards he received, date
joined Webelos den, etc.)
DEN LEADER: (Recaps activities
in Webelos den, highlighting activity badges he has earned). Webelos Scout
(name) it is with a great sense of pride that I now ask you for your Webelos
neckerchief. (after removing neckerchief, Den Leader escorts him to end
of bridge where Cubmaster is waiting.)
CUBMASTER: I am pleased
to see that you are wearing the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub
Scouting. This is the only Cub Scout badge which you will be permitted
to wear on your Scout uniform. And now you may take the final steps. (Webelos
Scout crosses bridge. He stops in center, turns to salute Cubmaster with
Cub Scout salute. He proceeds across bridge to where the Scoutmaster is
waiting. He gives him Scout salute).
are happy to welcome you to our troop. I can see by the Arrow of Light
that you are prepared to join the great fellowship of Scouting. (Short
statement on what is expected of Scout). Please repeat after me the Scout
Oath. (Scoutmaster and Scout exchange salute and shake hands). As a token
of this important occasion, I would like to present you with the troop
neckerchief. (Scoutmaster and parents meet in front of bridge.) Mr. and
Mrs. (name), Welcome to our troop. I congratulate you on the fine work
that you have done with your son in Cub Scouting. I am sure you will find
new adventures in our troop.